I have decieded to put up an old story that me and an old RP friend use to do but never finished it so, I'm gonna add my own twist into this without using some of the words that were used before so I hope you guys will approve and enjoy it!

Emerald City was very unique city indeed. Instead if being run by a mayor or president, it is being ran by a princess who studies at Emerald Academy! But it was gonna get even more interesting when a new girl with a troubled yet painful past was coming into town.

This new girl was a pale pink hedgehog by the name of Amy Rose. She was a dull as she can be. Her eyes were a bright jade green as her bangs covered her left eye, she was wearing Gothic like clothes which included a pitch black shirt with a bleeding rose on the front, black jeans that had silver like chains hanging from them and black converse shoes. She also wore black make up on her face. Amy has been called names like 'Emo' or 'Bloodsucker' due to her attitude and dress style but that didn't bother her. All she felt was coldness and pain due to her terrible past.

The reason behind this was because her father was murdered a few years ago by her crazy psycho sister, Rosy. Amy saw it happen with her very own eyes and all that was left was the weapon...her hammer. This caused her to go into insanity and her own mother sent her away to a torture asylum where she spent five years with torture machines and electronics. She would use to scream in pain and it would echo through the building. She has escaped from that place, her arms were full of scars and burns from where she was tortured. But she got given the greatest gift she had ever gotten.

She could have visions of the future.

Soon her jade eyes started to glass over slightly as she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She grinned as she saw what will happen to her. She turned around to see a male bee, he was wearing a black shirt with denim jeans and sneakers. "Hello miss!" he greeted kindly. Just when he was about to trip. Amy grabbed him tightly by the collar of his shirt.

"You were planning to rob me weren't you?" She hissed as she studied him. She saw that he started to grow scared and nervous in her presence, she loves it when people get scared of her. It makes her feel more alive and full of power. "Weren't you!?" she asked again.

The bee gulped in fear as his wings fluttered in nervous. "P-please don't hurt me! I'm s-sorry!"

She grunts as her jade eyes pierced his hazel ones "What's your name idiot?"

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!" He snarled "My name is Charmy!"

Amy just smirked as she slightly gripped more of his shirt. She pulled Charmy closer to her face and saw they were nose-to-nose "Well, Charmy...I think it's best that you stay away from me...or...I will hurt you twice as more. Got it?!"

"Y-Yes miss!"

Amy then let him go with a slight shove as he fell to the floor. Charmy quickly picked himself up and quickly flew away from Amy as fast as he could. The pink hedgehog flipped her quills in victory. Her visions have helped a lot along the way, well, how else would she of escaped for the asylum in the first place? She shuddered as she thought about that dark place. She has seen that the workers are trying to find her and she will not let that happen. Soon, she saw a girl stand right in front of her.

"Hello...I saw what you did with Charmy" she says with a smile. She was wearing a flower summer dress with orange sandals. Her long brown hair was up in a pony tail and her eyes were a bright chocolate brown. "He is a real trouble maker"

Amy just narrowed her eyes at this girl "Yeah well...he deserved every bit of it" She was about to walk past the rabbit girl until she saw that she was walking beside her. "Augh, What to you want?"

The rabbit girl smiled at her "My name is Cream. I know that your name is Amy Rose"

The hedgehog stopped walking and looked at Cream like she was crazy. How does she know her? What does she know? "How did-"

"You are the talk of the town right now" She said "No one has seen you before and only the princess of Emerald Academy knows about you"

Amy just glared at her. No one has the right to know about her life! But maybe this 'Princess' knows about her fathers murder and where her crazy sister is. She looked at Cream with a hard stare "Take me"

Cream nodded as she grabbed Amy's hand and started to lead Amy to the school.


Once they made it to Emerald Academy, Amy saw it was full of students but she didn't notice that people were staring at her while whispering about her scars and burns on her arms. She gritted her teeth as her ears pinned against her head, Cream told Amy to stay where she was so she can get her signed into some classes. The pink hedgehog never knew what school felt like, after spending all those years in asylum...she was only 11 when it happened. But she was only here to see this princess, get information and leave. Soon, Cream came back with a schedule for her.

"What is this?" Amy asked her. She took the sheet of paper and glared at it. "Classes?...I have to go to classes!?"

Cream gulped at her reaction. Sure, she has seen scary girls around here but not this scary "It's the o-only way to see t-the princess"

Amy groaned as she folded her arms in anger "Fine! I'll do this stupid classes but only to see her!"

This made the rabbit smile happily. "Great! You're first class is History. It's just a little further down the hall, in room A6. I'll come and meet you after class" Then she waved good-bye and went to her own class.

Amy raised a brow and then rolled her eyes. "Werido" she muttered as she made her way towards the classroom like Cream said. But once she got there, she decided against it and went into an empty classroom and hid into the shadows in the corner. Dark spaces didn't bother her as much but it comforted her and she staid there until the bell rang. And she staid there for a good hour.


Amy jumped out of the classroom window which led to the field. Students piled out of the building as they went to take their small breaks before the next class, she soon saw that Cream was rushing towards her "What now Cream?"

"I thought you would still be in the History class. Why didn't you wait?" She questioned. But then the rabbit saw that everyone was piled up into 2 lines and they started to bow quickly. This made her panic! She grabbed Amy by her arm and took her to one of the lines. She had made Amy bow down slightly. "Stay like this until they pass!" Cream hissed in panic.

Amy blinked at this action. But then movement caught her eye, she looked up to see four students- a hedgehog, a fox, a bat and an echidna- walking side-by-side as the students formed a path for them to walk through. The hedgehog had royal blue fur with emerald-green eyes. The fox had yellow fur with sea-blue eyes. The echidna had red fur with grape-purple eyes and the bat had white fur with teal-eyes. All four of them were in formal clothing.

Cream whispered into Amy's ear. "Those four are called 'The Mythical Four'; They're the four highest students of this academy. Their names are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Rouge. Sonic's in charge of the Athletic Committee, Tails is in charge of wiring and functions, Knuckles is head of the Discipline, and Rouge is in charge of the Announcements"

And right behind the four was a brown ground squirrel. Her fur was brown and tan, auburn hair that was styled up along with bright blue eyes. She was wearing a stylish blue dress with matching heels and on her head was a crown. This made Amy grin at this. So, this is the princess?

"And this is Princess Sally" Cream said quietly

Amy smirked again. She already knew this, due to her vision she got while empty in a classroom. She quickly pulled out some paper she stole from a kid's bag along with a pan. And she quickly wrote a note, Amy then quickly let the wind flutter it over to Sally as she quickly left. Cream didn't know that Amy was gone.

The note landed in Sally's hair. The princess blinked as she took the note and read it:

Meet me the empty classroom of A8. Make sure you are alone

"Princess Sally" Knuckles said, gaining her attention. "What's with the note?"

Sally turned to Knuckles. "I'm not sure who it's from, but whoever wrote it wants to see me in room A8. And says I need to be alone"

Rouge snorted. "It's probably one of those idiotic trouble makers again"

"We're not letting you go alone Princess" Knuckles declared. "We'll be hiding in secret. If whoever attacks you, we'll take 'em down quickly" Sonic, Tails and Roue nodded in agreement.

Sally sighed softly. "Very well" she said before walking into the school building with the Mythical Four behind her.