A/N: Hi! this is the date continuation. It's pretty long because I needed to wrap things up. So sorry for the long chap. Also, I thought I had already posted this here. This is the second time this happened! Ahh!

Sorry for mistakes. Enjoy :)

Chapter Twelve

After thanking their instructor and Emma promising to give her a spectacular review, they carried their artwork back out onto the street. Standing out in front of the establishment, Regina took a moment to admire Emma's painting in the afternoon sun. It turned out great for someone who claims to have never painted. It dawned on Regina that Emma was just one of those people, the special ones that almost everything they did was magical. As if she wasn't already enamored with her. She looked up at Emma and stared at her. When she looked her way, Regina felt somewhat shy and embarrassed that she had been caught staring. Emma however simply gave her a cheeky grin and took her hand.

"Come on. Let's go eat." Emma said then started leading her across the street to the car.

The drive to the restaurant was fairly short. It was in a similar neighborhood to the art studio. The street was tucked away and quiet so, Emma managed to find a parking spot easily. Regina noticed that Emma liked the hidden gems in the city and Regina was finding that she liked it too. She hoped Emma would share more of her favorite places with her.

Peering out of the window, she observed what must have been the restaurant. It had a rustic look. Pale green walls, two large windows at the front where one could see inside of the restaurant. There also was a seating area out front, protected by a white fence and a few people were enjoying their meals under the table umbrellas. A tan awning sat above the door and the three steps that led up to it. From what she could see, it was nice and safe if the gigantic piece of paper with an "A" tapped to the widow was anything to go by.

"We can get something a bit more sophisticated if you like." Emma offered, pulling Regina out of her thoughts. "I mean if you want something other than burgers and vegan fast-food..."

Regina looked at Emma and gave her a smile before saying, "I'm really excited to try this place."

Emma looked relieved. "Oh good. You'll like it. Their food is delicious."

"Good. Now, come on. I'm starving." Regina said with a little laugh as she undid her seatbelt.

Emma chuckled as she undid her own. "Fine. Let's get some food in you."

Regina hummed. "Please."

Emma gave her a grin before opening the car door and hopping out. She shut the door then jogged around to the other side. Opening Regina's door, she helped her out in a similar way to before. She locked the car then headed for the restaurant.

"This place is great," Emma said as she pulled the door open and held it for Regina. "Everything on the menu is so good!"

"I trust you," Regina said with a smile as she stepped inside. Emma followed behind her, letting the door shut behind her.

"Mmm..." Emma hummed. "Good. I'm glad I've earned your trust. I swear you will not regret it."

"I know," Regina whispered with a smirk. "You've proven yourself trustworthy."

Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement and joy at that. "The best news I've gotten all day."

Regina returned the smile. "Good."

"Come on. We can flirt more at the table." Emma teased with a grin. It grew when that drew a chuckle from Regina. Emma chuckled as well before stepping away and walking further into the restaurant. Regina followed her up to a podium where a tall thin man was standing, dressed in a button-down shirt, a tie, and slacks.

"Uh, hey," Emma said grabbing the man's attention. He looked up from where he was organizing a stack of menus and froze when he laid eyes on her. His eyes grew wide and he appeared flustered for a moment as he stared. Emma gave him a polite smile and he visibly blushed. Regina understood that one hundred percent; Emma made her blush uncontrollably as well. Emma seemed unfazed by his reaction and politely requested a booth so that she and her date could have some privacy. The man nodded nervously and motioned for them to follow.

As they were led through the restaurant, Regina took the time to take the place in. Firstly, it smelled wonderful; the different aromas were appetizing and it made her stomach grumble. There weren't many tables, about five for two to three diners in the center of the room, and five booths against the window. There was a staircase on the opposite side which must have led to an upstairs sitting area. It wasn't too crowded but there were enough diners to prove that the place got a lot of business.

The host showed them to a booth straight in the back. Once the women settled in across from each other, the host handed them their menus and informed them that their waiter would be with them in a moment. They thanked him and then he went about his business.

Regina opened her menu and began to browse. She's never been to a vegan place before so she had no idea what to order.

"I hope you weren't uncomfortable with him ogling me like that." Emma's voice drifted across the table. Regina looked up and found Emma watching her carefully. She hadn't even picked up her own menu.

Regina's eyes dropped to the woman's chest and then her gaze wandered back upward. "Who could blame him?"

Emma chuckled. "I can't tell if that's a compliment or you're being sassy."

Regina shrugged. "Oh..."

That pulled an amused snort from Emma. "Why are you giving me a hard time?"

Feeling a bit bolder, Regina gave Emma a look. "Because I know you like it."

Excitement took over Emma's entire being. She held Regina's eyes and gave her a salacious smirk. "Yeah. I do like it, so, what does that mean?"

Regina bit her lip as she grinned. "I like teasing you."

"Well, I like being teased. It makes things fun and turns me on." She wagged her brows then.


Emma smiled. "Yeah."

She then slid her hand to the center of the table, palm up. Regina didn't hesitate to place her hand in Emma's. The hand immediately clossed around hers. Regina's gaze lingered on their hands for a moment and she couldn't help but realize how right this felt. There was a certain safety and comfort that came with Emma's touch. Something she couldn't get enough of. The pad of the other woman's thumb began rubbing across the back of Regina's hand. Her gaze wandered upward until her eyes met Emma's. They held each other's eyes and Regina found herself getting lost in Emma. Her soft green eyes were watching and studying her so intensely but she could see the joy in them. Regina was slowly melting into the feeling of Emma's soft, warm palm against her own and the smooth pad of her thumb stroking her flesh so gently.

"I'm so lucky. Wow." Emma whispered, breaking the silence between them.

The wonder and affection in her gaze reflected her statement and Regina's heart did a thing that she couldn't quite describe. "Emma..."

The woman with the pink hair laughed. "Yes, baby?"

"Stop making me blush."

"Am I not supposed to tell you that I'm into you? Am I not supposed to treat you nicely and tell you how wonderful you are?"

Regina sighed. That was all she ever wanted but no one speaks to her that way. "I'm just not used to it, that's all."

"You'll get used to it," Emma assured with a patient smile. "I"ll make sure of it."

Regina knew that she meant it just as Regina had meant it when she said she trusted her. "Alright." She said softly.

Emma gave her a playful wink. "You okay?"

"I'm great."

Emma chuckled. "Perfect." After a moment of still holding Regina's hand, she gave her a wry smile. "We have to look at the menu. The waiter will show up in a sec."

Regina nodded but Emma didn't open her hand right a away, clearly not wanting to let Regina go just yet. Regina did not want to let go of Emma either but when Emma slowly opened her palm, she reluctantly withdrew her hand. She watched Emma's now empty palm close then her fist slowly slid back towards her. She cleared her throat then lifted her menu.

Regina did the same and they began browsing the menu, every now and then stealing little glimpses of each other.

After a moment of browsing and subtle flirting, she looked up at Emma. "What's good?"

"Everything." Emma laughed out her reply. "But I really like their cheeseburgers. Plantbased patty and dairy-free cheese. It's amazing."

Regina doesn't exactly eat vegan so she decided she'd take Emma's word for it. "Okay, that's what I'm getting."

Emma gasped feigning shock. "What a coincidence. So am I!"

Regina laughed. "Oh, gee." She rolled her eyes. "Great minds."

Emma chuckled. "Hell yeah."

Regina laughed again.

Emma smiled and leaned forward. "God, I love your laugh and your smile. So much beauty. I wish I could make you smile all the time."

Feeling a bit shy again, Regina's gaze wandered down from Emma's and lingered on the table between them. She felt her cheeks heating up again. She was still unsure how Emma could make her feel so shy and awkward. Regina was used to presenting herself to everyone as this flawless, fearless, powerhouse but with Emma, she could just be Regina. A little soft, a little vulnerable, and playful. She liked that she could be goofy with her and the youthfulness that Emma brought back into her life was refreshing. She looked back up at Emma and found her watching her with a curious tilt of her head and a comforting smile. Regina chuckled awkwardly.

Emma's smile turned into a knowing smirk. "What are you thinking?" She asked regardless.

Regina shrugged. "I'm just really happy to be here with you."

"Me too." Emma agreed happily. "You have no idea how excited I am to-"

"Sorry!" A voice interrupted them. They glanced over to the end of the table and found a boy standing there who was quite young. He looked exhausted with the bags under his eyes and he was out of breath as if he had been running around. He was wearing a white shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks. There was a name tag on his shirt pocket that read, 'Max'. "Sorry for the wait. We're low on staff. You know as soon as the weather starts getting warm, everyone calls out sick." He blushed at his oversharing. "I'm sorry."

Emma gave him a wide, friendly, reassuring smile. "No worries. I get it. We have jobs. We know how shit works."

The boy's head bobbed up and down. He was still a bit jittery like he had too much coffee. "Okay, okay but I am really sorry about the wait. I'm moving as fast as I can and I-"

"Dude," Emma chuckled. "Deep breath." She demonstrated by taking in a breath. Feeling like he had no choice but to obey, the boy took in a deep breath. Emma then released hers and he did the same. "Again."

They did it two more times and by the time they had finished, the boy looked a lot less flustered and had visibly calmed. Emma had that effect on people. She knew how to make people feel comfortable.

Regina gave their waiter a smile. "Are you okay now?" She asked.

The boy nodded then he looked between the women. "I am. Thank you."

Emma shrugged. "No worries. I get it can be overwhelming. First job?"

The boy nodded. "I've been here a week."

Emma hummed with a nod. "Yeah. You'll be fine. Just take it easy."

The boy nodded again. "Thanks."

Emma gave him a reassuring smile. "You're welcome. We're ready when you are."

Max nodded then lifted a tablet from his apron pocket. "Okay. What can I get you?" He asked. The women placed their orders and the boy took them down. "They're in." He said putting the tablet back into his pocket. "Anything else?"

"Water?" Emma asked.

"Just a moment." He said then went off.

Regina looked at Emma and they shared a chuckle. "Poor thing." Regina breathed.

"I know." Emma laughed. "I worked in a coffee shop as a teen. Not as frantic but I worked alone a lot so there was a lot of work for just me, you know."

Regina nodded. "Yeah." She frowned. "I never had a job as a teen. "

Emma didn't look surprised. "Of course not. Mommy and Daddy are loaded!"

"I wanted to work though." Regina groaned. "I craved independence."

"Yeah, I understand that." Emma nodded. "Your parents wouldn't let you work?"

"My mother wouldn't," Regina explained. "My father wants me to do whatever makes me happy. My mother liked to control me with her money. She could keep tabs on me that way."

Emma made a disgusted face at the idea of someone controlling their child with money. "That's kinda insane."

"Oh yeah." Regina sighed. She knew that it was all about control and dependence. Cora wanted her daughters to be dependent on her. A job would have given them the opportunity to make their own money and in turn, would have given them the freedom to do whatever they pleased. The wicked woman couldn't have that so, she made it so her girls had to ask her for money. That way, she knew what they were doing and who they were doing it with at all times. Regina knew that she would never do such a thing to Henry. She would always encourage him to be his own person. "Yeah..." She shook her head. "Let's not talk about my mother though. She's a mood killer."

"Fair enough." Emma turned the charming smile on her again. The smile that made Regina feel weak in the knees. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"How long have you been vegan?" Regina asked curiously.

Emma chuckled. "Long time. You know, I just never liked the taste of meat. I decided fairly young that I didn't want to eat flesh anymore."

Their waiter dropped off their water pitcher and two cups then was on his way.

"Do you like it?" Regina asked. "Veganism, I mean..."

Emma nodded as she picked up the pitcher. She spoke as she filled the glasses with water. "Yeah. It's my lifestyle. I enjoy it."

Regina smiled. "Okay, so what is one of your favorite vegan desserts?"

Emma sat a glass in front of Regina and pulled the other closer to her. "My grandma makes this kick-ass banana ice cream. And by banana ice cream, I mean ice cream made solely from bananas. No cream. Just banana, a little sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Delicious."

Regina tried to envision what that tasted like but couldn't. She imagined it was sweet and tasted like bananas, of course, but she couldn't picture the texture. "I think I would like to try that sometime."

Emma grinned. "When I get you to come over, I'll ask her to make us some." She chuckled. "If I can get you to come over..."

Regina raised a brow. Was Emma challenging her? "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"You're kinda shy," Emma said with an adoring smile. "I don't think it would be easy to get you alone in my place, that's all."

Regina's brow came down and met the other in a furrow. What did she mean shy? Regina Mills is not shy. Awkward in social settings at times due to her isolated upbringing, maybe but not shy. She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back in the chair then fixed Emma with a light glare and a purse of her lips.

Emma chuckled. "Oh shit. I'm in trouble."

"I'm not shy," Regina said shortly.

Emma bit her lip as she smirked, her green eyes fixing on Regina's brown ones. The intense flirtation in the emerald gaze made Regina feel a fluttering in her stomach and she felt her cheeks growing warm. It felt like Emma was crushing her and she liked it. She wanted so badly to look away, just long enough to regain her composure but didn't. She knew that was what Emma wanted, she wanted Regina to present herself as shy. Regina would not give her the satisfaction even though her stomach was filling up with more and more butterflies with each passing moment.

Emma grinned fully, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I suppose not. Which is good since it's just me and there's no reason for you to be shy with me."

Regina hummed and nodded her agreement. "I'm not shy."

"Or nervous," Emma added with a look of mock seriousness before the corners of her mouth turned upward into a teasing smile.

"Or nervous," Regina repeated with a shake of her head.

Emma chuckled. "Great because we are just hanging out and having fun. No pressure at all. Well, I'm under pressure because I want you to have a blast tonight."

"I am having a blast," Regina told her quickly. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time. I really like spending time with you."

A huge smile blossomed on Emma's face, her eyes reflecting the joy and her entire face lit up. "Yeah?"

"Yes. I always have a nice time with you."

"Well, shit," Emma muttered followed by an awkward chuckle as she rubbed the back of her neck. "That's some pressure right there."

Regina gasped and laughed. "Why?"

"Because now I have to make sure that every date I take you on is more magical than the last," Emma stated. "Pressure."

"Emma, stop it. You're really good at this. No matter where you take me, it will be wonderful."

Emma's grin returned. "Thanks for the confidence boost."

Regina chuckled as she said, "You're welcome."

They smiled at each other for a moment.

Emma broke the silence with, "So, does Gladys like me and I do I have her approval to date you?"

Regina was amused by the question. "Yeah." She answered. "She likes you."

"I'm glad I could impress her. She seems very protective and she's a hardass."

Regina laughed at that. "Oh, she is but she's a sweetheart. I adore her."

"Me too. I'm glad you have her."

Regina looked at Emma then with a tilt of her head. "And you?"

Emma smirked, "Now, you know you have me."

Regina chuckled. "Just making sure."

Emma hummed. "Every time you ask, I'll tell you the same thing."

That pulled a small smile from Regina.

Max returned to their table and sat their drinks down then informed them that their food was almost ready. After that, he ran off before they could thank him.

"We gotta tip him well." Emma laughed. "Poor kid."

Regina snorted. "Oh, yes, definitely."

"He's handling the pressure well," Emma muttered as they watched the boy run back and forth for a moment.

They laughed then Regina turned back to Emma. "Speaking of jobs. How are the sea lions?"

Emma's face lit up when she turned to her. "They're great, wonderful, amazing." She chuckled. "We're going to introduce the babies to the older girls soon." She gasped. "Oh, did I tell you we're getting seals?"

Regina smiled wide. She loved how excited Emma got when she spoke of the zoo. Shaking her head she said, "No. Tell me more."

Emma leaned forward and excitedly told her about the zoo's plan to add a new exhibit. She was asked to oversee that one as well. The excitement radiating off of her was contagious and Regina was sucked into the story. She found Emma's passion for animals and ocean life quite appealing and charming. Regina listened intently as Emma spoke of the exhibit details and how excited she was. She chatted until their waiter finally served their meal.

"Sorry. I was rambling on and on about sea lions and seals... on our date no less." Emma laughed awkwardly.

Regina gave Emma a soft smile. "Well, I was quite interested. I find it endearing when you speak so tenderly of your charges."

Emma looked at Regina and grinned. "Why, thank you."

Regina gave her a wink before looking down at her plate.

The burger did look juicy and delicious. It was stacked up with lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes. The fries sat on the side alone.

"This looks great," Emma said eyeing the food the same way she looks at Regina. "Fuck."

Regina laughed as she watched Emma put ketchup on the burger with such a tenderness before she picked it up and dug in. She groaned and Regina chuckled as she added condiments to her own food. She took a bite of her own and she understood why Emma was having a foodgasm across from her. The burger was thick, juicy, and flavorful. All of the fixings were fresh and delightfully crunchy. It was delicious.

"Mmm..." She groaned as she finished chewing.

"I know right," Emma said before shoving fries into her mouth.

Regina smiled. "This is incredible."

Emma laughed around the next bite but didn't speak until she finished chewing. "I know. They make the best here."

"You have to take me more places like this."

"You got it. We can try Italian next time."


They ate and had little idle conversation about work and life in between. Emma told her about some other vegan places as well. It turns out that there are tons of them around the city and she found herself very curious. She was looking forward to exploring more with Emma and well, exploring Emma in general. The tip of her ears grew hot and her eyes grew wide at that thought. She didn't mean it that way but she wouldn't lie that it hasn't crossed her mind.

Emma was watching her as she always did but didn't say much for a moment instead, her expression took on one of curiosity and confusion. "You okay?"

Regina quickly snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine." She wiped her mouth with the napkin then sat it down. She then went to finish her drink.

"Henry a burger guy?" Emma asked before taking another bite of the burger.

"Oh yes, definitely. I usually prefer to cook for him at home because that way I know what he's eating." Regina explained picking up a few fries. "But since my sister started watching him, he's developed a taste for fast food."

Emma blew out a breath. "Oh, man..."

Regina chuckled, "Yes. He loves McDonald's. I've never fed it to him."

"I'm not gonna lie but if Mickey D's had a veggie menu, I would be all over it."

Regina gasped. "Emma!"

Her date laughed. "Sorry, sorry."

Regina shook her head. "We do not encourage poor eating habits..." She scolded then she raised a brow. "And we need to talk about your eating habits as well."

Emma grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

Regina narrowed her eyes playfully at the woman across from her who simply flashed her that charming smile of hers. After a moment they both laughed at that then returned to their meal. They spoke here and there between bites until they finished. The thing about being friends and talking as much as they did for so long, it felt like they already knew just about everything about each other. They also skipped over all the first date awkwardness and got right to the fun.

Emma finished her food before Regina did but by the time, Regina finished, there were a few fries left on her plate. She wasn't exactly stuffed but she did not want any more fries. She wiped her mouth with the napkin then sat back. Emma looked at her then looked at the plate.

"You done?" She asked in confusion.

Regina hummed as she nodded. "Once the burger is done there is no need for the fries."

Emma looked scandalized by that statement. "What a rude thing to say." She said in a shocked tone that pulled a giggle from Regina.

"I'm sorry."

"No, you are not," Emma said trying her hardest to remain serious. "I can't believe you."

Regina laughed. "I really am sorry." She batted her eyelashes at Emma and she saw when the other woman began to break down.

"Well, since you're so cute, I'll forgive you this one time."

Regina smiled. "Thank you."

"Mmm..." Emma hummed. "Hey, got room for ice cream?"

"I always have room for ice cream," Regina answered automatically.

Emma laughed. "Want to share a bowl?"


"What flavor you thinking?"

She makes decisions all day long. She's a real estate agent and a mom. It's someone else's turn. "You chose."

Emma shrugged. "I'm not picky." She chuckled. "We'll see when he brings us a dessert menu."

Regina nodded. "Wonderful."

"Did I tell you how great you look today? I mean, damn. Did you know that this look was gonna do things to me, or what?"

Regina chuckled. Yes, she knew it. "Well, Jefferson helped me pick this out so you should thank him."

Emma seemed surprised. "Oh yeah. He mentioned. So, Jeff left the house?"

Regina snorted. "No. He basically went from store to store with me on a video call."

Emma laughed. "That's awesome. You two are so adorable."

Regina chuckled. "He's the older brother I never knew I needed. It's kind of nice."

Emma nodded her head. "I bet. I'm an only child so I get it. Ruby is the sister I never had... or wanted..."

Regina laughed, "Your relationship with Ruby is very cute."

Emma looked surprised. "We've known each other since we were babies so we're close."

"That's so sweet," Regina said followed by a giggle. "I love that."

That pulled a small smile from Emma and her eyes softened. "You're so cute."

"Emma don't start," Regina said with a roll of her dark eyes. "My God."

Emma chuckled. "Regina..."

Regina glanced over and saw their waiter approaching. "Oh look, it's our waiter."

The look on Emma's face was both bemused and adoring. Almost like Regina was the cutest thing she had ever seen and Regina felt overwhelmingly shy again. "Fine." Emma huffed playfully.

Regina nodded, satisfied that she had gotten her way. Emma grinned at her until their waiter sidled up to them.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

Regina nodded but Emma spoke. "Delicious. But we still have room for dessert. Can we see the dessert menu?"

The boy nodded. "Sure." He answered. "Be right back." They watched him walk off and head over to the podium at the front. He picked up a menu and brought it back. "Here you go."

"Thanks, dude. Wait a sec."

The boy nodded his head and waited by the table as Emma flipped through the menu. Regina didn't even bother to open the one in front of her because they were going to share whatever they ordered anyway.

Emma stopped at a page in the back and read over it. She then glanced up at Regina, "Want a sundae?" She asked.

Regina shrugged. Why not? "Sure."

Emma nodded and handed the menu to their server. "A sundae, please. Two spoons. Thank you."

Their waiter nodded and walked off. The dessert took less time and the waiter was back just as quickly as he left. He presented their sundae with a playful little flair that made both women smile. It was nice that for that one moment he didn't look so frazzled and overwhelmed. He asked them if they needed anything else when they declined he told them to enjoy their sundae then he was on his way. Regina looked at the dessert in the large, decorative, clear, glass bowl in between them. There were three huge scoops of ice cream. One vanilla, one chocolate and one strawberry with fudge and caramel drizzled all over. It was sprinkled with bits of peanuts and rainbow and chocolate sprinkles. The dessert was finished off with cherries.

Her eyes grew at the sight. She had never seen so much ice cream in her life. How does one even eat such a thing?

"Overwhelmed?" Emma chuckled as she picked up a spoon, clearly undisturbed by the sight.

"Uh, yeah," Regina mumbled still eyeing the sugary monstrosity.

Emma smiled. "Okay then." She scooped some of the ice cream onto her spoon then brought it over to Regina. "You don't have to think about it."

Regina didn't hesitate as she leaned forward and accepted the offer. Oh yeah, it was creamy and delicious. "Mmm..."

"Yeah?" Emma asked pulling the spoon away and using it to feed herself some. "Oh yeah, you're right."

"That's amazing." Regina laughed. "Wow."

Emma nodded. "Totally."

They finished most of the ice cream as a team before Regina got too full. Emma, however, was not a quitter and finished the rest by herself, no problem. Regina watched in amazement as the woman across from her ate all that ice cream like it was nothing. She was more impressed than anything. She liked a nice appetite because she enjoyed cooking and baking. It was clear that Emma was the woman of her dreams.

Once they finished up, they sat for a few more minutes and talked a little more. Soon, Emma asked Regina if she was ready to go because she had one more thing planned.

"I have something else to show you." .She told her. "I'm ready when you are."

Regina nodded her head. She was eager to see what Emma had lined up for her. "I'm ready."

Emma nodded and asked for the check. There was another debate but Emma won in the end and ended up paying.

"You said next time I get to pay," Regina said as the waiter went off with Emma's card.

"Did I?" Emma asked with a grin.

"Emma..." Regina sighed with a roll of her eyes.

"Just let me treat you."

"You already did. That art class couldn't have been cheap."

"Does it matter?"


"Why? Did you have fun?"

"I did, but..."

"So? I don't care about money. If I can do it for you, I will. As long as it makes you happy."

"Emma," Regina breathed.



"Why not, Regina?"

"That's not an answer."

"Do you want to know why?"

Regina nodded, "I do."

"It's because I-"

"I'm so sorry to interrupt." Their waiter said as he handed Emma her receipt and card. "Sorry for the paper."

Emma appeared annoyed that he interrupted her but the waiter had been polite so she gave him a smile. "Yeah. It's all good. Thank you."

The boy smiled in return. "Thank you for dining with us. You two have a great night." He dipped his head and walked off.

"Nice kid, huh?" Emma asked jabbing a thumb in his direction.

Regina nodded, she wanted to know what Emma was going to say but she felt that the moment was gone. She couldn't bring it up now. Perhaps later? "Yeah. Sweet kid."

"I'm going to tip him well," Emma said in a mock royal tone. "I appreciate that young man's service."

Regina chuckled as Emma placed some bills on the table.

"That should hold him over for the night."

Regina shook her head, smile still present. She appreciated Emma's silliness and ability to always make her laugh or even smile. Emma stood up and offered her hand. Regina slipped her own into it and she was helped up then the two of them left the restaurant together.

Back inside Emma's yellow Prius, they made their way back over the bridge, returning to Brooklyn. Emma took some short cuts which enabled them to avoid the busy traffic that the city always seemed to be plagued with. They drove a little longer, taking this turn and that turn. Somewhere along the way, Regina's hand had found its way into Emma's yet again. Neither of them minded really and at one point at a stoplight, Emma brought their hands up to her mouth and pressed a soft kiss to the back of Regina's. Regina's cheeks lit on fire again and her stomach flipped and flopped shamelessly at the very small affectionate gesture. She kept her eyes trained on Emma most of the ride after that, staring openly at her gorgeous date, only turning away when Emma glanced her way. This would of course cause her to miss the little knowing smile on the corner of Emma's lips.

They played that game for a bit, Regina staring and Emma pretending she didn't notice. They found themselves in a part of town that Regina knew but she didn't exactly know. She had worked this area before but she had never seen any of this. As she and Emma rolled through the cobbled streets lined with old bricked buildings, Regina stared out of the window watching the vendors, street artists, and performers on the corners. She furrowed her brow.

"I've never seen this before," Regina said staring at a musician playing a violin to a growing crowd.

"Well, my grandma says that you can live here all your life and still not see every inch of this city," Emma replied. "She also says that I've seen more of the world than I've seen of this city so..."

Regina looked at Emma. "What?"

"Yeah, like when you're from a place you don't really explore it. You go from place to place with an intention." Emma explained lightly. "Tourists come here and explore. Wanting to unlock the city's secrets. Secrets that we think we already know but we really don't." She chuckled. "There are tons of cool places here that I haven't seen."

Regina considered this and Emma did have a point after all. New York City was huge. She could imagine it being difficult to see every inch of it in one lifetime. "I have to agree." She shrugged a shoulder. "Although, I don't get out much."

Emma hummed thoughtfully as she rubbed her thumb back and forth over the back of Regina's hand. "I say you and I start going on adventures, exploring our beautiful city and just having a great time. We can bring Henry along for some of it and sometimes it will just be you and me. What do you say?"

Regina appreciated that Emma thought about the near and distant future. It proved that she planned to stick around. Regina had developed abandonment issues after Henry's father's departure so the subtle reassurance from Emma was nice. "Yes, of course. How could I say no?"

Emma glanced at her with a smile before turning back to the road. "Perfect."

Regina studied Emma's side profile yet again. The gorgeous shape of her jaw, her adorable nose, and oh, those pink lips that were curled up in a relaxed smile. Emma Swan is a complete work of art. The smile on Emma's lips widened into a grin and Regina knew that she had been caught staring. She cleared her throat and turned to look out of the window, slightly embarrassed and feeling like a bit of a weirdo. The hand in hers retained its firm grip. They drove a bit longer until they turned onto a block of more bricked buildings. Most of them resembled really old establishments. There was a small bookstore, an old fashioned toy store, and a creamery. Between two of the buildings was an oval arch and people were walking underneath it, down an alleyway.

Regina glanced back at Emma as they parked across the street from it. "Where does that lead to?" She asked.

Emma undid her seatbelt. "Come with me and I'll show you."

Regina chuckled. She noted how Disney Princely the statement was and she thought back to what Henry had said about Emma and for a moment, Regina wondered if she was living her fairytale. She was open to that even if this one didn't end in a happily ever after. "Okay."

With a bright smile, Emma got out of the car, shut the door, and jogged around to Regina's side where she opened the door for her yet again. It was more than obvious that doing such things was second nature for this woman. Emma shut her door after helping her out of the car and started walking her across the street. They stepped onto the cobbled sidewalk and followed the crowd. Most of the people she could tell were tourists, they usually walk in a slow stroll so they could take everything in. Most natives to the city moved quickly, barely paying attention to what's going on around them and that is how you tell a New Yorker from a visitor.

They walked under the arch and through the alley. Two insanely tall red-bricked buildings were on each side of them. Emma didn't talk much, instead letting Regina take everything in on her own. They walked for what must have been a block before reaching the end of the alleyway and emerged on to the street again. On their left was a coffee shop and their right, a clothing store. Regina observed the streets curiously, there wasn't a large crowd but there was enough people out and about.

"Come," Emma said before leading her down a street. It looped and curved before meeting another street. She felt they had ventured into another world. She glanced up and could see seagulls flying above them. Seagulls? Were they near the ocean?

Her questions were answered after another long block lined with more establishments. When they reached the end of it, she could see a park across the street. It wasn't large but big enough with a gray paved path and tall lush trees. Some of which spotted with blossoms. People were coming and going but not in big crowds which was nice.

"Are we going there?" Regina asked Emma softly.

Emma hummed the affirmative. "I figured you'd want to go somewhere to talk... just us two."

Regina smiled at that. "That... sounds nice."

Emma chuckled. "Come on." She said tugging Regina gently and they crossed the street. Entering the park, Regina noticed that although it was not crowded, it was full of life. Children playing, families laying out on the grass behind a small black gate, dogs and their owners walking the path or playing in the grass. Squirrels were running up and down the trees, birds chirping. It was perfect for such a beautiful day.

There were benches along the path but they didn't stop there, instead, they walked a little further. She regretted wearing her heels but before she could say anything, her mouth fell open at the view ahead of them. The section they had come to had a large yet short gated barrier and out in front of them was the sea; blue, glistening, reflecting the lowering sun. A row of benches lined the space behind the barrier. Across the ocean was Manhattan and if they turned their heads one way there was the Brooklyn bridge and if they turned the other, the statue of liberty was off in the distance, much farther away. This was a perfect spot. What a view.

"Emma," Regina breathed softly. "What..."

Emma chuckled and started leading her to a bench. Most of them were empty and the spot they were in was pretty secluded. People passed by and there were a few people sitting a few benches down on the opposite side so, they were alone for the most part. Emma took a seat and Regina sat beside her, close enough that their thighs were touching. Emma hummed softly and leaned back. She then released Regina's hand, only to drape her arm across the back of the bench behind her. The gesture made Regina feel safe and protected automatically and she found herself leaning into Emma for more of that security.

They were quiet for a moment so that Regina could take everything in. The quiet, the peace, the smell of the sea, and the floral scent that lingered on Emma's warm skin. The warmth from Emma was protecting her from the coolness of the ocean breeze yet she still wanted to be closer to the other woman. Emma was leaned back, legs parted as she lounged comfortably on the bench staring out at the sea. Regina merely watched Emma watch the scenery. Emma turned to look at her and Regina's gaze flitted away.

"What do you think?" Emma asked, her voice soft and soothing, like their surroundings.

"It's beautiful," Regina told her.

Emma's face lit up with excitement, the beauty of it rivaling the sunset behind her. The light blue faded from the sky, streaks of orange, gold, and pink painted across it. Emma's already lovely green eyes were reflecting the colors above and the glowing light played off her fair skin, making her appear surreal, almost otherworldly.

As if hearing her thoughts, Emma whispered, "Your eyes are gold in the sunset."

Regina chuckled. "Oh?"

"Mmm..." Emma hummed softly. "Very pretty."

Just like that Emma's arm slipped off the back of the bench, settling across Regina's shoulders. The grip tightened and she was pulled closer until she was gently pressing against Emma's side. Biting her lip, she looked up into Emma's eyes which she found watching her carefully, her gaze so gentle and so welcoming that it enveloped Regina and she was lost in those beautiful eyes. Emma seemed entranced by her as well, eyelids low, lips parted slightly, her breaths coming out short and slow. Neither of them said anything, almost communicating silently what they both wanted.

Unable to hold back any longer, Emma spoke in a whisper, "Can I kiss you?" She asked, eyes still glued to Regina's.

Regina's head bobbed up and down eagerly. "Please do." She breathed.

Emma didn't waste a second before leaning in close and bringing her free hand up to settle on Regina's cheek. The sunset was casting an ethereal glow over both of them and the breeze was blowing through their hair.

Emma held her eyes and her thumb stroked her cheekbone gently.

"You're so beautiful," Emma muttered. "I can just look at you for hours."

Regina chuckled. She thought that was so cute and she was flattered but she really wanted Emma's lips on hers. It's been too long. "Emma, just kiss me."

Emma smirked and leaned in close, her lips brushing Regina's but not meeting them just yet. Regina's little frustrated groan made Emma laugh. "So eager to-"

Emma's teasing was cut off as Regina closed the gap between them, her full lips pressing against Emma's soft waiting ones. Her date hummed in surprise when their lips met then sighed contentedly as they both melted into the kiss. Just like every single one of their other kisses, Regina's senses were awoken by this one. She became aware of every single place their flesh met, Emma's soft palm on her cheek and warm lips on hers. She could even feel the warmth of the retreating sun on their skin. The taste of the ice cream they shared still lingered on Emma's mouth. She could hear nothing else but the sound of her heart hammering in her chest. She pressed against Emma needing to feel even more of her. Her chest brushed Emma's and the little hum of approval she received drove her on. Feeling a bit bolder, she placed a hand on Emma's firm thigh, her fingers settled on inside of it. Emma spread her thighs a bit, encouraging her touch. Regina moved her hand up a bit and squeezed, eliciting another hum from Emma.

There was something to be said about this and the power she felt in this moment. Kissing the woman she desires and cares for despite her mother forbidding her to even see her. If her mother found out about the way that she and Emma kissed with so much passion out in public after she had lied about even seeing her, the woman would snap. Her mother's rage didn't scare her at this moment and it made her feel strong and brave. This feeling made her bolder as her hand inched up higher on Emma's thigh. The other woman grunted into the kiss and her hand slipped to the back of Regina's neck, holding her in place. Regina found the gesture to be assertive and dominant which she liked. She tried to push against Emma more but her hand tightened in her hair, holding her still. Regina couldn't help the soft moan that escaped her which Emma swallowed immediately. She felt the other woman's tongue tracing the seam or her mouth requesting entry and Regina parted her lips welcoming her inside. The wet muscle swiped the roof of Regina's mouth almost immediately and it gave her goosebumps. She liked that and asked for more with her own tongue, sliding it across Emma's which then curled around hers. They moved against each other and teased a bit longer. Regina's body began to respond as warmth pulsed throughout her body. Her nails dug into Emma's thigh.

"Mmm..." came from deep inside the woman's throat. She tilted her head, opened her mouth, and deepened the kiss even further.

There they stayed, mouths fused together as the world moved around them, only stopping here and there for air but returned to the kiss. This went on for a moment before Emma broke the kiss, pulling away with Regina's bottom lip between her teeth. Regina chuckled breathlessly when it was released.

Emma's eyes opened slowly and so did Regina's. They stared at each other again.

"I had to kiss you. I've been dying to for hours." Emma panted out.

"Why didn't you?" Regina whispered against Emma's mouth.

"I wanted to wait for the right time," Emma whispered back. "I thought this was perfect with the beautiful sunset in the background."

Regina nodded. "It is. This was the perfect time to kiss me." She shrugged. "Actually any time is a good time to be kissed by you."

She felt Emma laugh against her mouth. "It's all about timing. I wanted you to have a memorable kiss."

"All of our kisses are memorable, Emma."

"I agree but this one is special."

"I also agree," Regina said before pressing another kiss to Emma's lips. This one was soft and sweet. She pulled away again and they both hummed.

They forced themselves to pull apart because if they didn't they would end up kissing all night. Emma reluctantly pulled away and leaned back against the bench and Regina rested her head on Emma's shoulder. She then felt the other woman's cheek press to the top of her head as her arm wrapped around her shoulder again. Regina's hand remained on Emma's thigh, her grip lighter though.

The sky was now a pale blue, almost bluish gray. A strip of golden light cut across the middle, below it was the oranges and reds. It was almost like someone was peeling away the blue to reveal the other colors. It was incredible.

"This was my grandma's idea," Emma whispered finally.


Emma chuckled. "Yeah. She actually wanted me to take you to the bridge and kiss you there but I wanted to shake it up a bit. My parents kissed on the bridge after my grandmother suggested my dad take my mom there."

Regina looked up at Emma and saw her gaze on the bridge. "I think it's romantic that your parents kissed there. Also, your grandma is amazing."

Emma snorted. "Yeah. She is. I just wanted us to have our own place."

"That's fair."

Emma chuckled. "Yeah, I heard stories from her about when they kissed there. It was like when my dad kissed my mom there... he knew..."

"Knew what?" Regina asked curiously.

Emma's eyes flicked downward at her before looking back toward the bridge, her voice was soft as she answered, "That my mother was the one."

Regina couldn't help the gasp that escaped her. She sat up and looked at Emma whose gaze slowly met her own. "Oh."

Emma gave her a smile but it was nervous, awkward even. She had never seen her like this and then she said, "Yeah. I just needed to know."

Regina's heart was pounding and she feared she was panicking. Her mind was racing. "And?" She choked out.

"And what, baby?" Emma asked softly.

"Did you get your answer?"

Emma grinned and leaned closer, pressing a kiss to Regina's temple. "Do you really wanna know?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Well, yes," Regina answered, eyes wide. "I do." She needed to know.

"Well..." She began as she leaned closer to Regina's face before kissing her deeply. There in the kiss, Emma told her everything she needed to know through passion, soft lips, and a gentle tongue. This kiss was tamer than before but it still gave her butterflies just the same. Emma pulled away and as Regina's eyes opened slowly, she found Emma watching her. "Does that answer your question?"

Regina nodded. She did. Emma told her everything she wasn't ready to say and she heard her loud and clear. "Yes, I suppose it does."

Emma chuckled. "Well, good. Glad we're on the same page." She pulled Regina close and held her again.

Regina laid her head on Emma's shoulder, she knew that one day she would be ready to say what they felt but now wasn't exactly the time for obvious reasons but knowing that Emma felt deeply for her was enough.

They sat in silence as the world went on around them. The sky was turning a royal blue and the lights of the city were coming to life, shining brightly in front of them. "So, I guess you are my girlfriend then," Regina .

Emma chuckled softly, her fingers began stoking Regina's arm rhythmically. "Well, you're my girlfriend. At least that's what I've been calling you."

Regina laughed. "Okay good. I just wasn't sure."

"Would you prefer I ask like in high school?" Emma teased. "Oh god, if I don't we'd end up being together like three years and you'd realize that I never asked you to be my girlfriend!"

Regina laughed again and pinched Emma's side causing the other woman to snort. "Oh, hush. I didn't date much. Especially not in my adult life. I don't know how any of this works."

Emma hummed thoughtfully. "Fair. Okay, well, Regina Mills, will you be my girlfriend?"

Regina looked up and found Emma staring at her with a teasing grin. "I should say no," she grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

"And break my heart?" Emma asked with an adorable puppy dog pout.

That got to her. It was just as effective as Henry's puppy dog face. She breathed out a laugh. "Yes, Emma, I will be your girlfriend."

"Awesome." Emma chuckled before kissing Regina softly, sealing the deal. "I have a girlfriend. Oh my god."

Regina poked Emma's side, "Cut it out." Emma merely gave her a grin.

Regina smiled as she slipped her arms around Emma's middle and rested her head on her shoulder again. Emma kept her arm around her and they stayed snuggled together in a comfortable silence as they watched the boats and yachts sail by on the calm ocean. The sky fell dark and the ocean did as well; it sparkled and glistened reflecting the moon, limited stars, and the lights of the city.

This night was incredible and Regina was sure that it was the best night of her life so far. She knew that things shifted between her and Emma tonight but in the best way. Their relationship was different now, more serious and she could already feel it. It was a comforting feeling though and she felt safe. She just wanted to be with Emma and now she knew she could.

She felt a kiss pressed to her hair and she looked up at Emma, then a sweet kiss was pressed to her mouth. "We should head home soon. It's getting late." Emma muttered as she pulled away.

"How late?" Regina asked with a furrow of her brow. She had lost track of how long she and Emma had been there. It was so wonderful and beautiful. She was enjoying it too much to keep track of time.

Emma pulled her phone out of her pocket. "A little after ten."

Regina's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

Emma hummed with a nod. "Yeah. Sucks, huh? Hopefully, we can go out again soon."

"Take me to lunch?" Regina asked hopefully.

Emma looked surprised then smiled as she nodded. "Of course. You got it."

Regina smiled as she sat up. "Perfect."

"Hey, wanna take a pic?" Emma asked, messing with her phone one-handedly. "You know, as a way to remember our first date?"

Regina laughed. "Sure."

Emma held up her phone in front of them, the park behind them lit up by the moon and the streetlamps made a beautiful backdrop with a soft light. Regina leaned closer. "Okay, one, two, three..." they both smiled as Emma took the picture. "One more." For the second one, Emma kissed Regina as she snapped the photo. They laughed as she pulled away.

Emma leaned back as she looked at the pictures. Regina leaned over her shoulder and looked at them as well. There was so much joy on their faces that it was radiating from the picture and it made her feel giddy. "We look so happy."

"That's because we are," Emma said still looking at the pictures. "True happiness is easy to see."

Regina had to agree. She could see the joy on their faces. "You're right."

Emma gave her a grin then removed her arm from her shoulder. "We gotta go, baby. We have to get you home and I have to get back to Manhattan."

"Okay," Regina said softly. She really didn't want Emma to leave her. Not even the promise of seeing her again was enough.

Emma kissed her cheek. "Don't be like that. I'll see you soon!"

Regina nodded. "Soon isn't soon enough."

"So dramatic, baby," Emma muttered before kissing the pout off of Regina's mouth. "When you move into your place we can have sleepovers. Doesn't have to be the sexy kind. I can just hang out with you and Henry, crash on the couch and we hang out the next day."

Regina bit her lip. That does sound promising and gives her something to look forward to. "Why the couch?"

"Wherever you want me, babe."

Regina smirked at the flirtation. "Good."

Emma laughed. "Come on. Let's get you home."

She stood, pocketed her phone, and then offered Regina her hand. Regina accepted the offer and stood. They began making their way back to Emma's car. As they walked, they found that most of the visitors had cleared out and they were amongst a few stragglers still hanging around.

"I think we can make this our place," Emma said thoughtfully as they walked along, Regina had tucked herself into her side and Emma wrapped an arm around her, holding her close.

"Yes, of course." Regina Agreed. She loved it there and she could tell that Emma loved being near the ocean. "We should come back soon."

"We will," Emma said. "And maybe you can bring some of your art stuff. I would love to watch you work again."

Regina smiled and nodded her head in agreement as they exited the park. They took their time on the walk back to the car, neither of them wanting this night to end just yet. Eventually, they made it to the car and they slowly began their drive. Emma took the longest route possible in opposition to the ones suggested by the GPS in an attempt to extend their time together. They drove in silence for a bit.

"I had a really nice time, Emma," Regina said finally breaking the compatible silence. "You planned a wonderful date. I doubt I could ever compete with this when I plan one for you."

They were driving down a quiet street of houses with all their lights turned off. The residents obviously setted in to bed. Emma glanced at her, "I'm glad you had a nice time, so did I." She said before turning back to the road and adding, "And I'm sure you can plan a great date."

Regina reached for Emma's hand and she must have seen it in her peripheral because she didn't hesitate to accept she offered hand, intertwining their fingers. "You have a lot of faith in me."

Emma's eyes stayed on the road as she brought Regina's hand to her mouth and brushed her lips against the knuckles before kissing them. "Of course I do. You're amazing."

"You're amazing," Regina said softly. "You're the kindest, most genuine person I've met in a long time."

"Yeah?" Emma said giving her a feigned look of surprise. "Funny because I think the same of you."

Regina chuckled with a shake of her head. "Emma..."

"I'm serious. I'm attracted to you because you showed me who you were from the beginning. You didn't wear any masks or put on any acts. You were... are just you and that's enough to steal a heart." Emma said honestly. "When I first saw you, I thought 'what a fucking fox' but then you spoke to me and I was like, 'oh, she's chill as fuck'. Just my type."

"But you didn't make a move."

"I didn't know you were into women."

"So, your gaydar malfunctioned?" Regina asked half curious and half-joking. "Gladys says that gay people have a gaydar and can like detect each other. She also said that hers went off like crazy when she saw you then when you spoke, it exploded."

Emma snorted out a laugh. "She's hilarious. I do have one that works pretty well but for some reason, I couldn't pick up anything with you so I assumed you were straight."

"I'm not."

Emma gave her a smile. "You're not." She agreed as her thumb stroked the back of Regina's hand. She kissed her knuckles again then held their hands to her chest. "You're not."

"I don't know what I am but I know I'm attracted to you," Regina said. "And I was attracted to Henry's father. I've also been attracted to men and women in the past. I knew I couldn't act on my attraction to women so I suppressed it and wrote it off as a silly girl crush but now I know I like both."

Emma looked at Regina and her smile was so sweet and understanding. "You're into women, you don't need to label yourself right away, baby." She said gently. "It's okay to take your time choosing a label or... you don't have to label yourself at all."

Regina's brows furrowed. "What?"

Emma laughed. "You don't have to be anything right now. Just be Regina. You're a woman who is dating a woman and that's okay. You're mine if you want that label you can have it."

Regina bit her lip as she turned away from Emma. "I like that."

Emma chuckled. "Good! Hey, all I'm saying is I'm not pressuring you to label yourself. If you want to know your identity then great, I'll help you and we'll find out together."

"Okay..." Regina agreed with a nod. What a relief that was. "I'm okay with this right now."

Emma glanced at her with a smile. "Perfect. When you're ready we'll figure it out together."

Regina smiled softly. Emma always made everything seem so simple. "Sounds good."

Emma hummed as they drove through the quiet city streets.

Regina looked at her, "I guess I can tell Henry that you are my girlfriend now."

"Mmm..." Emma hummed thoughtfully. "Yeah, I hope he's okay with that. Sharing you won't be easy I'm sure."

Regina chuckled at that. "He really likes you. You're like his favorite person. I'm almost positive he will share me just fine."

Emma gave Regina a soft look before turning straight ahead. "That's..." She breathed out. "That's perfect. It means the world."

Regina could hear in her voice that she meant that. "Good."

"Hell yeah. That means that he won't mind me kissing his mom."

That made Regina chuckle. "No. He doesn't mind. He thinks you're my Prince."

Emma snorted. "Way to go, Henry."

That made Regina laugh as well. After another bout of silence, Regina spoke again. "I really like you Emma and..."

"And what?" Emma asked gently.

Losing her nerve, Regina shook her head and settled for, "I hope we're together for a long time."

Emma glanced at Regina with a smile. "Me too, baby. I don't plan on going anywhere ever. I'm here to stay. You and Henry are so important to me."

"You're important to us too," Regina confessed.

Emma hummed and Regina could see the smile on the corner of her mouth. "Good. So don't worry. We will be together for a long time."


Emma's smile grew and they stayed quiet for a moment. They weren't far from Regina's house and Regina felt an alarming amount of worry at departing from the other woman. She knew that it was unwarranted because she would see Emma again but she's grown very attached to her in the last few weeks and looking at her right now, she knew that it would be hard to leave her. Her hand tightened in Emma's and Emma merely rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb.

It wasn't until they were a block away from her house that she spoke again. "I don't want this night to end." She muttered.

"Me neither." Emma agreed. "But we will see each other again."

"I can't wait," Regina confessed. "I can't wait to see you again."

"I'm taking you to lunch soon. Anywhere you want to go." Emma told her. "Oh and we owe Hen that trip to the Aquarium."

Regina chuckled. "Yes, that."

Emma grinned. "We're going to have so much fun."

"I know," Regina said softly. "I know, Em."

They turned onto her block and she felt her stomach flip with nervousness and the dread of leaving Emma. "Maybe you should let me out here." She suggested when they were a few houses away from hers.

Emma gave Regina a side glance before turning her attention back to the road. "No. Look, you said it yourself, my car looks like a cab. Just go with that. I'm not letting you out of this car at this time of night until we're right in front of your house."

Regina bit her lip and nodded. Besides, her mother was asleep. She couldn't wait until she got her own place and didn't have to answer to Cora Mills anymore.

As they pulled up to the house, they both stared at it for a moment.

"This you, babe?" Emma asked and when she received a nod, she whistled. "Swanky."

Regina gave Emma a small smile at her attempt at a joke. "I miss you already."

"I know," Emma said with a frown. "I'll see you again soon." She undid her seatbelt with her free hand. She then released Regina's hand and opened her arms, "come here."

Regina didn't hesitate to undo her own seatbelt and practically launch herself into Emma's arms. She held onto Emma for dear life, burying her nose into the crook of her neck. They stayed that way for a moment until Emma remembered something.

"You have to go, Regina," Emma whispered into her ear. "If your mom looks out, she'll wonder why you're sitting here with the driver and why you're hugging her."

Regina groaned and held on tighter.

"I know," Emma whispered. "Soon, it won't be like this. Soon, I will be able to walk you to your door or come inside and help you tuck Henry in. Soon." She sighed. "For now we have to..."

Regina reluctantly pulled away from Emma and it was such a difficult thing to do. She looked at her and Emma leaned in. Regina met her halfway and their lips met in a warm, lingering yet short kiss.

"Soon," Emma whispered. "I had such an amazing time with you tonight."

Regina nodded. "Me too. Thank you for an amazing date, Emma."

"Any time. You deserve it. I'm just glad I could make you happy."

Regina smiled. "You did. You always do."

"You know the feeling is mutual."

Regina's smile grew.

"Don't forget your painting," Emma added.

Regina nodded her head. "How can I?" She kissed Emma's cheek. "I'm taking yours."

Emma grinned. "And I keep yours?"

Regina nodded. "Yes."

"Deal," Emma said with a chuckle.

Regina climbed out of the car and walked to the back seat then pulled the door open. Leaning into the back seat, she grabbed Emma's painting and shut the door. She returned to the front passenger window.

"Good night."

"Night, babe," Emma said with a smile.

"Call me?" Regina inquired. "To let me know you got home safe?"

Emma nodded her head. "Of course, Regina."

Regina nodded in return. "Okay. Well, good night."

Emma smiled a little and she could tell that she wanted to say something else but instead, she gave Regina a little wave. Regina blew Emma a kiss then shut the door. She turned around and headed for her house. From the walk to the gate and up the path to the porch steps, she could feel Emma's eyes on her. After pulling her keys out, she turned back and waved at Emma. The woman waved back. Regina then turned around and unlocked her door, stepping inside. Once she shut the door, she heard the car pull off. She locked it then leaned up against the door. Her heart didn't feel as heavy as she expected after leaving Emma. Instead, she felt light. She did miss her but just knowing she had her was wonderful. It chased the ache of loneliness away. She stepped out of her heels and picked them up then she began tiptoeing past her mother's door. A part of her didn't care about her mother anymore but she didn't want to have her mood ruined. As she reached the stairs, she reminded herself that very soon, this will be a distant memory.

Soon she and Henry will have their own life and a future of freedom and happiness. A future to grow and discover themselves. A life without Cora breathing down their necks. This life and future included Emma Swan. She bit her lip as a smile rolled across her face at that thought and then she made her way upstairs where she will await Emma's phone call. She couldn't wait to hear from her after such an amazing night.

Thanks for reading! :)