And here we go.

New Domino City…

A shining metropolis filled to the brim with hot-blooded Duelists, speed-loving racers, and power-hungry politicians. Several events have occurred within the streets of this city, many of which were brought by the presence of the Signers -mighty Duelists who serve the ethereal Star God known as the Crimson Dragon- and those who aid them. In the time following their arrival, mysterious happenings occurred where it seemed as though the city and its inhabitants would be swallowed by a great darkness. During certain moments, it appeared that even the Signers -strong though they were- would fall in battle. In those great times of need, the Signers were aided by another ally…a mysterious Duelist who was always clad in red.

His name was Konami Kodo…and this was how he saved us all.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 2

How long had it been since he last rode down these streets? How much had changed?

The buildings themselves were just as he'd left them, tall and oppressive, towering over everyone as they climbed higher and higher into the starry abyss that was the night sky. But the streets, the streets had changed, and it was all Konami could think about as he rode past the newly constructed Daedalus Bridge aboard his dark blue Duel Runner – a parting gift from his friends at the TRANSCEND card shop.

He and Wisteria had been gone for a while; cast into another dimension by the time travelling Z-One in hopes of gaining a power to use against the impending Vylon threat. For half a year, they had been trapped there; stuck in a world they once thought to be little more than a fanfiction dreamt up by their mutual friend: Enzo Mitagawa. It was a world where a different Konami was still attending Duel Academy as a Slifer Red; a world that held startling similarities to the Konami of New Domino's own past…but one that held vast differences as well.

Konami felt strange, knowing that there was another version of himself out there, fighting the good fight, but he tried not to dwell on it too much. He had his own problem to deal with: an impending army of cybernetic Duel Monsters who would love to do nothing more than burn New Domino City and the rest of the Earth to the ground. According to Z-One, the invasion should have already been in motion by the time they got back. The mechanical man had estimated the Vylon's arrival to be less than a week after Konami and Wisteria initially departed, but here they were, six months later and there wasn't a single Vylon in sight! Z-One hadn't said much on the matter. In fact, he hadn't said much at all since they returned to the present. Konami thought it might have had something to do with the fact that they'd refused to come back with the Light of Destruction – the entity Z-One sought to use against the Vylon – but some deeper part of him doubted that was the case. Regardless the reason, Konami wanted to keep his eyes and ears open during Z-One's absence. Now more than ever, he needed to be vigilant, listening for any mention of their enemy. However, it was important to make time for friends as well. And on that note…


Right on cue, the cell phone connected to his Duel Runner began to go off. Konami idly glanced to the vehicle's center console to check who was calling, then smiled. He had a feeling it was her.

"Yes?" he asked, answering the phone with a mildly uninterested tone.

"Ko-kun," Wisteria whined from the other end, "how long do you plan on taking to get here? The opening ceremony's are already about to start!"

"I literally just turned onto Stadium Street," Konami replied, taking a sharp right as he spoke. "I'm like, two-three minutes out, tops."

"Really," he heard her sigh, "and here I thought Enzo would be the one I'd have keep track of. What on earth were you doing to be running this late?"

"Would you believe me if I said I had to pick up some eggs at the supermarket?"

"Not for a second. Let me guess, you were dueling, weren't you?"


"Staying silent isn't going to get you off the hook with me, mister!"

"Okay, so here's the thing-"


"What? It was Hunter Pace! You don't really expect me to pass up a duel against a Turbo Dueling Pro are you? Besides, you know how stubborn that guy can get. I mean, he snuck into the Fortune Cup just to try and get back at Jack, remember? Who knows what would have happened had I turned him down?"

"You would have gotten here on time with the rest of us?"

"Well, okay there's that, but who knows what else could have happened? I mean, he might've thrown a fit and attacked the ceremony! Then we would have really been in danger…. I mean, you should be thanking me. For all you know, I might've just saved the WRGP!"

"Well, I'm glad that the great and powerful Red Hat had time to save us all from the 'evil' Hunter Pace, but could Konami please hurry up and get here? Lazar's about to start and I'm not too sure he'd appreciate you awkwardly stumbling in mid-speech. You're already on a tight leash with him, probably wouldn't be a good idea to give him an excuse to make it tighter."

"Yeah, I know," Konami sighed, "but look; I'm pulling into the parking lot now. I'll see you in a bit, alright?"

"Oh thank god," he heard her huff. Her voice sounded remarkably happier afterward, "Alright, I'll see you inside. Love you!"

There was a sharp click signaling the end of the call and Konami sighed as he let his Duel Runner roll to a stop. The city wasn't the only thing that had changed over the last six months. His relationships with everyone had transformed in new ways as well. Wisteria's fondness for him had always been there, but ever since they'd traversed dimensions together it had become more…more. He wasn't sure if he'd call them more than friends, but the girl seemed determined to make it so. Konami still wasn't completely certain how he felt about that, but…he would have been lying if he said he hated the extra attention.

As for his other friends, well...that's what he was there to find out, wasn't it?

Pulling off his helmet and disembarking his Duel Runner, Konami turned to stare down his destination. It was a place he had become quite familiar with during his stay in New Domino; though he was certain that, just like everywhere else he visited thus far, its aesthetics had probably changed dramatically. That place was, of course, the stadium that once housed the Fortune Cup – a mighty tournament held to determine the King of Turbo Duels. Konami hadn't entered of his own accord, and in the end he had lost to Akiza Izinski, who at the time was more widely known as the Black Rose Witch. Back then they had been bitter enemies, but she had changed for the better since then, and was now one of Konami's many friends.

"I wonder how she and the others are doing…." Konami heard himself mumble.

"Well you're not going to find out standing out here, are you?" a gruff voice asked from behind him.

Surprised, Konami turned on his heel to face the voice, only to find himself staring face-to-face with a muscular figure dressed in a dark Sector Security uniform. It took only a moment for Konami to recognize who it was.

"I had wondered what poor sap got saddled with guard duty," he acknowledged. "So it was you, eh Trudge?"

Tetsu Trudge, or Office Trudge – as he liked Konami to call him – grimaced at the words.

"Ha! Joke's on you, punk. The only reason I'm out here is because your lass wouldn't stop complaining to Mikage. You're lucky the boss lady tolerates you so much. She figured sending me out here to fetch you would be easier than causing a scene by telling the young lass to stop bothering her."

"Heh," Konami smirked. "So you say, but I have a feeling that Mikage was more than happy to send someone, and you just jumped at the chance to please her. Tell me Trudge, you ever get that date?"

Trudge's face contorted into an annoyed grimace and he angrily gestured over his right shoulder with his thumb. "Oh just shut up and get in there, would ya? I have enough to worry about without some troublemaker takin' jabs at me."

"Yes, yes," Konami said, smiling as he walked past. "Anything for you, officer."

He had just started on his sixth step when Trudge suddenly called back to him.

"Oi, hold it."

"Hm?" Konami asked, throwing his head back curiously. His eyes widened as he caught sight of the sinister grin on Trudge's face.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to move your vehicle," Trudge said, gesturing to the Duel Runner that was just barely parked over the line. "You're double-parked."

"Are you serious right now?"

"I'm serious."

"It's barely over the line!"

"Law's the law."

"But this lot is practically empty!"

"Not an excuse."

"Someone could totally still park there!"

"Do you want me to write you a ticket?"

"Even a truck could fit in there!"

"I'll write you a ticket."

Konami slapped a hand over his face.

"Trudge," he groaned, pulling out his keys and walking back over to his vehicle, "I will move my Duel Runner."

Trudge smirked.

Five minutes later, a scowling Konami pulled his Duel Runner into the exact center of the parking spot he'd chosen.

"See?" Trudge asked with a smile, "Now was that so hard?"

"I hate you," Konami whispered. "I hate you so much."

"Eh, feeling's mutual." Trudge replied, "Might want to get in though. Lazar's speech was supposed to start uh…" he glanced at his watch, "…about five minutes ago."



The room was already dark by the time he finally made it inside. Various masses and dark figures crowded his vision, making it hard to determine who or what he was standing beside as he sought out those he could call companions.

The only light source at the moment was the one hovering above Lazar, who was standing above everyone upon a raised podium at the front of the room, speaking of the honor and glory to be found in New Domino.

"-undergone some major changes. The opening of the Daedalus Bridge has linked our city to Satellite. And the World Racing Grand Prix, also known as the WRGP…"

Konami tuned him out in favor of scoping out the crowd. Though it was dark and he couldn't make out exact features, he could still make out shapes, and the people he was looking for…well, they weren't exactly the type whose shapes could blend in.

"Spiky hair, spiky hair, come on!" he whispered beneath his breath while pushing forward. "Where are you guys? I know you can't be that hard to find in here-oof!"

Caught off guard as someone suddenly stepped in front of him, Konami stumbled backward into what felt like a curved, feminine figure.

"Oops, sorry," he apologized, only to hear an amused snort in reply.

"Oh my," the figure's womanly voice replied, "you're certainly a bold one."

"Ahaha," Konami chuckled apologetically while stepping around her, only to find himself barred by someone even larger than Trudge.

"Is this person bothering you, ma'am?"

"Well, well," the woman replied, "…I do have to wonder…"

Konami thought it was just his luck that the one person he bumps into – by complete accident, no less - happened to have some burly bodyguard looking out for her.

"Look, clearly it was an accident," he told the bigger figure, "so why don't we just let bygones be bygones and go our separate ways, yeah?"

"I am sure you would like that, wouldn't you? Well, I'm sorry to say that you won't be escaping my gaze that easily, you fiend!"

"Could you like, settle down?" the figure who'd stepped in front of Konami added in, "I'm trying to listen!"

"Why don't you shut up," Konami replied, "considering you're the one who made me trip in the first place-!"

"Oi, that's plenty rude!"

"What, whose being rude?"

"What's with all the noise, I can't hear a word the Director's saying!"

"Everyone needs to shut up, I'm trying to listen!"

And soon, much of the crowd had degenerated into heated whispers and annoyed grunts. No one could hear anything, though Konami was sure the woman he'd bumped into was giggling amusedly at all the fuss. It went on for a while, even Lazar had stopped speaking to gawk at it all, until finally the lights clicked on and-

"ENOUGH!" Mikage, the blue-haired operator of Sector Security shouted, demanding silence as she stepped onto the podium. "I am sure there is plenty of reason to be excited, but please, hold your tongues until after the Director has finished his speech! Anyone who cannot be bothered to at least attempt to remain civil during this event shall be removed. On this, I will not budge, and I will not hesitate!" She ran her gaze amongst the crowd and for a moment – seemed to lock eyes with Konami.

He smiled at her cheekily, earning an annoyed twitch and exasperated sigh. Subtly, and as if understanding his dilemma, she pointed to the far right corner of the room. Konami cast his gaze in that direction and, sure enough, there they were: the people he'd been looking for.

Taking advantage of the distraction Mikage brought, he slipped out of view, making use of the light to traverse the crowd with ease. He thought he heard the burly man grunt in surprise – no doubt noticing he'd vanished – but he no longer cared. He'd been separated from his friends for far too long, and it was long past time for a reunion.

He had just made it over to their area when the lights dimmed once more, and a pair of hands suddenly wrapped themselves around his neck.

"I told you this would happen if you were late," Wisteria whispered into his ear before pecking him on the cheek.

Konami smiled wryly as he hugged the girl back, "Sorry," he apologized. "I had a piggish man-child to deal with."

"Trudge," Wisteria scoffed knowingly. "You'd think going a few months without you would've loosened him up a little."

"He told me I was double-parked."

"And were you?"

Konami shrugged, "Maybe a little."

"You always were a troublemaker."

"In my defense, I was in a hurry."

"Oh were you now?"

"Yeah," Konami nodded, "there was this person I really wanted to see."

"Oh?" Wisteria asked, "And how might that have been?"

"Yo, K-man! What's up?! I haven't seen you in forever!"

With a groan, Wisteria released her hold on Konami and frowned, "Ugh, and just like that the moment's ruined."

"Enzo," Konami greeted cordially as his sandy-haired sidekick bludgeoned his way into the conversation. "So, they dragged you into this thing too, huh?"

"Heh, you kiddin? I've been waiting for the WRGP to start for ages! You weren't around when they first started putting the flyers out for it, but dude, you can't imagine how many people have flown in just to take part in this thing!" Enzo replied eagerly.

"I dunno," Konami replied sarcastically while gesturing to the enormous crowd, "I think I might have some idea. Maybe a teeny, tiny bit."

"Hah, ya got jokes now, very funny."

"Is there something we can help you with?" Wisteria asked, still incensed by Enzo's abrupt interruption.

"Nah, just dropped by to say hi to by old pal for a bit," Enzo explained. He nudged Konami in the arm. "You're not gonna complain, are you? I mean, I haven't seen my pal here in half a year!"

Wisteria rolled her eyes, "A real tragedy, I'm sure."

"Feh, well, at least it's nice to see that you're still the same as ever."

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" Wisteria huffed, crossing her arms while glaring at Enzo.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what it means," Enzo replied smugly, smirking as he watched the kettle that was Wisteria slowly reach its boiling point.

Konami watched the exchange between the two with a smile. It had been some time since he'd seen Enzo interact with the girl, and while there was nothing he would rather do than see just how better Enzo had gotten at dealing with her…

"Now's probably not the best time for this," he decided, and he walked away.

Or rather, towards someone else.

"Yusei," he called out to the crab-haired figure leaning against the wall. "Yo."

The Turbo King glanced his direction for only a moment, and though Konami almost missed it, a tiny smile had certainly worked its way onto the man's face.

"So, you came after all." Yusei said softly, "It sure has been a while, you look well."

"Yeah, I've been doing alright," Konami replied. "How've you been? Still running the garage with Jack and Crow?"

"Yeah. We've been working on our Duel Runners to prepare for the event. I hear you've got a shiny new ride of your own as well?"

"Ha, you've got that right," Konami grinned. "I got a little bit of a taste of how she rides against Hunter Pace earlier, but if I'm really gonna test her limits then I'll have to ride her against you and the Yusei Go sometime."

Yusei's smile grew just a little bit wider. "You should bring her by the garage. We can take a look at her and see if there's anything that needs improving."

"Sounds like a plan," Konami agreed. He glanced back toward Lazar, who was still going on about New Domino City's improvements. "So, the WRGP…you looking forward to it?"

"Of course," Yusei replied. "I was never really one to go looking for glory, but…they say the WRGP will serve as a symbol of the newfound unity between New Domino and Satellite. If that's really the truth, then I want to be there to take part in it. And…I suppose going up against powerful Turbo Duelists doesn't sound all that bad either."

"Heh, so even you can get fired up over something like this, huh?" Konami inquired. He folded his arms with a smirk and leaned against the wall. "Well, you know I'll be there. A challenge like that sounds way too good to pass up. And…I could probably use the breather."

"Right, Wisteria told me about what happened," Yusei acknowledged. "Have you still not seen any signs?"

"Not one. If I'm honest, it's got me a little on edge."

"Well, if you ever need anything, the others and I have your back."

"Glad to hear it," Konami nodded, "but let's chill with the serious talk for now. Lazar took all the trouble to invite me here, so I guess I had better listen to at least some of what he has to say."

"You mean you weren't listening?" Yusei asked with a surprised look in his eye.

Konami's lips twitched upward as he turned his gaze toward Lazar, "Not one bit."

"-serve as a symbol of our new city. So as thanks to our various sponsors: Bolger & Company, The Crawford Memorial Foundation, Garam Motors, Kojima Robotics, Manjoume Digital Entertainment, Senrigan Network Systems, and Schroider Toys Japan, and as a prelude to the WRGP on this fine day, I would like to announce the opening of the World Tag Duel Grand Prix, or as I'd like to call it, the WTGP!"

Konami's eyes widened, "The World…Tag Duel Grand Prix?"

"Interesting." Yusei murmured.

Konami leaned forward as Lazar continued to explain.

"There's two members to a team, no age limit, and both citizens and non-citizens can join in. Every duelist can participate in the WTGP, which is the purpose of its creation! Matches will be held at Combat Lane, built just outside the city, as will the WRGP finals. Nothing else can compare. Think of it as a way to turn more people on to dueling. The WRGP and the WTGP shall define our city as an even more perfect place to live. New Domino City—where people from all walks of life, young or old, can enjoy a good duel! These two tournaments will be the events of a lifetime and a bridge to eternal peace!"

The crowd went wild as Lazar's speech came to a close. The clown drank in the praise, concluding his segment with an elegant bow before stepping of the podium and vanishing into a back room. With his absence, the crowd slowly began to disperse, but that did not mean the conversations came to an end.

"The WTGP, huh…" Yusei murmured quietly.

"Ha ha!" an energetic voice rang out. Konami glanced toward it to spot a familiar mop of orange hair making its way toward them.

"Crow…" he recognized, earning a smile from the marked Duelist.

"Hey Konami, how've ya been?" Crow asked with a smile. "Man, I can't wait to see who or what's gonna crawl outta the woodwork for this thing!"

"Yeah, sounds pretty exciting if you ask me." Konami agreed.

"There could be quite a few fearsome opponents…" Yusei thought.

"You've got that right," another familiar voice said as it approached. "But know that whoever or whatever comes, I will be there to face it head-on! That's how I'm gonna power my way to the top! All hail Jack Atlas!"

"But Jack," Yusei couldn't help but chime in as his rival joined them, "Tag Duels aren't like regular duels. You need a good strategy to win. And with duelists coming in from all over to join this thing, who knows what could happen."

"That's right," Crow agreed. "The ultimate mystery opponent could be here at this very moment."

"Ultimate mystery opponent?" Jack asked. "Do you see anyone worthy of that title in this crowd?"

"Well, how about this guy in the red hat?" Crow asked, gesturing at Konami.

"Hm?" Jack glanced at Konami idly, only for his eyes to suddenly widen in surprise. "Konami! When did you get here?!"

"Aw, come on, Jack. Show a little manners, huh?" Crow sighed. "You seriously telling us you came all the way over here without noticing him? I knew you were a moocher, but I didn't think you were unobservant too!"

"What?" Jack asked. "Did you just call me a 'moocher'? What's your problem?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Crow asked with a smile. "You're a regular freeloader, sponging off others, so it's perfect."

"Come say that to my face!"

"Hey! You wanna piece of me or what?!"

"Those two, they're always goin' at it." Yusei said.

"Looks like they haven't changed a bit," Konami said.

"Yeah, as rowdy as always, I see." A feminine voice agreed.

Surprised, Konami turned his head to find Akiza walking towards them.

"Oh? Now there's a surprise." Konami mused.

"Aki?" Yusei asked. "I didn't know you were here."

"The WTGP doesn't require a Duel Runner, so it looks like I'll be able to join with no problem." She said, "Oh and, it's good to see you, Red Hat."

"Likewise. Your dueling skills haven't gotten any worse I hope. I'd hate for my greatest opponent to fall behind."

"Careful," she said with a smile, "with talk like that I might just have to show you how strong I've gotten."

"Hey, Izinski." Crow greeted as he and Jack finally broke up for the time being. "I'll bet you're just dying to team up with Yusei, right?"

"Ah," Akiza glanced away for a moment, though Konami noticed the sudden redness of her cheeks. "Well, sure… If you don't mind, Yusei. What do you say we partner up?"

"Don't get caught up in the excitement and make any hasty decisions. Think it over," Yusei told her.

'Ouch,' Konami thought. 'I guess he's still as dense as ever.'

Akiza seemed to feel the same, if the sudden scowl on her face was any indication.

"Fine…" she told him. "Someone from Duel Academy might be entering the WTGP after all. I might just enter with them. Too bad for you, Yusei, if that's how the chips fall!"

"And I see you're just as prickly as ever." Konami hummed beneath his breath.

"Oh? What's that, Konami?" Crow repeated with a grin. "You think Akiza's being a little prickly? Well, that's because-"

"Good one!" Jack chimed in. "Akiza's best monster is Black Rose Dragon, right?"

Crow grimaced, "No, Jack! That's not what he meant at all!"

As the pair slowly fell into another argument, Konami couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. As much as the two complained, one might never think that they were pals who'd put their lives on the line for each other. He listened to them argue for a little while longer while mingling with Yusei and Akiza. Before he knew it, the crowd had dwindled further, allowing even more of his old friends to find their way to him.

"Hey! Yusei, Akiza!"


Drawn by the voices, Konami glanced to where the two Signers were being called. A small pair of approaching green hair caught his eye.

"Leo? Luna?" Yusei inquired. "You two are here, too?"

"Uh-huh. How are you, Akiza?" Luna asked. "Isn't this a great party?"

"Crow and Jack, how've you two been?" Leo added with a grin. "I've never been better myself! And uh, whoa, hold up! Is that who I think it is?!"

"Yo," Konami said, raising his hand in a lazy wave.

"Whoa, Konami! So you're finally back huh?! Where'd you go? You just up and vanished on us all of a sudden!" Leo shouted in surprise.

"There was a…heh, there was a disturbance in the force."

"Really?" Luna asked. "I hadn't heard anything from the spirits."

"That's because it was a…special…disturbance." Konami murmured. "But enough about that! How have you two been? Still going to Duel Academy?"

"Well, duh!" Leo replied. "We should duel sometime so you can see just how much better I've gotten at using Power Tool Dragon! Luna's gotten loads better too, just you wait and see!"

"Speaking of dueling," Luna chimed in, "You guys are gonna duel in the WTGP too, right?"

"That's the plan," Yusei told her.

"Riding or standing, shrinkin' away from a duel isn't my style." Jack agreed.

"Same here!" Leo chirped. "Since I can't ride a Duel Runner, I can't exactly join the WRGP…so I'll definitely be goin' for the top prize in the WTGP!"

Luna smiled, "That's my brother for you. He's a real show-off, through and through!"

"If all of us are joining in, this could turn out to be quite fun," Akiza noted.

"You better believe it!" Crow grinned. "But, on top of that, it'll be held at Combat Lane, which'll also be used for the WRGP."

"If we know the course inside and out, that can change what settings we use for our Duel Runners," Yusei explained.

"That's right," Konami realized. "I hadn't even thought of that…"

"Really?" Akiza blinked. "Seems like there's a lot to Duel Runners and Turbo Duels then…."

"By the way, Yusei," Jack interrupted, "If not Akiza, who've you got in mind for a tag partner?"

"Actually, I haven't decided yet." Yusei said, "I've had my mind on the WRGP this whole time. How about you?"

"Heh," Jack smirked, "Who I team up with is irrelevant. In fact, what about you, Konami? How about we partner up, eh?"

Konami smiled wryly, "Well, uh…"

"Hold on, Jack." Yusei interrupted, "Since the WTGP is made up of Tag Duels, you better think about it. The same goes for you, Konami. If you find someone you wanna team up with, you should take a minute or two to speak with them and make sure it fits."

"The cards will bring two people together if they're meant to team up, right?" Jack inquired.

"You got it," Yusei agreed.

"Well then, since we're reuniting here, isn't it possible that one of us are bound to team up with Konami?" Jack asked.

"Sorry but, I think you're about to have your hands full as is, Jack." Konami replied wryly.

"Hm?" the former King asked, only for a blur of black hair to suddenly catch him off-guard.

"Jack! There you are!" Carly Carmine, a reporter and Konami's very first 'partner' in New Domino cried out.

"What the…?! Carly?!" Jack staggered. "Y-You're here too?"

"Of course I am!" Carly exclaimed happily, "I can't pass up the chance to get a story on all these famous duelists! Now 's the time to do some serious fact-finding! Yes, it's time to do some serious fact-finding, but…if you still need a partner, Jack, maybe I'm just who you need…? We'd make the perfect team, Jack. So how about it?"

Jack coughed.

"I'll, uh, think about it. This is a big, er…" Jack looked away from her, "important decision, after all. Anyway, I, uh… totally forgot I need to go shopping for some late night snacks now."

"Hah?!" Carly asked as Jack suddenly began speeding away from her. "Hey! Hold your horses, Jack!"

As the two ran off, Konami couldn't help but watch them go with a frown. "The way he was acting…don't tell me he's still feeling awkward about the whole Dark Signer thing? Is he avoiding Mikage because of it too?"

"…Yeah, he's been having a rough time of it." Yusei said.

"Well that sucks. Although…" Konami murmured as he thought of those events, "I can kind of understand."

Even now, it was sometimes hard to remember that just a short while ago, Carly had tried to off Konami and the city of New Domino in a world takeover scheme enacted by the Dark Signers. It wasn't her fault, of course. She and several others had been consumed by their hatred because of the Earthbound Immortals, but still…being forced to fight against former friends…it was enough to make anyone's heart break. And for Jack, knowing that two of the Dark Signers were women who held important feelings for him, well….

He wasn't the Konami best suited to deal with that kind of talk.

'Now that I think about it, I wonder how the other me is handling things.' Konami thought worriedly, 'Should I have tried to talk to him about Yuma, or would that have been overstepping by bounds?' A grimace slowly began to make its way onto his face. 'I should speak with Enzo, see if he knows anything-"

But he couldn't, because just as he raised his head and stepped forward to do just that, something caught his eye…or rather, someone.

"Yo, Konami. How's it going? Did you make it in on time?"

The voice sent a shiver down Konami's spine, and he glared at its owner, the very man who had ensured he was late in the first place.

"Trudge," Konami grimaced. "Come to harass me some more, have you?"

"Actually, we're just going on some rounds," Mikage said with a sigh, stepping forward beside Trudge. "Really, I know I said to make sure everyone was enjoying the event, but can't you focus on your work?"

Trudge chuckled wryly for a bit, before letting a slow frown overtake his expression. "Right, sorry…"

"Arena patrol, huh?" Yusei asked, "Sounds rough."

"Thanks for the save earlier, Mikage." Konami said.

"You're welcome, I suppose." She replied, "As the new Sector Chief, it's my responsibility to make sure I'm of use to the citizens here."

"Ah, so Lazar's running Goodwin's show, and you're doing what Lazar used to, huh?" Konami inquired, "I thought that was the case earlier, but at any rate, it seems like you've grown into the role well."

"By the way," Mikage said, "isn't Mr. Atlas with you today? I thought I saw him over here earlier?"

"He was with us until just a few moments ago," Yusei replied candidly.

"Ah, so I missed him. Well, bad timing, I guess."

Konami laughed, "So, hey, about this WTGP thing…are you two going to be competing?"

"Every part of my being wants to be," Trudge grunted.

"Unfortunately, we just don't have the time." Mikage explained, "We'll probably have to help manage it instead."

"With keeping watch and so on, I don't think we can squeeze a break in for days. Still, I can't complain! It's a living, after all." Trudge chuckled.

"Despite that," said Mikage with a grimace, "spectators will be pouring in from all over the world. I'm getting a headache just by thinking about it."

"Well, I've got some aspirin in my Duel Runner if you need some," Trudge offered.

Mikage shook her head, "I'll be fine. Anyway," she said, turning to both Yusei and Konami, "it was nice seeing you two, but Trudge and I should really get back to work. I still have a lot of paperwork to file, and Trudge, the Arena still needs patrolling!"

"Yeah, yeah…" Trudge muttered, "I'm on it. Yusei, Konami…stay outta trouble, ya hear?"

"Yeah," Yusei agreed with a smile, and without another word, the two trudged off.

"You're the one who needs to stay outta trouble," Konami grumbled beneath his breath. Yusei glanced at him curiously, but didn't say anything. However, someone else did.

"Excuse me," a blonde woman said, approaching the pair mere seconds after Mikage and Trudge had left. "You're Yusei Fudo, right? Heh, I recognized you right away."

"Oh? And who might you be?" Yusei asked.

The blonde smiled. "My name is Sherry LeBlanc. I'm only interested in big, strong men, just like you, Yusei. Tell me, did you already choose a partner?"

"Not yet, but I'm probably not what you need."

The smile on LeBlanc's face faltered for but a moment, "Why not?"

"In Tag Duels, it's important to know your partner well, but we just met, so…."

"So?" Sherry retorted, "Time has nothing to do with it. There are ways for us to get more…intimate…. All it'll take is a few turns together, and you'll have a deep understanding of me. But today, I just came over to say hi. Au revoir, for now." She turned away for a moment, only to suddenly pause and glance at Konami, "Oh, and you, in the red hat. You don't look like a typical duelist either. How about it? Would you like to be my partner?"

Konami raised his hands wryly with a soft smile, "I'll…think about it."

"You'll think about it?" Sherry repeated curiously. A soft sigh followed, "Pity. I wanted a strong man to take me by the arm here and now. But I am not a woman who gives up on someone so easily, especially not one as forward as you."


The smile on Sherry's face grew a little more as Konami realized what she meant, and she turned with a flap of her long hair.

"I'll see you two again. Come along, Elsworth."

The large, bulky figure that had caused Konami problems earlier stepped out of the shadows at that moment, then proceeded to follow the strange woman out of the facility. Konami watched the pair go with a conflicted expression.

'Don't tell me, that lady was the person I bumped into earlier-?!'

"Sherry, huh?" Yusei asked. "She's rather forward…but she must have faith in her dueling skills if she's that confident about finding a partner."


At Konami's lackluster tone, Yusei turned to look at him. "Are you alright?" he asked, "You don't look so good."

"Nah, I'm good. Just…rethinking some life decisions, that's all."

"I see… By the way, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there's someone's whose been looking over here for a while now."

"Huh?" Konami blinked in surprise, "There is?"

"Across the room, far left corner." Yusei explained.

Konami cast his gaze in that direction, only to just barely catch a glimpse of a sleek figure vanishing through the doors.

"Looks like I missed him…."

"He was staring at me the whole time," Yusei explained.

"That guy huh?" Trudge's voice grunted as he walked back over. "I had him pegged as suspicious myself."

"Trudge…" Yusei murmured.

"He was definitely staring at you."

"Sure you weren't imagining things?" Konami asked.

"Maybe you're right. I'm so wrapped up in my job, they all look a little suspicious. Which reminds me, Konami."

"Hm?" Konami asked, glancing up into Trudge's face.

"You wouldn't happen to have a blue version of your outfit, would you?" Trudge wondered. "It's just that earlier, I thought I saw-"

Whatever Trudge saw was going to have to wait, as right at that moment, a sharp ring rang through the air.


"Yes," Konami asked, flipping out his cell and raising the receiver to his ear. "This is Konami-kun."

"Ko-kun! Where are you?" Wisteria asked. "There's something you have to come see!"

"Huh? I'm still at the reception," Konami replied. "Why? Did something happen?"

"No, it's just – look, it'll be easier to explain if you just come over here, alright? Enzo and I are by the entrance. Get over here as soon as you can, okay?!"

"Yes, yes. I'm on my way as we speak." Konami said, "Later."

He flipped the phone shut then smiled apologetically to Yusei and Trudge.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm gonna have to cut this short. Wisteria's calling, and you know she gets if I keep her waiting."

"Heh, looks like we all have women troubles, eh Red Hat?" Trudge smirked wryly.

"Women troubles?" Yusei asked with a frown. "What do you mean?"

Laughing as Trudge did a double-take, Konami waved bye to the two before heading back into the crowd. It had dispersed quite a bit since he last traversed its masses; that and the presence of actual light made it far easier to pass than his previous attempt. In no time at all, he had arrived at the entrance where his two friends were waiting, just in time to see what it was they were so riled up about.

"Okay, here I am. So, what's going on?" Konami asked.

"Look, look!" Enzo whispered, glancing out the doorway as inconspicuously as he could without looking like some kind of creep. "You've got a lookalike, pal! A true blue fan…who's actually blue!"

Wondering just what the hell Enzo was going on about, Konami glanced over the boy's shoulder to take a look for himself…only for his eyes to widen dramatically as he did.

Just outside, seated upon a sleek black Duel Runner, was someone dressed the exact same way he was. They had the same jacket, the same pants, the same shoulder and kneepads, even the same damn hat! It was like looking into a mirror, but…the colors were off-inverted even. The red that Konami associated himself with had been replaced by a cold blue, nearly the exact same blue that Yusei wore!

"Okay," Konami murmured. "That's…neat, I guess. I mean, it's not exactly like I wear tailor-made stuff, so I suppose it's possible someone could coincidentally wear the same stuff I do…even if it's in an uglier color. What's the problem?"

"The problem is he's been sitting out there for a while now!" Enzo snickered. "Maybe he knows you're here? Maybe he wants your autograph."

"So…what? You're saying he's a fan?" Konami asked.

"Maybe you should go talk to them." Wisteria suggested. "It's not every day you find someone who has the exact same fashion sense you do."

"Okay but like, you realize Yusei and I wear the exact same kind of jacket, right?" Konami asked.

"But does he wear a hat though?"

Konami rolled his eyes, "Thanks Enzo. Thanks for always asking the serious questions."

"You're welcome."

Konami scrunched his nose together and sighed, "Alright. Fine, I'll go talk to the guy. But if this winds up being nothing, I'm totally telling you guys I told you so!"

With those words, he stepped around the pair and passed through the double doors leading outside. Almost immediately, he felt his eyes adjust to the darker parking lot. The moon's gaze had long moved past it, leaving only a few frail lamps and twinkling stars to light a path. Still, Konami could make out his blue copycat clearly, and as he drew closer to the figure, he couldn't help but feel some sort of familiarity….

"That's far enough, Red Hat." His copycat said as they came to be only five meters apart. "If you were to come much closer, there's no telling what might happen."

'Great,' Konami thought, 'so this guy is one of the weird types, huh?'

"I was waiting for you to finally appear before me," his blue copycat continued unimpeded. "I thought I'd be waiting a while longer, but I suppose my presence here has already changed a few things."

"And just who are you supposed to be again?" Konami asked, unimpressed. "I'm sorry, it's just – the whole cloak and dagger thing gets a little boring after a while, you know? I just got back from a six month job playing the part and, well, I'm not exactly too enthusiastic about having someone else do it to me."

"Ever the joker," his copycat replied. "We'll see how long that lasts once everything you know starts to fall apart."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"You heard me," the copycat grunted. "The Vylon…they aren't as gone as they'd have you believe. While you dilly-dally around, wasting time with foolish events like the WTGP…they'll be preparing, waiting for the opportune moment to strike!"

The mention of the Vylon was enough to get rise out of Konami.

"Who are you?!" he demanded, taking a step forward to approach the figure. "What do you know about the Vylon?!"

"Enough," the copycat replied. "Enough to know that they aren't the ones you should be worried about. Enough to know that if you are going to defeat them, you're going to need my help. And when I say you…" he continued, reaching up to pull off the blue cap that had shrouded the top half of his face in shadow, "…I do mean…you."

Konami's eyes widened as he gazed at the figure's face.

"My name is Konami Kodo," the figure explained, his face an exact match of Konami's own. "And this is how I lost the war."

Chapter One

A Night to Remember - END

And so we take care of the events of the prologue and begin to step into the actual plot. Let's see where things go from here.