So this is my last Teen Titans story of the year! How exciting! Big things are coming up and everyone is getting their chance to shine. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten anyone. Just ride this wave with me.

Enjoy and review!


Raven took a deep breath and turned when she continued to feel watched. She took stock of her surroundings without opening her eyes but could detect no threat. It was strange so she opened her eyes and jumped back at the sight in front of her. "Ahhh!"

Changeling just smiled.

She clapped a hand to her racing heart and ignored the items her powers conjured. "Garfield?! Why would you do that?!"

His lips twitched. "Do what?"

"Scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you."

"You have to get out of my face." She pushed at his chest.

He moved back some. "I just love you so much."

She looked at the clock. "It's two thirty in the morning! Why are you up?!"

"I've been up since midnight."

"We went to bed at ten. You only got two hours of sleep? No wonder you're acting so strangely. Why can't you sleep?"

He kissed her cheek. "I think you know."

"Please, I don't want to play this game. I'm tired."

"We did it." He set his chin on her chest."

"Did what?" She ran a hand through his hair.


She blushed. "You stayed up all night because we had sex?"

"No, I stayed up all night hoping you'd wake up because I woke up from smelling you."

"Either that's an insult or a weird compliment." She stopped scratching his scalp.

"It's not an insult."

"Then thank you, I guess."

"No, I thank you. I couldn't be happier."

"Because of the sex?"

"Because of the smell."

"Why? What smell?"

"Come on. The girls haven't told you yet?" He gave her a sly look.

"Told me what?"

"About my nose." He tapped it.

She resumed scratching his head. "No, they haven't. What's up with your nose?"

"Remember when you were pregnant and I kept saying you smelled different?"


"You smell different now." He waited.

She was still half asleep but Raven was a very smart young lady. She sat up quickly, him rolling down to her lap. "I'm pregnant?!"

He sat up. "Yup!"

She began breathing heavily. "Oh my!"

"Hey, calm down." He went to the head of the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "Everything's okay. We're married with kids already."

"But Sebastian isn't even two yet!"

"He will be. Two years apart isn't that bad."

"But I wanted three." She gave in to the urge to pout.

"I know." He nuzzled her. "But I'm going to be here for you every step of the way. I'll be your faithful servant."

Raven remembered him waiting on her hand and foot the first time. She could get back into that. "Okay."

He snickered. "Okay. I'll be your slave. Your love slave."

She shook her head with a rueful smile. "How are we going to tell Charlotte and Sebastian?"

"That one of them will have to start sharing a room."

She swatted him with a smirk. "Changeling."