Author's Note: I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy lately! Here's a chapter for our lovable sovereign of Nazarick! The Supreme Being Lady Kishinami! By the way, I mistakenly called Imina by 'Irma' in the last chapter, a bit of misspelling there.

P.S. I had extreme difficulty in writing this chapter, mostly because I was trying to figure out how exactly this test will go for Foresight and them joining Hakuno's project. Then I decided to just screw it and wing it, that's how Ainz-sama does it sometimes!

A Supreme One, an Inheritor, an Victor, She is described in many things. But can the girl of the moon keep a new world from the destruction caused by her friends? Or will the distant star devour all before then?

Digital/Supreme One

Chapter 13: Adventitious Results

Hakuno Kishinami could figure out easily enough, with the state of Foresight in the Fourth Chamber, the final barrier between her and the unknowing party, that they had little chance at victory. As she assumed, the New World's power scaling, or at the least, this particular group, was much lower than the planned opponents they were meant to face. They were exhausted, low on mana, it would be simple to defeat them.

She had grown complacent in YGGDRASIL. The online game might have been focused on harsh player versus player points, but it had plenty of safety nets. By its design, it was just a game, nothing like the rigors of the Holy Grail War. It was an environment where death was not the deletion of the soul and where actions had no real consequences.

That's not to say she was naive, unlike other Players, the guildmates of Ainz Ooal Gown did not shy away from complaining about the cruel, hopeless world they lived in. This very fact served to educate Hakuno on their livelihoods, but also where and when the Moon Cell had sent her exactly.

However, Hakuno had been limited in what she could do for her friends. Any use of Spirit Hacking to access networks outside of YGGDRASIL was risk and return, especially when later on the developers seemed to catch on the fact that somebody was hacking by using YGGDRASIL's networks as a proxy.

Not the case here.

This may have been to help Shalltear Bloodfallen as well as her own project Traveller, but Hakuno wasn't going to stand idle as another Worker team died due to her negligence. She could always find another method to help Shalltear regain her confidence, but not at the cost of human lives.

She mentally apologized to the Black Gems, they didn't deserve their fate. But it was too late to do anything and using [Resurrection Wand] would cause problems.

"They're approaching," Hakuno noticed.

Foresight's members: Hekkeran, Roberdyck, Imina, Arche had now entered the final chamber of the predetermined trials. An Elder Lich in the guise of a Necromancer for this scenario now stood in their path. Unlike the Elder Lich before, which was a Pop Monster generated by the Great Tomb of Nazarick. This particular Elder Lich had been created by Momonga's [Summon Undead].

As a Necromancer-focused build, Momonga's undead summons received greater benefits. This meant that this particular Elder Lich was of a higher level than the previous one.

However, considering how Foresight and Black Gems struggled or failed so far, Hakuno Kishinami was thinking of intervening.

It was hard to distinguish how powerful an individual was. Unlike in YGGDRASIL, where an entity is easily quantified in numbers or the Moon Cell where Masters can gather knowledge on enemies to fill the Information Matrix, the New World didn't have the guided interfaces of the cyberworld.

Sure, there were methods to examine someone. Code Casts, [Skills], [Tier Magic] are all ways Hakuno had access to through her own abilities, items, or comrades.

However, it was impossible to have a way to distinguish everything.

Hence, Hakuno Kishinami was basing her decision to intervene on the performance of the Workers.

But, when exactly should she?

As Foresight approached, Hakuno used a spell to listen in, the blonde hair magic caster Arche spoke up, "I can tell he's a Fourth Tier magic caster."

Hakuno blinked, that girl had a way to detect the highest tier available for a target? It wasn't a spell either, perhaps it was one of those [Talents] that Momonga spoke to her about before?

The Elder Lich began speaking, his back faced the group as his hands were raised in the air in an act, "You interrupt me before my ritual's completion. The group before you met despair for such a deed."

"What kind of ritual?" Hekkeran, the de-facto leader of Foresight, asked in a wary tone, his mace raised in preparation as the other party members spread out in a formation.

"Why a ritual to extract the power of Supreme One," The Lich replied, though no such ritual actually existed.

"A Supreme One?" The half-elf archer, Imina, questioned. "Is that some sort of older undead?"

"Those that are beyond gods. I had found a slumbering one, but it let loose a fragment of itself before I could keep it sleeping. But, it was of little consequence," the Elder Lich smiled. "Most of this Supreme One's power is within my grasp."

"Not if we stop you first," Hekkeran replied. "It was strange how unusual a quest this was from the beginning."

The magic caster, Arche, agreed, "I don't believe something beyond a god can exist. But you are a threat."

Roberdyck stepped forward with a raised symbol, "Prepare Lich, we won't let humanity suffer."

The Elder Lich faced them, "Then perish and serve me in death! [Summon Undead 4th]!" He waved his arm forward and four spots of light lit up from the floor, calling forth the same number of skeletal warriors.

"[Turn Undead]!" Roberdyck shouted as a golden light shined from his holy symbol, however, it did not exorcise the skeletal warriors unlike the weaker opponents in the previous chambers. It did manage to repel them for a brief time, allowing Foresight more breathing room and for Roberdyck to follow up by casting on their leader. "[Lesser Strength], [Anti-Evil Protection]."

"[Martial Art: Physical Boost]!" Hekkeran shouted his Martial Art as he charged forward and swung his mace at the nearest skeletal warrior. His body lit up in a flow of motion, "[Smash]!" A direct hit tumbled down the summon.

Imina launched an arrow towards the Elder Lich, hoping to pin him and prevent further spells. However, it was simply avoided by floating out of the way.

Arche raised her staff, "[Twin Magic: Magic Arrow]!" In response, six arrows of light shot out and struck against a skeletal warrior, damaging it.

They were doing relatively well for a start, but Hakuno Kishinami knew that they were already exhausted. Even if they rested for a bit, they hadn't recovered enough strength to defeat the Elder Lich enhanced by Momonga, let alone with additional summoned undead.

The skeletal warriors began to push back, even as Roberdyck joined the melee with Hekkeran, the two couldn't handle three of the fourth-tier summons at once. Though Foresight dealt damage to them, the problem lied in that the Elder Lich was not giving them the opportunity. Their magic caster, Arche, probably didn't have the mana capacity for higher tier spells and their ranger lacked the gear to deal any significant harm. In fact, considering their level of strength, Foresight lacked the YGGDRASIL gear for it.

Not surprisingly, this world didn't have drops appear from every monster like in the game.

"[Fireball]." The Elder Lich released a ball of fire which exploded at the epic-center of the front lines and skeletal warriors. As the undead took additional damage from fire attacks, it was no surprise that those effected, namely, two perished in the aftermath of friendly fire. As for the men, they were left reeling back with injuries.

Luckily, their divine caster went to work, "[Mass Cure Light Wounds.]" Roberdyck stated as a dim green light enveloped both himself and Hekkeran, restoring their health to a certain degree.

"Weak, you are all weak," The Elder Lich mocked. "Even if you were fully rested, none of you would stand a chance. Yet, despite the warnings with all the undead, you foolishly persisted. For what reason? Did you come here merely for coin?"

This was asking their intentions, to decipher if the Worker team was driven only by greed.

"What does an Elder Lich like you care?" Imina said.

"Let's say that it's a curiosity of the goals behind those I turn undead."

"So you can find amusement out of our hopes and dreams?" Imina continued with her sharp eyes glaring at their enemy.

It revealed a terrifying grin to answer that.

Arche gripped her staff, "Monster."

Roberdyck looked to his leader, "What do we do, Hekkeran?"

Hekkeran narrowed his eyes towards the Elder Lich, "I don't think he'd let us retreat. We'll have to gamble. If you handle the remaining skeleton, I'll go all-out in melee. As he's a magic caster, he's vulnerable up close." He glanced back at Arche and Imina. "Can you distract him?"

Imina nodded, while Arche answered, "I can use my remaining mana for a third tier spell."

"Then do that," Hekkeran replied. "[Martial Art: Limit Breaker! Dull Pain! Physical Boost! Iron Fist!]"

"Argh!" Roberdyck roared as he swung his spiked flail, which smashed it against the remaining skeleton.

"Don't think I'll let you! Fire-" Elder Lich was interrupted by a volley of arrows. "Annoying!" The summon shouted and moved to avoid them.

"[Lightning]!" Arche yelled as a bolt of electrical energy shot forward in a straight line at the Elder Lich.

"Agh!" The undead grunted in pain from the spell, but it ended quickly.

"Take this!" Hekkeran roared as he swung his mace with all his might- And missed by a hair. The man's eyes widened in shock.

The Elder Lich grinned maliciously as a ball of lightning formed in between his arms. "[Thunderball]." In that instant, it exploded in a large area of effect, electrifying all the members of Foresight. Imina, Arche, and Roberdyck fell to their knees breathing heavily, Hekkeran remained standing but shaken. The Lich touched him and inflicted negative energy, causing the leader to collapse on the ground.

Hakuno Kishinami knew at that moment, the tables had turned entirely. They were now spent.

But, she suddenly had an idea.

Her magic circuits activated with the brief imagery of an urban city lit aflame.

Hakuno spoke, "Code Cast: Speaker."

It was a Code Cast with the purpose of allowing her voice to carry a further distance since she hadn't access to the [Message] skill without the use of an item. She had to improvise.

She bit her lip, then began speaking to Foresight, disrupting the Elder Lich and halting his aggressiveness. But she had to make it seem like the undead couldn't hear her.

"Workers… My apologies for withholding the information. The Lich that binds the majority of my essence holds me in check, but he can not hear me now." She felt it a bit fantasy-troped, like a few Light Novels that her Guildmates managed to sneakily write into Nazarick's library.

Still, Foresight clearly heard her by their emotive reactions of sudden surprise.

Hakuno continued, "I am the Supreme Being, Lady Kishinami." She could practically see Saber grinning at her acting. "Tell me, truthfully, why do you travel and fight? Why are you separate from those called adventurers?"

At first, they were quiet, the Elder Lich was chuckling madly incoherently to maintain his act. Then, one by one, whether by desperation or not, they answered.

"I wanted to heal the people without restriction," Roberdyck answered as he shakingly stood up. "To help and not be restrained by those with greed."

Imina glanced to Hekkeran, "At first… Because I hadn't the choice… But now due to someone else." She looked over to the rest, "As well as friends who cared."

Hekkeran coughed out blood, he rolled over on his stomach, "I wanted to be one. An adventurer… But I was forced to be a worker. However I kept a rule, that I would… would care for my party members," His arms struggled to lift him. "I won't let them die."

"The purging of nobles left my family in debt… My… Foolish parents kept a leash on my sisters," Arche responded last with ragged breath. "I wanted to free them and settle elsewhere, I needed the money for that."

Hakuno smiled from her hidden location, all solid reasons, they will do just fine for her first team. She spoke in response, "Accept a small portion of my power, for this lone moment, you shall become Travelers."

She ended her that particular Code Cast and casted over Foresight.

"[Widen Magic] Code Cast: Heal 64."

"Code Cost: Mp Heal 16."

"[Widen Magic] Code Cast: Triple Enhancement 16."

"[Widen Magic] Code Cast: Offense 16."

The first and last were self-explanatory, the restoration of health and the boosting of offensive capabilities. The second Code Cast restored mana to a target, which she directed at their magic caster, Arche. However, Triple Enhancement wasn't a Code Cast available during the Moon Holy Grail War, rather it was a Code Cast that Hakuno Kishinami learned over the course of YGGDRASIL. Instead of singling out an attribute to buff, it increased Agility, Luck, and Endurance together by a smaller margin. Of course, the attributes of 'Luck' and 'Endurance' didn't exist in YGGDRASIL, so it was mistaken as increased critical hit chance and both physical and magical defense.

Still, the guildmates always thought her ability to restore 'mana' was probably one of her best spells. Even though the context between what they refer to as 'mana' and what was to her 'magical energy' was different.

The Elder Lich looked quite shocked as the entire team of Foresight was enhanced in a myriad of colored lights, as if blessed by a divine power. Although, the undead knew the truth of the matter, still did his part. Hekkeran, Imina, Roberdyck, and Arche now stood up with their injuries fully healed and immense power coursing through their bodies. So stunning were the spells cast upon them that even their professionalism couldn't stop them from pausing for a moment in complete astoundment.

Hakuno blinked… Did… Did she overdo it? With the exception of the first, the rest were the lowest grade Cost Casts.

Arche reacted first, "[Maximise Boosted Magic: Magic Arrow]!" She shouted as she aimed her staff towards the Elder Lich. A trio of yellow magical arrows shot forth with immense speed and precision, striking the Elder Lich with devastating effect, knocking him back.

"Gah! What!" The Elder Lich hadn't expected such an increase in power. Then a jagged arrow released from Imina's bow which pierced the Elder Lich's shoulder. He stumbled out of his floating movement for a brief moment, allowing both Hekkeran and Roberdyck to follow up their comrade's assault with a combination of melee strikes from both mace and spiked flail.

Overwhelmed by the buffed Foresight, the Elder Lich didn't get a chance to retaliate. The summoned undead perished under the barrage of the reinvigorated, enhanced worker team.

Hakuno Kishinami rushed to begin her original plan in revealing herself, in her haste, she forgot an important detail… Deactivating her magic circuits from her earlier usage.

As such, when she appeared before them in a flash of teleportation, she got an unexpected reaction, beyond the expected attention towards her.

The young blonde girl magic caster collapsed on her knees immediately after looking at her.

Shocked by the sudden collapse, Hakuno asked, "Are… Are you alright?"

Arche trailed off in a string of words, "Goddess… She's a goddess… It's… There's no other explanation… A goddess."

"Arche, what's the matter?" Hekkeran asked as he warily looked at Hakuno.

"Her magical power… It is so immense… As if the close up of full moon was cast down on us."

"So… What that Elder Lich said about a fragment?" Imina said. "And that voice…"

Roberdyck pieced it together and bowed down, "Supreme One, Lady Kishinami."

Arche followed his actions, her eyes facing the ground, "Lady Kishinami. Goddess."

Imina and Hekkeran copied their comrades' actions, with Imina speaking, "We thank you for your aid against the Elder Lich, Lady Kishinami."

"Without your aid, we would have perished. Thank you," Hekkeran said.

She blinked, this reaction was almost reverence, it was difficult to know how to respond. Hakuno tried to follow her earlier script instead, "The spells on you are only temporary. I cast them to help those I call Travelers, individuals in my service that help the world," She said. Of course, they were likely to be hesitant. "For stopping the Elder Lich from taking my essence, I can designate you as Travelers-"

"Yes, please!" Arche said. "I will become a Traveler!"
