Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter (obviously) and am making absolutely no money off of this.

A/N- Hey everybody, this is a story which wasn't originally mine but I adopted it! (Yes, I got permission).

"Direct Speech" 'Thoughts' Flashback

Chapter 1

"Harry! Daddy...Daddy, wake up!" a small voice called out, waking the exhausted Harry from his sleep.

Groggily lifting his head, Harry blinked a few times, before propping himself up on his elbows and tiredly rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Once they had adjusted to the dim light shining in through the window, Harry saw the small girl in front of him, her waist length strawberry blonde hair covering her face slightly, but not enough that he couldn't see her emerald eyes, much like his own, filled with unshed tears.

Seeing this Harry sat up properly, quickly grabbing the small eight-year-old girl and wrapping his arms around her protectively. Mumbling to her as he gently rocked her back and forth.

"What's wrong little Alyssa?" He whispered kindly as she cuddled deeper into his safe hold.

Alyssa's shoulders tensed slightly as she gazed up at him, "The Dursley's were talking about me again."

Harry had told her as soon as she could fully understand, which was quite early on as she was incredibly bright, about Petunia and Vernon being her birth parents but also that it didn't matter, as he was her real dad, now and forever.

"They were talking about how I look too much like you and that if I don't look like them they'll have no reason to keep me! Are they right?" she asked, voice shaking, "can they get rid of me now? Just because that gross drink made me all yours?"

Harry immediately began stroking the girl's hair in comfort. It was true. Originally Alyssa Lily Potter had been the product of Harry's whale of an Uncle and horse-faced Aunt, but since the day she was born she hadn't fit in and so Harry had always cared for her like a father.


"Stupid brat!" Harry heard his Uncle shout as he stormed into the house, "Making us spend my hard earned money, just so she could be born!"

Harry looked up from his work in the back garden to see Vernon Dursley walking, more like waddling, towards him, a tiny pink bundle in his arms.

"Boy!" Vernon yelled stopping halfway across the yard, "This is your responsibility. I don't care what you do with it, keep it, kill it, use it as a plaything when you're older," Vernon smirked at that, whilst Harry shivered, "just keep it out of my way!"

Harry scrambled to his feet as Vernon carelessly threw the bundle in his direction, only just managing to catch it. Looking inside he saw a small pale face surrounded by light blonde hair and blue eyes. The second the day old baby turned her attention to Harry the crying stopped immediately.

"What's her name?" Harry called quickly before Vernon had the chance to close the door.

"Didn't name the thing," he grumbled, "not my job."

Harry looked once more at the infant unable to take his eyes away from her face and knew right then that though he was merely a child himself at seven, he wouldn't leave this poor girl nameless and unloved.

"Alyssa," he smiled softly to himself, "Alyssa Lily Potter"

The baby smiled at him.

End Flashback

Harry, now fifteen and at the end of the school year, had snuck into Knockturn Alley, knowing he could buy the potion he needed with no questions asked. He was worried Alyssa wouldn't want to take it, but after seeing her when he got back from Hogwarts last year, he knew he couldn't allow her to remain a part of the Dursley family any longer.


Harry quickly made his way back to number four Private Drive, after making stops at both Gringotts and a questionable store where he purchased a Blood Adoption Potion, his blood already added. The stop at Gringotts insured his ability to adopt Alyssa when he returned. Only if she wanted him to, that is. Harry was slightly troubled by the thought of his little girl not wanting him to care for her any longer. Arriving at the house he spent his summers in Harry realized his worries were for nothing. There, on the porch stoop sat his petite charge bouncing as she saw the knight bus near.

Harry hopped off the bus with his trunk and waited for it to turn and vanish before grasping his girl in his arms hugging her tight.

"You were late Harry," Alyssa whispered into his shirt grasping him tighter.

"Sorry little one," Harry apologized pulling back to look in her eyes, "it won't happen again" Harry grinned when Alyssa spoke back, "Pinkie Promise?" Nodding he linked their little fingers, "Pinkie Promise."

Harry hugged her again, tighter than last time, only to pull back when she gasped in pain.

"What's wrong?" Harry demanded as he pulled completely back.

When he received no answer he pulled her oversized shirt up to her ribs and spun her around to look at her back. He couldn't hold back his growl when he saw her back covered in bruises and welts, obviously made by a belt.

After questioning Alyssa about the bruises he found the Vernon had placed them on her back after turning Aunt Marge's dog bright pink in anger and fear. Harry had made his decision immediately and had Alyssa sign her name on the adoption papers before pricking her finger for a drop of blood. The effects of the potion took effect immediately and there were noticeable changes. Her thin blonde hair had transformed into a beautiful, thick strawberry blonde, still down to her waist but the most prominent change was to her eyes which were once a mild blue, were now a bright, shining Emerald, Avada Kedavra green, just like Harry and Lily's.

End Flashback

Harry knew that this year he would not leave Privet Drive without Alyssa; that somehow he would bring her with him to Sirius' and then to Hogwarts, even if she was three years too young. Her sleeping, tearstained face only further cemented that plan.

'No', Harry thought to himself, 'she will be safe and she will be loved, and she will be at Hogwarts, no matter what.'

Alyssa subconsciously nestled deeper into Harry's arms.

Yes. He would keep her safe.

A/N2- Hey so things won't be focussed on the canon at all and won't really follow the events of the books or movies. Alyssa is a muggle born. Just thought I'd let you know. Peace Out.

PS- Conditional Surrender is the one who came up with the awesome original concept btw, go check out some of there other works!
