Random notes from the author: The thank you notes

The End. Finally, it's finished. Thank you very much to everyone for taking your time to read this story (which I consider as a piece of crap with some infos). ^_^

I'll tell everyone everything I want to say about this story. For those who don't want to read it, either skip it or get out of here. *innocent grin*

I first get the idea of making an angst (or turned out to be romance? I don't know!) story after I really knew what SARS is. Like I told you in Chapter 1, where Matt's first thought was that SARS was some kind of airforce group… I was the one who thought that. So I put my first impression of SARS into Matt's thoughts and…ha! We're both stupid, right? So that's how the story came out.

What does the title "To Get Rid of Me" means? Actually it means nothing. Ha ha ha! When the idea of writing this story appeared, this title came out. At first, I used this as a temporary title but then I decided not to change it because… I like it, anyway.

During the earlier chapters of the story, I was really glad because I had ideas, facts and everything to help me write the story. But when it comes to Chapter 7, I had to change the idea (the first was that Kaoru didn't wake up from her sleep and Matt found that her fever was very high). I'd prefer a Taito story instead of someone else's.

Then Chapter 8, 9 and 10 were also disastrous because the first idea was to make Tai kiss the sleeping Matt! Then… you know what happen…you got the idea… so I think I should rest my mind first before getting another idea for the story.

But then there were other problems, such as monetary problems, personal problems… people force to do what I hate… so I had to delay everything for at least a month or more.

However when I posted the random notes and get uh… demands to continue the story, the ideas came back! Thanks everyone! You're my Muses! *^^*

The problems I had in writing this story:

I can't kill people. First I wanted someone died; maybe Matt, maybe Kaoru or maybe Rei, or… plus Tai, something like that… but I found out that I couldn't 'kill' people so… everyone's alive.

Gomababe (a reviewer) asked me, "From all couples, why Sora and JOE?!" Is there anything wrong with it? Is it because Sora is quite sexy and Joe looks like a nerd so when they kissed… ugh. Is that so? However what is done is done and I won't undo it. Author power! Yeah!!

I didn't go into details. I keep skipping time, the ward is not like the 'special' SARS patients' ward I saw in a Singaporean TV programme "True Courage – A Tribute to SARS Patients"… Luckily the programme was there when I was resting my mind and I added these into the story. So Matt's ICU is a separate room out of visitors' reach.

Now, for all my muses!


Sillie, matt4ever, nEo-cHaN  – the supporters from the beginning. Even though their reviews (esp. matt4ever's) are short, I appreciate them anyway.

CCPheonix, Darkness Princess, Trevor the Enchanter, Yamato Da man – the 'bombers'! I like the way you flame me, sorry to make you nervous / suspensed esp. "Ch. 8 – The Pain We Held". But from the way you did it, I know you really liked this story. Thank you anyways!

DespairingAngel – known as AngelOfDarknessAndDespair, a Singaporean; even though our countries have a slight misunderstanding lately, let's hope for the problems to be solved.

Gomababe – sorry about the Joera part, but if you search the couples Joe and Sora, maybe you'll get several fics about them ^^

Rocke and Roll – who found the idea of mixing current affairs and fictions interesting, thank you very much!

babydragon – a Malaysian Taito fan. Wonder if there are any Malaysians among the list of members of ff.net.

Rei – wow, lucky me I have a reviewer with the same name of this story's character!

Gala, Redrum, Loner, Emiru Yagami, Net Battler, Sheila, chibi megami, Dark Ho-Oh, Dina, Kris-kris, hache, Jenihenpen, Sibyl, luna-sky – thanks for your reviews and comments. Arigatou gozaimashita. -_-

Reviewers and readers that their names were not mentioned – thank you very much!! Not that I don't notice you at all, but maybe you posted your reviews in the last minutes before I posted this one. Heh heh *^^*

Stationeries and Aids (not the disease!):

Pencils (namely Yamato, Ken and Iori) – for helping me writing the first 6 chapters of the story.

Pens (2 Kilometrico black pens) – one for writing the 7th chapter, and the other for the rest of the story.

Exercise books – for all the drafts I made to make it.

Diary (namely Yamato or Yama) – for giving me the inspiration to write the story.

Money – yes… this is the most 'importante' thing because I write it at cyber cafes.

"Japan" by Lonely Planet Publishing – for the informations about Tokyo and its districts.

Reports from World Health Organization – I love infos being added into my story.

My siblings – they know I write stories on the Net, but they never read my story… yet. Maybe I'll let them read it, only if they can read English! Ha! ^^

A googol thanks to all of you!! (A million is not enough, really. *^^*)

Lots of Love,
