I made a ShinKami Discord server! The link is on my profile page!

Hope to see and talk with you there!

The moment Shinsou stepped out the door he whipped his head in either direction to spot the culprit. Nobody was there to be seen, and Katsuki was already on the run. Assuming that the bombastic man was on the right track, Hitoshi followed him.

Bakugou stopped short and lifted a hand up to his ear. The man's hearing wasn't the best, but his hunting skills were uncanny all the same.

"I think that fucker went up!"

Shinsou looked around them and found a fire escape that was still pulled up to the second floor of a nearby apartment building. He and Bakugou nodded their heads at each other before Katsuki used his quirk to blast himself up and onto the stairs. Once he reached the ladder he unlocked the metal bars and let it drop down to where Hitoshi was. The purple-haired man climbed up and did his best to keep close to his cursing and screaming friend.

He could hear the others weren't too far behind him, some of them having decided to take the street instead of the rooftops. It was moments like this that Shinsou wished he'd studied- and carried- his dad's capture tape. Though he had very little grace, Hitoshi kept up behind Katsuki until they both heard the clang of another fire escape. A sound of heavy feet landing on the metal balcony.

Bakugou shared a quick look with Shinsou and the two followed the noise back down to the street- Hitoshi had awkwardly almost tumbled down the various stairs and ladders to get there.

Once they're back on solid ground, the two men continued their running until they nearly crashed into each other at an abrupt halt. They saw someone make a sharp turn to the right, and heard an alarmed cry. The two men ran to the scene and found a shocking sight.

"What the fuck?"

Shishikura stood there, startled but composed, "To what do I have the honor of your company?"

The slapping of shoes on pavement echoed from behind them, and the Bakusquad soon there and primed to fight. Kaminari, however, looked as sad as he did surprised. "Seiji!? You're behind this?"

The purple-haired hero raised an eyebrow, "Behind what?"

Bakugou marched up to Shishikura and shoved a finger in his face, "The shitty pictures, the stalking...You were just outside the cafe! Don't fucking lie, we saw your creepy ass waiting!"

Seiji scoffed, clearly offended, "I think you might be referring to the frog boy I just turned with my quirk. He was running at great speed from your direction after I saw him use his tongue to swing down from that roof. I was going to arrest him for dangerous behavior and mischievous conduct- It looks like I wasn't wrong." Shishikura stepped aside and the meatball of Asui Samidare, Tsuyu's younger brother, was wriggling on the ground. One long frog tongue lolled out of it and the eyes looked panicked. A fancy looking camera was smashed on the ground beside him.

Everyone was silent until Mina said, "Well, shit."

"Shall I release him?" Seiji asked, gesturing to the meatball wobbling to his left.

Kaminari nodded hesitantly, "Yeah."

Shishikura let his quirk go with a dramatic flick of his wrist. Samidare was sprawled on the floor, and spared one remorseful look at his camera before facing Denki and shouting, "I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me!"

The meatball hero looked sympathetically at the culprit and stood somewhat protectively at the sight of someone cowering the way he was. Shinsou supposed Seiji was more of a softy than he'd thought.

"Didn't we just meet you yesterday? I don't get it, man." Kirishima scratched the back of his head, "Did Tsuyu talk about Denki or something?"

Insan1ty shook his head, "I remember seeing Ch4rgeb0lt...no, Kaminari on tv at the sports festival and thinking that heroes can be funny and nice, but then I found him online and he was my best friend! I'd never had somebody like that before."

"That isn't exactly what I had in mind when I started my stream…" Denki thought aloud. "I'm glad I could be your friend, but this is way too much. I mean, like, a photo album? Mega spooky."

Samidare looked infinitely small from his spot on the floor, "I almost screwed up when I bumped into you and your friends, and I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw you at the cafe! After that, it was hard not to come back, but I promise I just wanted you to see how special you are to me."

Kaminari walked forward and crouched down, two feet in front of his admirer, before saying, "There are better ways of doing that, dude. You were such a nice guy on the stream. I already knew you cared, and I cared about you too. I still do."

Samidare looked up with tears building in his eyes, "Seriously?"

"I get that you meant well, but that's not how you treat another person. Whether or not you think they're special." Denki stood up and stepped back beside Shinsou, who put a protective hand around his waist.

Sero's forehead wrinkled, "How did we never see you come in? They said your IP address was in the same district as Amped Up."

"My sister's phone…" Samidare mumbled, "Once I got banned from the stream I thought I'd try it from hers. She was distracted by her girlfriend. I only needed to be online for a little. I knew if I went inside again that I wouldn't be able to stay away."

"Just cause you got small dick energy doesn't make it okay to be a creeper!" Mina shouted.

Shinsou thought that was a low blow, but he really didn't care about the frog man's feelings right now.

"Hey, assmunch," Bakugou sneered, "What the fuck kind of shit were you going to do next? Leave dead mice on the doorstep with hearts carved in 'em?"

Sero blanched, "Fucking Christ, man! It's messed up that you even thought of that."

The ash blonde ignored him, "Well? What was it gonna be?"

Samidare picked up some pieces of his camera and sat them in his lap, "I knew not to go too far. I didn't want to scare him. I didn't think it would be so upsetting. I wasn't going to do more than that after I saw how scared he was when he looked at the scrapbook. I'd never want him to be sad because of me, but wouldn't you be happy if a friend made a gift for you? I thought that was a nice thing to do…"

Kirishima shook his head, "The keyword there is friend, bro You don't know him in real life. He'd never seen you until recently. If you'd shown up to the cafe and just said something it would still be pretty creepy but at least it wouldn't be some mystery guy in the shadows."

Samidare still looked confused, and oddly hopeful.

Shinsou decided to set things straight. He took a few steps closer to the man on the ground.

He had a point to get across.

"I understand how Ch4rgeb0lt can be an important friend, but why did you have to take it so far?"

Samidare dropped the camera pieces he'd been holding and looked down at his balled hands, "I didn't want to scare him! It wasn't sexual or anything, I just love him a lot. I wanted to show him that. Why doesn't anyone understand?"

Shinsou huffed, "I get it. I love him too," and then flinched when he realized Denki was well within hearing range, "which is definitely not the way I wanted him to find that out, but here we are." He gave a heavy sigh and continued, "Loving someone doesn't make it okay to stalk them just because you think they owe you their real world affection. He loves us viewers in a different way, you and I both. Ch4rgeb0lt would never want you to be hurt, but you hurt him."

An idea came to Shinsou. He looked the froggish man in the eyes and asked, "Do you hate him that much?"

Insan1ty's eyes widened, "N...no, of course n-" before going notably dull.

Hitoshi commanded him, "Punch yourself in the face."

The man did.

Shinsou probably didn't need to, but he thought it might make him look a little badass and maybe Denki and the others would be impressed. Hitoshi was still pretty cross with him, anyway, and the kid had it coming.

The Bakusquad, sans Bakugou, chorused a pained hissing noise at the sound of fist on face. Hitoshi wasn't looking at him but he was sure Katsuki silently approved. Any call for violence was usually just fine with the man. If anything, he might be pissed that he wasn't the one to punch the kid first.

"Mindwash!" Seiji's voice held a reprimanding tone, but Shinsou ignored him. He wasn't about to actually beat the kid up, but when he remembered how unsettled it had made Denki, he felt obligated to at least get in one punch.

Samidare groaned, Hitoshi's quirk ending due to the pain, "I guess I kind of deserved that one, huh?"

"You really did, man." Sero snorted.

Bakugou let a small explosion out of his hand, "You're lucky you look too pathetic to be beaten up more. If I catch you pulling this shit again I'll be wearing your teeth on a bracelet, get me?"

The frog man visibly swallowed and nodded vigorously in return.

"You aren't allowed back at the cafe, either," Kirishima added, "I don't like the idea of you hanging around Denki any longer. You can have your book back too."

Samidare sighed, "I should probably get rid of it."

"That's a great start," Kaminari beamed at him, "It's important to learn how to let things go that aren't healthy. You'll be okay without me, I promise."

The frog man looked content with that answer, but solemn nonetheless. Shishikura cleared his throat before stating, "You have the right to remain silent and to have an attorney at your trial should it come to that. You will most likely not require one, but do not think this means we will ignore your behavior.

As Seiji was handcuffing Samidare, the frog man spoke up "Thanks for being really nice about the whole thing, and it was really cool how you showed up to help Ch4rgeb0lt. Even if it was my fault."

Shishikura looked at him in confusion, "You think I'm 'cool' for arresting you?"

Asui looked to the side nervously, "You have really nice eyes too."

Hitoshi was sure that complimenting the heroes weirdly narrow eyes was all it took to win Seiji's favor. As expected, a light blush came to Shishikura's cheeks.

"Well, I...thank you. I'm glad someone appreciates them." Seiji dusted off his coat with finality and extended a hand towards the man on the ground, "As nothing incredibly criminal was done, I imagine the discussion with the police will be a short one." He turned to Kaminari with a questioning glance, "Unless you wish to press charges?"

Denki shook his head with a smile, "Nah. I think he's learned his lesson."

Shishikura helped the stalker up from the floor, "Then we will be going, and I will make Kaminari's decision known to the relevant authorities." Seiji looked back at Samidare and nervously averted his eyes, "Perhaps we can have a conversation about your unfortunate misunderstandings later."

"Yeah," the frog man smiled, "I'd like that."

Seiji saluted the Bakusquad and left, calmly escorting his captive as he did.

Kirishima's jaw was dropped, "Gonna be honest, bro. That was kinda weird."

Bakugou crossed his arms, "Well, this has been a weird fucking day. Let's head back."

The group agreed and started the trek back to Amped Up. After all, Shinsou had a celebratory latte to drink.

Denki walked beside his boyfriend and pulled on his hand for attention. He met Hitoshi's gaze with a smirk, "I get that he's a misguided douchebag, but was making him punch himself in the face really necessary?"

"Yes," Shinsou answered instantly.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the whole Bakusquad nod their heads in agreement. He knew they'd see it his way.

Kaminari shook his head fondly. He paused a moment before looking up at Shinsou and shyly smiling, "So...you love me?"

"For a long time now. I'm starting to realize that any attempt I make at planning to tell you things never really pan out the way I expected. Does that make me creepy too?"

"No way! It's part of your charm!" Denki laughed. He stopped Shinsou from walking and cupped his face in both hands, "Besides...It's not like it isn't reciprocated, yeah?"

Hitoshi's eyes went wide, "You love me?"

Denki pulled him down for a kiss, ignoring the whistling the Bakusquad was doing behind him, "I think the best answer to that is Yes Cat."

"No," Shinsou said firmly, "I want to hear you say it for real."

He'd never seen Kaminari look at anyone with so much warmth as the blonde said, "I love you."

The purple-haired man was sure his face was three different shades of red, but he'd never felt happier in his life. "So I'm excused from making young adults punch themselves in the face for stalking you?"

"Sure," Kaminari laughed, "I'm still a little pissed, cause I'm not a damsel in distress, but I gotta admit...I think you gave me Kirishima's quirk."

Shinsou cocked his head, "What?"

"Yeah, because that totally made me ha-"

Bakugou interrupted him with a bark, "We're right the fuck here, you dickwaffles."

Kaminari snorted and winked up at Hitoshi, "I guess we'll finish that later."

"Shit!" Mina cried, "We forgot to get that group photo!"

A week later, Kaminari sat in front of his makeshift studio adjusting his camera equipment. "Oh man, I'm super nervous! This is way too big an announcement for me to handle. Should I just scrap it?"

Shinsou put a reassuring hand on his back, "You'll be fine. They already love you- nothing is going to change that."

Denki sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Will you hold my hand while I say it, though?"

The purple-haired man bent over slightly to place a kiss on Kaminari's head. "Of course."

Kaminari fiddled with his hair, "Does this look good? Should I wear something different?" Denki spun around to show off a pair of plaid patterned shorts and a t-shirt with a Tesla Coil on it.

"You're fine. You look cute," Shinsou encouraged him with a loving hand on his cheek, "Let's get things started. Your adoring fans are waiting, right?" The purple-haired man handed him his steaming Cup Noodles with a smile.

Kaminari laughed, gave him a soft kiss on the lips, and then sat back to prepare everything on his computer. After a few taps, the camera's red light came on, and Denki was poised for the stream, Cup Noodles in hand and lightning bolt hair clips holding his bangs back. "Hello, my darlings! I missed you!"

The chat erupted with their usual loving greetings and emojis, "not as much as i missed u!" "did you think about us at work? 33333" and "omg you won't believe the day i had."

"Before we start, I've got a SUPER big announcement today! I'm sort of scared about it, but hopefully you folks will support it! It might be a little sad for some of you, but we'll be okay."

A flurry of concerned responses came, some of them promising they'd love him no matter what, and others praying that he was doing okay.

"I think the best way to do this is with an illustration!" Denki reached just out of frame and grabbed a second Cup Noodles. "I have a very special new friend to introduce you to tonight…"

A tuft of purple hair floated in front of the camera before Shinsou was carefully sitting next to Ch4rgeb0lt, his noodles were handed to him shortly afterward. He looked at the camera with some nervousness on his face, "Uh, hey guys. You might remember me as MindWash."

The chat quickly filled with replies, "HOLY SHIT!" "is this a prank?" "omg team Bae just got 2x as big," "Yay, another dinner buddy!" and "great, now I owe another viewer $5, but I thought it would be someone else."

Hitoshi held his breath when he saw that MeatMeOutBack29 was typing:

"As much as it pains me to say it, I suppose I look forward to our future friendship. However, I would like to announce I am no longer on Team Bae. I have a date later tonight."

Kaminari nearly spilled his Cup Noodles when he cheered for him, "Yeah, boy! Get it, Meat!" He gave a wolf whistle and looked happily towards Shinsou for his response. Hitoshi wore a lazy smile- he'd suspected something after that scene he made at the arrest.

The chat exploded, "omg its the end of an era!" "does that mean u wont fite anymore? But i loved ur cat fites!" "his date is probably his right hand, beat your meat get it?" and "That is soooo cute!"

Shinsou could practically hear the sound of Shishikura awkwardly collecting himself with a cough, as the meat hero added, "However, I am not giving up my administrative duties. Please continue to respect both Ch4rgeb0lt and his rules."

Nobody in the chat was surprised, " lol expected," "yeah you can still do your 'duties' with your left hand," and the very sweet, "I think i'd cry if you weren't the admin anymore. who else would yell at us and use the banhammer like a boss?"

"Hear that, Meat?" Denki smiled, "We're all rooting for you! Our trusty admin." The blonde gave one of his famous winks and put down his noodles so he could make the shape of a heart with his fingers.

Shinsou wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He never expected to be on a stream before, but he guessed he might as well be authentic. Hitoshi looked into the camera and responded, "I'm sure it'll be difficult for you, but if you want a second date, try not to be yourself."

This was all it took for someone in the chat to reply, "omg it really is mindwash! please bitch at each other forever!"

While Shinsou didn't respond with a yes, he was sure they all knew the playful Wash vs Meat banter wasn't going to end that easily. No matter how friendly the two seemed to be becoming.

Denki slapped Hitoshi's arm lightly but giggled all the same. "Okay, my loves, let's get to it! How has everybody's day been?"

As the night wore on, the two streamers ate their noodles- sharing one set of unevenly broken chopsticks between them- while Kaminari gave Shinsou a proper introduction to his new best friends and lovers. At first, it was a bit awkward but they fell into stride, the two of them had such good chemistry that it came easily to them on camera. Fans had now started tallying up how many people were adding MindWashi to "Team Bae" vs "Team Bestie" and he was turning out to be surprisingly popular. Hitoshi had no idea he'd been so beloved on the stream.

When the time had come for the stream to end, Denki started his farewell.

"Thank you all for accepting our new friend so quickly! He already loved you all and I bet he loves you even more now! We'll think about you all day tomorrow!"

The blonde leaned in to kiss the camera before elbowing his boyfriend with a smile.

The time had come.

Shinsou hesitantly waved at the webcam, one hand lacing fingers with Denki's just out of frame, and smiled, "Wash you later."

Oh, my sweet dears and darlings I am overwhelmed with thanks and love for how special all of you are to me! This fic would not have been written without your comments and support. I treasure each and every one of you with all my being.

Our journey has finally come to an end, and it was OUR journey, but a new one is just beginning! I hope I can live up to the high expectations you've all set for me when I start posting it in the future.

So, until next time, I will say goodbye with the words of our dear Ch4rgeb0lt...MWAH!

Zap you later!