I own nothing save for the silly plot. Final Fantasy XV is owned by Square Enix and Kuroshitsuji belongs to Yana Tobaso. I am uploading it to from Wattpad, but I am the creator of this fanfic on both sites.

For a little context, this story takes place on Eos, London, England and any areas from Kuroshitsuji are places that exist in the world of Eos. This takes place around chapters 5-6 in the game and is between Book of the Atlantic and Book of Murder Arc's in the Kuroshitsuji manga. This will follow the Manga and will use only characters from the Manga.

For the purposes of this story both demons and daemons exist, Demons are beings that eat the souls of humans and Daemons are monsters that come out at night and attack travelers who are not in a town or a haven. Feel free to message me with questions. Read, Rate, Review, please!


Chapter 1: The Invitation

It was a blistering hot day in the Leiden region of Lucis. The four friends were coming out of Takka's diner in Hammerhead after having gone in to eat lunch and avoid some of the sweltering heat. The tallest one had forsaken wearing a jacket and was showing his tattoo laden chest off for the world. "Better be careful Gladio, you might get a sunburn." The accented lilt of their glasses-wearing companion chimed in.

"He'd deserve it!" Noctis exclaimed with a slight growl. "Put your shirt back on Gladio, that's an order!"

"Oh come on Noct!" Prompto whined, "If he gets a sunburn I can take embarrassing pictures of him, not to mention it will actually hurt when he gets a pat on the back."

Noctis grinned, Prompto's idea had merit. Gladio would finally get what was coming to him. "hmm, fine Gladio you don't have to put on a shirt."

Ignis cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "Did anyone see a hunt while we were inside? or were you all too busy arguing? I know it's hot but arguing amongst ourselves won't earn any gil; and Highness, if you haven't been paying attention than I shall remind you. We. Are. Broke. If there weren't any hunts you thought worth doing then we should get into the Regalia and head to Longwhythe." Ignis finished his speech with a sharp glare.

Noctis met Ignis' glare with one of his own as Prompto tried to make himself smaller, as not to attract attention to himself. In doing so the blonde ended up tripping over a couple of rocks and wound up sprawled on the ground. "Ease up Iggy, we can always camp for a few more days." Noctis pointed out.

"Camping is fine when there is somewhere to wash, in case you haven't noticed we are in a desert." Ignis retorted gesturing to the dust that was around them. "We don't have enough gil to get us to Galdin, where at least we could wash off in the ocean"

"It's not my fault our Gil was stolen!" Noctis snapped at his older friend.

"Then who, pray tell, is at fault?" Ignis answered trying to reign in his own temper. Starting a fight with Noct was pointless. He took a deep breath, "apologies Highness, I am afraid the heat is getting to me."

Ignis sobering up made Noctis and the others feel a little guilty, Gladio steered them over to a shady spot by the garage. "We've all been a little tense the last couple days; ever since the Nif's destroyed Insomnia," Gladio soothed. "So why don't Prompto and I go inside and pick an easy hunt and then we can gas up the Regalia and head to Galdin for an impromptu vacation. Just a couple days and then we go back to finding the Royal Arms. Deal?"

The other three made varying sounds of agreement and Noctis watched as his bodyguard, and his best friend walked back into Takka's. "Sorry Specs, it's this damned heat. I don't remember it ever being this hot back home."

"That is because you lived in air-conditioned comfort Noct. You didn't spend a lot of time outside during heatwaves."

"Hey Highness!" A short blond haired mechanic walked up to them, a wide smile on her face. "I got a letter for Y'all." She offered Noctis the envelope.

Noctis opened it and chuckled, "I might have found the answer to our gil problem Iggy."

"How so?" Ignis quirked an eyebrow, trying to read what was in the envelope. The older man was suspicious that Cindy had been given a letter addressed to Noctis. How would anyone know they would see her?

"You are going to enter a cooking competition and win." Noctis answered with a smile, "Even if you don't win it says that competitors and judges get to stay for free. Free room and board for anyone in the competition or who have been named as assistants to a competitor."

Ignis took the letter from Noctis after the raven passed it to him. He scanned the letter thoroughly, slightly worried it might be a set up to capture Noctis. "I don't know Noct, this seems a little to perfect. For one thing, why did Cindy get a letter meant for us? For another, I have no idea where -London?- is. I have heard of it, but I am fairly certain its far away from here, past the Cleigne region and outside the borders of Lucis. It would take days to drive there."

"Come on Iggy," Noct whined. "Cindy probably got the letter because whoever is sending them knew that we don't have a mailing address but we would have to stop by the best mechanic in Hammerhead at some point. Where's your sense of adventure? I know we have to get the royal arms and we will, but the way things stand currently we'll end up doing the Nif's job for them and kill ourselves with our constant fighting. Gladio even agreed that we need a vacation. Pleeease Iggy."

Ignis looked at Noctis incredulously. "You're acting like a child and you just want to be able to judge the food. You realize there will be vegetables that you must try. I will think about it. We should talk with Prompto and Gladio first." Ignis chuckled as Noctis frowned at the mention of vegetables.

In a heartbeat, though Noctis cracked a wide smile and even Cindy, who had been listening to their conversation let out a chuckle. "I'll survive," the Prince stated.

Cindy chimed in, "I can find you a map if you'd like Ignis. I don't mind helping Y'all out a bit, after everything you've done for me, seems only proper." The young woman disappeared into the garage.

Gladio and Prompto came out looking rather excited, "We found a hunt, we found a hunt!" Prompto sang as they walked towards Ignis and Noctis.

Gladio swatted Prompto on the head. "It's worth about 2,000 gil. It seems pretty easy, just need to take care of a pack of sabertusks that have been haunting the area. Prompto could easily handle it on his own."

"Wait-What!" Prompto yelped, "We said we were a team, big guy!"

Gladio grinned and the group burst into laughter. "We have news too. Cindy brought us a letter, inside was news of a cooking competition. Seems to be pretty prestigious, only those who get invited are allowed to enter." Noctis said as Ignis offered Gladio the invite. Gladio scanned it with just as much, if not more suspicion than Ignis.

"I don't know Noct," he started. "Sounds off to me. It's almost the perfect answer to our current predicament. It could be a trap."

Prompto, who'd been reading over Gladio's shoulder had a different feeling. "I think we should go. The world deserves to know the wonder that is, Ignis' cooking. If it turns out to be a trap we'll get out of it. We always do."

"Prompto is right, besides we could all do with a distraction. We've been hunting, finding tombs, camping and generally getting nowhere." Noctis persuaded. He might be being a tad selfish, he really just wanted to escape for a while. Forget about the fall of Insomnia, his dad's passing and the Niflheim soldiers who were hell-bent on killing him. Not to mention, he'd never been invited to judge anything outside the Lucian kingdom before.

Ignis shrugged and glanced at Gladio, the two younger men looking at them with big pleading eyes. Gladio looked just as worried but with a sigh, Ignis consented. "Alright, we will finish the hunt Gladio and Prompto found, get the gil and start driving. If things go south, and they usually do, we turn around. Got it?"

Noctis and Prompto seemed pleased. "Deal," they chorused, with a pair of high fives.

Cindy returned with a handful of maps, "looks like it will take about three days for Y'all to get there."

"Well then," Ignis clapped his hands together, "lets complete that hunt and be off."

Meanwhile in a country manor just outside London, England.

Sebastian Michaelis was just putting the finishing touches on his young master's breakfast when the maid, Mey-rin came running down the hall. "Sebastian! Mister Sebastian, I have a letter addressed to the young master, yes I do."

Sebastian put down the last little garnish and turned to the maid, he sighed heavily, "Mey-rin what have I told you about running in the manor? How many times will I be forced to remind you to stop? Now, what is this all about?" He took the letter that she was holding out for him. On the back was a blood red seal. "Mey-rin attend your duties, thank you for bringing this to my attention." The maid took off with a squeal and left Sebastian to carry his master's breakfast and the letter sent by the Queen.

He knocked gently on the door, knowing the young Earl would not yet be awake. "Master, I have brought your breakfast." As the demon thought, there was no response, calmly he pushed the door open to see his young master sprawled in the bed having a nightmare. Oh dear... he's having that dream again. The demon placed the tray on the bedside table and opened the curtains. "Young Master, it is time to start the day." Once he had ascertained that the boy was awake he stated, "For breakfast this morning I have made poached salmon and mint salad. For a side dish, you have your choice of scones, toast or campagne, which would you prefer?"

"Scone," was the moody response from the half-asleep teenager. Sebastian placed the tray in front of Ciel and began artfully pouring tea for the boy. "This is Ceylon tea, is it not?" Ciel inquired.

"Indeed it is my lord." The servant responded as he went about tidying the room. Waiting patiently for the earl to be finished. As Sebastian began dressing Ciel the boy noticed the letter that was perched on the edge of the nightstand, the one Sebastian had placed only moments before.

"That is from the Queen," Ciel stated in a bored tone.

"Indeed. It was delivered earlier this morning, I have not had a chance to look at it. Shall I open it for you."


Sebastian fetched the letter opener form the desk and sliced it open, revealing the contents. "It would appear the queen wants you to enter another cooking competition. She fears for the safety of one of the guests, who she believes will come."

"Who is this guest?" Ciel inquired, standing up and beginning to walk out of his room.

Sebastian dutifully followed, "Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum the 114th and heir to the throne of Lucis."

"Lucis?" Ceil paused. "Was it not overrun by Nifleheim a few months back? I had heard the Prince, along with his fiancee and the king had all perished.

"It would appear the reports have been exaggerated greatly," Sebastian answered. "He has been invited as a judge."

Ciel chuckled, "It would be foolish of him to come to a public event."

"I agree, but the queen seems to believe that he is reckless enough to do it. As her guard dog are you going to fetch?" Sebastian inquired, a sly gleam in his eye.

"I go where Her Majesty bids me. I suppose it would appear strange for me to be at this competition unless Funtom had a chef involved. Sebastian prepare the servants, we are entering this competition.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian bowed, his grin growing.