
Welcome back to

Something better than forever

Yes I know I wasn't supposed to post this until we hit goal but I will be honest I have had a veru rough weekend and decided just to made you guys happy by finishing this tale. Please let me know what you thought!

Thank you to each and every one of my faithful reviewers from the beginning until now I appreciate each word of encouragement and love I have received in penning this tale.

I own nothing recognizable and my beta was the same from beginning to end.

Take a deep breath everyone as the formalities are now concluded I bring you final installment

Chapter 28 Happily Forever After


No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.

Just as Bella's heart was nearly ready to burst with fear, where was her groom? Scanning the crowd of assembled guests did her little good. After all when looking for one familiar pair of crimson eyes in a sea of a hundred, how can one hope to succeed? Felix meanwhile had come up beside her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as he leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Easy Bella, you're looking in the wrong direction, look over your left shoulder"

Rather by instinct than desire she obeyed, the sudden chill vanishing as quickly as it had come as into the bright sunlight, stepped her groom, long ebony tresses blowing in the ocean breeze, crimson eyes under contacts turning them once more to the familiar emerald that had stolen her heart all those long weeks ago in English class. Behind him a familiar figure waved. Flooding her with amazement and gratitude threatening not only her composure but her eye makeup.


Her yelp of shock was muffled by a roar of laughter from the immortals surrounding her. Felix smiled gently giving her a gentle shove back into Jane's welcoming arms. The blond had become one of her dearest friends despite the shortness of their acquaintance, Alice fussing over her makeup for a moment and wiping the solitary tear away with a gentle hand. Her amber eyes warming to topaz as she looked out from beyond the covered patch of trees that hide the bride from eager eyes. A signal was given and the music began a light air that Bella didn't recognize.

"Your father is here to give you away; if you desire it Bella Carlisle had already been informed and has gladly stepped down"

The soft trilling voice of Marcus caught her by surprise and she jumped a hair as she turned to face him. Joy warring with a heart overflowing with emotion.

"Yes I would like that very much! Oh Marcus I thought that something dreadful had happened to him...and he went to get my father! It's too much!"

Strong arms cradled her for a moment stroking her hair fondly in the fashion of every big brother.

"Easy little one, this is your day, enjoy it, I shall fetch your father"

Moments later he was gone and Bella sipped at a glass of juice one of the twins handed her. As she looked up to say thank you she nearly dropped the glass. Jane's crimson eyes were now a becoming shade of blue that made her look more like a fashion model than any living creature Bella had ever met. Jane caught the glass and chuckled.

"Well we had to make some concessions Bella, just this once we shall go against our natures for you my dear friend"

She fell silent as Charlie appeared shifting gently from foot to foot in the way of nervous parents.

"You ready Kiddo? That young man of yours is quite something I couldn't be happier for you"

Bella embraced him gently noticing a slight vacant look in his eyes that meant one of the immortals had mellowed his nature a hair. Probably for the best she figured as she accepted his arm. For if he truly ever knew who or what it was she was marrying he would have thrown the fit of the age. It was something of a surprise to note now that he had arrived all the assembled part by sported contacts of varying hue's of green, blue, brown, and even teal eyes looked back in their direction eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride.

"Just don't let me fall Dad"


As they stepped out from the trees the Victorian air flowed smoothly into the timeless bridal march and Bella let out a shaking breath, this was it, at last she was getting the future she had always dreamed of protected and cherished by the best of men. Immortal or naught she loved him for everything he once was and could be now. Sunlight filtered through the trees and Bella could take her eyes off the groom. Standing just as in her dreams with his long hair blowing gently in the breeze in the formal tuxedo of the event and eyes brimming with uncountable emotions as she reached him. Rather reluctantly Charlie took her hand and placed within Aro's before stepping back to his place. Esme throwing her arm around him as tears glittered in her eyes.

The Pastor was something of a surprise. Marcus stepped up to the pair from where he'd been standing and began his address.

"Beloved friends, family, and assembled guests. Today we gather to witness the joining of two halves of the same whole, two people who met, fell in love, and fulfilled their destinies in each other. Aro, Isabella today you make the first step into a brave new life together... Do you have the rings?"

The question was addressed to Jasper who stood beaming on the assembly honored to be asked to have any part in the preceding. He nodded and stepped forward placing the two golden bands onto a small plate Marcus held and sent Bella a wave of joy which caused her to break out into the biggest smile he'd ever seen behind the veil. Her nerves forgotten.

"Then to my favorite part of the ceremony, the vows, Isabella will you kindly repeat after me?"

She nodded and as he spoke she answered in kind her eyes never leaving Aro's

"I Isabella Swan take you Aro Volturi as my wedded husband, to love, honor, and cherish all the rest of my days, in sickness, in health, in wealth or loss I gladly place my affairs and heart in your hands"

Aro closed his eyes a moment as if savoring the words. Swallowing he hesitated for only a moment before his turn came.

"I Aro Volturi take you Isabella Swan as my wedded wife. To love, honor, and cherish all the rest of my days, in sickness, or health, in wealth, or loss. I place my affairs and heart into your hands"

Bella had never felt joy to rival that moment as the wedding band slid onto her finger and she saw the golden band gleaming on his own pale white hand. It was official he was truly her's for the rest of time. Marcus quirked a smile as he lifted their joined hands.

"What fate had brought together let no one break asunder, Aro, you may kiss your bride"

Bella watched him drop her hand for a moment to lift the delicate veil from her face brushing it back to rest over her hair the hair pin holding it in place as he moved forward, promise and the sincerity of his vows screaming from the depths of his eyes. Slowly he took her into his arms and with one fluid movement dipped her before the assembled company before claiming her lips passionately.

Cheers, whistles, and quiet sobs of joy were heard but for Bella it might as well have been silent; her world had shrunk to the man who kissed her. Warmth flooded her body through their bond, weak as it was in her mortal state she could sense his longing and the burning passion so long kept in check. At last she was his to claim. As he released her she laughed her happiness so complete that it could have lit a room as she took his hand and accepted the embraces of the Cullen coven who ran up the stairs to throw their arms around her.

"Oh Bella congratulations!"

Alice was sobbing happily on her neck but gladly released her to the arms of her new brother in laws who came to embrace her. Marcus murmured in her ear

"You'll be crowned when you return from your honeymoon, Welcome to the family little sister"

She nodded exhaling in her relief, attempting to explain that to her father would have been more than he could have handled however it was spoken. Caius then took his turn embracing her for little more than a moment before ruffling her hair, not big it seemed on emotional displays.

The reception wound long into the afternoon the bride and groom having their first dance well photographed and cake consumed. Bella nearly laughed herself hoarse watching Emmett leading the company in the cha-cha slide and Jasper not to be outdone taking his turn to lead the Cupid Shuffle. Unable to let the immortals have all the fun she too joined in the last attempting to teach Aro the steps as she went. It seemed some things just didn't carry over the generations. Jasper coming over to borrow her to show Jane it was possible. Soon enough the blond immortal and Bella had it down pat and lead the women and Jasper the men in a line, Caius oddly having caught the idea faster than his brother. Her father was doing her proud even adding a few flourishing's he'd had at his own wedding.

When the song came to end, laughter and negotiations for the few bribery pictures were the order of the day. Aro slid over murmuring something in Bella's ear. She nodded and together they slipped off just as the Macarena's familiar tune began to play. Her bags were already packed and one of Volturi jets waited for them. This Bella knew, what she did not was where they were going; she had tried for days to wheedle some clue out of Jane or Alice but with the usual results. They only laughed and told her to be patient she'd know soon enough.

A blindfold was gently tied shielding her eyes for a moment as Aro's voice murmured in her ear

"It's only for a moment so you can't see the coordinates dear one then the cabin is yours to explore."

Grumbling good naturedly Bella followed his lead as he guided her carefully up the stairs into the plane the smell of roasting meat rising to tempt her from the galley. Jane making an appearance briefly to help her change into something more comfortable taking care to replace the blindfold before returning her to Aro's care. She had been far too keyed up to eat much at the reception which it seemed had not gone unnoticed by her husband. As she was seated on the familiar contours of one of chair his cool breath whispered across her neck suddenly as his lips brushed her ear luring a soft gasp of surprise from her lips.

"Hmm what are you thinking about Mrs. Volturi? I can almost hear the cogs of your mind turning"

Mrs. Volturi, the title hit her like a wave of cool water. She was now Mrs. Volturi!

"Only that my husband is being quite the tease, the blindfold is still on and yet I think we're airborne Mr. Volturi"

His low chuckle sent a thrill of excitement through her as he ghosted a kiss across her jaw as his cool fingers crept closer to the tie that held her blindfold.

"Hmm so he is well I may have to do something about that, after all we have a long flight ahead of us dear one, how am I going to keep you occupied?"

"How indeed"

It turned out between her meal, eaten blindfolded and from the hand of her devoted spouse that her time and the reason session of her favorite novel in his low accented tone her time was occupied quite well. She fell asleep in his arms somewhere around the dramatic conclusion where Elisabeth receives a most unexpected visitor. The blindfold was gently removed while she slept familiar cool fingers running through her hair soothing her into deeper dreams of what was to await them. She awoke as the plane touched down blinking at the cool hand that covered her eyes.

"Aro? Is this truly necessary?"

"Yes, be patient Isabella a few more minutes and all shall be revealed"

She was lead down the plane ramp Jane's act of removing her shoes only adding to her anticipation. Warm sand met her toes as they left the ramp and slowly his hands were removed. Moonlight bathed the white sand beach while the gentle roar of the tides greeted her ears. She uttered a joyful squeal much like her dear friend and bounced on her toes with excitement.

"Oh Aro, the Caribbean!"

"Indeed my dear welcome to Isle Isabella"

She turned to him with an expression so thunderstruck he threw back his head and roared with laughter for a moment before taking pity on her.

"Yes you heard me correctly, consider this your wedding present, I have often heard you swoon over the sandy beaches and gush over the waters color when Jane comes to visit. So accordingly I have granted your wish beloved."

Bella swallowed before running into his arms burying her nose in his long dark hair inhaling the familiar scent her whisper was nearly swept away by the endless rhythms of the sea.

"Thank you! It's too beautiful for words!"

As the jet taxied across a belt of white sand and took off once more Bella found herself swept off her feet and carried bridal style up the beach.

"Now my dear, I have you alone"
His low playful growl thrilled her as he carried her up a hill and the sight of their three week abode caught her eyes causing her to break into a fit of giggles.

"Oh thank heavens for a moment I was sure it'd be another castle!

The building was very large, built in the style of a lodge hall, thick lumber walls and the vegetation hiding the interior from view. A warm fire crackled in the heart to welcome them as she was carried inside letting out a gasp at the decor. Plush green rugs and couches of them same hue were gathered around the black marble hearth. A bed in one shielded corner was draped with white netting and Bella swallowed as the reality of what a honeymoon entailed invaded her find. Setting her down gently Aro raised on elegant brow.

"Nervous are we?"

"A bit, but I'm sure you can hear my heartbeat as clearly as I can"

Her confession caused the teasing light to vanish from his eyes and instantly she was pulled into his arms. Soft purring rumbles issuing from his chest as he spoke

"Isabella you know I would never harm you, I can't promise it won't hurt but there is something else you should know. Traditionally all Volturi brides are turned on their honeymoon, when is up to you. But before we leave this Island you must be immortal. Is that truly what you fear?"

She nodded Jane had mentioned it some few days ago and in the rush of events Bella had put the notion completely from her mind, now the information frightened her, but it was the deal she made with him on her first visit to Italy and she couldn't back out now. Turn or die that was her choice. Now that bridge was long gone and despite her fears Bella could not say she would have wished anything different.

"I will be right here Mia Bella, from the moment it starts, to the moment you awaken I give you my word"

Perhaps it was his gentle touch or the soft reassurance of his eyes but Bella suddenly felt the fear drain from her like water let out of a bathtub. He was her forever. All she needed and the husband she chose, what did the transition matter if he waited for her on the other side of the fire? Gently she touched his marble cheek running her hand across his noble brow before speaking.

"You'd better be, I couldn't go through it without you"

Decision made the pair happily turned their attention to the other more enjoyable occupations of one's honeymoon. That night he claimed her, while she clung to him, drowning in a world of sight, sound, touch, and taste. Gently the process may have started but it didn't end so. Aro had the foresight to commission a special headboard, yet even its rugged beauty was marred with claw marks before the nights end. Come the dawn they still lay in bed; Bella tracing aimless patterns across his marble chest.



"How long do you think it will take?"

He was silent for a long moment having no need of clarification on what she had meant.

"that varies Mia Bella, on age of the Sire, had someone such as Alice been your maker it would take roughly about a week, Carlisle being her elder the process is hasten to 3, my age will shorten further, two days at most I should think."

She was silent for a long time considering his words, refusing breakfast when it was offered and later luncheon as well only speaking as they settled on the couch some little time later for a read. Sipping only the cool aloe water he had brought along.

"Aro, I want it to be today"

"Cara Mia are you certain? Once started the process cannot be undone"

"Yes, I want the memory of, "She paused while a blush mantled her cheeks and she dropped her head rather shyly" last night to be the last human memory I have as it was the most wonderful of my life."

He kissed her passionately, slowly as if savoring the warmth of her lips for the last time and Bella all but jumped into his arms he understood and unlike any of the Cullen's saw no need to argue and draw out the issues. Her decision had been made and all that was left to be done was act upon it. As he withdrew he spoke.

"Very well, Mia Cara, allow me to go feed and when I return, I shall grant you the immortality you ask for"

His voice was soft like silk but with a roughened edge, worry it seemed for events to come. Yet moments later he was gone off to find the prey that had been provided here. Who they were and how they came to be there Bella had no idea nor did she wish to. 10 minutes later he returned, wearing nothing but a pair of black leather pants. He stood before her in front of the fireplace. Skin glittering in the glow of the crackling flames in the dying light. Bell realized with a start it must have been going on toward evening as the shadows began creeping across the wooden floor held back only by the fireplace. Extending one pale hand he spoke softly.

"Come to me dear one"

His tone was a dark lure and Bella willing rose crossing the distance between them in a few steps. Her toes sinking into the deep pile of the rug as she stopped mere inches from him. She opened her mouth to speak only to find his pale finger resting gently on her lips as he shook his head.

"There is nothing you need do dear one, simply relax, if you wish you may close your eyes"

His crimson eyes gleamed in the firelight the glowing shadows playing over his ebony tresses as he moved closer, Bella was instantly reminded of a stalking panther. His arms wrapped around her as he stood behind her lingering for a long moment with simply allowing her time to calm her racing heart. His fingers whispered soothing across her skin warmed by the fireplace. He dipped his head to brush along her collarbone whispering the last few lines of an Italian love poem. His methods were gentle his words soothing yet there was a peculiar energy to the moment itself an aching sense of intimacy. When his ivory teeth finally bit down she was so drugged by his affection she barely registered it.

First her vision began to swim then a strange weary feeling flooded her as her knees buckled and she was lowered tendered to the rug, where she lay prone as he withdrew at last, the burn had begun as her vision began to go dark and her eyes slid closed. Trapped in the darkness of her own mind the pleasant heat suddenly leapt into roaring flames that licked at her every cell burning and hungrily licking at the next before the pain had time to fully sink in. It was like being burned alive but yet she was aware of more than she wished.

Time had no measure, all she knew was the horrible burning and the low voice of the one she loved, cradling her in his arms brushing away every silvery tear as it fell and whispering words of comfort and promise of the end of the pain. When she could no longer scream, her body began to shake violently, he pressed her down gently against the rug least she do damage to her changing body. When at last the last drop of venom had licked through every last hair did her pulse slow, her heartbeat fluttering weaker and slower as, at last it fell silent.

A moment later her eyes opened and she took her first breath as an Immortal. Staring at the high wooden ceiling she was fascinated every knot and crack in ageless timbers was a work of art, each changing shadow that played along the beams was an enchantment. Then a voice broke the silence rendering everything else in her world dull and uninteresting.

"Isabella, Mia Bella. Never in all my years have I witness such beauty"

The voice was low and hushed, turning her head to find the source she was captivated by a pair of crimson eyes, staring into them she reached out as he moved closer, placing one hand on his lower jaw, slowly recognition dawned, she knew those eyes. That proud noble figure and that voice.


Struck by the sound of her own voice her lower jaw dropped. It was so beautiful, like the brush of a hand across wind chimes that she hardly recognized it as her own. Already the memory of the burning was fading into grey as she stared at her maker, her life mate, her husband. He had kept his word and even changed her attire in the last few hours of her change. She now wore long crimson gown that complimented her eyes. The very one she had worn that night so long ago when he had rescued her from the wandering coven of nomads.

"Are you thirsty Mia Cara?"

She had been so focused on his skin that she hadn't even registered the low uncomfortable burn in her throat as he mentioned it the feeling sprang to the front of her mind and the sensation became more urgent.

"Yes, Very!"

"Then rise dear one and let us hunt together"

As the pair set off together on their first hunting trip Bella discovered what she'd been missing, the sights sounds and sensations of this lifetime were worth waiting for. Every day she learned something new and grew in her powers. Well-fed and resting comfortably in the arms of her husband she was quiet, air bound for the white shores of Italy and the new life that awaited her. Only now could Isabella reflect. Edward had offered her a starting place; here in Aro's arms she found a passionate love that was better than just forever.


Here we are at the end of all things. -hands out tissues and snacks-

I hope you liked it!

No for anyone wondering I had not planned a sequel I honestly don't think it needed one.

Thank you lovely reviews for sticking with this story to the end and be sure to check out my last Volturi story Still Waters if you haven't already. I am working on an update so please be patient with me.
