"Hot star, Girls' Generation's Tiffany, reportedly dating the young CEO of Kim Corporations: Kim Taeyeon!"

Reporter: Hot Star, Girls Generation's Tiffany, reportedly dating the young CEO: Kim Taeyeon. It's said that they have been dating for over a month and that the paparazzi has shown various evidence to prove it.
Tiffany was caught entering the building of Kim Corp. without anyone with her. But what really intrigues fans the most is that she has been caught not just once but twice; which has caused the scandal spread like wildfire.

So let's start with the other evidence shall we? The second one is: how the pair actually has many matching couple stuff like couple necklaces, couple shades, couple bags and even couple earrings! Because of this fans have predicted that the pair has been dating for a very long time, more than what the paparazzi originally speculated!
Third one: the tattoos! In just this month alone, both girls have had small tattoos and netizens have discovered some similarity between the tattoos. During an Interview, way back in 2015, Tiffany said that she likes guys with tattoos and this only proves more about the dating news.
The fourth one: although they don't follow each other on Instagram, fans have been speculating that the pair has been hinting about their relationship, posting photos with mystery captions to each other. Many fans believe that one of Tiffany's posts was definitely directed towards the CEO; the caption stating: [Stop being workaholic! I miss you midget!]
This post was the strongest piece of evidence so far, considering the CEO is known for her workaholic behaviour and of course, her small height.
However the evidence doesn't end there. As matter of fact, we have more! Just like how the CEO seldom posts on her Instagram account but on Tiffany's birthday, she surprisingly uploaded a picture of herself with a caption of: [Enjoy your day]. Although she didn't state who this post was directed to, the fans have predicted that it was for the famous celebrity and that this was the CEO's way of saying "Happy Birthday", how sweet!

While nothing has been confirmed yet, aside from the evidence that fans and the paparazzi have discovered, the whole country knows that Tiffany Hwang has been shipped and been involved in dating rumours with a lot of other celebrities before. Whether it's a man or woman, no one seems to be immune when it comes to her beauty and charm. However none of Tiffany's ships were real and never once has she been caught dating someone. In contrast to this, the young CEO has never been shipped before but has dated women and was not afraid to reveal her relationships in public. Aside from her family, passions and personality, Kim Taeyeon was known for her different preference and even confirmed it herself, stating that she likes girls, way back in 2013.
So what can you (Netizens) say about this Dating rumour?

"T-Tiffany Who?"