Just a word of warning...This is a Ruzek centric story. Bear in mind before you proceed, I've always been a #Burzek shipper and the whole #Upzek trash has pretty much made me feel ill. Yes, Ruzek had to move on, it was overdue but this current mess is just awful. There is zero chemistry between those two. So if you are a fan of those two together, I'd suggest you stop reading now.

What's up Boss?" Ruzek barely had the chance to shrug off his jacket and hang in on the back of his chair before Voight was calling him into his office. He took one last mouthful of his coffee, it was still hot as all shit and he burnt his mouth. Cursing at himself he left it on his desk to cool off.

His heart skipped at beat when he found Commander Brennan sitting behind his Boss's desk.

"Take a seat Officer Ruzek." The way she emphasised 'Officer' certainly didn't make him feel any better about things. He racked his brains about what possibly this could be about. Things had been pretty quiet since the whole Antonio thing and he thought that was sorted. At least Voight told him so. He was hoping it might be an UC job; he could do with getting out of his own head for a bit. He always loved the challenge of going undercover.

"Commander." He sat.

"Do you know a Magnus Cole?"

"I do. He's a low level dope dealer I've been trying to flip."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

He paused for a moment and thought about his answer. Something Al had drummed into him, especially when it was a white collar who was asking. "A week ago. It's in the books."

"So you didn't see him last night?" She stared at him hard. "At all, off books perhaps."


"Because you were where last night?" Brennan waved her hand around. He wasn't sure if this was a trap or not but he quickly made the decision to not try and talk his way out of things, that hadn't worked well for him in the past but he could keep his answers vague until he figured out what was going on.

"At my girlfriend's house."

"All night?"

He nodded.

"And I will need her name to corroborate your story."

"What's this about?" He looked at Voight who just indicated he should answer the question. "What's this about?" Turning back to Brennan he repeated his question.

"Magnus Cole is dead and a witness puts you are the scene."

All the air left his lungs and the room suddenly felt hot and airless. "Then the witness is lying. I swear Boss." He looked at Voight. "I saw him a week ago, he was still unsure, I said I'd give him two weeks to think it over. I haven't even tried to contact him, check my phone. Both phones."

"Okay." Adam was surprised when his Boss held out his hand for his phone.

"What now?"

"I need your girlfriends number." Brennan interrupted them. She didn't need this turning into another Intelligence Unit cover up. She was onto them.

Reluctantly Adam handed it over. "Stay here." She ordered him, he didn't move.

Voight sat down at his desk but said nothing. The room still felt airless despite having one less person in it. "Boss, I swear I wasn't anywhere near Cole."

He held up his hand. "Just stop Ruzek. Don't say another word. You got an FOP Rep?"

"I don't need one."

"You always need one. This is the second time you've had a CI go south. You don't think she's going to bring that up again? I need you to tell me the truth." Ruzek had already had his badge pulled a few years ago. In the end it was cleared up, Platt pulled some strings and he busted his ass ever since and made sure he always filled in his CI paperwork, he was anal about it and always took the ribbing he got with good grace. He wasn't getting caught up in that shit fight again.

"Not one thing I have said since I walked in this room is a lie." He poked his leg angrily. "Not one god damn thing."

Voight had a sinking feeling when he rocked up at the crime scene and Brennan was already there. It was 3am, it was balls freezing cold and the last thing he needed was grief from a White shirt, particularly one he didn't trust or like. They were still digging themselves out of the Dawson sized hole that Antonio had flung them into.

"Voight." She zeroed in on him. "Can't say I enjoy being called out because of your uncontrollable unit again." There was not an ounce of love lost between them, not even a begrudging respect. "Especially not at 3am."

"If you've got something say just spit it out. I'm cold and tired and can't be fucked pussy footing around with you right now."

Brennan's eyes narrowed and she shoved a business card in his chest. "Want to tell me what Officer Ruzek is doing visiting CI's at midnight? Particularly ones who are now lying dead on the kitchen floor. I've checked the on off books. He didn't call it in."

By the time Ruzek got into the office Voight was even more pissed. Not only had he been at a crime scene until six am, he had Brennan waiting for them in his office which just topped off his morning perfectly. He had asked her to let him handle it but there was a snowflakes chance in hell she was going to let him wriggle off the hook and cover up another one of his Unit's fuck ups.

He had a witness downstairs who swears that Ruzek was leaving the house when she arrived, he jumped in the car and left in a hurry and when she got inside she found her boyfriend, although that apparently was a term to use very loosely.

Voight had stood over the body; nothing about what he saw made sense. The victim was beaten to death, his face caved in. Ruzek was a hot head, he could throw a punch but he wasn't violent and this was a violent death. He'd bet his last dime that Ruzek didn't do this, but he had a business card, a witness and an Officer that so far hadn't given his side of the story along with a Commander who was out to bury him one way or the other. She wasn't going to slow down, or look at any other possibility. She was out for Voight's blood and if that meant taking down Ruzek then she'd have no hesitation.

Antonio alluded her grasp and they couldn't pin shit on him for the whole Al debacle so she was moving onto the next in line. One thing was for certain, at some point she'd get her man.

Ruzek was bouncing his leg up and down nervously. "What's she doing?"

"What do you think she's doing?" Voight snapped. "Checking your story. You wanna hope it stacks up."

"I don't have to hope for anything. I told you the truth. However many times you wanna ask the story stays the same."

"Hey." Voight threw his pen across the desk. "I hardly think you are in any position to be a smart ass right now. Do you?"

Brennan reappeared and she looked pissed and held out her hand. "Officer Ruzek. I need your badge and gun. You are relieved of your duties until further notice."

"What? Why?"

"Officer Ruzek, your badge." Reluctantly Adam handed them over. "You can go home. I will call you when you are needed at the Ivory Tower. Don't leave town. Don't talk to anyone." She indicated with her head that he was dismissed. "And I mean anyone, you hear me?"

Snatching his jacket from his desk he didn't even stop to acknowledge his team. They were all at their desks wondering what the hell was going on. Upton got up and followed him. "Adam. What's going on?" she caught up with him in the locker room where he was grabbing his bag.

"You tell me?" he snarled as he slammed his locker door.

"What's going on?"

When he didn't answer Hayley stood in front of the doorway, blocking his exit. He glared at her with an icy look that she'd never seen before until she took a step to the side and left without another word.