
Arigatou = Thanks

Demo = but

Ii yo = It's fine

~chapter 6~

Bakura watched quietly from Yuugi's soul room as the boy chatted with their friends before class. He looked down at puzzle he had been working on and tossed it aside with a sigh, crossing his arms and curling his wings around himself. They'd already forgotten about him, hadn't they? Not that he could blame them, he reflected. You easily could forget what you couldn't see and it wasn't like he was really part of the group to begin with.

He gave another deep sigh, looking up at the ceiling of Yuugi's soul room. He knew he should pay attention to what was going on in case Yuugi needed help with the work, but...

He slowly rose to his feet and walked to the wall that showed the outside, putting a hand to it a moment before passing through it.

Yuugi felt Bakura's exit and paused in speaking. He didn't want his friend to be unhappy. He turned, trying to see where Bakura had gone.

The boy was looking sadly at the group. He turned and slowly walked out of the room, turning to walk down the hall.

"Yuugi? You okay?"

"Wait," Yuugi said, raising a hand to Bakura. "Let me come too." Without answering his friends, he hurried to catch up to Bakura.

The winged boy was walking slowly, flinching slightly every time someone passed through him. Shaking his head slightly, he extended his wings and flapped them, floating up through the ceiling and vanishing.

Yuugi stopped under the place where Bakura had disappeared. "Bakura-kun...." he said softly, wondering where the other boy had gone.

'Aibou, you should get back to class,' the voice of Yuugi's other spoke up.

"But Bakura-kun..." Yuugi protested.

'He can't go far, he's tied to you.'

"But he's upset."

"Stop talking to yourself, freak!" someone taunted as they passed by, jostling the boy slightly.

Yuugi gasped slightly, having forgotten that he was speaking out loud. He shrank toward the wall.

"Lay off, asshole!" Jounouchi snarled at the taunter, reaching the smaller boy. "You okay?" he asked his friend, concerned.

"Un," Yuugi said, nodding slightly.

"Should I tell the teacher you're in the bathroom or something?"

Yuugi shook his head. "I don't know where to go, anyway."

Jounouchi blinked. "I though you were heading for the roof or something," he said nodding towards the door to the stairs.

Yuugi blinked and looked at the door. "Roof!" he exclaimed, dashing for it.

Jounouchi blinked. "I'll stall the teach for ya!" he called.

Yuugi ran up the stairs to the roof. "Bakura-kun!" he exclaimed as he got to the roof.

The boy didn't look over from where he was looking out over the side of the roof through the fence. 'You should be in class, it's going to start soon,' he said softly.

"It doesn't matter!" Yuugi said strongly.

Bakura didn't reply, still looking at the city.

"Bakura-kun..." Yuugi said, moving closer.

'I can't even feel the wind...' the paler boy said softly.

Yuugi's face twisted in concern. "We'll make it better, Bakura-kun...."

'I've always wondered what it would feel like to fly,' the boy continued. 'I always imagined the wind being exhilarating...'

"Bakura-kun... I promise. We'll make it better."

The boy fell quiet again. 'I'm sorry,' he said finally.

"Don't be sorry!" Yuugi insisted. "I just want to make you as happy as you can be in my head." He looked at Bakura from under his bangs.

'And when you're not there, then what?' the boy asked softly. 'You have a life, you have friends... I have nothing...' he looked down. 'Nothing but you...'

"But I don't want anything but you!"

Bakura gave a sad smile, shaking his head. 'That isn't true... You want your friends as well, and your games, and your other...'

"But you're the most important."

Bakura smiled again. 'You should get back to class...'

"But I want to be with you when you're unhappy," Yuugi said.

'Why?' Bakura asked softly.

"So that I can try and make you feel better," Yuugi said, blushing slightly.

The winged boy gave a small sad smile. 'Arigatou... demo... ii yo....'

"You don't look fine," Yuugi said, raising a hand to the other boy's insubstantial face.

Bakura gave a soft sigh, turning slightly to lean into the boy's touch, cheek overlapping Yuugi's hand, eyes closing.

"How can I make you happy again?" Yuugi asked softly.

Bakura didn't answer, turning to curl up against the boy before vanishing back inside him again.

Yuugi leaned against a wall and closed his eyes, appearing in his soul room. "Bakura-kun?" he asked, holding his hands out to the other boy.

Bakura curled up against the smaller boy, wings flat against his back as he buried his face in Yuugi's chest.

Yuugi hugged him tightly. "Anything you need I'll do," he promised.

"Make me real again...?" Bakura whispered.

"I'll do anything I have to."



Authors note:

Sorry for the very slow update and the small chapter. ^^; Been really busy..

Repsonces to reviews:

S. A. Bonasi: Yep, YBakura will be showing up again, Probally next chapter or so.

Appease the feedback junky and please review! ^^