
Disclaimer: I do not own "Fruits Basket", it is the property of Natsuki Takaya.

I hope you'll enjoy my fic (and if you don't, please tell me how I can better this story through your reviews)

Summary: A/U. Tohru Honda and Yuki Soma have been friends since childhood. As they grew up, that friendship developed into something more. But will the arrival of Yuki's controversial cousin, Kyo, change the bond between the two sweethearts ? Is Tohru attracted to Kyo's fiery character ? '.why do I feel myself drawn to him ? Why does my heart start to beat faster in my chest and my breath become shorter when he's near ? It has never been like this with Yuki. With Yuki, it is a tenderness that I feel, a gentleness and warmth . Is it the sheer masculinity and power that Kyo radiates, which attracts me to him ?'
Growing Up
The Past:

* * * The hospital bed creaked in protest against the combined weight of its occupants. But the couple paid no heed to it, as they gazed down at the little bundle.

"Isn't she beautiful ?"

"Hai, that she is, Kyoko-chan."

"Welcome to the world, Tohru." Kyoko said as she leant down and pressed a gentle kiss upon her newly-born daughter's forehead.

* * * "Oh, she is beautiful ! Congratulations, Honda-san !"

"Arigato gozaimasu, Soma-san." Kyoko beamed as the other woman embraced her. Carefully held by his father, a little boy with silver hair and deep violet eyes watched his mother with childish curiosity.

"I'm sure Yuki would like to meet Tohru-chan." Soma-san said excitedly, as she picked up her son and placed him so he could see the baby.

"That's Tohru, Yuki, Tohru." His mother clearly pronounced, as Yuki stared at the little bundle in front of him.

* * * "Soma-san !" Tohru's childish voice cried as she struggled to follow the slightly older boy. Her attention was so fixed on following him, that she didn't notice the bit of pavement which protruded out from the ground. Torhu gave a short shriek as she fell and scraped her knee.

Yuki was intent on losing the little girl behind, so he ignored her repeated calls for him. That was until he heard her shriek, and a thump. He quickly turned around, to find little 6 year old Tohru lying on the foot path, with blood streaming down her knees in small rivulets. She was crying quietly when he approached, not wailing or screaming like the other children. Gently, he removed the hands which were covering her face.

"Are you okay, Honda-san ?"

Tohru stopped crying when she heard Yuki's concerned tone.

"Hai." She replied in a small voice. She looked up to find her hero kneeling down beside her, holding her little cold hands in his own warm ones.

"Honda-san must be hurt badly for it to bleed so much." Yuki said.

Tohru quickly shook her head while trying not to wince at the burning sensation the wound caused.

"Iie, Soma-san, you shouldn't worry about me, I'll be fine. I have delayed Soma-san long enough, Soma-san's friends must be waiting."

Yuki stared at the little brown-haired girl with her tear-streaked face and bloody knee, who was putting her welfare beneath his meeting with his friends, and he felt a fierce protectiveness enter his being. He wanted to protect this little girl, who was staring at him as if he'd hung the moon.

"I'll help Honda-san get back to her house," Yuki said softly as he helped her stand, "my friends can wait."

* * * And thus Yuki and Tohru became friends.
Hope you've enjoyed the first part of my first ever Fruits Basket fic.

As you might have noticed, I didn't use the names of Yuki's parents or Tohru's father. I don't happen to know them, but if anyone does, could they please let me know what it is ?

Happy reading !
