Scott was standing on the bridge still looking down at Meridian and everyone else was still celebrating.

"Where to next?" Suvi asked.

"I'm not sure," said Scott. "Honestly, I'm surprised I still have a job. I should probably just retire."

"Don't be silly," said Suvi with a small laugh. "We still need you. There's so many outposts that need support."

"Then let's head out there," said Scott.

"Sounds like a brilliant plan."

Peebee was still getting over the shock of Meridian, understandable after what they had went through.

"Meridian was… mind-blowing, right?" she said. "I mean, you were amazing that it is almost beyond description. No safety net, no SAM—didn't bat an eyelash."

"Eyelashes were the only thing I wasn't batting," said Scott.

"Bassett the Archon right out of the park. Now Heleus will really take shape. And we have VIP tickets. In some ways, I feel like I our adventure is just beginning."

Cora was at the research station and she was still thinking about Meridian, which seemed to be a very popular topic unsurprisingly.

"Meridian. At last," she said as she looked at Scott. "I've never been so scared a squaddie wouldn't make it. But you always do. They're still so much to do—for the Nexus, the angara…" She then took a deep breath and looked at Scott calmly. "But not today. Today we get to feel good about winning."

Gil in particular was enjoying the defeat of the Archon much to Scott's dismay.

"Hail the Archon killer," he said with a gigantic smile. "I heard it was touch and go, but you really rose to the occasion."

"Better to be lucky than good, right?" Scott smiled.

"Forget that. Leave nothing to luck."

"How's the Tempest?" Scott asked.

"You can relax," Gil assured him. "I'll keep her singing. My job is to free you up, so you can do your thing."

"How's Jill? Any baby news?" Scott asked.

"It's the weirdest thing," he said rubbing the back of his head. "Jill's usually super high-strung. She gets pregnant and suddenly she's chill. I almost don't recognise her. Can hardly wait to be a dad. It's like jumping into a gravity well and hoping someone turns it on before the splat."

Scott raised an eyebrow and Gil chuckled. "Just kidding. I'm taking this super seriously. Reading all the books. I want to be ready."

Scott made his way into the kitchen and found that Drack was already preparing some drinks. Fortunately one of those drinks was suitable for humans.

"That was a good win," said Drack as he drank. "Wonder what kind of trouble we can get up to."

Scott shook his head. "Always looking for the next fight, aren't you, old man?"

Drack shrugged. "Gotta admit, old habits die hard. And mine have had a long time to settle in."

Scott then checked up on Jaal, whose face was strangely unreadable.

"So," said Jaal.

"So," said Scott not sure whether this conversation was headed.

Jaal laughed. "So! Isn't this the best time to be alive? I've decided it is."

"Or the best time to be awake, as the case may be."

"No, awake and alive! Because if you weren't here, you'd be dead. Best. Time. To. Be. Alive."

"Yeah," Scott agreed. "Though I don't know how we top this feeling. For now, maybe we don't have to."

Vetra was surprisingly quite relaxed, she was just sitting back with arms behind her head.

"Work up today and thought 'back to the search,'" she said looking up at Scott. "And then I remembered… it's over. It's really over. We did it."

"I know what you mean," Scott nodded as he sat down next to her. "I don't want this high to go away."

"I'm going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts before I settle down."

"Settle down?" Scott blinked.

"Yeah, now that we're back on track, I thought I'd maybe talk to a Nexus colonisation expert. Get assigned to an outpost, start a farm or something…" She then laughed shaking her head. "Oh, whom I kidding. I love been on this ship. I'm staying here until you kick me off."

Scott then made his way to med-bay, much to his annoyance as Lexi kept fretting over him.

"Ready for more tests?" she asked.

"Not again," Scott groaned. "Lexi, I'm fine."

"Sit now, and I'll skip the bloodwork," she said pointing at the bed. Knowing that he was beaten Scott did what he was told. "Have you experienced any muscle spasms, nosebleeds… memory loss?"

"No, but I feel a headache coming on…" said Scott rubbing his forehead.

"Har-har," said Lexi dryly.

"Commons like that used to get a rise out of you," Scott smirked.

"I know you too well now. Inhale." Scott took a deep breath in. "Exhale." Scott then breathed out again. "You should know… Professor Herik approach me about a transfer to the Nexus. Apparently my research on kett anatomy has been useful to the militia."

"Guess I'll be telling my next doctor about my abandonment issues," Scott chuckled.

Lexi merely smiled. "I declined."

"Really?" said Scott looking rather surprised.

"Didn't have a choice. No of other doctor in the Initiative would take you."

"I'm lucky to have you here."

"Yes, you are. But… I'm pretty lucky too."

After his examination, Scott made his way to his quarters and sat next to SAM's Node.

"Hello, Scott," said SAM. "Through Meridian, I gained insight into the Jardaan: creator of the Remnant and the angara. Meridian's code accounts for incredible potential and infinite diversity. They weren't achieved. No creator would be content."

"You think the Jardaan might come back?"

"Unknown. They abandoned the great work, which you have reinterpreted. Against significant odds… you are home."

"Thanks, but what is the Pathfinder without their SAM?"

"Two halves of a whole. In a brief time, you have suffered, triumphed, and grown. You are a new iteration of yourself: respected and recognised. I have lived it with you. I see why the unknown beckons. What it means to prevail against it. This is how one's humanity is grown. I am glad to know."

Scott then decided to head straight back to the Nexus, there were a few things to do on the station and he wanted to speak to Adam about one or two things. The construction on the Nexus had practically been completed, though of course it only had two arks to power it since one was destroyed in one was now grounded.

Scott met Peebee in the science labs, apparently she was helping them with some of the theories about Remnant technology. She then told Scott how the Nexus had changed over the past few months alone, there was new forms of energy in the air. Scott was just pleased that she was smiling and she was surprised herself, as a few months ago she wouldn't be caught dead in the science labs.

Scott then met up with Keri, who wanted to know as much as she could about Meridian, humanities new home.

"You're here!" she said unable to contain her excitement. "I'll give you my entire chocolate ration for an interview about Meridian!"

"Done," said Scott, not going to say no to chocolate. "I'm down to the ones with strawberry goop in the middle."

"So… Meridian's real," she said activating her equipment. "A promised land. You did it. This could give us the golden worlds everyone was waiting for. And humanity has first claim."

"Technically, yes, but practically, our allies will always be welcome," Scott assured her.

"It's good to have that on the record," she said switching off her equipment. "I'm headed out there soon. Documenting Meridian could be a lifetimes work, even for an asari. I can't wait to get started."

Scott had received a summons from Kesh and Drack and he was making his way to Kesh's apartment. He was at a kind of surprised to find that Harry was in the apartment and they seem to be leaning over something.

"Everything's reading normal," he said. "They're snug as—" He stopped when they all noticed that Scott had entered the apartment. "—oh, hey, Ryder."

"Harry," Scott nodded as he approached them. "What's going on here?"

Harry looked at Kesh. "You're telling him? Aw, can I watch? Please?"

"Of course," Kesh nodded.

"Got something to show you," said Drack looking at Scott.

Scott was wondering what all the fuss was about. "I love surprises!"

He then approached them and then suddenly saw an incubator and inside he could see a cluster of eggs, krogan eggs.

He then turned towards Kesh. "Wait… are those."

"Krogan children," she said looking at the eggs. "My children. Living in the egg, every last one of them."

"Nobody else knows, Ryder," said Drack. "We're keeping this quiet, after what happened with that human baby born out here. I don't know what's in store for me, but… However this turns out, I'll be part of our future. And so will you."

"You still have a lot left to give," Scott pointed out.

"Guess I do," Drack nodded as he turned towards the eggs. "Hope. It's a scary thing. I'll teach them, Ryder—about what we used to be, and what we are now."

"Just like he taught me," said Kesh.

Scott met up with Liam in Vortex and it looked as if the place had its own party.

"Ryder!" said Liam as he raised his glass. "You're so legend, there was a fight yesterday over who gets to write a song about you. I hear there's a verse about your stalwart and handsome team. That part's me. I'm pretty sure. We did it."

"Yes, we did," Scott nodded as the grabbed a glass of himself.

Scott had a brief word with Kandros and he mentioned that APEX were planning to make a tribute for him, though sadly wasn't a statue. Tann on the other hand wasn't too pleased with Scotts pick for ambassador, though he was relieved that he didn't choose Morda. He also kept on saying that he always suspected that he would make a great Pathfinder clearly trying to use him to cling to power.

The other Pathfinders were beyond words on Scott's accomplishments, made sends since he had made the biggest impact out of all of them. Addison on the other hand was quite pleased that Scott had picked Moshae Sjefa and was enjoying Tann's discomfort.

Scott also made his way over to Kesh and it was clear that she had heard about the bar fighting Kadara. Scott then asked directly whether she was behind the supplies at the krogan received an order to start their colony. She admitted she had a hand to play, she knew that krogan would have been able to survive without the Initiative in the short term, but the long term was not favourable for them.

Scott then made his way to Adam's office as the two of them had quite a few things to discuss.

"Scott, you should know that I sent an APEX team to track the movements of the Primus," said Adam. "As we feared she already made contact with the Kett Senate and they are sending reinforcements."

"That's not good," said Scott.

"Fortunately we have a foothold and it will take them years to get here," said Adam. "They lack the speed of a Mass Relays and they have to go to stasis on their journey here. Anyway, I think it's time we talk to your team about the Reapers."

Scott nodded. "I'll call them."

It took about half an hour for everyone to gather in Adam's office and as a made sure that all of his personnel had left and made sure that their conversation was secure.

"What's going on?" Cora asked.

"Yeah, why are we gathered here?" Peebee asked.

"Because we feel as if it is time to tell you the truth for the real mission of the Initiative," said Adam.

Jaal frowned. "Real mission? I thought you were just explores."

"That was the original goal," Adam admitted. "However there was a driving force that wanted us to leave the Milky Way before it was too late."

"Too late for what?" Liam frowned.

"The real mission of the Initiative, was to run away from a deadly enemy one that would annihilate all intelligent life in the Milky Way," said Adam. "But if you don't believe me then listen to these reports."

Adam then began playing the audio logs of the Reaper invasions and everyone just stood there stunned.

"Saber One?" said Cora stunned. "That is only used when Earth is occupied by a hostile alien force."

"They're called Reapers," said Adam and he began to explain everything he knew about them through his missions with Commander Shepard all the way until they left the Milky Way.

"That's a lot to swallow," said Peebee.

"You just discovered that the unknown and advanced alien species was able to create a sinking alien species from scratch, this isn't that big a leap," Adam pointed out.


"I heard rumours, but I didn't think they were real," said Drack.

"You knew about these Reapers?" said Liam surprised.

"Only rumours like I said, the Chief of Clan Urdnot had in part of Commander Shepard's crew when he was hunting down Saren Arterius."

"I imagine that the quarians are in the same boat as you Drack when they get here," said Adam. "But this is only the tip of the iceberg, there's a whole lot more you need to know."

Both Adam and Scott then began informing them of the Benefactor and how he killed Jein Garson.

"So Jein Garson was murdered not killed by the Scourge?" said Vetra stunned. "And I've it was this Benefactor or someone working with them."

"Who is this Benefactor?" Jaal asked.

"No clue," said Scott. "We don't even know what their gender is or what species their from."

"I actually spoke with Jein Garson on the Hyperion after terror attack," said Cora. "She mentioned that she herself was only a pawn, I had no idea what she meant at the time but now…"

"Look with got no idea who this benefactor may be they could have either been on the Nexus or any of the arks, but I extremely doubt they came alone," said Adam. "Until we can find any new evidence all of you need to keep your eyes and ears open. Anything suspicious anything out of the normal alert me immediately and tell no one of this conversation. The less people who know about this the better."

They all nodded.

On that cheery note they soon returned back to the Tempest and took off. Scott then found Drack not acting like his usual self.

"Everything all right, Drack?" Scott asked.

Drack just chuckled. "Got my thinking face on, don't I?"

"Looked like some pretty intense thinking there, yeah," Scott nodded.

"I was just thinking about what a good friend you've been," said Drack. "To me and my people. Just so you know, you can count on me. For anything you need."

Annoyingly Gil deal was calling him Archon killer which was getting quite annoying really fast.

They reached Aya and Scott had a brief word with Paaran and she was extremely impressed with everything that he accomplished. Though Evfra still pointed out that they still had to contend with the kett.

Scott then went to see the Moshae, to see how she was handling her new job.

"I never thought I'd be responsible for so much," she said. "Charting a future for everyone… Can't decide if I should thank you—or strike you."

"I'll give you one for free," Scott offered. "Just not the face."

"I'll have you know, I've won my share of battles… decades ago," she laughed. "Despite the pressure. I don't remember when I last felt so… light. You kept Meridian from the Archon. As good as your word. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen—and I live on Aya."

After which Scott got himself into a dispute once again with the angara and this time they were arguing about who should have Meridian. Scott had to assure them that they would be willing to share, like they did on their galaxy.

Scott then immediately left Aya and then entered the Saajor System, which was home to Meridian.

Though before making their way to Meridian itself they decided to scan the other planets in the system. They then began to scan the planet Pas-17 and found a deposit of aluminium. On the planet Pas-09 they found a crevice where they detected Remnant bots petroleum the base of the canyon, but they can find what they were guarding. On the planet Pas-77 they managed to locate the tallest mountain on the planet which had trace amounts of element zero. Finally they scanned the system itself and located a comet which had a massive deposit of titanium.

With that they then headed straight towards Meridian and landed on the landing pad which had been constructed for the port. Scott had issued some extended shore leave now that their schedule wasn't so busy and no one was arguing.

"Keeping up your training?" Cora asked as they walked down the corridors. "Shouldn't get soft. This place is great for jargon if you follow the equator. Like running the longest wall in the galaxy. Want to try?"

"You run, I'll be right at your side," Scott smiled.

"I know, sweetheart," she said smiling back. "So you'll be there first thing tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. First one to three miles makes breakfast."

Cora then looked very solemn. "They'll always expect more from us. But we always deliver. See you at 0500."

Scott then had a brief talk with Iora, who appear to have trouble with socialising. Scott then asked her about what they had learned about the planet and she was very concerned about what the Remnant ships were doing. Apparently seven of the largest ships docked on the exterior and then left without a trace into the Scourge. Scott was getting very tired of surprises and hoped that this was nothing to worry about, but she had no idea.

Scott then asked for more details if there was anything he could provide for Meridian, but she assured him that they had everything in hand. Scott then asked why she joined the Initiative and she explained that she couldn't walk away from an offer like this.

Scott then ran into Peebee, who was still mind blown by everything on the Meridian.

"Ryder, you have to promise me something," she said.

"What's that?" Scott asked.

"If you see me spending a ton of time here, please make me leave," she pleaded. "I could blink and lose twenty years in a place like this."

"At least I'll know where to find you," Scott joked.

"Ha-ha, very funny," she said dryly. "Now go away. I've got more to do and ponder and figure out."

Scott then found Vetra just looking out through the window.

"I just realised," she said as Scott joined her. "We haven't decided where we're going to live."

"You and Sid?" Scott assumed.

"Yeah, that was the whole point, wasn't it?" she nodded. "A home. Putting down roots. New beginnings."

"Sid will probably have some opinions."

"Heh. Too many," Vetra laughed. "But you're right. She'll probably want to stay here, if I know her. Where all the action is. I'm thinking… somewhere quiet."

"Could you handle quiet?" Scott asked sceptically.

"I think so," she said looking very thoughtful. "Somewhere on a hill, where I can watch a fierce sunset? Yeah. I'd be happy."

Scott frowned Jaal in the tech lab showing technicians a few pointers about how to augment kett technology.

"Hope," he said looking up at Scott. "Hope is what built this despite impossible odds."

"And trust?" Scott added. "You took a big chance on us—on me."

"Yes!" Jaal chuckled. "I wouldn't be here, seeing this, if we hadn't opened our minds and hearts to each other. All of us."

"Even for an angara, you're one-of-a-kind, Jaal," Scott smiled. "Don't know if I'll ever get used to all the 'feelings.'"

Jaal laughed. "Yes, you will—but only because you must."

Scott then had a brief word with Hunter Kerry and he was complaining that it was taking so long. He clearly didn't like the idea of moulding multiples species technology together. Though he sure that he was only complaining so that Scott realise how hard he was working.

Scott then asked what he had learned about Meridian and he just said that he learned a lot about what he didn't about the place. Apparently plugging into the system was a nightmare and if SAM wasn't parked on the planet offering assistance the job would be impossible.

Scott then asked whether Meridian needed anything else for him and he basically that it wasn't Meridian that needed him it was them. Scott then asked why he joined the Initiative apparently he was in a family business, but when his grandfather passed away everyone in his family only cared about what they could get. He decided to skip the uncomfortable thanksgivings by hitching a ride to Andromeda.

Scott then bumped into Drack, who was merely sitting down and having a few drinks.

"Always gonna be work to do, but the galaxy seems a lot friendlier these days," he said passing a drink to Scott. "Glad that I tied my anchor to your ship."

"At least that makes one of us, old-timer," Scott smirked.

"Old-time?" Drack laughed. "I resemble that remark."

Jaal had been spending quite a bit of time looking around the place and watching what people were building. It mentioned that someone had set up an ice cream store and immediately Scott asked for more details and Jaal was a little taken aback by his remarks.

He then went on to explain that he had invited his birth mother, who then invited all his mothers. Then they invited the siblings and cousins and you are hoping that this extended family reunion would work out well, though judging from the tone of his voice he had his doubts.

Peebee also informs Scott that her Remnant scanner was off the charts, which came no surprise. Peebee now had the problem of deciding where to go Scott was a little concerned about this new Peebee. She was just happy that she decided to jump ship with him.

Scott then managed to find Liam wondering around.

"The Hyperion legacy continues, Pathfinder," Liam smiled. "They put the 'Dunn Manoeuvre' in the newest Ark flight manuals. It is described as a 'control mass effect field reduction,' using the momentum to 'diffused impact through superstructural ablation.' Hope these guys don't write the history books. Bland as hell."

"What about us?" Scott asked. "Any Pathfinder Gambits? A Ryder Manoeuvre?"

"Afraid not. You'll have to be happy with 'settled humanity.'"

Scott shrugged. "I guess it'll do."

"Heh. You'll get over it."

Scott then met up with Cora at the viewing station and he sat down next to her.

"A few of the others are talking about settling down," she said resting a head on his shoulders. "Putting down roots."

Scott looked at her. "You don't like the idea?"

"I like you and me, and a garden," she said looking up at him. "But I like open skies and stopping bad guys, too. Maybe I'm used to living in other people's houses."

"Think you'll ever want a somewhere of your own? Our own, maybe?"

"When you're around, I rule nothing out. It's tempting." She then turned and looked back at the view and it was quite beautiful. "We all came for a new life. I just… want to live mine out there a little longer. With you."

The two of them then entered into a deep passionate kiss.

Scott then found Darla just outside of the cryo-chambers, no doubt deciding where people's talents could be put to better use. Scott then asked about what they had discovered about Meridian, bird she had been more focused upon Hyperion and the sleepers. She was grateful that the ark managed to survive the crash and welcomed it as a new home. Scott then asked what she needed from him and she mainly said that the sleepers needed opportunities and to do that they needed resources.

Scott then asked for more details about why she joined the Initiative. He wasn't surprised to discover that she lived with quarians, considering her last name apparently her parents had been ambassadors to the migrant fleet. Scott could only imagine spending one's childhood on a ship wearing an environmental suit so not to spread diseases to the quarians. When she heard about the Initiative she didn't find the fact that a 600 year journey would be foreboding, instead she found it quite comforting. She also mentioned how much he liked Meridian as it was the best of both worlds, both nature and technology.

Scott was also grateful to find that Dunn was up and around, though she clearly was no longer the Captain of the Hyperion now that it was grounded.

"Captain Dunn. Still here?" said Scott.

"I'll be the last one 'off,' Pathfinder," she said with a small smile. "They can call the building now, but it's still my ship until everyone is clear." She then turned and looked at the Hyperion. "A good ride. I'm sorry to see it end."

"Everyone knows you their lives," said Scott. "It was an honour to help bring it all home."

"We both know how many people were involved. I'm not completely walking away, but it'll be nice to have a place. I've got a friend working on it. A nice little homestead. 'With fences, so you know what yours.'"

Scott was making his way to the Tempest and then a message appeared on his omni-tool. He looks at the message in his eyes widened.

"SAM, that's…"

"100% viability on all known UNCs, Pathfinder," SAM acknowledged. "Please access the Tempest vidcon for an important update."

Scott frowned. "Tempest vidcon? All right."

Scott made his way onto the Tempest and made his way to the meeting room, he then accessed the message that SAM had sent.

"There's a new task because we hit 100% viability?" Scott frowned.

"It's a significant milestone, Pathfinder," SAM explained. "Preparations have been made for some time."

"I need to know if there's another expectation because of this."

"Updating objectives. You have a high-priority destination."

Scott looked down at his omni-tool and now he was even more confused. "At Habitat 7? What's going on?"

"I have been instructed not to reveal mission parameters," said SAM. "Don't be late, Pathfinder."

Scott was wondering what was going on and what was all this secrecy about. With no other choice he made his way to the bridge and is plotted a course to the Eriksson System. Despite Habitat 7 having a vault the activation of Meridian hadn't changed the planet's atmosphere, it was possible that it was badly damaged which meant they would be able to use the Remnant to fix it.

"So back at Habitat 7," said Scott. "What was I supposed to see and what's it got to do with a 100% viability?"

"I'm getting Initiative signals—magnetosphere charges and atmosphere probes," said Kallo.

"The vault here remains non-functional," SAM explained. "But with 100% viability to invest, we've begun terraforming this world with Initiative technology."

"The good old-fashioned 'hard-way,'" said Kallo. "It'll eventually be a home too—thanks to you."

Scott couldn't help but smile. "My father would like that."

"There is one more item, Pathfinder," SAM added. "Opening channels to the Nexus, Meridian, Prodromos, Ditaeon, Taeve Uni, New Tuchanka and Initiative allies." Scott then began hearing cheers all over the bridge. "By unanimous vote, this world will be renamed. Habitat 7 is now listed astronomically as Ryder-1."

Scott's eyes widened as he stared towards the planet which had just been named after him. Vetra warned that they would name things after him she hadn't been kidding.

"Your world, Pathfinder," said SAM. "Their future."