Well, I hate to say this, but in light of the recent news (i.e. Spider-man not existing in the MCU any more) I won't be continuing this fic at the present time. Even since before Endgame came out, I was getting irritated with the MCU, and Spider-man was really the only thing I was still interested in. And well...obviously that's shot to hell lol

So I'm just bummed out and have basically lost the drive to write this fic anymore.

But it's not just about the fic. It's the whole thing. It's upsetting to know the Peter Parker we've come to love (the best that's ever been portrayed in any of the movies, in my opinion) will inevitably be very different now. And they can say he won't change as much as they want, but at the end of the day, he will. It'd be impossible for that not to happen, as there's really no version of this Peter without what he's learned from Tony. Without him interacting with Happy. Or any of them, really.

I waited to post anything, hoping Disney and Sony would come to some kind of agreement, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen. If they do at some point in the future, I'm definitely going to start this story back up again. Or maybe, if in some weird way, Sony's new Spider-man movies turn out okay (and Tom is still Peter) I may continue it. If I even go see them, that is lol

Anyway, thanks for all your support and love for my stupid little story and oc's.

Bye (hopefully just for now)