Hey guys! It's been a few weeks and I'm sorry - but I'm back with one of my personally favorite things I've written! Not a Human AU this time, just regular turtles being tortured. :D. I have a dark mind, okay? ANd yeah, this one's Raph-Centric. What do you want from me? I love him. Lol, but I gotta be careful of spoilers lol! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT

Warnings: Fighting, Injuries

Raphael spun wildly, grinning like a maniac. Michelangelo jumped over him, cutting down enemies left and right. Donatello was working on hacking a lock and Leonardo stood over him, cutting back enemies angrily.

"Hurry Donnie!" the leader in blue yelled, stabbing a robot through the heart. They weren't quite sure yet who these people were, but they seemed to be a kind of foot-kraang-ninja mix. Odds were that Baxter Stockman had some hand in this, but then again who knows?

"I'm hurrying I'm hurrying!" Donnie said waspishly, "you can't rush this, Leo!"

"Oh for the love of shell!" Raph snarled, "get outta my way!" he pushed Donnie aside and the purple masked turtle let out a shriek.

"Raphael!" he said indignantly, but Raph paid him no mind as he stabbed his sai into the lock over and over. To everyone's surprise, the door swung open. "How did you-" Donnie began in confusion, But Leo grabbed his arm.

"Not now Donnie." he ordered, "c'mon team let's go."

"Guys wait!" Mikey shrieked, they all turned. Raph had forgotten to watch Mikey's back as he unlocked the door, and the young ninja was pinned against the far wall of the lab like area. In what must have been a few seconds, Raphael ran toward his brother only to be stopped by the impending wall of Robots, he slashed through them, trying to create a path for his youngest brother you use.

"Mikey go!" he hollered.


"I said Go!" he snarled, making sure his brother got to the door safely, Leo and Donnie looked at them anxiously as Mikey finally raced over, after giving one of the things a few good whacks with his nunchucks. The only problem was the fact that now Raphael found himself in the same predicament Mikey had been.

"Raph come on!" Leo called, the sai-wielding turtle opted to ignore his leader for some reason, and continued hacking his way through the robots. "Hamato Raphael!"

"Get outta here fearless!" he shouted, "I'm not done with these jerks just yet! Besides, you need to get that stab wound checked out!" Leo winced, remembering the large bandage made from Raphael's mask and hand wrapping on his upper thigh. "I'll make sure none of these freaks follows you!" the green-eyed turtle demanded. Leo swallowed, sighed, and backed up a step.

"Alright, come on guys, Raph you better come home."

"You bet!" Raph said, slashing through another. "Get outta here guys!"

"But Raph!" Mikey protested. Unfortunately, as his brothers retreated, tactically, the large iron door swung shut.

"No!" Raph gasped, flinging himself at the door. "Oh come on! Open up!" when he turned to the electrical box containing the lock, it sparked and fritzed. Great. On the other side, Leo and Donnie were frantically trying to open it again, their panicked faces always flitting up to the window where they could see Raph.

"It is a useless attempt." a chillingly familiar voice growled. They all froze and the ninja on the other side of the door stared over Raph's head, Raph turned, TIgerclaw.

"What are you doing here, you overgrown housecat?" Raph snarled, pulling out his sai. Tigerclaw did not react, only watched him in interest.

"It is useless to open the door." he finally sneered, "because once the lock is broken, it seals itself until the creator comes. And unfortunately for you, he is not here."

"Get outta here fearless!" Raph commanded though he didn't think they could hear him. As if on cue, Leo stumbled forward from dizziness, he'd lost too much blood. "Don't worry about me!"

"Raph, Leo." Don murmured under his breath, helping his older brother stand, all the while watching Raphael anxiously.

"I said go!" he howled, Leo looked mortified, but nodded, barely.

"Come on, Raph can take care of himself," Mikey said, lifting a manhole cover, Don bit his lip and helped Leo down into the sewers, where he leaned against a wall for support as they made their way through. All three of them were terrified and upset that they had left Raphael there, but it was also true that their hotheaded brother could take care of himself. Mikey whimpered as they ran through the tunnels, nearly dragging Leo, who was delirious from pain and blood loss, kept muttering under his breath.

"Raph...time to come home…" Donnie swallowed thickly as he pressed a button on his staff, he had just rewired the shellraiser with a kind of homing device. It would hopefully find them in the sewers and they could get home faster, if not, Leo would be very bad by the time they returned. The purple-masked turtle glanced downward at Leo's thigh, which was wrapped tightly in a bandage of red and white cloth. Raph's mask and the wrapping off his hands, Raph hated not having his mask. He would never have done that if it wasn't serious.

"Donnie! Look!" Mikey pointed ahead, to where the shellraiser was barrelling toward them. Don hit the button again and it halted.

"Come on, Mikey, Leo, into the shellraiser," he instructed. "Mikey, You drive, I have to help Leo with this." Mikey grinned momentarily and nodded before his face fell back into a grim frown. If Donnie would let Mikey drive his baby, Leo was in very bad shape. Don stuck his tongue out in concentration as he began applying pressure to stop the blood flow to his brother's leg. These new contraptions of the foot clan's were bad, especially if they could inflict so much damage in one fight. Leo was injured badly, Raph was who knows where. Don shook his head. Focus, he had to focus. Raph would get home in at least a few hours, and Leo needed his full attention right now.

"You still awake?" he asked the leader, though he was afraid of the answer.

"Donnie?" Leo asked drowsily, to Don's surprise. "Wha's going on?"

"Just keep talking to me, Leo." Don insisted, "you have a severe leg wound and you lost a lot of blood, we're almost home. What's your favorite tv show?"

"'Snot stupid." Leo murmured, "not stupid, Raph." Don bit his lip harder, but as long as Leo was talking and staying awake it was good. The vehicle careened into a stop and Mikey was beside him in an instant, sliding the large doors open. They carried Leo into the lair and lay him on the couch, Don was afraid to move him farther than that.

"Mikey, I need you to go get my medical kit, I have to stitch up this wound so we can move him into the lab." he applied pressure once more, and Leo grimaced, though his eyes were closed.

"Ow…hurts Donnie," he complained, half conscious. It was completely terrifying to see his usually stoic older brother like this, weak and confused.

"I know it hurts," Don said as Mikey dashed to the lab, frantically searching for the medical supplies. "But just hold on, keep talking. What's your favorite fruit?"

"Strawberries?" Leo asked, confused. "Why, Donnie… you know I like strawberries…" his voice trailed away and Donnie looked at his brother's face desperately.

"Leo, stay with me, Leo. Leo! Leo!" he said urgently, slapping his brother's face with his free hand. No response. "Leonardo, wake up!" the leader in blue didn't stir, Donnie cursed inwardly and put a finger to his brother's neck, please let there be a pulse! Mikey came running out of the lab as Donnie started to panic. He had to stitch Leo's leg wound, but Leo's heart had to be pumped!

"Mikey, chest compressions," he demanded, Mikey's eyes grew wide as Donnie took out a needle and thread, gently taking off the makeshift bandage Raph had created, expertly. The freckle-faced turtle obeyed, they all knew how to perform these sometimes life-saving procedures, Donnie just had no clue why Leo's heart had stopped. Blood loss, yeah, but how much had he lost? It was a good thing Donatello took a yearly collection of their blood in case the need arose, but he wished he would never have to. As he cleaned out his older brother's wound, he noticed a strange white powder on his skin. His heart must have skipped a beat when he realized what it was. That powder must be some kind of poison, on the sword blade, to make Leonardo's heart stop. He washed the wound, setting a swab of the powder aside, and started stitching, gasping when a new oozing of blood occurred, though it meant Mikey was doing his job.

"He has a pulse again, Donnie," Mikey whispered, Don nodded, eyes trained on his work. As soon as he got this stitched up, he would move Leo to the lab, where he could hook him up to some life support systems.

"Help me." the purple masked ninja demanded, Mikey understood and gripped Leo gently and tightly under the arms, Don gingerly took his legs and they carried him into the lab. Leo lay motionless on the cot, though the rise and fall of his chest comforted Donatello as he hooked his brother up to oxygen, a heart monitor, an iv drip, and other things that would help him stay alive. Mikey hovered about nervously but stayed out of the genius turtle's way for once. As soon as Donnie saw Leo was stable, after giving him more blood, he sighed and collapsed, exhausted, into the chair beside the cot.

"Is Leo gonna be ok?" Mikey asked softly now, Don looked at him.

"I think so, Mikey," he replied. The weight of the situation crashed down on him. Leo was not going to be fighting anytime soon, Raph was missing, he and Mikey were the only people who could help Leo stay alive. But, where was the green-eyed turtle? A glance at the clock told Donatello that Raphael had been missing for nearly four hours. He should be home by now, but he wasn't. With A glance at Mikey, and then a glance at Leo, still unconscious on the cot, Don felt a thrill of fear in his heart. Mikey depended on him for leadership, until one of the older turtles awoke or returned, and he wasn't sure he knew how to handle that. What if Raph had been injured? His blood could very well be poisoned as well, and he could be dead already, somewhere they didn't know. But with a look back at Leo, Don banished such thoughts from his mind. He had to focus on the here and now, Raph could take care of himself. He hoped.

"I hope Raph's ok," Mikey said softly, from where he had taken a seat on the floor, beside the cot. Don looked at him and felt a thrill of fear race through him. He wanted Raph to be alright too, but at that moment, a vision of his older brother burst into Donnie's head. Through that window, Raph had stared out and ordered them to leave, to get Leo back and keep him alive, to get out of danger. It had been startlingly similar to when Leo himself had ordered them to leave him in that technodrome, he hadn't been worried about himself, at that moment. He had three brothers who he knew already were, and from what Donatello saw, Raph hadn't cared much whether he made it out. He only cared that his brothers got out safely, and that terrified Donnie. He didn't want anyone to sacrifice themselves for him! And Raph wasn't the leader, Leo was. But when Leo had been injured, Raph had taken up the slack, he had helped Mikey get out of a sticky situation and had gotten the other three out of that building, he knew Leo was hurt, he had bandaged Leo with his own mask. He never would have done that if it hadn't been bad. Don blinked back tears and looked at the floor. He had a horrible feeling, deep in his gut. But he replied to Mikey anyway.

"If he doesn't come back by tomorrow night, you can go look for him by the warehouse," he promised, Mikey nodded glumly. He too had noticed Raphael's change in demeanor, though he recognized it from many times before. After Leo had fallen from TCRI, Raph had instructed them on how to help him. After he had gotten nearly killed, and they were at the farmhouse, Raph had pulled himself together for them, and taken charge where there was a gap. Maybe Raph shouldn't be the leader of their team of four, but when they were in danger, he would take the lead anyway. Leo twitched in his sleep, making both younger brothers look over at him, but the leader in blue then returned to his motionless state. If there was anything Michelangelo wanted at that moment, it was for all his brothers to be here, safe, uninjured, and together. The only problem was that he knew it wouldn't be like that for a while, even when Raph got back.

What Donnie really wanted was to make sure his older brother wouldn't die because of this poison, he brought out the swab and wheeled his chair over to the desk, beginning an examination of the substance. He immediately found that it was definitely not a common poison if it was from earth at all. He compared it to almost all he could think of, arsenic, Cyanide, Hemlock, methanol, none of which would have made his heart stop as it did. Don groaned, looking over at his motionless brothers. Mikey sat unusually still beside Leo, though the occasional blink of his baby blue eyes told Donnie that he was awake and fulfilling a rigid watch over Leo, as Raph had done in the farmhouse. Raph...Donnie looked up at the clock. It was nearly eight AM already, they'd been out late before they found that secret warehouse, and then even later with the fight, the trip home, keeping Leo alive, and of course, his current project. With a small sigh, Donnie sat back, and his gaze fell on a canister they had taken from the kraang, a long time ago. It was filled with a white, shimmery, powder-like substance. Don felt his breath catch as he gingerly took the small container in his hand and opened it gently. He had been scared to test this substance, afraid of what it would do, but now he took a small portion and compared it to the chemical swab he'd taken from Leo's injury. A match. Of course! It had to be a kraang poison, what else could be so odd as to stop one's heart within an hour of bloodstream introduction? His heart sank as Donnie realized he had no idea what to give Leo to combat the poison, and could only hope that cleaning the wound and giving him the chest compressions would be enough.

"We should eat." Mikey murmured, still looking at Leo. "but I don't wanna leave, Don, what if he wakes up and we aren't here?" Don sighed, running a hand down his face as he checked over Leo's vitals again.

"How about this." the brainiac decided, "you go make some breakfast while I run a few small blood tests on Leo, and then we can eat in here. Alright? I'll call you if he wakes up." he did not add that it was really very unlikely for Leo to wake up so soon, much less this week, but he stayed silent and Mikey sighed.

"I guess." he stood. "Be back soon, bro." though Don wasn't completely sure Mikey had been addressing him, as opposed to the unconscious turtle on the cot. The freckle-faced turtle walked out, and Donatello began his tests, relieved to find that while there were trace amounts of the poison in Leo's blood, it seemed to be diluted. Even so, Donatello hooked Leo up to yet another Iv drip, which would help fight off any lasting damage, and that was really all he could do. Donnie hated it. He wanted to know exactly what to do to help his brothers at all times, well, in this case, he had no clue yet, and Raph was gone to who knows where, and Mikey...he needed his brothers.

"Food time!" Mikey sang, slightly more cheerful, as he walked in with two plates of what appeared to be homemade, chocolate, jelly bean pizza. Don accepted his plate and took a bite, despite the insane flavors bursting in his mouth now, and watched Leo sleeping, supposedly peacefully. He wondered, however, if the leader in blue was having a dream. Don didn't understand dreams, meditation or other, but he knew that they were very often better than the real world, and he hoped beyond hope that Leo was currently having a very good dream.

Heat. intense heat. It burned, oh it burned. Where was he? Who was he? He groaned, wondering if he actually made a sound. He just wanted to go home, wherever that was. Why couldn't he just go home? He wasn't afraid, he just wanted to get out of this heat. It was hazy when he opened his eyes. Burning orange, and blue flames flickered over him. Why was it so intensely hot? He just wanted to be fine, he wanted to be home, he wanted something he couldn't say, what word was it again? He just wanted...was it...brothers?

Hmmm curious about that last POV? RIP you probably see right through me lol XD Sorry to say you'll be held in defense until Chapter Three! Hehehehe. Anyway, yeah. That's this, I hope you guys are excited about it!

A little thing you may have noticed… I changed my username. Just a bit! It's the same idea...just more accurate. I'm a trans-guy, and I've started coming out online. So, it's 'Raphaelfanguy4real' now. Also, I'm going to go by C.J.L. which will be my author name when I actually publish. I expect you all to be respectful, but if you are rude or you don't like that I'm trying to be myself, you don't have to read my works. Thanks so much for understanding!

Until Friday,
