I do not own Game of Thrones.

The night King's Landing came under siege came with ringing bells and panicking people. While it was troublesome for the city's inhabitants and the guards trying to guard the city, it was perfect for Arya. The guards were too busy on the ground to bother keeping an eye on the rooftops.

Arya was sneaking around, getting a closer look at the battlements. The spyglass Jesse had swiped from the docks was useful. It meant she could go high up and keep watch from above. People rarely ever looked up. Especially not when they knew where the enemy was coming from.

She sat and waited with everyone as they awaited Stanis to arrive with his fleet. She already had eyes on everyone of interest. Tyrion, in his specially made Lannister armor, was switching between watching the harbor and watching a fire that was closer to the water, Bronn's position. Joffrey was also in his spotless armor beside Sandor in his familiar armor and leathers. The difference between the two was stark.

"There!" The wind carried the shout up towards Arya as it traveled across the battlements. The ships could just be seen among the fog and faint moonlight of the night. Stanis had chosen a decent night to lay siege.

Arya pulled out her spyglass, looking for the ship filled with wildfire. It wasn't until it entered the mass of Stanis' ships that she spotted it. She lowered the spy glass, spying a flaming arrow arching towards the ships. Unless Stanis' men knew of wildfire and saw it spilling out of the ship, they were probably laughing at the single arrow.

The ignition was fast and bright. Then followed by the massive explosion from the ship igniting, flinging burning wildfire onto ships near and far. The sound reached them a moment after the flash. Then the water carried the faint chorus of screaming men to them.

Arya had seen dragon fire. Daenerys had used her dragons during the Battle of Winterfell against the dead. Wildfire didn't remind her of dragon fire. Dragon fire was focused and controlled by the dragons who breathed it. Wildfire was just as it's name said, uncontrollable and filled with madness.

Arya sat back and watched as the battle finally reached land. Lannister men left through the gate to repel the Baratheon forces that were landing on the shore. The clash of steel could be heard easily, along with the shouts and cries of men being cut down. She couldn't see most of the battle, but she could picture it just from the sounds drifting up from below her.

The creaking of wood alerted her to the gate being opened once more. She watched as the Hound walked back into the wall from the battle field. She watched as he walked passed Tyrion and Joffrey. He paused for a moment, speaking with the two Lannisters. Then turned and walked away, leaving the battlefield.

Arya didn't need to keep watch over Sandor. He could look out for himself. Once he was out of the city, Nymeria would find him. She was sure fate would lead his path up North. Whether it was from the Brotherhood or not, he would go north. She herself had one more job to do before she left this city.

The gate become quiet as a golden haired boy in red and gold armor left the battle field and headed into the Red Keep. Arya turned and slipped back into the castle through the window she had pried open on the tower. There weren't any large platforms or decent vantage points for any soldiers to be placed in the tower. However, it was perfect for keeping watch over the soldiers wishing the walls of King's Landing.

Arya made her way through the servant passages in the Red Keep. The halls were deathly silent with hardly enough light to see the way. Arya didn't need the light. Sophya had shown her the way on many occasions. The way to the King's chambers.

Arya waiting in the shadow of an archway with a clear view of the King's room. Standard Lannister guards stood outside the room. The King had not yet made it back to his chambers. Perhaps Cersei wanted Joffrey with her, but everything she had heard about the Battle of Blackwater was that the King had not been seen in the holdfast. Which led Arya to assume he would seek refuge in his own private chambers.

Sure enough after a few tense moments, the sound of heavy boots and metal armor began to ring from down the hall. Arya stilled as she waited, becoming on with her surroundings. Joffrey rounded the corner flanked by two King's Guard, Meryn Trant and Boros Blount. Arya smirked thinking this was going to be too easy. She was going to enjoy this.

The doors closed, leaving the two Lannisters alone outside. Arya slid her knife out of it's sheath, holding it by the blade between her thumb and first finger. With a sharp flick she sent the blade flying. She ran after the blade as she pulled a second dagger from her belt. The soldier closet to her opened his mouth to shout, but her knife buried itself into his throat, cutting him off. The second soldier was in shock as he looked from Arya to the knife that had found it's way into his comrade's throat. He didn't get a chance to recover from the shock either, Arya buried her dagger into the bottom of his skull.

Arya took deep breaths as she listened to her surroundings. There was a thud as the first guard fell on the door before falling over onto his fellow guard that Arya was struggling to hold up. She managed to lower them to the floor as quietly as she could, but she knew they were probably wondering what was going on. Unless they just assumed they were being lazy and leaning on the door. Arya wondered if her luck would hold out that long.

She pulled her Valyrian dagger from the dead body, cleaning the blade on the crimson cloak. Arya looked to the large doors, surely they hadn't left them unbarred. She pushed against it, giving it a test. The door swung open silently. Arya raised an eyebrow, this was terrible security for a king.

Arya entered the chamber and closed the door behind her. She then barred the door, ensuring no one would interrupt her too soon. She walked down the small hall. No one stood guard watching the door. Arya wasn't sure if she was how she felt. This made it almost too easy.

Arya stepped into the bed chambers of King Joffrey. Joffrey sat on his bed in his armor, looking a little lost. Blount and Trant stood by a small table, drinking wine. "This is kind of pathetic." Arya commented aloud.

Three heads jerked up to look at her. Blount and Trant drew their swords and aimed them at her. "Assassin!" Trant called out loudly.

"Don't bother. The guards outside are dead." Arya informed them calmly. She drew Needle as the two knights prepared themselves to fight. Joffrey retreated behind the two. "I guess I finally get to kill you myself." Arya mussed as she changed her grip on her dagger.

Trant gave a shout as he charged. Arya flicked her hand up, tossing the dagger. Trant turned and dodged the dagger. He brought his sword into a wide sweep. Arya ducked under the swing and rolled away. "You missed." Trant taunted her.

"Wasn't aiming at you." Arya commented as a heavy thud and clang sounded behind her. The dagger had buried itself into his skull through his eye. Meryn shouted as he swung heavily at Arya. Arya deflected the attacks, similar to how she had during her spar against Brienne. And just like in that spar, Arya got the first hit in, landing a long cut along Trant's cheek. "Guess he was right, any stable boy with a sword could beat three of you."

Arya kept her calm as Meryn shouted and wildly swung at her. Arya stabbed into his arm and leg, weakening him. The downed knight continued to try and hit her in vain. Arya simply stabbed him once more, this time through the neck. She watched as she pulled the bade form his neck, sentencing him to death once more. The man coughed and spluttered as blood filled his mouth and lungs.

A sharp pain in Arya's side reminded her that Joffrey was in the room, and it seemed he had retrieved her dagger. Arya stepped away and held her bleeding side as Joffrey examined the blade in his hand. "What a useful thing you've given me." Joffrey chuckled as he looked to Arya. "And now, you're going to die." He pointed the dagger back at Arya. "My family should have never let you live. You Starks are all traitors. Trying to kill your King!"

"You're not my king." Arya told Joffrey.

Joffrey eyed the small girl with disdain. "Then who do you call King?"

Arya turned side face and aimed Needle at Joffrey. "Death." The two watched each other, waiting for the other to attack. Arya won as Joffrey ran forward, rushing her guard.

Arya let him get close. Then stepped aside and let him stumble past her. With Needle pulled back, she was able to simply slide her blade through Joffrey's neck. With Joffrey's own momentum, he removed himself from Arya's blade and doomed himself to the same fate as Meryn Trant.

Arya took a step towards him as he coughed onto the floor, trying to keep himself form drowning in his own blood. "I guess it's too much of a different death than you got last time, but I'm glad it was me this time." She plucked her dagger from the blond's limp hand. She straightened with a grimace, her wound would take time to heal. It was similar to the one the Waif had given her, but she didn't have the luxury of going to the House of Black and White to fix it this time.

Arya sheathed both her blades before walking over to the bed. She tore a piece of the sheet and stuffed it into her jerking, hoping to stop the bleeding a bit. She then walked back towards the door to the chamber, making to leave. The sound of scrapping stone caused her to pause. Arya looked around the room once more, trying to find the source of the sound.

A soft hiss pulled her eyes of a dimly lit corner of the room near the bed. A pair of eyes watched her carefully. Then a hand beckoned her to follow. Arya followed the little bird into the secret passage. The passage wound within the wall until they exited into the night. The little bird stopped and stayed in the shadows of the keep. "The Spider advises you leave the city tonight."

"Tell the Spider, we will meet again." Arya waited in the archway as the child ran off into the walls of the Red Keep. Arya leaned on the wall, her wound was hurting. She took deep breaths as she tried to push the pain to the back of her mind.

A shout from the guard station above her had her looking towards the gate of the keep. A column of horses and soldiers were riding through. At the front was the banner of House Lannister, it's crimson red looking black in the night. Following the lion bannister, a second bannister flowed, a sun pierced by a spear. Dorne had come to the Crown's aid.

Arya turned away from the parade of horses and men, taking a set of stairs down towards the underground passages under the Red Keep. The city was saved, but they didn't know hat it had cost them. Or what it would cost them in the future.

Arya woke with a groan as she rolled onto her injured side. She rolled back onto her back and stare at the dimly lit ceiling of the room she and Jesse were staying in. She looked over and saw Jesse passed out on his bed, drooling a bit. She looked back at the ceiling and listened to the still morning. The bells hadn't stopped ringing until dawn had broken. So she had slept for maybe an hour.

She pushed herself up with much effort and pain. She really needed to take it easy with this injury. Arya got up and shuffled over to the fire place in the room. Jesse had kept a fire going all night. Arya drew her dagger from her belt on a nearby chair and jabbed it into a burning log, heating the blade. She then moved over to the wash basin they had been given. She poured water into the basin and dropped a cloth into it before removing her shirt. The wound was clotted and scabbed over for the most part. It was bleeding a bit from her rolling onto it. Arya picked up the cloth and gently dabbed the wound, clearing it of any possible dirt and the dried blood.

"Do you need a hand?" Arya looked over at Jesse putting a leather glove on. "No one ever stays still when they burn their own wounds." Arya simply nodded as she finished cleaning the wound. Jesse stood beside her with the hot blade. She looked away as he braced his hand on her side, preparing herself for the inevitable pain she would feel.

It hurt like hell. Arya clamped her mouth shut and tried to keep herself as quiet as possible, but she still grunted and squeaked. Arya knew now how Sandor had gotten his fear of fire. This pain was excruciating, but it was over almost as quickly as it had started. Gregor had held Sandor's face to the fire until it started to melt, then kept holding it there. Arya pressed the cold, damp cloth over the now seared shut wound.

Jesse pulled Arya back over to her bed, she was swaying a bit. "Didn't hear you get back last night. How long did you sleep?"

"An hour maybe." Arya croaked out as she shook her head, trying to clear it. "They won."

"I'm guessing that, since we aren't being told we have a new King." Jesse knew it would be a bit more chaotic outside if the Baratheon army had won.

"There'll be a new King anyway." Arya remarked nonchalantly as she pulled the cloth away to see if it was still just as painful as before. It wasn't as bad, but a burn still hurt terribly. She replaced the cloth. "Joffrey is dead."

Jesse nodded slowly. "Is that how you got hurt? You assassinated the King?"

"I let my guard down." Arya admitted. "But it's done now. No point dwelling on the past." She got up and walked back over to the water basic, soaking the cloth once more. "We'll lay low for a few days. Let things settle down. Then we'll head to Dorne." Jesse nodded, understanding the plan. "Once they open the gates, we'll move inns. We've stayed here too long."

Happy New Year!

I apologize for the wait between chapters. I've been busy with a new job and settling into a new city. Hopefully I get a few more chapters done soon.

I can't believe I've been writing this story for almost a year now. So much has changed from when I started this story.

Thank you to everyone who has been following this story since I started it. I really appreciate the support.