
Two weeks passed quickly and Skye's recovery was without incident. The fever broke a few days after May returned home and except for the itching the little girl bounced back as good as new.

There wasn't a lot of actual talking during the discussion about using fire escapes for anything other than escaping fires. Mostly it was listening and Skye quickly got the picture. May explained the difference between hitting and reminding a little girl's bottom about rules that weren't to be broken. She asked if Skye thought she might need a little demonstration. At first the little girl was confused. Punishment was something ya just got. Ya didn't really get a choice and although tears were already dribbling over her cheeks, if May was gonna spank her butt then that was what she deserved. But, even though totally confused the little girl shook her head rapidly and hoped it wasn't a trick. Sr. Regina did tricks then she'd whack her till Skye was sure she'd have to crawl back to her room.

May didn't do tricks and when Skye shook her head, she smiled and hugged her real tight. May said she was glad she didn't want a demonstration because she really didn't want to give one, not now or ever…BUT if it even happened again nobody was getting a choice, somebody would have a red bottom and everybody would be pretty unhappy. Skye had no doubt that May would absolutely not hesitate to do exactly what she said. She hugged her tighter and promised she would not ever forget about the fire scape rule again. May nodded and kissed the top of her head then told her she could spend the day in her room and really think about it. The door would be opened but she was to stay inside. Watching May walk away made the tears go faster.

Skye wasn't sure that was a better choice cuz bein' by herself most of the day was kinda worse than having a stingie butt for a little bit. She cried for a long time, not cuz she was sad about being punished but she was real sad she'd made May so upset. That made it all worser. The crying made her tired and before she fell asleep she crawled under her bed and drew a sad face in the box she was pretty sure was today. The little girl fell asleep there with the notebook and crayon still in her hand.

When she woke and crawled back out she decided to wash her face and just do what May told her to do. She sniffled a lot but pulled out her best crayons and pencils then drew 'I'm sorry' cards for May and Yéyé and Mrs. Gibbons and the lady May said was her Nǎinai. That made her smile. Now she had a grandfather and a grandmother…a Yéyé and a Nǎinai. May's card had a big heart, Yéyé's was a little monkey and Mrs. Gibbons had cookies and a blob that was supposed to be Muffy. Skye used her very best printing to write 'I m reelee sawree' in every card and signed her name 'Skye' cuz now it was really her name. May showed her the paper that made it real even for teachers and school. She practiced printing it and even tried cursive (with May's help) so she could put it on every paper when she went back to her own school. Yéyé showed her how to make it in Chinese letters - 斯凯. She couldn't do that but it did look real cool.

Tomorrow she would give all of them her cards and tell them again she would not forget the rule and she would never ever run away again either. She had to tell them that part because she couldn't spell all those words but when she went back to school she was gonna work real, real hard so she could.

Skye was clicking together pink and purple Legos when May came in with a tray and set it on the desk. It smelled really good and the child was really hungry. Skye was pretty sure she slept right through lunch but yer not spose to get food when yer punished. Yéyé came in too and brought two chairs and some napkins.

"It was so quiet in the kitchen," he smiled. "We felt it would be best to have our dinner here with our wánpí de xiǎo hóuzi."

Skye knew part of that meant little monkey. She patted the small jade charm she still wore on the chain around her neck. Yéyé called her that a lot. She didn't know if she wanted to know what the other stuff was.

May looked up from where she was turning Skye's desk top into a dinner table and smiled. "Baba, Skye's spending a lot of time thinking about not being naughty but I think what she did was a little more serious."

Skye hung her head for a moment before William scooped her up and kissed her cheek. "I do not feel my favorite xiǎo hóuzi will repeat such behavior." He kissed her again. "And I truly feel that very angry woman is much more to blame." He set Skye on the floor and laid a hand on top of her head, smiling down at her.

"Mmm," May looked up from her chore. "You didn't feel that way when I broke that nasty old Mr. Jenkins' fence with my bike." She nodded toward Skye and explained. "Stayed in my room all weekend."

William nodded and smiled broadly. "You were very lucky your mother was away."

May furrowed her brow and grit her teeth with a funny hissy sound. Skye couldn't help giggling.

"Cheese burger with sweet potato fries," William pointed to the plate set in the center of the desk then sat at the chair to the right. May tucked herself into the one on the left and added a bit of dressing to her large salad.

Skye held her hands behind her back and watched, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Come sunnu, you did not take lunch today. You must be very hungry." William nodded to the third chair." May raised her brows at the child's behavior.

"Ya don't get no food when yer punished, Yéyé." Skye whispered to the floor. "Ya gotta show yer sorry when ya sackerfize."

William and May exchanged a quick glance. May swore under her breath, once again damning all those bitches to the deepest holes of Hell. She did it Mandarin hoping to keep her little one from ever repeating the words. William shook his head and motioned for Skye to come to their makeshift dining table. He patted the desk chair.

"I have made your favorite, sunnu. I would be greatly saddened if you did not join us. There is no need for such sacrifice in this home." He smiled.

"No more of that sh…" Melinda shook her head. "That's not how it works, Skye. Your punishment is to stay in your room, not starve. Consider this a compromise." She smiled.

Skye didn't need to be asked again. She joined her family and enjoyed her meal.


Just as promised, Celia and William made sure Skye sat on Santa's lap in the middle of the mall. May decided not to come because it was a treat from the older folks. She winked at William saying she had a lot to do to get ready for tomorrow. Skye was so excited she didn't eve notice.

Skye had never been to any mall, and surely not one as big and as festive as this one on Christmas Eve. She was mesmerized by the lights and the music and so many people all happy and smiling and being real nice to everyone else. Lots of people said Merry Christmas and she was pretty sure Yéyé didn't even know their names. There were displays in some of the store windows that moved like the penguins and polar bears ice skating on a not real pond and another one that had a lot of little pointy eared people with hammers. Mrs. Gibbons said they were elves and they helped to make all the toys Santa carried in his huge bag.

It was last minute and there were a lot of kids standing in line to see the man with the long white beard sitting on a big green and gold throne. There were giant candy canes behind him and a present big enough to hold a whole care. Skye was a little hesitant when it came to be her turn. She wasn't really sure what to do. She was afraid to change her mind and ask to leave because Yéyé and Mrs. Gibbons were really excited about it. She was pretty sure Santa would wonder why it took her so long to come see him and why she'd never been there before. The little girl honestly wondered if there was some kind of rule about orphanage kids staying away from him and vice versa. She half expected Sr. Regina to pop out of one of those big old boxes and have her dragged away.

Then line moved at an okay pace and some of the little kids cried making Skye even more anxious. She was pretty sure she had to go to the bathroom but if they got out of line they'd have to start all over and it would just get worse. When the lady at the little white gate put out a hand and motioned for her to step up cuz it was her turn, Skye felt like her feet were stuck to the floor. If Mrs. Gibbons didn't give her a little push she probably could have just stood there like one of the statue penguins. She walked across the red colored runner and hoped she didn't get sick. Her stomach really felt like she was gonna puke any minute. If the man didn't put out his white gloved hand and smile Skye was sure she would have bolted right out the exit just like that little kid a couple turns ago did.

She swallowed hard when he lifted her to his lap and remarked at how lovely she looked. Nobody ever told her she looked lovely, not even one time. "I've been waiting for you a long time, Skye." He smiled and patted her hand. "I'm so glad you finally got here."

The little girl's brows rose as her lips parted. How did he know that was her name? It was only her name for a little while and he just called her by it. Skye was so amazed she barely heard what he was saying until he asked about being good. That snapped her right out of it. She looked down at her hands folded neatly in her lap and shook her head.

The big man laughed loudly and patted her leg. "I think you are the only one who has told the truth all day, Skye." He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. "I also think you are trying very hard to do all the things you are supposed to do, but sometimes find it very hard." Skye looked up with just her eyes and gave a tiny nod. She could see his smile even behind that big white beard. "Everyone makes mistakes, Skye. That doesn't make them bad it just proves that you are still learning." She just looked at him cuz it sounded like something Sr. Stephanie used to tell her. She would say 'you aren't perfect, only God is perfect and you are so little you are still just learning what it is to be His creation". The little girl never really understood that until this very happy and very chubby man said it.

Now the Santa person was smiling again. "Why don't you tell me what I can bring you when I stop at your house tonight?"

Skye didn't really know what to tell him. She whispered that she really didn't need nothing because May was home and that's all that counted. She apologized for not coming sooner, explaining the Chicken Pots disaster and leaving out the fire scape incident. Mostly she just said thank you and then asked him if he'd try to stop at St. Agnes to see the kids that were still there. Skye really wanted to know why he never stopped there anyway but she didn't really want to make him angry. Maybe he just didn't have the address or maybe Sr. Regina wouldn't let him in but she was gone now so maybe this year… Santa gave a nod and promised he would try to get there. He gave her a small candy cane and pointed to a man with a camera. Skye smiled for the picture that Mrs. Gibbons and Yéyé insisted on having.

She proudly displayed it for May on their return home.


Hours later the little group sat in front of the giant twinkling Christmas tree. Mrs. Gibbons had gone home and Skye had been tubbed and scrubbed. She wore a brand new pair of PJ's that Mrs. Gibbons gave her in brightly wrapped package. It was from her and Yéyé. The pajamas had red and white reindeer on the bottom and a red top that read, 'Merry and Bright' on the front. Mrs. Gibbons kissed her when she modeled them after her bath. She said that from now on all of her Christmases would be merry and bright just like they're supposed to be. Skye smiled because that sounded like a good thing. Yéyé clapped his hands then turned on a Christmas song that kinda said the same thing.

There was cup in the box with an elf on it and Skye's name in red letters and inside was a packet to make hot chocolate. At the bottom was a book that Mrs. Gibbons said May would read her before she fell asleep and tucked into the side was a great big sock. There was just one and that was pretty confusing cuz everybody knows ya got two feet so you need two, even if they are way too big. Yéyé explained it wasn't to wear. It was a special stocking to leave for Santa to fill with treasures just for her.

Skye was a bit skeptical but smiled as Yéyé helped her to hang that stocking embroidered with her name on the mantle right before May noticed her yawning one too many times. The little girl hugged her grandfather and thanked him for all the great presents. She told him it was the best Christmas ever. He scooped her into a Yéyé sized hug and kissed her on both cheeks reminding her that Santa had yet to arrive. May smiled at the joy her father was having with this little one that had never celebrated a holiday William May style. She took Skye from her father, set her on her feet and scooted her into bed. Skye rubbed her eyes and listened as her mother read a special Christmas book about a mouse and sugar plums and Santa coming down the chimney then flying away in a sled full of toys. She managed to make it to the end of the book falling asleep on May's very last word. Skye Qiaolian May had no idea what magic Christmas could bring.


Morning changed all of that. Skye shuffled out of her room a little past nine much to William's amazement. He never remembered Melinda sleeping past sunrise on this morning.

May set down her mug of tea and smiled at her child red cheeked and ruffled with morning. She opened her arms and Skye almost slid into them. Greeting her with Christmas wishes and several kisses she wrapped the still groggy little girl in a warm hug. Skye was usually in need of a gentle morning snuggle which May was always happy to oblige. William snapped a picture capturing the moment.

After a few minutes and just as May finished her tea, Skye pushed herself to sit up straight on her mother's lap. She smiled at Yéyé's familiar crullers set on a dish in the center of the table and slipped into her own chair while reaching for one. Mid-move she noticed the light from the parlor and stood on tiptoe to see the large tree twinkling brightly when it was just morning. May looked in the same direction. She leaned forward resting her chin on her hand, looked to her father and then back to Skye.

"Maybe we should check things out," she cocked her head toward the living room. Skye smiled and gave a quick nod. They rose together and joined hands before walking into the first Christmas morning Skye had ever known. The little girl's jaw dropped at the sight of the mountain of wrapped gifts beneath it. Before saying a word, she turned to look at the bulging stocking she had hung empty the night before.

"Did he come?" She marveled just above a whisper.

"Directly down that chimney," William smiled, still clicking his camera.

Skye shook her head knowing that was impossible. There was no chimney. It wasn't even a real fire place. May told her that not long after she came here. It was lit with gas and just looked like the kind in cabins and old kinda houses. But, the stuffing in her stocking was real and Yéyé said Christmas was magic so maybe Santa did manage to use the fake fireplace.

When Yéyé and May told her almost every gift under the tree was for her Skye was certain it wasn't for real. Nobody ever got that many presents ever and she'd never ever got one good one not even from the church ladies.

May led the little girl to the little bit of carpet in front of the tree not currently covered by gifts. She folded herself to the floor and patted the space next to her. Skye dropped down and folded her legs criss cross. She stared at the various sized packages wrapped in dozens of Christmas patterns and every one had matching ribbons and bows. It was like looking at one of those pictures the big kids had in magazines. Skye never saw a real Christmas.

"Which shall we investigate first?" William smiled, nodding toward the pile. Skye just stared so he chose the closest and set it in her lap.

Skye wrapped her arms around the box and noticed her name, her Skye name, printed on a little ticket hanging from the ribbon. She looked at another box just a few inches from her foot. Her name was on that one too. In fact, her name was on every ticket she could see.

May tapped a finger on the box, snapping the little girl out of her trance. "It doesn't work if you don't open it." She nodded toward the package in Skye's lap.

The little girl looked at it as if it had just appeared. It was so pretty she didn't want to rip it apart. "It's okay, I just gonna hold it a little bit."

May nodded and blinked back a tear before lifting the slight child along with her package, into her lap. Skye snuggled into the comfortable retreat and hugged the present to her chest. "Thems all fer me?" She looked up and back at May.

"I believe there are a few for Mellie among your treasures, sunnu." William grinned.

Skye nodded and rested back against her mom. "And Yéyé is going to find some surprises of her own in there."

"But we won't know unless we peel off the paper and peek in the boxes." May almost laughed.

"I ain't never opened no presents." Skye shook her head. "I might do it wrong."

May hugged her again. "There's no wrong way, baobei. You just do it the way you want."

Skye nodded and picked at the tape on the side of the box until it came free. She carefully peeled back the paper and slipped it off the box. May motioned for her to keep going because opening the box is the best part. Skye hesitated just a bit then picked the lid off the box. She blinked a few times at the wooden box inside the cardboard box. She looked up at Melinda, not quite sure what to do.

May just smiled and slipped her fingers along side the fine wood and pulled it free. It was a beautiful box with lots of scrolly designs and right on top was those drawings that meant her name in Chinese. Skye smiled up at William.

"A young lady must have the proper place to keep the things important to her." He grinned widely. "Your mama kept so many of those things." He told her.

Skye brushed her fingers over the fine carving. "Ya mean like a treasure box?" Skye asked.

"Little girls have many treasures. A fine chest may be wiser than the underside of a bed." William winked. He had moved the bed when she could not be found, discovering her stash of broken crayons and secret journal. He put both back before anyone noticed and would keep it between them for as long as Skye felt it needed to be. The little girl gave an understanding nod.

"What do you think? Should we open another?" May coaxed.

Skye let her smile spread and nodded.

Most of the stuff in the boxes was clothes that were good for school cuz she'd have to go back. There was a new jacket with a hat and gloves to match. She giggled as she pulled a bathing suit from one box commenting that people don't swim in the snow. William gave her a very big surprise when he wheeled a brand new bright red bicycle from behind the tree. It had them special wheels so you don't tip over. There was a long skinny box from Dr. Wang. It was a telescope so she could look at the stars right here on her own balcony and whenever May had to work far away she could see the very same ones.

After breakfast Mrs. Gibbons arrived with even more packages. One was a little oven that cooked stuff with a real big light bulb. There were little pans and cake mixes and spoons and measuring cups that she could use all by herself. There was even a cookbook that Mrs. Gibbons said would help her with her reading. In another box was a plush cat that looked just like Muffy.

The doorbell rang again and Skye held her breath when that Coulson guy came in with a package under one arm cuz the other was in a sling. He assured everyone he was only there for a Christmas visit and nobody was going anywhere. He handed May a big red envelope with a gold ribbon tied around it. She smiled when she read it. Her mouth said thank you but not her voice. The package under his arm was for Skye. She looked at May asking silent permission to take it. The woman nodded with a smile. Skye took it, almost dropping it to the floor. She couldn't imagine what might be so heavy. Coulson helped her set it on the kitchen table where it would be easier to manage. She opened it carefully and blinked at the device under the box's lid.

"This is fer me?" She looked up at the Coulson guy.

"You are a very smart little girl with the eyes of an angel. I bet you can do a lot with that." He nodded toward the laptop then looked to May and quickly added. "With your mom's help that is," he nodded.

May frowned. What she knew about computers could roll around on the head of a pin like a BB in a boxcar. She opened her mouth then closed it and glared at the man with the goofy grin. On the other hand her little angel would have to become a good reader to be a good programmer or whatever it was called. She could not help smiling at the awe on Skye's face but before she could react the doorbell rang again. She opened it as the room filled with conversations and ooo's and ah's over Skye's many gifts.

"Mother," May stepped back at the sight of Lian. She was the one person she never expected to see on Christmas, of all days. She was also the last person she expected to see with a brightly wrapped gift.

"I'd really like to meet my granddaughter." Lian nodded as she stepped in and around her daughter. Melinda nodded and followed.

The introduction was a little awkward. Skye eyed the woman for a bit, looked at May and then back at Lian. She kinda looked like her smile got broken and she never fixed it but she wasn't mad just not smiley happy. Lian eyed the child in almost the same manner.

Skye greeted the woman timidly. Nodding or shaking her head as the woman spoke. She immediately recognized the voice that had banished Mrs. Roffman. Finally Lian could take no more. "Do you speak, child?" She raised one brow and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes," Skye whispered as she nodded. "Thank you for makin' the case lady go away. Thank you for makin' me be May's kid frever." Skye rattled quickly.

"You are welcome, Skye." Lian nodded. "It was my pleasure. I hope you will be as happy here."

"I am real happy here. I don't never wanna go no place else." The little girl quickly answered. "An I won't never ever go out the fire scape unless there's a real honest to real, real fire."

Lian wrinkled her brow. Melinda covered the chuckle that almost escaped as she stepped forward and placed her hands on Skye's shoulders. "Skye and I had a discussion similar to those you and I had when I pushed the limits a bit too far."

Lian nodded her understanding. "Hmm," she replied then picked up the package she had set on the divider between the kitchen and living room. "You remind me of a girl I used to know. This should be just right."

Skye looked at the gift for a moment before taking slowly. Lian nodded, implying the child should open it. The little girl pulled off the bow and carefully tore away the paper. She opened the box and pulled out the black leather jacket it held. "Look May! Just like you!" Skye squealed, shoving her skinny arms into the sleeves then sliding her hands up and down the soft material. "I gotta look inna mirra." Before anyone could answer the little girl was off to use that big mirror on the back of her bathroom door. Luckily she did not hear the hushed laughter from the adults left behind.

Celia Gibbons was overjoyed to have everyone move to her apartment, joining her for Christmas dinner. She had more than enough for everyone and proudly showed off the many cookies Skye had helped her bake.

Lian was nearly bowled over by the hug the little girl wrapped around her when she returned, still wearing the black jacket. She gave in to the little girl's pleas that she join them for dinner. Coulson was a victim to the same plea and both were dragged across the hall to neighbor's large table. After dinner Skye insisted the group play one of the new games Mrs. Gibbons told her Santa left for her under the tree in her apartment. Skye couldn't believe this Santa could do so much. Celia neglected to tell anyone the man was a family friend and she had given him just enough information to fascinate the child. They'd also done a lot of last minute shopping to be sure every child at St. Agnes had at least two gifts to open this morning. Celia set up a fund to be sure it was repeated every year from now on with her friend agreeing to make a special visit long before the big day.

William and Coulson were forced to join the little girl and Celia for a game of Parcheesi, something older players hadn't done in decades and Skye was eager to learn.

May and Lian stood back enjoying their tea while watching the others enjoy their game. The silence between them was deafening as it usually was. Too much conversation usually ended in an argument and today was not the day. Lian would criticize and Melinda would say the wrong thing resulting in her mother storming out and staying away for…well, it could be years. It was always easier to talk to Baba. Mother never had patience for an active little girl and was usually the one to dole out any type of discipline. Sometimes May thought she was the original Tiger Mother. But it was Christmas and all that good will stuff was in the air so Melinda finally let out a breath and addressed her stoic mother.

"Going to tell me what a mistake this is?" She asked around a sip, without looking at her mom. Dumb move...was she asking for trouble?

Lian shook her head. "I recognize the same very special child that you see, Melinda." She took a sip of tea. "And in the short time I have been in your company I can see she means the world to you." Lian, like her daughter did not make eye contact. She lifted her cup and took another very small sip. "She reminds me so much of the child I once knew, one who was born to reach for the stars and fulfill all her dreams." Lian looked over the lip of her cup then set it on the matching saucer.

Melinda remained silent, it was definitely her mother's way of giving a compliment but she couldn't help waiting for the 'but'.

"This little one has the heart of a lion and I fear she holds the same fierce fighting spirit as you, Melinda." Lian smiled a real smile as she turned toward her daughter. "She has suffered much too much for a small child and yet she continues to thrive. With you as her mother she will overcome every challenge," she reached across the small space between them and squeezed her daughter's hand, "just as you did."

Melinda could not form a thought, let alone a word. She could remember no time in her life when her mother spoke to her with such an open heart. She turned her hand and laced her fingers inside her mother's. Lian smiled at her daughter's grip.

"Don't make the same mistakes I did Melinda," she softly told the joined hands.

"Mother," Melinda began as Lian slowly slid her hand away.

"May!" Skye squeaked, leaping up and down in front of her. "I won. I won!"

Lian exchanged a smile with her daughter and nodded toward the child that needed her attention. Melinda turned to wrap Skye in a congratulatory hug. "That's great, baobei." Skye hugged back, still bouncing with excitement.

"Now we're gonna do the Life game next and lotsa people can play. Come on, May, please." Skye tugged at May's hand as she drew out the word. "I'll set up all the cards. I'm gonna be the pink car and Coulson wants ta be yellow." She giggled as she bounced away dropping May's hand when she could not longer reach it. "Come on, May. Yéyé gots all the money."

May smiled a nod turned back hoping Lian would join them. An empty chair where her mother had been met her. Lian had used the distraction to take her leave. She hadn't left her daughter with the burning resentment that usually smoldered behind, but with a warmth Melinda only faintly remembered. Silently and without a goodbye, Lian May was gone…again. Melinda raised her cup to the door and finished her tea.

"Come on, May. You could sit by me…come on…" Skye urged.

Melinda moved to the parlor and squeezed into the space between Skye and a grinning Coulson. She rolled her eyes at him. He smiled back and reached across her to place the dice in Skye's hand.

"Okay, angel eyes…" he smiled around May at the little girl. "Let's get started," he winked at May. "We've got a life to get going."

May leaned closer to him. There was something about this nerd that she could get to like, so she teased. "Hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride."