I've returned! Phew, things got real busy, real fast. Life just slapped me in the face, you know? Anyway, I managed another chapter, decent-sized (though not as long as some of the previous ones). But first, my favourite... reviews~!

Dame Amaryllis - Heheh, yeah, I've always planned to introduce some comedy and general fluffiness with Little Rukh and the many little kiddies that pop up in AoS. (Seriously everyone is so tiny and cute, how could I not?) I'm happy to know you're enjoying it so far!

Lady Silverfox aka charita rai - Wow, you're thinking way ahead! I'll admit, I've considered quite a few different outcomes for Sinbad's and Little Rukh's whole relationship and that is one of the possibilities I've seriously thought about, but beyond that... I guess you'll just have to wait and see! ;3

twistedlittledoll - Yayyy, thanks so much! I'm happy you're enjoying it still! And those are some really good guesses (like really good, damn) but I don't wanna give away too much right now so I won't confirm anything just yet! As for her and Sinbad's relationship, I have considered so many possibilities... sorry, guess you'll just have to wait and see! I'll try to keep my updates coming too so I can start answering more of these questions sooner

Keelan1210 - I'm glad you're enjoying it! Yeah, I have a bit of a love for more unique characters. I find that the more unique and creative a character, the more unique and creative the story becomes! Just one of my many theories on how to keep my writing original and interesting. Please let me know if it keeps working (or if it doesn't) and thanks for reviewing

Reviews are my favourite thing in the world! Please, keep the reviews coming! Beyond the helpful feedback they provide, whether they're positive or not so positive, they also keep me motivated to pump out more chapters and whatnot (of course, I'll always try to keep pumping out chapters but reviews really do help) and they make my day! Anyway, I'll get on with the chapter but pretty please, let me know what you think!



"Yes, Raida?"

"Are we there yet?"

"We literally set sail an hour ago."

"So that's a no?"

"That's a no."



"Yes, Raida?"

"Are we there yet?"

"It's been a day. I told you it'll take a while to get there. Artemyra is in the southeastern part of the continent after all and-"

"Yeah, yeah, got it. I'm gonna go nap."


"Oi, Jafar."

"Yes, Raida?"

"Are we there yet?"

"... you've asked me that like ten times."

"I have? Hmm... so that's a no?"



A sigh.

"Yes, Raida?"

"Are we there yet?"

"No, Raida."



"Hey, Jafar?"

"What now?"

"Are we there-?"

"No, Raida, as I have answered many times already, we are not there yet."





"Are we there yet?"

"No. Please stop asking me that."

"Oh, ok."

"Thank god..."

"But like, what about now?"

He groaned and thunked his head against the nearest wall.


"Hey, Jafar?"





A whimper.

"Oi Pipsqueak!"


"What?! What do you want?! Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Uh, are you ok?"

"I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine! I survived years of harsh training and became a trained assassin at the tender age of six! I have dealt with countless situations far more stressful and I am the trusted right-hand of a future king who repeatedly gets himself into trouble! This will not break me! You will not break me!"

"Uh, ok, cool... so, like, are we there yet or is this a bad time?"

"Do you see Artemyra?"


"Then we're not there yet, are we?!"

"Ah, that makes sense. Let me know when you see it then."

"Look for it yourself!"


"Hey, Jafar? Do we-"

"NO!" The boy snapped, his face an angry shade of red and hands tugging at his white hair in agony. "WE ARE NOT THERE YET!"

I snickered, sitting crosslegged on the ship's deck. "I was just going to ask if we have any snacks."

There was a brief second of silence before the former assassin launched himself at me, practically foaming at the mouth. Mystoras quickly intervened, wrapping his arms around Jafar's torso and digging his heels in to hold him back. "Wait, Jafar! You can't kill a fellow comrade!"

"I won't kill her!" Jafar howled. "I'll just throw her overboard! If she thinks she can get to Artemyra faster, the little shit can swim there herself!"

I chortled at the sight, not even bothering to hide my mischievous expression. Nearby, Hinahoho sighed and sent a half-sheepish, half-disapproving look in my direction.

"You really shouldn't tease him so much," he admonished.

I smirked, flopping onto my back and stretching out on the warm wood. "Who, me? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Run, Raida, run!" Mystoras shouted frantically. "I can't hold him back anymore!"

"She's the devil!" Jafar yelled.

"Geez, I leave you guys alone for half an hour..." Sinbad appeared on the deck, running a hand through his purple locks. He immediately scowled at me. "Raida, please stop teasing Jafar. And Jafar, don't let her get to you so much. You guys are acting like kids."

Everyone paused and sweatdropped, staring awkwardly in his direction. 'Like you're one to talk...!'

"Eh, it's just so boring!" I complained, splaying out in the sunlight, my white hair spread out around me. Surprisingly, my hair reflected the light quite well, giving it almost shimmering effect during the day. It was something I hadn't really noticed until just before I reached Sasan.

White wings, a river of light-

Right. I guess it's a Rukh thing.

"There's nothing to do on this stupid ship!" I whined, my thoughts snapping back to the conversation at hand.

"You really need to find a healthier outlet for your boredom," Blue commented as Jafar fumed and Mystoras grimaced at his cramping arms.

"Like what? There's nothing but oceans for bloody mi-"

"Land ahoy!"

I bolted upright, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Fucking finally!"

I raced to the front of the ship, Mystoras and Sinbad both joining me there and we watched like children watching a magic show as the ship approached the land and entered a huge ravine covered in exotic plants.

"Amazing...!" We gasped in awe.

"According to these scrolls, it looks like there should be a break in the coast up ahead, and past that the only way to continue is on foot," Jafar announced, as his responsible mode switched on and he pulled out a scroll from somewhere (where was he keeping that thing, what the actual hell-). "We should make careful preparations-"

"Mystoras, Raida! Look at those plants!"

"I've never seen anything like this before!"

"Do you think those vines could hold my weight?"

Everyone stopped and looked at me in confusion.

"What kind of question is that?" Jafar said. I blinked at him innocently before turning back to the vines. He twitched. "Don't just ignore me!"

Deciding that, yes, they looked strong enough to support me, I hoisted myself over the railings. Only Blue seemed to realise what I was planning and he yelled, "Raida, don't-"

But he was too late. I went straight over the side and splashed into the water. The cold chill hit me hard, and I let myself float back up, using my momentum to get as close to the cliffs as possible before resurfacing.

"Raida, what the hell?!" Ponytail's voice echoed from behind me but I paid them no mind as I tested a vine dangling in the water with a hard tug. It held and I grinned.

I promptly began to scale the cliff, using little niches and footholds in the cliff where there weren't enough vines. At one point, I ran out of both and ended up palming a dagger and wedging it into the cliffs to pull myself up. I faintly picked up on Mystoras' (nope, too long, I'll call him Dork) and Ponytail's voices as I continued to climb.

"Is she...?"


"And does she often do this...?"


"Oh. She's a bit, uh, ecc-"

"Crazy. She's crazy."

"Should we stop her...?"

"You can try."

Finally, I reached the top and shuffled to my left a bit until I reached one of the multiple vines crisscrossing overhead, stretching from one side of the ravine to the other. I tested it with my foot first, pressing down until I was sure it could hold me.

Then, hiding my dagger away, I laughed victoriously as I casually strolled out towards the centre of the ravine, balancing easily on the vine like a tightrope walker.

Blue and Dork panicked at the sight, the latter running around with his arms out as the ship passed underneath me. I think he's trying to catch me if I fall...? Aww, how sweet.

Ponytail simply sighed, having accepted my antics while Jafar screeched something incoherent at the sight and I childishly stuck my tongue out at him. I don't know what he just said but I'm sure it was rude somehow.

"Come on," I called down to them with a smug grin, "where's your sense of adventure?!"

Dork and Blue both sweatdropped.

"I wanna try!" Ponytail suddenly grinned, getting a foot up on the railings.

Jafar tackled him to the ground before he throw himself overboard. "Absolutely not!"

The ship continued to sail along and I followed, sometimes skipping along the very edge of the cliff, sometimes hopping from vine to vine like a monkey. This was a much more entertaining way to travel than by ship. More peaceful too.

We were barely halfway along though, when Ponytail noticed something behind me and started pointing and yelling in shock. The others noticed what he saw and they too started yelling and pointing.

I'd barely just turned to see what all the fuss was about when a shadow fell over me and the biggest bird I've ever seen flew directly overhead. The wind nearly knocked me clean off my vine and I quickly crouched to regain my balance, ready to take hold of the vine with my hands if I did fall.

I watched curiously as the bird levelled near the ship and squinted. Were those... people riding the giant bird?

I gasped in excitement and started hopping between vines to get directly overhead. I was missing out and riding a giant bird looks fun!

I pouted as the bird pulled away just as I got near, flying on ahead before I could even get their attention. Damn. I wanted to ride it so bad...

Oh well, better see what all that was about...

"Heads up!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth as I got the others' attention. They all looked up and simultaneously blanched as I bent my knees and jumped.


"Raida, no!"

"Catch her, catch her, catch her!"

I arced in the air and did a few flips (because I wouldn't be me if I passed up an opportunity to show off a little) before landing hard on my feet in their midst. It was probably the loud bang I made on impact that freaked them out the most but I merely straightened up and laughed at their stunned expressions. These idiots never learn, I'm way stronger than some puny human. I wouldn't die from something this weak.

Of course, I cushioned my landing by reinforcing my entire body with magoi too but that's unimportant.

As soon as it was clear that I wasn't harmed or in any pain whatsoever, Jafar greeted me with a firm slap on the back of my head.

"Stop climbing and jumping off of cliffs!" He scolded. I beamed and batted him away in amusement.

"Ah, stop worrying so much," I exclaimed. "Learn to have some fun! Anyway, what was with the chicks and the bird?"

"They were inhabitants of Artemyra," Ponytail explained with a suspiciously charming smile. I knew that expression...

I peered at him suspiciously. "You hit on them, didn't you... perv..."

"I am not!" He protested, reaching out as though to strangle me.

I laughed and hopped back out of his reach. "Don't stress about it, Ponytail, everyone here knows you're super pervy!"

"That's true," Blue nodded.

"He flirts with every girl we see," Jafar confirmed.

"Sinbad's a real man," Mystoras gave a thumbs up as though to reassure him.

"Traitors," Sinbad grumbled, twitching at the sheer betrayal.


We docked soon after that and Ponytail and Dork both charged ahead, ignoring our warnings to preserve energy. We caught up within minutes though.

"Told you not to run, didn't I?" I snickered nearly an hour later as Sinbad trembled beside me. He'd even picked up a large stick from somewhere and was using it as a walking stick. "But do you ever listen to me? Nooo, you just had to run. Too excited about perving on innocent girls to pay attention. Take a good whiff, pervert, this is what karma smells like."

"N-No fair..." Sinbad moaned. "Jafar looks fine... so does Mystoras... and you..."

He did a double-take and shoved an accusing finger in my direction. "You're not even sweating, you monster!"

I smirked. "I don't sweat."

"Everybody sweats, how are you not sweaty or tired, this is bull-" Sinbad ranted in disbelief. Halfway through though, he stopped mid-sentence and slumped over. "Urgh, no good. No energy."

I watched in fascination as he visibly withered before my eyes, leaning against his stick for support. "Wah, what a weak king."

"Shut up, you-!"

"Raida," Jafar sighed. "Please stop teasing Sinbad. You're both being childish."

I sidled up to him with a cheeky smile. "And who was it who was threatening to throw me overboard...? Earlier today even..."

Jafar ground his teeth together and refused to meet my eyes. I chuckled and skipped ahead. I'd been itching to move for ages, being stuck on that ship and all, and that little rock climb from earlier had really put me in a good mood. As such, I was probably the only one in the good mood at the moment.

At least Ponytail didn't look nearly as bad as Blue. Poor guy, he was really not built for this climate. I don't think he even noticed as I patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"She's enjoying this way too much," Ponytail muttered ruefully under his breath.

My head whipped around and I sent him a sickly sweet smile. "Hmmm...?"

"N-Nothing!" He yelped, ducking behind the closest wall of protection, Mystoras.

That's what I thought. I hummed as I turned back and we pressed onwards.


Barely twenty minutes later, Ponytail began to chuckle under his breath. I sent him an odd look in response as he firmly grasped his sword.

Oh geez, Sinbad's lost it. It didn't take more then a hot day and a hike but he's officially off his bonkers. Great.

"I just realised something..." Sinbad smirked. My expression became extremely unimpressed as he djinn-equipped with a flash before I suddenly fixated on something else. "If I do a djinn equip, I can fly."

I wandered over behind him as he crowed about his plan to ditch us, and observed the scaly appendage. It was definitely real.

"Like this, I can easily pass through the ravine just like those girls riding that- Raida!" Ponytail cut himself off with a squawk as I reached out and latched onto it.

Djinn equips can be so weird... where is it even coming from? His butt? His legs are all scaly too so is it all-?

Sinbad froze, momentarily turning to stone, as I flipped up the back of his clothing with an interested hum.

"Raida, what-?!" Mystoras squeaked, turning bright red. I didn't even get to see anything anyway before Sinbad gave a shout of surprise and leapt away.

There was a brief moment of stunned silence before Sinbad and Mystoras suddenly huddled together nearby, trembling under a cloud of gloom while Sinbad hugged his tail to his chest like a traumatised child with a teddy bear.

"This is the first time I've felt so violated..."

"Tell me about it... to think Raida was that kind of person, I had no idea..."

"What?" I shrugged in response to the questioning stares from the others. "He grew a tail! Am I really the only one who got curious about that?"

"B-But you can't just-" Jafar stammered.

I blinked slowly, not quite getting it. "Why not?"

There was another pause before Jafar quickly joined the depressed corner with the others. "I'm not equipped to deal with this... I'm only ten after all... someone else can teach the psychopath about the birds and the bees..."

"Birds and the bees?" I parroted. A lightbulb went off in my head. "Oh, I get it! You guys are disturbed 'cause you think I'm interested in his-"

Blue slapped a large palm over my mouth, muffling my words. "I think you've made this awkward enough."

I tilted my head inquisitively but decided to stop talking for now. Sensing my acceptance, Blue removed his hand.

It seems this is a weird topic for humans for whatever reason. I'll keep that in mind and find out more later.

Sinbad cleared his throat and subtly edged away from me. "Well, I'm just gonna fly on ahead, I'll see you guys a-"

He was barely three feet off the ground when familiar strings wrapped around him and slammed him to the ground. Ouch.

Jafar started mumbling under his breath, seemingly annoyed at Sinbad's action as Ponytail twitched nervously at his dangerous tone.

"You're not the only one who's tired," Jafar hissed, looking positively murderous. "Everyone else is quiet and continuing to walk, moreover, even I'm feeling hot and very irritated!"

"Jafar... y-you're stra-ack! You're strangling... me...!"

"Bararaq Sei!"

"Oh my," I observed from the side with the others. "Jafar's reverted to his old assassin ways, it seems. How sad."

"You look way too happy to be saying that," Blue deadpanned, cautiously eying the gleeful smile stretching across my face.

Mystoras was very pale as he watched Jafar beat some sense into the purple-haired idiot and glanced at me. "Uh, Raida...? M-Maybe you should stop him before he kills our leader...?"

I pondered the idea. Well, it was probably my fault Jafar wasn't relenting or holding back in the end. It did seem like he was taking the chance to take out his irritation both from earlier and now on the unwilling victim that was our future king.

But it was just so amusing to watch...?

Ah, bad Raida. I'm here to keep the idiot alive after all.

I sighed forlornly before nodding. "I guess... I'll stop them."

I drifted over to the fight and glanced at them both, wondering how I could put an end to the fight in one go. My eyes fixated on the string connecting them.

Oh, but lightning... well, as good a time as any to test this out...

Quick as a flash, I shielded my hand in a thick layer of white light and latched onto the string, tensing as I waited for the electricity to burn through my skin.

Huh, it kind of tickles.

Grinning, I yanked on it, pulling a surprised Jafar and Sinbad in closer. As soon as they were in arms reach, I let go of the string and brought my fists down on their heads with a yell. "Cut it out!"

They dropped like stones and I dusted myself off, pleased with my achievement.

Nothing tastes better than a healthy dose of victory with a dash of unnecessary violence~

"What the hell, Raida?!" Jafar whimpered, clutching his head.

"What are your fists made of, stone?!" Sinbad joined in, already having let his djinn equip vanish at some point.

I laughed awkwardly as I realised I still had a thin cover of light covering my hands. To put it in perspective, hitting them with my reinforced fists was probably akin to... slamming a steel stick on their heads?

Oops. I quickly dispersed the light and tucked my hands behind my back, whistling innocently. "Don't be such babies."

"The devil..." They groaned in response.

"See? I told you, I heard the distressed cry of a girl!" We all jolted in surprise as a shadow fell over the group.

My eyes brightened at the sight of another giant bird descending towards us. Three young blondes were perched on its back, peering curiously at us. The youngest was pointing in my direction excitedly, most likely the speaker.

"You're right, poor girl!" The girl at the front exclaimed. "Being forced to suffer in the company of four men, no less! No wonder she was screaming in distress!"

"Hey, we're the victims here," Sinbad grumbled softly, climbing to his feet. I sent him a warning glare that he didn't see.

The youngest girl gave me a large wave. "Hey pretty girl, do you need a ride?! You're heading for Artemyra too, right?"

The front one scoffed. "Where else would she be heading? Anyway, we can get you there much faster!"

I perked up cheerily. "Sounds great!"

"N-No way!" Ponytail exclaimed. He quickly spun me around to face him and place his hands on my shoulders with a look of disbelief. "R-Raida, you wouldn't abandon your comrades and old friends, would you...?"

Everyone else's expression flattened because, well, that was a stupid question.

"... Fuck it, I don't work for you," I slipped through his grasp and ran to the edge of the path with a wide grin. "You girls got enough room?"

The middle girl giggled. "Plenty!"

I hoisted myself up with an idle wave over my shoulder and settled in between the middle girl and the youngest. "See you up there, suckers!"

"Traitorrrrrr...!" Ponytail's cries echoed through the ravine, covering my cackles as we took off towards Artemyra.


"This is your first visit to Artemyra, right?"

"We rarely get visitors, especially fellow pretty girls like you!"

"Wah, this white hair is so beautiful! Do a lot of people have white hair where you're from?"

"Are those silver eyes natural? They're like mirrors!"

"I only have blue eyes, I'm so envious!"

"Is it true you're travelling with four men?!"

My eyes spun as questions assaulted me from all directions. It was pretty evident that Artemyrans weren't used to outsiders and they were getting a bit too excited. Barely minutes after we'd landed, I'd been swarmed by curious girls who wanted to know everything about me. Apparently my different hair and eye colour was a dead giveaway that I wasn't from here.

"Stop crowding her," one girl piped up, scolding the others as another one weaselled her way through to force some space between me and the crowd. I took a deep breath and took the opportunity to breathe free air as the two newcomers gradually convinced the rest to let me go.

"Are you ok?" The one who'd served as a wall gently took my hand, and I swore she sparkled as she smiled at me. "Sorry about that, we get so excited when we get new (female) foreigners around here! I hope you won't let this cloud your judgment of Artemyra, we're usually more accomodating to (female) travellers than this!"

She does keep saying female right...? I wondered, peering closer. I'm not imagining it?

"It's fine," I recovered quickly, dusting myself off as I cast an awe-filled glance at my surroundings. Artemyra was quite pretty to look at, after all. "The sights more than make up for it. It's an impressive place you have here."

"Thanks!" The girl beamed and I was temporarily blinded by the beauty. "I'm Sirena. This is Paidi."

She gestured to the other girl, who was also beautiful but in a more wild way. Paidi looked like a warrior where Sirena looked like a fairy.

They both sweatdropped awkwardly as I stared at them intensely. What is in the water here...?

"What kind of hair product do you guys use?" I blurted out, scrutinising their fluffy, shining waves. "I seriously need some of that shit."

"Oh that?" Sirena chirped Bashfully. "It's an Artemyran secret!"

"You can tell me," I said seriously, taking Sirena's hands in mine and channeling as much playboy Sinbad as possible. It was a real blow to my pride but I want that secret.

My hair might reflect light but I had yet to figure out how to achieve that nice fluffiness that every girl in Artemyra seemed to have achieved.

"Tell you what," Paidi intervened, throwing an arm around my shoulders with a cheeky grin. "We're on our break right now, so if you buy us some drinks, we'll give you our secret, yeah?"

I considered it carefully. I mean, technically the coins I had in pocket weren't mine, they were Sinbad's and only for emergencies, so I really shouldn't-

"Deal," I cheered. "Lead the way, girls."

Paidi and Sirena beamed and linked arms with me, dragging me to the nearest bar.


"A-And then the little baby chicks hatched and they were so beautiful, Paidi, so beautiful~!" Sirena, it seemed, was a total lightweight.

"Another round over here!" Paidi, on the other hand, was not.

"Don't you girls have jobs to go to," the bar owner sighed, pouring us some more drinks anyway. Isadora, the bar owner, was far more down to earth than the other Artemyrans I'd met so far.

"We're on a break!" Paidi cheered in response, raising her cup and tapping it against mine.

"Yeah, they've promised to show me around after this too," I added, chugging my own drink and holding it out for a refill. Isadora rolled her eyes and poured me some more.

"Whatever you say," she chuckled.

"Isadora," Sirena mumbled tearily as the woman refilled her cup too, "you're so nice. I love you, you know that? I love you soooo much."

"You always say that until you get that hangover in the morning," Isadora pointed out in amusement.

"Ah, Artemyra's great!" I announced, waving my half-full cup around. I turned to the blonde chick on my other side. "Isn't Artemyra great?!"

"Of course it is," the woman agreed with a sly smile, clunking our cups together. "Artemyra's my beloved home after all."

"It's so great," I exclaimed. "I should just stay here forever!"

"I'm sure we'd all welcome a lovely young lady like you," the woman purred, donning a wide grin.

"Of course you would," I sniffed. "I'm amazing, you know."

At that point, Paidi turned and gasped at the sight of who I was talking to. She ducked her head down. "Your m-"

The woman silenced her with a well-placed look and I blinked curiously. Neat trick. She seems important.

Oh well.

"Another round of drinks," I cried out, gesturing to our cups. I pointed at the woman's cup as well once Isadora came around. "I'll buy her some drinks too!"

"Oh, a girl after my own heart," the woman grinned, finishing off what little she had left in her cup and letting Isadora fill it.

Eh, Sinbad'll get over it eventually.

"So, what's your business in Artemyra?" The woman chatted idly, propping her head on her palm. I eyed her badass tattoo along her right cheek. Maybe I should get one...?

"Ah, business, I guess...?" I mused. "I'm travelling with this idiot, I think he's a merchant now. He's hiking up the ravine still but he's looking to make some deal with the queen or something. I'm just tagging along, making sure he doesn't end up killing himself."

"Why aren't you helping him through the ravine then?" She wondered. "You know, plenty of travellers don't make it through there."

"Ah," I idly waved a hand. "If that much was enough to kill him, I wouldn't bother with that moron. He'll be fine."

"If you're looking to protect him, does that mean you're strong?" She asked, leaning forward in interest.

"Why?" I replied with a cheeky grin. "You looking for a fight?"

To my surprise, she tipped her head back and laughed. "Oh, I like you, girl! What's your name?"

I paused. I've been Raida for a while now... maybe it's time for a change.

"Saira," I answered. "You?"

"Mira Dianus Artemina, Queen of Artemyra," she introduced herself smugly.

I paused.

Huh. To be honest, I did not see that coming.

"Does that mean the next round's on you?" I replied tipsily.

She laughed again and I glanced over to see Sirena dozing peacefully on the bar and Paidi facepalming.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Mira cheered, calling for another round from Isadora, who looked particularly pleased at the sudden surge of business. "I'll have to return to the castle soon but I have time for another drink or two before I go."

"Oh, I think we're gonna be the best of friends, your majesty."

"Please, call me Mira."


Yep. I made her meet and befriend the queen of Artemyra in a bar. Because I can. Also, no matter how I look at both Little Rukh's and Mina's personalities, they were always going to get along really well so I figured, why not make it official? So now they're drinking buddies.

Also, I like being mean to canon characters wayyy too much. Poor Jafar. Poor Yunan. They all just make it too easy...

Anyway, sorry about the late update, life really just punched me in the face all of a sudden and I got way too busy. You can kind of tell from the quality of this chapter that I didn't spend as much time on editing but life doesn't look like it'll be letting up anytime soon and I figured, I should get this chapter out now while I have a moment to breathe before suddenly three months go by without an update. Anyway, I'll keep trying my best to keep 'em coming. I also might come back and edit this chapter some more in the future 'cause I'm not quite happy with it as is but meh. Pretty please review!

Until next time

- Dragon