This place was unlike any place she's seen. It certainly looked and felt like Earth with the brilliant blue sky and the wonderful foliage around her. The temperature also felt comfortable, not to warm and not cold. The small grassy meadow around her looked almost manicured like someone has decided to trim the grass around here. But Emily was pretty sure this wasn't Earth. About 90 maybe 95 percent sure? At any rate, there's another topic Adam can ruin for his show she mused to herself, 'Adam Ruins Space'. That'll be interesting to say the least.

Or actually more like 'Adam Ruins Your Reality' after she gave it some thought. After all, he had revealed right before he teleported them that he hadn't been completely truthful about his TV host powers. Naturally, she had questions raised that she wanted to be answered. Burning questions that she wanted to know sooner rather than later. But she wanted to give him some space first. They had come from a funeral after all.

He didn't even want to ruin anything, that's how bad of a mood he was in. Very understandable of course. She chastised herself mentally a little bit for being a little too fast in trying to cheer him up. That was admittedly a little stupid, but Adam was her friend, well not close friends yet, but still friends enough. Enough so that she felt her heart twinge with sadness at the sight of his despair. So while he laid down a few feet behind her, she took to wandering around close by. Some space and time to contemplate what happened would do her some good as well. Breath in the cool air and take in the scenery.

She was mildly surprised to hear the familiar bird chirps, sounded like they came from a nearby forest. Still pretty sure this wasn't Earth. Actually, why was she wondering that anyways? For all she knew Adam could've teleported them to another part of the Earth. But somehow, despite the fact she can't explain one iota why, it felt otherworldly. Almost ethereal even. Even with all that, there was a palpable solemn mood surrounding both of them as Emily walked back over. She sat down next to him and placed her cane aside.

"This place is very nice," She commented after a second or two passed.

She was a little unsure of what to say to break the silence so she went for the obvious. She absentmindedly looked around briefly as she brushed her long dark brown out of her face. Adam looked towards her, a little jostled out of the forlorn trance he was in looking up at the sky. It was clear the event that led up to Hayley's death and the funeral was still fresh on his mind.

Adam gave her a small smile, "Oh thanks."

"It's peaceful and relaxing. Where are we exactly?" Her voice was calm and pleasant.

"My own private Earth," Adam truthfully said, in a voice that was unlike the usual when he gets into his 'ruin something with the truth' mode.

Informative, but without the rude matter of fact way he goes about it.

"It's an Earth away from Earth if you will. I come here when I actually want to be alone for a little while."

She nodded in understanding, everyone has those moments when they want to escape the world for a while. Wait what, Earth away from Earth? As on another planet? Emily can't help but give him a slightly dumbfounded look. So this definitely wasn't Earth at all. That weird hunch she couldn't explain was correct after all! But she was still confused, that would mean And just then she remembered that key revelation Adam told her earlier.

That he was lying about the parameters of his tv host powers.

"So...we're on another planet?" Emily said slowly, but questioningly

"Yep!" Some of that happy, boyish smile reappeared. That was good, that meant Adam still didn't mind talking. That and he is a little less inconsolable as before. At least at any rate.

Just anything except what happened and trying to get him into his usual mood. Adam will go back to his usual self on his own terms she reminded herself. She didn't want to accidentally make any more awkward mistakes.

"Of course this planet only exists whenever I come here," Adam sat up as he happily supplied the information.

"Right," Emily said as though she completely understood what he just said. She felt momentarily lost.

But she connected the dots quickly enough afterward and carefully posed the question, "So from what you told me earlier and just now, your magic tv host powers aren't just for ruining someone misconceptions?"

Adam took a moment before he nodded and looked at Emily, "Nope, I just chose to use them for educational purposes. I was born with them and I don't know why."

"Does your family know?"

"Yes. It was my dad that had me promised to use them for educational purposes or to do some good, which was just fine with me. I honestly didn't know what I can even use them for. Figured combining it with my love of telling people the truth was as good as any."

Emily needed a moment to take and process everything she just heard. This was new and honestly, a part of her wanted to kinda laugh at the absurdity. A tv host who is in desperate need of social lessons, someone who gets his joy from telling people the harsh truth, has practically godlike power. She did laugh for a second mentally.

And said tv host was looking aimlessly at the ground lost in his own thoughts. He sat crossed legged with his head down still looking some kind of troubled. Emily was partly surprised she didn't freak out like one probably would if this was a movie or a tv show. Maybe it was cause she already knew Adam enough to not seriously be too worried. He wasn't going to go batshit crazy with them, the closest is whichever infuriating way he does to illustrate why someone is wrong about something.

The information she mentally filed away in her 'Adam Conover' file served to put her ease before she even thought about if she should, in a way, stereotypically freak out. Probably wouldn't do Adam nor this situation any good anyways. Plus she didn't have the energy if she wanted to freak out like so.

Silence passed and the only sound for the next minute was the sound of birds. Without any long thought, Emily snapped her fingers in order to test something. If Adam still had his powers outside of his show, and she already had utilized them to teach Adam something. Well, she was pretty sure she didn't have any powers. She would've honestly noticed it by now, but she couldn't help but let out a slightly disappointed sigh.

And of course, annoyingly enough, Adam had to confirm it.

"Oh, no one else can use them outside of my show. I change reality a little whenever I'm ruining something so whoever knows something I don't they can use them. Makes it more fun."

"I wouldn't know what to do with them if I suddenly had them anyways," Emily admitted while Adam faced her with a small smile, "Except proving you wrong on something."

And for the first time today Adam chuckled softly. It faded into a smile and Emily can feel the mood lighting up a bit. For Adam, after the whole female body segment, he realized shortly after that show that he proud for Emily. Emily took the reins and taught him a subject he didn't really know much about before.

"That was fun being taught by you Emily. I looked up more about the female body regarding sex later that day so you have my thanks."

For a slight couple of seconds, Emily thought he was going to go further and start rambling off those said facts he learned. Whether it was about the anatomy, or how exactly a woman gets pregnant. But he became silent. Adam wasn't in the mood just yet, and plus it would've been awkward anyway so this was for the best.

"Did you ever look into why you even have those powers? I'm sure that would've been less awkward than looking up stuff about the opposite sex," Emily finished with a light-hearted chuckle.

It felt good that by now to see Adam cheered up a little more. Enough to have a little of that pep back into his voice. He shook his head calmly then faced her with a resigned sigh.

"Me and Rhea didn't find anything. We kept at it for a good long time, up until after I stopped going to college. After that, I figured might as well move on with life."

"Oh," Emily felt bad though, that had to suck not finding answers to something as big as magical powers, "You guys didn't even find any experts about it?"

Now that had to be a little more surprising than finding out powers like that even existed. There had to be some book or someone that explained the hows, the whys, and the purpose of a human, in general, having literal magic.

"No. All I had was my family who didn't know any better than I did. Well, now I have you but.." Adam amended himself before he went on, "So far the best guess I have is I'm supposed to use them to protect the Earth or something."

"Like in some of those movies?"

"Haha yeah. But the people in those movies are way more qualified for it than me. There are probably people in real life more qualified than me."


"Em, I'm just a basic cable tv show host who loves to find out the real truth of the world and inform people about it."

"No argument there. You love doing that more than most. But listen there's most likely a reason why you have them in the first place."

Emily wasn't sure if she said that statement more forcibly than intended. The stubborn part of her didn't want to take no for an answer. There had to be a reason right? This was different than death. No one knows what the hell happens after death, that was a guarantee. It was also guaranteed that no one on Earth had powers or at least that was her perception before. But here she was with someone that just disproved it. Was there more people that had it and they just don't know it yet?

Adam just shrugged at her declaration, "If there is outside of ruining things then I sure as hell don't know it. Any good I can do for other people I certainly don't need magic for it. You don't need magic to give to someone or make them feel better. You don't need it to go volunteer at the soup kitchen. Or handing out gifts for little children. No one else needs magic to do those things."

"That is a good point."

"We don't even need magic to live our life day to day. Sure it would make life easier in some ways, but if humanity been able to live life and deal with any problems that come along with it without any sort of magic then...why do I have it?"

There was silence as Emily wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that. She does sympathize with him, Adam probably felt like he didn't fit in just exactly with the other kids growing up. She probably wouldn't if she had an ability literally no one else had either. He sounded lost like he gave up on finding an answer. That just gave her motivation to help him find one. She watched Adam lay back down on the grass while she took the moment to take a look again around her. She didn't want the moment to turn awkward by looking at him too long.

"You want a change of scenery?" Adam's voice brought her back around to face him.

After a second or two she nodded, "Oh uhh, sure."

Adam snapped his fingers and the change was practically almost instantaneous. Instead of a beautiful meadow with flowers around them, it was a beautiful beach with brilliant white sand. And the ocean nearby was straight out of an island paradise in the Caribbean. They were laying up on a little sandy hill where the top of the little hill met the land. Emily felt in awe at how amazing this all looked.

Taking in the moment, Emily decided to lay down on the sand. Even the sand felt comfortable up her back. It wasn't rocky or too hot, just right. The ocean before her stretches out into the horizon as far as her eye could see. Adam put his hands under his head as Emily spoke up in an effort to cheer him up.

"Adam I'm sure no one will begrudge you if you used your powers to refill a cup of coffee or magic yourself a bowl of popcorn or whatever," She said sincerely with a reassuring smile.

"I have done little things like that, won't lie about that. But really, I just...I just want to be like everyone else. I mean as far as what humanity is capable of, I want to be...normal in a way. Even when I use it for the little thingsā€¦.it's once in a great while."

"Sounds like you view it as more of a burden outside of your show."

Adam didn't reply for a good several seconds, just a silent unspoken agreement in the air between them.

"I thought everyone else had powers like that when it first manifested."

"When was that?" Emily was on her side now with apt attention on the information Adam revealed.

"13, in the middle of freshman year in high school so that was fun," Adam ended with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Emily had to do a slight bit of a double take, she hadn't heard Adam try his hand at sarcasm before. At least outside the context of his show really. But that surprised feeling faded away filled with sincere sadness for him. He must've gotten teased or, more than likely, alienated himself more so unintentionally. She scooted closer to him to give him a supportive hug and she felt a strong arm gently wrap about her waist. She rested her head on his chest as the implication set in.

"Sounded like you had a rougher time in high school than most."

"Oh no, it was ok. Turned out for the best, gave me more time to focus on my true passion in life!" Adam responded with false bravado. It was clearly a facade and it was way more transparent than what Adam probably thought it was.

"Yeah, that totally sounded convincingā€¦" Emily dryly said with an eye roll.

"No, it was true! I really was fine Emily. More time to research topics for school assignments and whatever I was interested in at the time. More time to focus on my grades. Less chance to be tempted into cheating too, did you know most kids in high school tend to think cheating is ok. According to a CNN poll, around 75 percent-"

"Adam!" Emily raised her voice just enough to catch his attention.

It was painfully obvious Adam was trying too hard. She did not buy one iota of what he said at face value at all. Something was off and he was clearly hiding his true feelings about what happened. Adam looked back and eventually relucted after a good half minute. He realized he was finding it a bit more easy than usual to confess all this. Wonder why? Maybe it was cause he felt like he could confide in Emily enough. The private world helped too.

"Adam you're lying. Not about the passion in life part, that I believe. I wouldn't come out feeling ok about it if I was in your shoes. If I was alienated because of unexplained powers, I would feel lost, unsure of who I am and possibly more insecure than I already was in high school."

"I told my family about it. Told the one or two other know it all nerdy people that I managed to hang out to that point."

"You had friends in high school?" Emily interrupted in jest then quickly regretted it, "Sorry continue."

"I told teachers about it, other students there. My family was the only one that didn't act like I wasn't...completely human enough."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Emily replied softly, not above a whisper. It was all she can think of to say to that. She heard his voice slightly break at the end of his confession there.

"My family still loved me unconditionally and did their best with their suggestions."

"What did they suggest?"

"Keep it in the family. Keep it on the down low. Don't get me wrong, they were supportive. They tried to help me find answers, but telling me to keep it hidden just made me feel more weird about it."

Emily's voice was quiet and calm, "I'm sure they didn't mean it."

"Rhea was the only one that seemed to be more disappointed that she didn't get them."

Emily laughed lightly, "She's probably thinking differently now since I doubt you did the whole show thing back then."

"Yeah, but I happily still told everything the truth behind something!"

"Course you did," Emily stated before she perked up with a new question, "Couldn't you done something with your powers to make everyone forget you said anything? Probably could've helped a little."

"Was tempted, but I didn't. I always felt completely weird about the notion of mind wiping people memories to completely forget something at someone's whim. I can't do that Emily. I don't want to do that to someone, tear away a part of their life experience."

"That's very noble of you. I've known some people from my high school would probably do that without a second thought to benefit them."

"I did have some jock types ask if they can pay me to use my powers to make some girl of their dreams fall in love with them or have good grades."

Emily looked at him almost incredulously, "They did that?!"

Of course some would, who was she kidding. High school students aren't exactly known for their maturity.

She felt weirdly revengeful on his behalf. A part of her wanted to find those jocks and give them a hard kick to the ass for trying to take advantage of him. It faded away, but it was a feeling that surprised her since objectively, Adam is not exactly a close friend. Or that was the status before they came here, she wasn't actually sure anymore. She since felt closer and, well, just plain honored that Adam trusted her enough to tell her all this.

She can see him telling Hayley eventually had she lived.

"Yeah. I usually got stuffed into a locker after I told them off. Once Rhea came onto the scene those type of requests died down."

"She scared them off?"

"Yeah. I still got teased, but at least no one asked me to do something magical for them anymore."

"That's good."

It was very good to see that Adam had a strong moral compass. In general and in regards to having powers. Attractive even. Wait hold up, attractive? Adam? That word came right out of blue in her thoughts. She took a look over him as he stared off to the distance. Did his hair always glisten underneath the sun? She caught herself awkwardly looking at his hair and stubble a second too long. 'No stop Emily, you're dating Murph, not Adam' Emily chided herself mentally. She was supposed to think that kinda shit about Murph who was her actual boyfriend, not a nerdy know it all like Adam with socialization problems.

Besides he was just her friend. Yeah, just a friend. A friend with a really cute stubble there.

The sound of Adam's voice jostled her out of her thoughts and she quickly pushed those thoughts down into her subconscious. She reminded herself she was fully committed to Murph.

"Emily, do you want to know something factual I discovered about my powers?"


"I can't do two things with my powers, revive dead people which I already told you in the episode, or magic them all away."

And now Emily felt a little stunned. Did Adam just reveal that he tried to get rid of his magic powers? Not that she blames him, she doesn't. But he always looked like he enjoyed using them enough. On the other hand, she starkly realized, her frame of reference for that is exclusively from her memories of him using it to ruin a fact.

There was a minute of silence before Emily managed to half awkwardly stammer out a sentence.

"Did...did you just say you...tried to get rid of your powers?"



"Before college started. I just wanted more completely human. Fit in better."

"You are one Adam," Emily felt her heart might as well be in a million pieces by now.

Adam gave a short sigh of disbelief, "Name me one other person who got the same powers as I do. You can't."

"No I can't, but let me stop you right there and ruin that little misconception you have about yourself," She said firmly but calm as she got up from his hold.

Emily slowly got herself up with the aid of her cane and pulled Adam up along with her. She steadied herself before she defiantly pointed her finger into his chest, "You, Adam Conover, are 100% human. Just cause you're able to bend reality doesn't mean you're any less of a human. You just happened to have something extra that the rest of us don't."

"But that's the thing Em, a regular human doesn't have them. And this shouldn't even be possible either. There's nothing out there in science, in any scientific field to really back up why I can do this," Adam demonstrated by turning the ocean near them a shade of pink with a wave of his hand.

The two glanced out into the distance. The pink was in stark contrast to the blue sky, definitely felt like one could get a headache if they stared too long. Especially when the shade of pink is bordering on eye-searing neon pink.

Emily rubbed her eyes a bit as she torn her gaze away and back to Adam. It was blindingly pink and the blue sky didn't really help either in juxtaposition. Luckily she thinks she can get used to it if she focused more on Adam. And damn that black suit brings out the blue in his eyes. A rich shade of blue hiding behind clear glasses. How'd she not noticed that before? She felt her cheeks slightly heat up.

"Well there has to be some reason, maybe its genetics! Maybe there some gene that caused it and we simply just don't know about it yet," Emily suggested.

"I doubt it. If it was we probably would've found one or two examples of someone being born with them. And we looked up historical texts too, not one mention of any strange sorcery that can't be explained in the past."

Emily still wasn't dissuaded. She wanted to help Adam find out where his powers came from. Well, that is if he wanted to. If it was up to her, she would keep on looking. Even if it took her most of her life and it's only when she is 80 or 90 that she decides to give it up.

And before Emily could make up a reply Adam spoke up.

"We also tried to do a genetics test. That's was Dad's idea, he had a geneticist friend. But he and mom ended up more worried about how crazy and out there it all sounded at the last minute."

"I see."

Emily took a calm breath and looked back out into the pink water again. Gentle waves washed up onto the sand slowly. It was still relaxing to watch, even if the color wasn't normal to her expectations of what the color should be. Still enough to give her a headache if she stared at it too long. The air right now between them was less somber and more at ease. Relaxed. Adam looked like he was alright now, the smile he had was evidence of that.

"In some respects, I do feel alone because of these powers," Adam began as he snapped the ocean back to its original blue color, "Still do but, I've long ago accepted that they'll be a part of me for the rest of my life. It's one of the great mysteries of life, the hardest to ruin out there."

"Aside for what happens after death."

"True but you know what I mean," Adam replied matter of factly, "I am glad that I was able to combine my powers with telling people why they are wrongs on things. Hence my show."

Adam turned around to face Emily as he gently gripped her shoulders with both hands. He adopted a gentle but pleaded expression in his eyes.

"I just ask of one thing from you Emily. Please don't tell anyone that I can use them freely outside of Adam Ruins Everything."

Emily looked at him for a second or two before confidently nodding. She can certainly do that, who'd believe her anyway.

"Yes. Yes I promise not to tell anyone," Emily nodded then smiled warmly but friendly.

Adam smiled in relief he didn't know he had and hugged Emily. Dang who also knew before her that his hugs were strong but gentle and soothing. How is it that all these little things about Adam so far escaped her rader before? She mentally still had to ask herself that even though she knew the answer. Emily found herself in the moment enough to reciprocate the hug. She found herself disappointed when he broke off his embrace after what seemed like a good long while. In reality, it was only several seconds.

She also noticed that they were back on Earth, the actual Earth, and near the entrance of the church where Hayley's funeral was held. The brick wall of the building near the entrance was to her left and the road to her right. She can hear the telltale sounds of other people in the not so far distance behind him. Apparently, the service must've just ended.

Adam tensed up a bit when he noticed people coming out the door. His voice was a little awkward, but apologetic at the same time, "Oh shoot I might've gotten us here a little late."

But Emily quickly reassured him with a gentle hold on his arm, "It's ok, I'll just tell Murph our walk went a bit longer than anticipated. He'll buy it."

"Alright. Then I guess I'll just head home. Thanks for coming, I really do appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I actually...did have a nice time with you...umm, back there."

Saying 'back there' there just made it sound like they were elsewhere having sex. Which made her feel a little awkwardly dirty, like she was cheating on Murph or something. But it was for lack of a better euphemism to refer to where she was a minute ago.

Adam said his goodbyes and started to make his way to his bike when Emily suddenly pulled him back by the arm. She made sure to keep her voice low enough so only the blond haired man can hear.

"Wait don't you still want to find out the truth behind your powers? I can help," Emily still didn't find it right that Adam seemed to give up on the idea of finding more about his supernatural ability.

"Thanks for the offer, but there isn't anything you can do that we haven't already done. Plus maybe this is one of those things I'm not supposed to know. Besides, you said it earlier yourself, sometimes it's ok not to know."

"But that..that was about death Adam, that's different! That was before I found out..more about you," Emily stammered out without much thinking. Adam did not have the right to go and throw her words back at her. She continued, not letting Adam have the opportunity to make his rebuttal.

"That's not the same thing as powers! If I had something like that I would want to...ugh I don't know...find some damn expert or somebody to explain why I have something as socially alienating as magical powers straight out of a fantasy book or movie!"

She let out, perhaps a tad too frantic, but the question of how this was even possible was still present in the back of her head. Emily paced around a bit and made a full circle around before she felt a gentle grip on her shoulder.

"Emily, Em relax I'm fine with it, I long ago fully accepted it. It's better to just let it go at this point. If I decide to give it another shot then I know who to ask for help, alongside Rhea of course. I'll see you later."

Emily gave a nod of resignation and sighed while she watched Adam walk off towards the bike rack. She just stood there straight as a board as Adam eventually rode off from her view. She found herself still not ready to give up the search. There had to be some reason, this wasn't like death at all. For one thing, Adam is alive and well so thus he had a right. A right to know the purpose of him having something literally no one else had and can impact the world in a way not preceded before.

How can Adam be completely fine with this? But if he was then, she should be too right? Like anyone else would if they were in her shoes. Yeah, let it go as he seemed to have. But still, she can't shake off the small urge to look into it herself. At least one of them is fine with it.