This story contains; foul language, violence, blood/gore.

Ships: None(for now, subject to change- no Zack x Ray)

Disclaimer: I do not own Angels of Death or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter 1

Edward groaned softly as he slowly awakened, his groggy eyes fluttering open to reveal a dark room. He lifted his head, hissing softly as the movement in his neck felt stiff. He brought a hand up to rub the back of his sore neck, and as his awareness returned, he took notice that he was seated on a wooden chair.

"Al?" He called out, voice raspy. He suddenly grew aware of how thirsty he was. He licked his lips, and stood up steadily, taking a quick look around the room for anything familiar. The room was small and plain, with the only light coming from a window directly behind his chair, sending pale blue moon light into the room.

"This definitely isn't home…" Ed mused and frowned, his brows furrowing. Running a hand through his golden hair, he tried to recall something, anything... but all he remembered was settling down on his train to Resembool to take a nap.

Wait, no. He paused. I… I faintly remember… something. Try as he might, he couldn't unearth the memory from the far reaches of his mind without his head starting to throb.

Leaving it alone for now, Ed turned to the moon in the window, staring at it, and he couldn't help but find it looked fake somehow. The room itself felt sterile and… wrong. Something seemed out of place to him and it was hard to place what it was. His frown deepened, and he turned around, approaching the door, seeing as it was all that was there for him.

It creaked open quietly, and he peaked out, letting his eyebrows raise. The hall he walked into felt wrong as well, when by all means it just looked like an ordinary hallway. His eyes traveled up the walls, squinting to find what was-


Objects lined the ceiling, looking like incredibly small cameras judging by the lenses on them. He stared. It looked like if he were to take one, it would fit perfectly in the palm of his hands. He'd never seen a camera like those before.

"…Huh." He breathed out softly, just as the door across from him opened. He blinked in surprise as a young girl stared up at him, equally surprised. She was blonde, with her long hair trailing down her back, and blue eyes filled with concern stared at him.

Ed next noticed her expression change to an odd look as she regarded him, as if he looked strange to her. He also saw the cautious glint in her eyes and posture, judging by how her petite frame tensed up at the sight of him.

"Who are you?" She asked softly, staring up at Ed. She held the door somewhat in front of her as a form or protection and gripped the handle slung over her shoulder.

"I'm Edward Elric." He said, offering her a small smile. She couldn't be anymore than eleven, judging by her youthful appearance, and he didn't want to frighten her. "And you are?"

She seemed to relax at his calming smile, relaxing her grip on the handle of her bag. "Rachel Gardner." She introduced herself.

"Where are your parents?" Ed asked, raising his eyebrows at her. She glanced away in response, her shoulders hunched up.

"I… I don't know." Rachel answerd softly, and before Ed could reply, she continued. "Do you know where we are, Mr. Elric?" She then asked, looking at him and tilting her head.

At that, Ed frowned. He didn't have the slightest clue for where he was. Not wanting to lie to her, he shook his head. Rachel frowned, and not wanting to upset her, he quickly spoke up. "But, I bet we'll figure out where we are if we continue down the hall." He said, and then smiled. "And you don't have to call me mister. Ed is just fine with me."

Rachel quietly nodded, and the two walked beside each other down the hall, finding only one door, and a message scrawled on the wall. The duo looked at the words curiously, and Rachel stepped forward to read them, running her hand across the cool wall.

"Who really are you?

You should ask yourself.

Who am I?

The real myself or the one I believe to be?

An angel? Or a sacrifice?

Know yourself and new doors will open."

"Well, that certainly lightened up the mood." Ed said sarcastically, causing Rachel to giggle lightly. He smiled at her as she turned to look at him, and he pulled the door open as he gestured to her. "Ladies first."

He followed her as she set foot into the room, spotting a single typewriter before a wall of mirrors, and an elevator to Ed's right.

"It just looks like us." Rachel noted, nodding to the mirror. Ed nods in agreement, staring at his reflection for a moment as the message on the wall repeated in his head.

"Who am I? …"An angel or a sacrifice"… this is weird..., Ed mused to himself. The blondes approached the typewriter, with Rachel regarding it curiously.

"What's this doing here?" She asked softly, with Ed stopping beside her. The two jolted as the contraption suddenly sprung to life, quickly typing out words for the duo to read.

"How the hell is it doing that?" Ed exclaimed, pointing at the device as his eyes widened. Alchemy? No, alchemy can't do something like that. Can it? Ed stared as it stopped, letting his eyes roam over the page.


Silence stretched between the two, with blue eyes meeting gold in confusion. Rachel then steeled herself, looking at the paper as she gripped the handle of her bag.

"Rachel Gardner." She said slowly. Tapping filled the air.


"Thirteen." Ed looked at her, mildly surprised. A bit older than he expected.


Rachel bit her lip. "I was at a hospital, and suddenly I was here." She said softly.


At that, the girl seemed taken aback. Ed frowned a bit, looking at her in concern as the silence went on.

"Rachel-?" He asked softly, when the typing continued.




She took a frightened step back, and Ed carefully laid his hand on her shoulder to steady her. Rachel, frowning, lowered her gaze to the floor.

"I… I saw someone die… murdered, right in front of me... So I was brought in for counseling." She answered, her voice so soft and sad. Ed felt his heart clench. How awful…


Rachel continued. "I want to get out of this place, and go home to my mom and dad." She said, staring at the typewriter now.


"Me?" Ed spoke up, feeling his shoulders tense.


Ed paused, his mind trying to comprehend the pieces to the puzzle he was given. So, it basically wants the same information. Why? He didn't like it one bit, but it seemed necessary to continue.

"Edward Elric."


"Eighteen." He noticed Rachel look at him in surprise in the corner of his eye.


"I don't know." Ed answered, frowning. "I remember getting onto a train and taking a nap, and suddenly I'm here."


Ed narrowed his eyes a bit. "None of your business." He said bluntly, crossing his arms now.

The typewriter seemed to pause, and Ed could imagine the bastard behind this not being pleased with his evasiveness. He smirked at the thought. It continued.


"Get out of here and go home." He answered simply, and Rachel nodded in agreement.

Beside them, Ed heard a heavy clank, followed by metal doors sliding open as warm light steamed out. Ed and Rachel turned to look, seeing that the elevator was now open. The two shared a look, before they both ventured into the elevator. Ed took notice of speakers mounted in the corners, which came to life as they set foot into the space.

"The two on the bottom level have been confirmed as sacrifices. All floors; please begin your preparations at once." An automated, female voice came through, and it's words made Ed's blood run cold.

Sacrifices? Oh, HELL no.

Ed grabbed Rachel's wrist as he turned to bolt out of the elevator, only for the doors to close in his face.

"Damnit!" Ed said, scowling as he let go of Rachel's have to punch the door. He couldn't believe it. He was a sacrifice, again, but this time here he was with a little girl who was also to be a sacrifice? What kind of religious nut jobs-

"Ed?" Rachel spoke up, shaking him from his thoughts. She was gripping her bag's handle tightly, knuckles white from the pressure. "What did that voice mean by sacrifices?" She asked, staring at him.

Ed stared, unsure of what to say to her. He could see how scared Rachel was. He had a good idea what it meant, but how could he tell her? Here she was, an innocent little kid in a possible life or death situation. Sure, he'd seen lots of scarring things by the time he was thirteen, but this felt so much different from what he's seen before. He had to comfort her somehow…

Say something, idiot!

Ed licked his suddenly dry lips, inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly. "I-"

The elevator jolted, startling them both. Ed stepped back as the doors opened slowly. The automated voice returned;

"You're now entering; the play area."