Greetings! Happy New Year!

First of all, to my faithful readers and followers, I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON GOTHUS ANGELUS! The new chapter is currently under construction.

Second, I'm running out of ideas for my Danny Phantom stories so I'm taking a break. No crying!

Lastly, I'm being bold by stepping out of my comfort zone so if you love the Harry Potter series and Blue Exorcist, then please take a moment to read.



Chapter 1

Magic and Demons

Albus Dumbledore wandered the streets of Tokyo searching for a certain monastery in the hopes of catching up with an old friend. He had just finished delivering one-year-old Harry Potter to his only living relatives, the Dursleys. There was only one other person Dumbledore knew who could relate to suddenly receiving the responsibility of taking care of orphaned children.

Dumbledore met Shiro Fujimoto only a few years ago when Voldemort had risen to power. Fujimoto was searching for the cause of the sudden death of a Muggle family in Wales. Members of the Order of the Phoenix were also doing the same. Shiro was skeptical about working together with witches and wizards, especially since the Vatican was against working with said group of people. Turned out that there was a Muggle priest, Reverend Stephen Swain, who was also a member of an order of exorcists that worked within the Vatican and thought allying with the wizarding community would be beneficial to both orders. Dumbledore decided to ally his order with the Vatican's order in order to take down their common enemy: Voldemort. The Vatican (reluctantly) agreed.

Ah! There it was! Dumbledore smiled as he approached Southern Cross Boys' Monastery. One priest was sweeping the front doorstep as Dumbledore approached the church. He looked up and smiled at the new visitor.

"Hello there!" he greeted. "You must be the one Father Fujimoto is expecting."

Dumbledore smiled back. "Indeed I am," he said. "Is he available?"

"I think so. The boys should be getting up from their naps by now," the priest answered.

Those boys were what Dumbledore came to speak with Shiro about. Yuri Egin's twin sons. Dumbledore didn't think it was possible for a young lady to become pregnant with the sons of Satan. If one or both boys possessed satanic powers, Voldemort, who Dumbledore no doubt believed was still alive, would go after them if he learned of their existence. Add the fact that Yuri was, in fact, a witch, they would be very valuable to Voldemort's cause.

A tall, slender man appeared from the house next to the church. In his arms were two boys who looked almost two years old. The man had grey hair with a matching goatee. Glasses sat in front of his unnatural red eyes.

"Albus! Good to see you again!" Father Shiro Fujimoto greeted as one boy with moles on his face reached to tug on his goatee.

"It is always good to see friends again," Dumbledore replied. "Do you need help? You look like you need assistance."

Shiro chuckled and handed Dumbledore the boy with blue hair. The boy looked at Dumbledore curiously before grabbing his half-moon spectacles.

Dumbledore chuckled at the child's antics. "Curious little fellow, is he not?"

Shiro chuckled back. "They're at that age where they have to have their hands on everything," he answered. "Rin loves grabbing my glasses. I'm not surprised he's interested in yours."

"This boy's name is Rin?" Dumbledore asked referring to the boy in his arms.

Shiro nodded. "Yep. That's Rin. And this little guy who refuses to let go of my chin is Yukio," he added as he shifted baby Yukio in his arms.

"Rin and Yukio," Dumbledore murmured. "Did you name them?"

Shiro's smile fell. "No. Their mother named them," he said grimly. He gestured the old wizard to follow him into the house.

The two men set the boys down in the living room (Dumbledore managed to retrieve his spectacles from Rin) before settling onto the couch. One of the priests came in with a tea set and set it on the coffee table.

"So you know what happened to Yuri," Shiro began as he poured himself and his guest some tea.

"Yes. You have my condolences," Dumbledore replied. "I know she was a valuable asset to the Knights of the True Cross."

Shiro grunted. "Thank you. To be honest, she was more curious about demons' motives for coming to Assiah than the rest of us," he said before turning to Dumbledore. "I heard about the Potter family from Swain. Is it true that he's really gone?"

"That is what most believe," Dumbledore answered. "I highly doubt that Voldemort is truly gone. He will return to power, I can assure you. When that will be, I cannot say."

"And the Potter boy? Is it true that he survived?"

"Yes. Voldemort's curse rebounded and it destroyed his body. Harry survived with only a scar."

Shiro smirked before taking a sip of his tea. "You know what they say, 'Chicks dig scars.'"

Dumbledore chuckled as Shiro looked at the twins. "You're thinking that when he returns to power, he'll come after Rin and Yukio," he assumed.

Dumbledore nodded grimly. "Yes. If he learns that they are the sons of Satan, he will no doubt go after them."

Shiro released a sigh. "Only Rin has the blue flames," he revealed.

Dumbledore looked up from his tea he was sipping. "Only one of them has the flames?" he asked to make sure he heard right.

Shiro nodded. "He was covered in them when I found him and his brother. As far as I can tell, Yukio is as human as you and me," he answered.

Rin crawled over to the two men and grabbed part of Dumbledore's beard that dangled from the couch.

"Rin doesn't seem dangerous now," Dumbledore observed. "What happened to the flames?"

"Mephisto sealed Rin's demonic powers away in Kurikara," Shiro answered. "Rin is now a normal human child."

Dumbledore took a sip of his tea as he made a mental note to speak with Mephisto Pheles as soon as possible. "Should he - or anyone, for that matter, draw that sword - Rin will lose his humanity and become a demon again," he assumed.

Shiro looked at the wizard in amazement. "You're really good at that," he said, "guessing the correct outcome of any situation."

Dumbledore chuckled. "You give me too much credit, Shiro. It was only a lucky guess."

"Then you must have a lot of luck," said Shiro. "So what about the Potter kid? What happened to him?"

"I sent him to live with his Muggle relatives in Surry."

Shiro swallowed his tea with an audible gulp. "Was that a good idea? I remember speaking with James and Lily during our mission in Wales. James told me that his wife and her sister did not get along," he recalled.

"That may be true but Lily's sister, Petunia, is the only link Harry has to his mother. The moment she took him into her home, a sort of blood protection was placed upon the house," Dumbledore explained.

"Blood protection?"

Dumbledore nodded. "When Voldemort tried to kill Harry, the curse rebounded as I told you. This is because before that happened, Lily Potter was killed trying to protect her son."

Everything was starting to make sense to Shiro. "A mother's love is an unrivaled force of nature," he realized. "Voldemort doesn't understand love, does he?"

"No, he does not," said Dumbledore. "I'm guessing that Yuri was the same towards her sons as well?"

Shiro nodded. "Her final wish was for them to grow up strong and understanding," he said. "She didn't sacrifice her life to save them like Lily, but she loved them like any mother would love her children."

Yukio suddenly started crying, followed by a foul stench drifting in the air. One whiff and Shiro immediately knew what the baby needed.

"Excuse me, Albus, Yukio needs to be changed," Shiro said as he stood up. "Watch Rin for me." He picked up Yukio and took him into another room.

Albus looked down at the one-year-old who was now interested in playing with the man's robes. The infant looked up at Albus and gave him a big smile.

Albus couldn't help but smile back. "The sins of the father should not be passed down to the child," he murmured to himself. Rin blinked and started gnawing on Albus's robes. The wizard chuckled.

"I'm curious to know what kind of wizard you'd grow up to be," Albus wondered. Perhaps Rin's satanic powers could be used for the good of mankind instead of being condemned of being a monster throughout his life. Knowing that Harry Potter was roughly the same age of the Okumura twins, a plan started to form in Dumbledore's mind.

Shiro walked back in with Yukio in his arms. "All better. Clean as a whistle!" he announced.

Albus picked up Rin and set him in his lap taking note of an odd stain Rin left behind on the hem of his robes. "Glad to hear it," he replied as he bounced Rin on his knee. "Shiro, my friend, I just came up with an idea."

Shiro looked at Albus as he tried to keep Yukio away from his glasses. "What's that?" he asked.

"How would you feel if these boys attended Hogwarts instead of Mahoutokoro?" Albus asked.

Shiro stared at the old wizard for a full minute before answering. "Any particular reason?" he asked.

"Harry Potter is roughly the same age as the twins," Dumbledore reasoned. "It would be beneficial to both our orders if they were friends and allies with each other."

Shiro readily frowned. "You want them to protect the Potter kid while he is at school," he stated.

Dumbledore nodded.

Shiro sighed. "I'm not going to raise the boys to be bodyguards for a kid with a target on his back," he said. "I just got them out of one bad situation. The last thing I'm going to do is put them in another."

Dumbledore nodded. "I understand, but keep in mind that they're the sons of Satan and a witch. Do you think the Japanese Ministry of Magic will let them attend their school for magic if they knew their lineage?"

Shiro frowned. "And what makes you think the British Ministry will be any different?" he challenged.

"The British Ministry of Magic knows about the Knights of the True Cross," Albus answered. "Thanks to your efforts in helping us catch the Death Eaters responsible for the crimes in Wales, the Ministry of Magic is now more aware of the demons that wander the earth. Add the fact that if Rin and Yukio do not receive the proper education to control their magic, it could mean problems for you and your order in the future."

Shiro thought long and hard about this decision. On the one hand, the Japanese Ministry of Magic could easily learn about the twins from the British Ministry. On the other hand, if word of Rin and Yukio's lineage became common knowledge in the wizarding community, then the Vatican would no doubt learn about them and seek to exterminate them.

"I need you to promise me that no one - not even the Minister of Magic - learns about Rin and Yukio's origins," said Shiro. "If the Vatican learned that they were still alive, they'll not only go after them, but me as well. I will not be able to protect them if the Vatican finds out."

Dumbledore nodded. "I will keep this secret. You have my word," he promised.

Shiro smiled. "Great. I'll let Mephisto know first chance I get."

"Does this mean you will allow the twins to attend Hogwarts?"

Shiro stroked his goatee in thought. "Rin is half-demon. He and Yukio are going to need to learn how to defend themselves against demons in the event that the seal on Rin's powers is broken," he stated. "Do you think, perhaps, that you could start a class to defend students against demons?"

"A Demonology class, you mean?" Albus asked.

"Something like that," Shiro answered.

"I will have to speak to the school governors about it as well as the Ministry of Magic," Albus said.

"Get to it then," said Shiro before smiling. "And when you do, you'll have two future new students at your school."


Albus Apparated into an office where a tall man with purple hair, wearing a white suit was standing near the window. He turned towards Albus and smiled.

"Well, well, Dumbledore! It's been too long!" the man greeted.

Dumbledore smiled back. "Sir Pheles, always a pleasure," he greeted back.

Mephisto Pheles offered Dumbledore a seat and some tea. "Now what brings you here to Japan? And to True Cross Academy of all places? You know that the Knights of the True Cross may tolerate you magic folks, but that doesn't mean you can come waltzing in here all willy-nilly."

Dumbledore chuckled. "Then again, you've never been fond of playing by the rules, have you?" he playfully retorted.

Mephisto chuckled. "You got me there. Now, how can I help you?" he asked.

Dumbledore got right to the point. "Are you aware that Yuri Egin was, in fact, a witch?" he asked.

"I had an inkling," Mephisto answered. "That and her father found a wand and a few spellbooks in her drawer while cleaning out her desk after her passing."

"Did she have any sort of training in witchcraft?"

"Heavens, no! Imagine what her father would have thought if he found out!" Mephisto exclaimed. "If I had to guess, she probably practiced on her own. Don't ask me if she knew any spells. Even I was in the dark about her magical little secret."

Dumbledore nodded before speaking. "In that case, are you aware that her sons are wizards?" he asked.

Mephisto blinked. "Tell me you're joking," he stated.

"I'm afraid not. If you make note of the hem of my robes, you'll notice something quite off about them," Dumbledore said.

Mephisto looked down at the hem of his friend's robes and sure enough, there was a stain on the hem of Dumbledore's red robes that was constantly changing colors. Judging by the shape of the stain, it looked like someone or something small was chewing on the robes.

"I don't need to be a demon to tell you that that did not come from spilt bleach," said Mephisto. "And even if it did I doubt it would do that. Which twin did that?"

"It was Rin."

Mephisto blinked. "I should have known," he sighed. "The son of Satan not only has his father's powers, but also his mother's magic. Sounds like he'd be an OP character."

"OP?" Dumbledore asked.

"Right, you're not in touch with non-wizard culture. OP stands for overpowered," Mephisto explained. "What about the other twin? Did you sense any magic within him?"

"Since Yuri was a witch and Rin and Yukio's father is..." Albus trailed off before clearing his throat. "I have no doubt that Yukio is also a wizard."

"If that's the case, if the Vatican doesn't find out about the twins, then they'll probably go straight to Mahoutokoro when they're old enough," Mephisto replied.

"Mahoutokoro doesn't teach their students about demons," said Dumbledore.

Mephisto raised an eyebrow. "And Hogwarts does?" he challenged.

"I'm willing to add the subject to the curriculum," Dumbledore replied. If he could add Divination to Hogwarts' curriculum, he could do the same with Demonology. "All you have to do is help me present this case to the Knights of the True Cross, the Vatican, and the Japanese Ministry of Magic."

Mephisto thought long and hard about Dumbledore's proposition before he slyly smiled. "It won't be easy, but I think I can pull a few strings," he answered.

Albus smiled. "Wonderful! I expect good news in the near future then," he beamed. He stood up and prepared to leave.

"Not so fast," said Mephisto. "You still have to pay your 'visitor's fee.'"

Dumbledore chuckled. "Of course. I nearly forgot."

He pulled out a small bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from his pocket and gave it to Mephisto.

The demon beamed as he opened the bag of magic jelly beans. "I cannot get enough of these candies!" he exclaimed. "It's like a surprise in every bean." He popped a bean into his mouth and grimaced at the taste. "Mustard! Blergh!"

As soon as Mephisto recovered, he picked up his umbrella and pointed it at Dumbledore. "Ein, zwei, drei!" he chanted. A small bag filled with konpeito (star candy) appeared in Dumbledore's hands. "I know you're fond of those lemon drop candies, but I figured you needed a taste of Japan for a change."

Albus smiled at the demon. "Thank you, Sir Pheles. I will see you soon. We still have much to discuss."

Mephisto smiled back. "Looking forward to it," he replied.

At that, the wizard Apparated out of the office.


Albus walked into his office by nightfall. He did not waste any time. He strode to his Pensieve and put his wand to his temple. Slowly extracting a wispy thread from his head, he pointed his wand to the basin where the memory mixed with the other important memories.

As he saw the memory of baby Harry Potter sleeping on his relatives' front door step where he last saw the child, the memory of the Okumura twins swam by. Something became clear to Albus.

"His destiny will cross with theirs," he said to himself before leaving to prepare for bed.

So, this is my first non-Danny Phantom fanfic. How did I do? I'm hope the characters' personalities are close to the characters.

Please review!