Guess whattt… I've decided to finally write a sequel to Letters to Comrade. Lets see if you like it!

Chapter 1: Introduction

"Ivan, Mason, get your asses in here, your father already told you it was dinner time," the boys looked over to were their mother stood, in all of her powerful glory. They had been playing in the backyard, wrestling around and whatnot and hadn't even heard when their father called to them for dinner.

"Yes, Mom," they said in unison and rose from the ground, covered in mud and grass, rolling their eyes.

"Oh, don't give me that attitude boys," she told them as they walked in, but with a huge smile on her face. Her sons were her world, her everything. She could see herself in them, which meant there was a lot of arguing, and Dimitri couldn't help but laugh.

Of coure they had their father in them too. They were rational young boys, which bothered Rose to no end. She couldn't decide which was worse, them acting like herself, or acting like their father.

They were both 10 now, and had begun to reach their mothers height. Only inches away from becoming taller. "You two need to stop growing. People are going to start giving you alcohol thinking your old enough." She said as they sat down at the table.

"Milaya, they can't help it." Dimitri leaned down in his aprin, something Rose was oddly attracted to, but teased him constantly for it. He gave her a kiss which was recieved with gagging noises from their sons.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did that gross you out?" Rose asked them dramatically. "Let me just-" She pulled down her husband by his collar and feircly explored his mouth. Dimitri sprang back up, his cheeks red and embarrased by the sudden action in front of their kids.

"Ahhhhh!" They screamed. "Mum that's disgusting!" Ivan yelled first and they leaned over the side of the table to pretend they were throwing up.

"Mum just loves your father so much, she can't help it," she said with a slight shrug.

In a desperate attempt to change the topic, Dimitri began setting the food onto the table and said, "So, Babushka is coming tomorrow, are you boys excited?"

"Yes! I'm excited for the presents." Mason stated with an evil grin.

Dimitri tsked at them. "That should not be the only reason you are excited."

"Aunt Viktoria and Uncle Richard are coming too aren't they?" asked Ivan.

Rose nodded. "Yes, they are coming so we can finally meet their new baby. I can't believe it's already been two years and we haven't met the little bastard."

"Don't call my nephew a bastard, Roza." Dimitri took off his aprin and sat down. He nodded to the boys, the only sign they needed to know it was okay to begin to dig in.

"We will be picking them up while you both are at practice," Rose mentioned.

"Awww, we still have to go to practice?"

"Of course! You still had to play when Aunt Lissa came didn't you?"

"But those were games, Mum! This is just practice. One day of practice won't make us bad."

"Your Mum said you were going, and that means you are going. Neither of you are sick, and that is the only excuse you could ever give to get your mother to not let you go to practice."

Mason began fake coughing, making Ivan laugh. "I think… *cough* I might be getting something…"

Rose suddenly through a bread roll at Masons face. It hit, dead on, making Mason flinch. "Hey! What was that for?!"

"Well obviously if you can't even catch a piece of bread than you haven't been practicing you martial arts very well, now have you?"

Mason had nothing to say to that, but Dimitri sure did. "Roza, stop throwing food at our children. If I get another call about them from that poor principal, they might have to actually switch school."

"That principal is a little shit and you know it. Ivan and Mason are my kids, and I refuse to let them be fucked with by those snooty private school kids. If they were defending themselves then there's nothing wrong with that."

"You're going to make them into bullies!"

Rose looked over at their kids, a hard stare. "Are you bullying anyone in your school? If you are, I will know, I will find out, and I'll let them hit you back, you know we only fight fair in this family."

They nodded. "Yes, Mum."

She looked over at her husband and shrugged. "See? Problem solved."

Dimitri simply rolled his eyes in response. "If they end up in my highschool, I will never hear the end of it."

"Those teachers you work with are all a bunch of whimps."

"They are my co-workers Milaya. Not everyone can be like the people you work with." He said with a slight grin on their face.

Both Ivan and Mason knew that their parents loved each other very much, and loved them just the same. Their Mum was the one who focused on their physical health the most. Both practiced martial arts, but Mason played soccer while Ivan did track.

Mason was much more int team sports than Ivan. Ivan succeeded where Mason lacked and vice versa. However, they of course had many things in common, a connection that only twins could achieve. "So how do you feel about your math test coming up?" There father asked.

"I think I'll do fine." Ivan nodded in agreement with his brother.

"Well, just in case, you'll both be studying after dinner. Your father will be helping you out. I'm going to be heading out to the office for a few hours. You won't have to study while family is here, so make sure both of you finish your study guide by tonight, okay?"

"Yes, Mum."

"And afterward, when your mom gets back, we are going to watch a movie! It's Mason's turn to pick."


"Awww but Mason's movies are lame."

"Your face is lame!"

"Yeah, well your face is lame!" Rose threw in at her own son. Dimitri just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever!" Ivan humfed and pushed back in his chair, pouting.

"Don't whatever me!" Rose replied sternly, leaving Ivan mumbling an apology but not quiting his pouting.

"Well, before anyone gets in more trouble, I'm going to bring out the cookies." Ivan and Mason immediately perked up at the sound of dessert.

"Put your dishes in the sink, it's Mum's turn to wash them."

They rushed out of their seats, putting their dishes in the sink. The stood next to their father who poured them each a small glass of milk for their cookies.

"Alright, I'm going to head out now! Give Mum hugs good bye." The boys stepped out of their chairs and hugged their mother.

Rose left, taking her car to the downtown area that her office was. Her fashion industry as well as a chain of restaurants had a steady income for the family, and she had worked very hard to keep it that way. Luckily, the work she was doing had gone down a lot, no longer was she scrambling at getting used to the new terrain of having a large business. Now, she had reached a reputation that all she needed to do was maintain. However, there was still daily paperwork she had to do. However, rather than having to take time away from seeing her sister in-law, so that's why she was spending the weekend, the time she normally took off, to get ahead on her work and not have to come in during the time Viktoria was here.

Dimitri was still teaching highschool, a job he continued to love and adore. After being here for 10 years, the family has actually had previous students come back just to visit him and his family. It also helped that his vacations generally lined up witht he kids, so they were all able to enjoy summer together, and go off to far away places, letting the boys explore.

Summer had been over for a while, and winter was around the corner. During the winter, they generally stayed in the neighborhood, celebrate christmas with the neighbors they have become greatly aquanted with. The boys got along with some of the neighborhood kids and they played ice hockey in a rink they had in town. If the snow wasn't too thick, they'd set up a net and play on the street.

Luckily it wasn't a busy street, so there wasn't too much to worry about, but parents always made sure there was either an older kid, or one of the themseves out there watching. Ivan and Mason got along well witht he neighbors kid. He was in college, so they didn't spend too much time together, but Ivan and Mason always had a blast when they got the opportunity to hang out.

Rose couldn't help the happiness she felt, seeing Ivan and Mason play so much. After all of the heartbreak, all of the heaviness of her life, she couldn't help the tears that came to her eyes knowing that Ivan and Mason would not go through the same. Dimitri and her were to maek sure that Ivan and Mason were as carefree as possible.

That didn't in anywya mean that they were coddled. Rose made sure they knew that there was hardship in the world, but let them live their childhoods, as the 10 year olds they were.

It was with these happy thoughts that Rose left her building, exiting the parking lot in her dark colored vehicle. It was about a twenty minute drive back to their house, but it was in no means necessary a difficult drive.

So she had no reason to suspect the intoxicated driver that was speeding around the corner, running every red light in their way. She had no way of knowing that her end was coming near, that death was upon her door.

Something inside of Dimitri sparked. He looked up from the TV that they were leasurely watching, waiting for his dear Roza to come home from work. But something inside of him made him stand.

"Papa? Is something wrong?" And then Ivan silenced and made eye contact with Mason. Something was wrong, they knew it.

Dimitri didn't say a word as he walked into his room where his phone charged. He pressed on his beloveds number, only to go straight to voicemail.

Her phone had completely been destroyed in the crash. There was no way for anyone to answer that phone, not that there was anyone there anyways, to answer it.

The only thing that was on the other side of that phone was fire, and the horrible, wretched smell of death wafting through the air. The explosion and realization of the horror was fresh in the witnesses eyes. Sirens could be heard in the distance, but they were too late. The girl with almond skin, light brown eyes and a heart so fierce and loyal there was no one, no thing that could possibly compare. The love she gave was abundent, and never ending. To the end she thought of her kids, of her family, happily hoping for even her extended's families arrival.

But there was no fire in her eyes. They stared into the nothingness of the dark sky, melting away into the flames. Nothing but a ghost of human, of a mother, a wife, a daughter.

There was nothing left of Rosemarie Hathaway.