Hi, I am not giving up my other story, I am just putting it on hold, until I think how to continue it. And idea for another came, and if you want, tell me what do you think. I apologize if the first chapter is not so good, the second will be better.

Angelina's POV

I used to believe in fairytale love when I was a child. I used to believe that someday a prince will show up and sweep me off my feet. The prince, handsome, strong, willing to take care of me, be the love of my life. Everything sweet and perfect. What a nice dream, right? But, sadly, the man meant for me, turned out not to be a fairytale prince, but something much darker.

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Let's start from the beginning. My name is Angelina Davenport, and I recently turned 25 years old, a very good age. I still couldn't believe how quickly the time passed since I graduated school, and now I was very close to be a 30-year old woman.

I still remembered it like it was yesterday when I got my diploma, and took pictures with my classmates. We have been so happy to graduate, and so excited to enter life and just find our place. I had so many dreams, so much hopes of a better life. I had cried so much while I hugged my best friends, and promised to keep in touch and see each other. How happy I was when I got into a university, and that meant a brighter future for me. Journalism, my dream as a child. I spent countless hours in the library, writing essays, studying. I worked as a waitress, so I could pay the rent and have money for going out. And all those years of hard work paid well. I graduated with excellent grades and even found myself an internship at one woman magazine, Prestige. How nervous I was when I met the editor, a red-haired, Clara Jacobs, who was very popular. How hard I tried and how she had hired me , because she saw potential in me. And I did my best to fit in. The salary was good, and I managed to find a better apartment to rent, also bought a car. Things were turning out great.

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As for love, well, things weren't so bright and exciting. It saddened me to know that for now, I haven't found the love with capital L. I haven't found that unique man, which destiny had prepared for me. I wasn't even sure such things even existed. Even if I never admit it, I was beginning to lose faith of finding that one special person that will melt my heart.

I wasn't an unattractive woman, and I was often told that I was charming and pretty. My hair was brown and curly, and I liked it. As a child I used to wear it longer, but now I preferred it about my shoulder length. My eyes were green , I wasn't too tall. I began going to the gym once a week to keep my body fit, and also it was relaxing me. I didn't put on much makeup, just a little lipstick and eye shadow. I was just a normal looking young woman in her mid-twenties, who as everyone, wanted love. But so far, I didn't have much luck, despite the fact that I was asked out a lot. People would thought that every woman called beautiful a lot , was very lucky in the love field, but sadly I wasn't.

I had, if I could call them serious, three boyfriend. Lot women have plenty more for my age, I knew that. Some of my friends had tons of boyfriends, while I struggled to find even one, that would be right for me. Maybe I was picky, maybe some guys that have asked me out, just didn't attract my attention. Oh, I have been on a few dates with different men, but I had a relationships with only three. The others just didn't seem right, and either me or them said goodbye first. So, my boyfriends. Well, I have been in love with all three of them, but I haven't felt that Big love. Yes, they loved me, but something always didn't work out. One was a workaholic, who barely made time for me, and we mutually broke up. The second was just confused and wasn't sure what he wanted, and after so much fights, I broke up with him. The third one had an affair with one of his coworkers, and I have seen them together in one restaurant. And he had been so kind to me, so sweet, but maybe his love was inconsistent. I have cried a lot, thrown their gifts, pictures. I have been so heartbroken, and I admit, I had gone plenty times drunk, because of my sadness and choice of men. In the beginning, they were so good, but after time, we just didn't match.

I have told myself that maybe I should change something in my way of thinking. I was a pretty woman, well educated, had a nice job, and still no luck with men. And I have reached 25 years, an age when some of my former classmates were already married and with a child. It saddened me to see the next bridal picture in Facebook, or of a cute baby. It saddened me to be invited to another wedding, or some colleague at work to get engaged. While I didn't have a boyfriend for almost a year and a half. I went on a few dates , but I still didn't feel that spark. My love life was a complete disaster, and sometimes I wished I wasn't single. I just needed someone to spend the holidays with, to have breakfast with and to cuddle in the bed. I just needed to believe in love again.

My mother often told me that I should find someone, that she wanted grandchildren, and I just needed to have someone to love me and be my support. That all my cousins were married, and she wanted that happiness for me too. Well, I wanted to be happy, but as I often told her, my man hasn't showed up yet. If only I knew that I would meet him soon and he will be a lot different that I had hoped.

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'' Come on, take one.''- Samantha, one tall blonde said as she handed me the bowl. I smiled as I picked one piece of paper and squeezed it in my palm. I turned around and after unfolding it, I read on it Jessica. The person I was going to give a Christmas present to this year. I adored this game, and I was glad that here, at the magazine, the editor Clara Jacobs, wasn't against it. Quite the opposite, Clara, helped decorated the offices herself, and organized a Christmas party next Friday. I could honestly say that she was the best boss I had ever had, she taught me so much about writing and she believed in me when no one else did. I was lucky to finally find a job and a boss that were good for me. I smiled as the rest of my coworkers took out a name from the bowl. I adored this Secret Santa, and it was a wonderful way to bring us closer. I just loved that time of the year. Christmas and New year. All the holiday joy in the air, the feeling I have gone back in time when I was a kid and rushed to see my presents underneath the Christmas tree. How I had wished to see Santa Claus. How even now these holidays were my favorite time of the year. Yes, I knew that there was no Santa, but still the pure joy, the mystery, were in the air.

There was just something about winter and Christmas, I thought as I left the office. I said goodbye to Samantha, Jane, and promised to call them later. I had intended to go shopping , I was out of food, besides I could look for presents for my family and friends. I put my gloves on, wrapped the scarf around my neck, and with a smile walked down the snow covered sidewalk. There were Christmas decorations everywhere, and the lights were magnificent. The big Christmas tree was truly amazing, also the trees. Everything looked out of a fairytale, snow and twinkling lights. The holiday spirit was in the air, everyone were smiling more it seemed, and it made me happy too. It wasn't cold or icy, just lots of snow and a soft weather.

I lost track of the time I had spent shopping. I had two bags of food, but still no presents. I had seen some very nice blouses for my mother, and a watches for my father, but still couldn't decide. I had so many ideas what to get for everyone, that I was confused. I guess, I had to look tomorrow again. It got dark, and I realized I had spent more time just wandering around town that I had intended. I had ate a slice of pizza at my favorite pizzeria, so I wasn't hungry. But still I was tired and it got a bit cold. So I went to the nearest bus stop and took the next bus to my apartment. My car had picked up just the time to get broken, and I was going to take it back from the auto service the next week. It was nice to have a car, but it took a lot of a care too.

I took off the bus, carefully not to drop my bags. I managed to put on my gloves and I began heading towards my place. The only problem with taking the bus, was that the bus stop was very far from my apartment. And especially when it was dark, and it was kind of scary. The neighborhood wasn't hostile, it was a quiet one, and I liked it. And my place wasn't very expensive, a normal price. But still sometimes at night it was a little troubling to walk around on foot. A normal fear for women.

I just reached the left turn, when I heard a car approaching close behind me, a red one, a very fine model. My heart skipped a beat, even though I knew it was stupid. People lived here, and besides anyone could drive through these streets. But still, something made me quicken my pace. Some unexplained fear. I took the left turn and continued walking. The car was still there, I had hoped it would pass me, but it seemed it had slowed down. I laughed in my mind, telling myself that I shouldn't be so easily scared, it was childish. Probably the driver lived at one of these buildings and now was trying to park his car. Nothing scary. I had just a big imagination, and I was tired. All I needed was a warm bath, and to cuddle in bed. I crossed the street and headed into the area , which my building was, there were at least ten. I hated sometimes how the bus stop was so far away, and I prayed that my car would get fixed sooner. Turning around, probably to calm myself, I wanted to see if the car was still there. It was , the same red one, with the same number. Probably some neighbor, I tried to calm my irrational fear. But something made me uneasy, like the driver was dangerous and at the same time familiar.

'' Get a grip, Angelina.''- I muttered under my breath, and I continued walking. But the car stopped close behind me, and my heart jumped as the door opened. I tried to tell myself that I was just imagining things, and I was tired, it was a long day. I quickened my pace, but someone grabbed me from the behind and pressed me against his chest. I dropped my bags, and I would have screamed if the stranger hadn't covered my mouth.

'' I have been waiting for so long to have you, darling.''- The man purred in my ear, and his hot breath made me freeze. –'' So very long.''- He chuckled and I struggled to break free. I managed to step on his foot, and he released me. I wasn't able to made even a few steps before the stranger grabbed my arm and pulled me closer again, this time facing him. My attacker held me in a very tight hold, and all my struggles were effortless. I kicked him, but he didn't let me go.-'' Please, just stay calm.''- He whispered as his brown eyes were glued to mine. The man was taller than me, and his height was intimidating. I had always liked taller men, but this one had something different about him. Something predatory and scary.

'' If it is money that you want, I will give you everything I have.''- I tried not to stare him much. My attacker had black medium-length, straight hair, and was dressed in a leather jacket. –'' Please, don't hurt me.''- I pleaded with tears in my eyes. Please, let this be about money! I didn't dare to think what his other motives might be.

'' Money won't do me any good.''- The man smiled as he lifted a hand and wiped one tear of my cheek.-'' I just want you, Lina.'' – I froze. I might have stared at him for ages, but really it was just a few seconds. How the hell did this guy knew my name?! I swear I have never seen him before in my life! I kicked him in the leg with all the force I could find in me, and finally he let me go. Turning around I began to run, completely forgetting about my groceries.

'' Don't be like this, my dear.''- The stranger said after me, but I didn't stop. Foolishly I tripped, and I would have fallen down, if strong arms hadn't caught me. My eyes widened as I saw a syringe in his hand.-'' Calm down, Angelina, dear.''- I tried to bite the hand, that covered my mouth, but I felt something pierce my neck. A little sting, and with horror I realized that guy had injected me with something. I struggled more, but he turned me around so I faced him again. I tried to kick him, but he just held me in a this twisted hug for some minutes. I tried to yell, but he covered my mouth again. –'' If you promise not to scream, I will remove my hand.''- I nodded, tears in my eyes.

'' What did you gave me?''- My legs began to shake, and I couldn't move them. My head was starting to get dizzy, and I had troubles seeing clear. I lifted my fist to punch my attacker, but he just took my hand and kissed it.

'' Something to help you sleep, Lina.''- He smiled almost lovingly, and it crept me out. I was about to ask from where he knew me and what did he want, when the stranger just picked me up in his arms and began to walk to his car. I buried my head in his neck and soon the darkness overtook me.

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Christian's POV

I have lived on this earth for 400 years, and still I found mortals fascinating. They were fun to play with, fun to feed from, just fun to be around. Fun when they beg for mercy or pray to God to save them from me, and the others of my kind. How I loved my preys begging! It made being a vampire a lot more interesting. A deadly predator, who lived from blood , and who could take down any human. Yes, I adored being a vampire, and for 400 years it never got bored. I had seen so many things, and still it was fascinating. I wouldn't exchange my way of life for anything in the world.

My maker, Adam, had told me after he turned me, that for our kind, there was one special love. I had laughed in his face, saying that was just fairytales. Mates?! What a joke! That some woman will be right for me, for my nature, and my soul and the beast in me will recognize her. Her blood will make me hungry, and protective. That when I find her, I wouldn't want another . A vampire is destined to be with his mate for all eternity and being with another would cause him pain. That it can drive him insane if he doesn't have his mate when he finds her. I had laughed so hard and the centuries had convinced me that mates didn't exist, and I was better off without one anyway. I had every woman I desired, without tying myself to just one. I was absolutely fine without that so called mate.

Until fate laughed at me this time. It happened three months ago. I remembered entering a store, looking for an alcohol to buy. I suppressed a groan, as the most wonderful scent reached me. Sweet caramel, that seemed to melt on my tongue, as I swallowed. Perfume of cherry blossoms, mixed with this sweet scent. It was madly delicious, and I followed the scent to the most loveliest woman I had laid my eyes on. Curly brown hair, cute face, emerald green eyes, just perfection. My fangs ached to taste her, and my arms longed to hold her. And I couldn't stay away. Like a complete masochist I had followed her out and to one tall building where she seemed to worked. I compelled the security, that had greeted her, to tell me her name and where she worked. My lovely angel worked in one woman magazine, Prestige, and her name was Angelina Davenport. No, I didn't like her surname, Angelina Morgan sounded way better to me. Like something mine. I had met the young woman just an hour ago, and I already started to imagine her wearing my surname! Have I completely lost my mind?! I had turned around and tried to forget all about this beautiful woman, and her alluring scent. Maybe I was just hungry, that's all. She was just another pretty face.

But that pretty face had begun to haunt me almost every night. I could smell that caramel scent on my sheets and pillow even, I could feel that perfume in my home. I would wake up just from that sweet voice, that called my name. It was ridiculous! I hadn't even spoken to this girl, she didn't knew me! But my knees went weak everything I would hear Angelina's voice in my sleep. I would see that smile, and wish that I could hold her. I was going crazy over some woman I didn't know and I only saw for nearly an hour! Could this young woman be my mate, was this way she was so tempting? Why this torture?!

Like I wasn't myself, I began stalking her. I knew sweet Lina's, as I had started calling her in my mind, schedule. When she worked, where she ate for lunch break, the car she drove. I have spent many night, hidden in the tree near her window. I had driven so many times to her place and just stopped the car and waited for hours. I had being going crazy imagining her with a man, and I was beyond happy that she was single. I had to have her, I couldn't go on like this! If I continued any longer, I would lose my mind completely!

I didn't plan to abduct her, but I figured it would be for the best. She would be scared anyway, and wouldn't listen to me. And I had so many experience abducting humans. I kept so many in my basement, chained, for my food and pleasure. Normally I would use force, break a hand or a leg. But I couldn't do that to Lina. So I decided to sedate her and just take her to my home. Our home.