The lights flickered, and then turned off.

"Grave destroyers." The voice of a young boy echoed from the darkness.

"What the fuck-" Zack began with a start, and was interrupted by childish giggling.

Immediately, the two men were on high alert. Zack brandished his scythe threateningly, and Ed balled up his fists, eyes straining to see through the darkness. It was hard to make out, but across the room stood a newcomer, and Ed knew they had to be the killer on this floor. Ed... was a little underwhelmed at the sight before them, however. Even a little disheartened. Hearing the voice was one thing, but from what he could see, the resident of this floor was very clearly a kid. He was small, and he was wearing baggy work overalls,. A burlap sack sat on his head and obscured his appearance, and it had two eye holes and a mouth hole cut into it. In his hands, he wielded a shovel. It was hard to tell his age, though Ed had a feeling he might have been around Rachel's age.

The boy drove the spade into the stone floor, and Ed could feel the heated glare this child was leveling at him and Zack.

"Hello, Zack. Edward." The boy greeted, "I can't believe you'd just destroy those graves. I spent a really long time working on those, just for you!"

"...I hope you're not lumping me in with him." Ed jabbed his thumb in Zack's direction, and he knew Zack had to have been glaring at him. "I didn't touch those graves, kid."

"You know, I figured as much. You seem like you're smarter than him."

"I'm right fuckin' here!" Zack growled loudly. He pointed his scythe at the kid. "Besides, the big boulder was mine, wasn't it? You don't think it was a shitty excuse for a grave?"

The kid giggled, moving forward. Ed watched him carefully as he moved to the right of the room, closer to Ed. "Actually, I thought it was fitting for an idiot like you. Besides, I was in a hurry! You were coming to this floor faster than expected. At least I don't have to fix it, it's still the perfect grave for you."

"I'm gonna put you in a grave, brat!" Zack snarled, sounding like he was close, and something in Ed's gut told him to duck. He did so, dropping to his hands and knees as he felt the swing of Zack's scythe above him. Ed yelped, then he growled, grabbing onto Zack's leg.

"Watch where you swing that thing, you idiot!" He shouted, gripping onto the fabric of his pants, and Zack seemed startled himself. He couldn't see the other man too clearly. Ed felt Zack's hand collide with his forehead, pushing him back, but Ed held on.

"Then don't get so fuckin' close to me! Now let go!"

"Jeez, maybe I was wrong about you being smarter." The kid's voice suddenly came from the left side of the room, causing Ed and Zack to pause in their bickering as they looked towards the kid. They could see him, standing with his arms behind his head, shovel dangling from his hands, and he continued speaking. "My name isn't brat, by the way. It's Eddie!"

"I don't care!" Zack snapped, kicking Ed off of him, and he lunged forward, trying to hit Eddie again. Ed pushed himself up to his feet, feeling his heart lurch into his throat.

"Zack, stop swinging! You're gonna hurt someone!" He shouted.

"That's the point, pipsqueak." Zack snarled in response.

"You two are so loud! I don't know how she can stand the two of you." Eddie whined, sounding entirely too nonchalant. "Speaking of which, I can't believe you ruined her grave. I worked so hard on it..."


"You mean Rachel?" Ed asked, looking in the direction of Eddie. He could vaguely see him in the darkness now that his eyes were used to it. His heart jolted as he saw Zack swing at him again, but he felt relief at the kid's quick reflexes, dodging the attack. Being careful of the rubble, he walked up behind Zack, and grabbed his shoulder tightly. "Stop. We can't see a thing, and you're gonna hurt yourself." He warned. Zack protested, but when Ed squeezed his shoulder, he shrugged his hand off and lowered his weapon.

Eddie giggled to himself, holding a gloved hand to his face. "Yes, Rachel..." He sighed dreamily. "She's so cute. As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to make her mine... that's why I made her that grave!"

"...What?" Ed asked incredulously.

Eddie took that as a cue to continue. "I've always dug graves for people, even before I was brought here. But man, was it getting boring... Now, don't get me wrong!" He waved a hand in front of him, resting his shovel against his shoulder. "I like making graves! But I don't feel anything for the people who go in them... There's no beauty with them. But with Rachel... I want to make her the perfect grave. She's close to my age, you know... I think we're perfect for each other!"

Ed and Zack stared at the kid in silence.


"What's so funny?!" Eddie yelled as Zack devolved into a fit of laughter. Ed glanced at Zack from the corner of his eye in utter disbelief. Really?

"You're so fuckin' delusional, brat!" Zack barked, practically howling with laughter.

Ed could see that the kid was shaking, and held his hands up awkwardly. "Look... Eddie, was it? I think I get it. You see a cute girl and you get a crush... But just me, digging a grave and putting her in it is not the way to go... Not the most romantic thing in the world, y'know?"

Eddie stomped his foot, shouting. "It'll be romantic for us! She wants to die, doesn't she?"

At that, Zack shut up pretty fast. The air was growing tense around them, and Ed didn't like it.

"Then I think it's perfect. If I make her a grave and kill her, it will be a true act of love." Eddie held a hand to his heart. "An angel like her deserves a clean death! But..." He let out a giggle, his voice growing softer. "If she wants it to be messy, then I can do messy, too..."

"Okay, now I'm gonna be sick." Zack muttered.

"You guys have a silly deal with her right now, right? If she gets out, Zack here gets to kill her?" Eddie asked.

"Well, not really-" Ed clarified, but Eddie spoke over him.

"That's not going to do... because I'm going to be the one who kills her." The kid's voice took on a dangerous tone, and the temperature felt as if it dropped in the room.

"Keep dreaming, kid!" Zack shouted, running forward with the intent to swipe. Ed grit his teeth, and he dove after him, tackling the killer to the floor. The two landed with a thud and grunt, with Ed landing on Zack's back.

"Get off me, pipsqueak!" Zack screeched, struggling to push himself up.

"Then stop fucking swinging that thing!" Ed shouted back, and the two paused as they heard Eddie's giggle.

"Have fun, idiots!" It sounded like his voice was getting further away, and when the lights flickered back on, they were alone.

Ed sat up, blinking as he looked around. "Where..."

"Hey." Zack's voice was gruff and tense. "Get the fuck off of me."

Ed scrambled off of his perch on Zack's back, getting to his feet, and he offered a hand to the killer. "Sorry. I couldn't think of any other way to stop you." He muttered. Zack eyed the hand offered to him, and ultimately ignored it, getting to his feet by himself. Ed pulled his hand back.

"Where'd the brat go?" He growled out, dusting himself off.

"I don't..." Ed trailed off as his eyes landed on the crevice in the wall, and his heart dropped.


Rachel made her way back into the archive room quietly, shining her flashlight towards the door on the other side. "Let's see if it's open." She said quietly, walking around the center table.

She reached out, taking the knob in her hand, and gave it a tentative twist. Thankfully, it unlocked, and she smiled slightly at the fact she was correct about the switch. Opening the door, she was met with a long and dark hallway. She took a deep breath before she ventured within. The air was cold before, but it only seemed to drop the further she went. She was soon shivering lightly, gritting her teeth to prevent them from chattering.

The hallway soon opened up into a large room, and it was the coldest room Rachel had been in yet. There seemed to be two pools of water to her right, and to her left there appeared to be a freezer. She walked to the middle of the room, looking around with a small frown.

A giggle echoed around her, and she swung her flashlight around. "Who's there?" She called out.

"Hello, Rachel!" A young boy's voice greeted her, and she moved in a circle, trying to find him. She seemed to be alone, and that made her brows furrow. "You have a wish, and I want you to know that I can grant it for you."

"...What?" Rachel mumbled under her breath, eyes gazing at everything around her. Was he hiding? There wasn't really any places to hide from what she could see, however.

"But listen..." She whipped around, facing the two pools of water, but nothing was there. The voice continued. "I want something in return. I want you to... to trust yourself with me. Because I want to share my love with you."


"I know you want to die. I can do it for you, Rachel. So please..."

She hear someone move behind her just as her flashlight flicked off. "Tell me 'yes'."

Rachel turned to look at him, and she regarded the boy before her quietly, as best as she could in the dim light. He... was admittedly, not what she was expecting in the slightest. Is he shorter than me?

The boy seemed excited. "It's great to finally meet you, Rachel! My name is Eddie." He said gleefully, and he almost seemed a bit bashful. Rachel took a single step back, but suddenly, he was behind her again. "Please don't run away, Rachel. I'm not going to kill you out of the blue like the others, you know."

Eddie stepped to her side, and he snickered a little as she moved away from him. "Like that Zack! He's always so messy about his kills."

Rachel didn't speak, she just carefully backed further away from Eddie, who continued talking. "I know you, Rachel. I know a lot about you, actually! Like your parents, the people you knew... everything, really."

"Everything?" Rachel asked quietly, a little unnerved.

"Yep!" Eddie nodded, seeming to be proud of this fact, and oblivious to her discomfort. If he knows everything, then...

Rachel licked her dry lips, and took a step forward. "Why am I here, Eddie?" She asked.

Eddie tilted his burlap sack head. "You don't remember?" He asked curiously, and at her nod, he shrugged. "That's okay if you don't! It's not important anyways. What is important..."

He took a step forward, and Rachel took a step back.

" that I can give you a painless death, Rachel." Eddie spoke in a soft, almost loving tone, and for a second, Rachel thought the face on the sack was smiling. "I'm make you the perfect grave. You can sleep in peace forever here."

Rachel averted her gaze, staring down at the floor. It... felt a little too good to be true, all things considered. She could just die here... end it all once and for all. It was what she wanted...

But what about Ed and Zack?

"Please Rachel." Eddie continued, suddenly very close to her. "Please say yes..."


Ed shouted into the abyss on the other side of the wall, hoping his voice would reach her, but it only seemed to echo back at him. Behind him, Zack pushed Ed's head down, leaning forward to yell as well.

"Oi, little bitch! You better get your ass back here right now!" His voice echoed back as well, and he growled under his breath. "She's gotta be too far in."

"Gee, no kidding." Ed muttered, swatting Zack's hand off his head. His mind was beginning to race, trying to figure out where she could be. "There has to be another... Wait!" He snapped his fingers, pushing Zack back so he could move away from the wall.

He began to run towards the room's exit, shouting over his shoulder. "Zack, this way!"

"Where are we going?" He shouted back, hurrying after Ed.

Ed paused enough for Zack to catch up with, and then the duo ran side by side, with Ed leading Zack to the morgue. "This room, there's a false wall in place- I found it earlier." He stated as they hurried inside, shivering at the temperature of the room. They quickly approached the wall, Zack regarding it skeptically, and Ed pressed his ear to the wall, listening intently.

"It just looks like a wall-"

"Shh!" Ed quickly shushed him, and ignored the annoyed look that crossed Zack's features.

Rachel found herself backed up against the wall as Eddie came closer.

"Say your wish out loud, Rachel." He encouraged, speaking gently.

"...I want to die." She replied quietly.

"See? I knew that you would say that." He said with a giggle. "I want to be the one to kill you, so just... say yes."

Rachel remained silent, not looking at him.

Eddie seemed to get impatient as the silence stretched on, finally breaking it as he exclaimed, "Rachel, I'm starting to get annoyed! Is it because of those two idiots?"

Her eyes flicked up to look at Eddie finally.

"Why are you with Zack and Edward?" Eddie asked, and his mask looked as if it were frowning in the darkness.

"Well..." Rachel began. "Zack..."

She thought back to B5, as Ed and her first confronted Zack. Her request for him to end her life, and the deal they had made as a compromise to everyone's wishes.

"You help me escape this damn building, and you get out alive. And, if she still wants to die by the time we get out of here... I get to slaughter her."

"He promised he'd kill me, if I still want to die. And Ed..." His voice echoed through her mind.

"There's no doubt in my mind that this place is dangerous, but I promise I'll make sure that nothing in this building will hurt you.

"I'll be fucking damned if I let her die."

"...He wants to help me regain my will to live."

Eddie scoffed. "Oh, don't make me laugh! Those are two different things that just don't work together! And Ed's wish goes completely against your own." He pointed his finger at Rachel. "Out of anyone in this place, he shouldn't get to decide who lives and who dies. Tell me Rachel, do you want to die right now?"

She nodded tentatively.

"Then let me kill you right now. I'll fulfill your wish." He sounded affectionate as he spoke to her.

"How will they get out?" She asked, staring at Eddie.

"Who cares?" He said flippantly.

"Who cares?"

"I hear them! Ed said loudly.

Together, they both slammed their fists against the wall, hoping they could be heard. Zack called out. "Hey! Are you over there, Dead Eyes?"

"...First Gold Eyes, and now Dead Eyes? You need to remember our names, man, it's not hard..." Ed muttered, glancing up at Zack, who simply glared in return.

"Hey! Are you over there, Dead Eyes?"

Rachel's eyes widened at the voice, muffled from the wall between them. "Zack?" She whispered.

Eddie sighed. "Oh, not that voice... Listen, Rachel, I want you to choose. Who's going to kill you? Me, or Zack?" Eddie moved down, bending to one knee as Rachel watched him, and he held his hand out to her. She suddenly felt as if she were being proposed to.

"Rachel, my love..." Eddie spoke with a dreamy sound to his voice. "I know what you want, and I'll give it to you. You won't regret picking me."

Rachel eyed his outstretched hand, feeling her heart thump in her chest. If she took his hand... then she would die.

That's what I want... isn't it?

Slowly, she reached for his hand.