P.S: I took inspiration from both Mightless and Good and Evil. However, characters shall mostly be based on the manga, and most probably there won't be a non-canon main. Let's see though, as this is just an idea that I toyed with and was inspired by the two stories mentioned above. Its really hard to make a convincing'villain-deku' story nowadays. Lets see where this goes

Disclaimer: This is just a fan-fiction of My Hero Academia and does not intend to infringe and affect the series. I do not own the series, and do not wish to act like I do so.


For one who was quirk-less, Midoriya always wanted to be a hero. As a quirk-less though, he faced extreme ridicule for his decision. He was a perfect student, always acing his exams, and also did well in his practical examinations. But there were always those who doubted his capabilities. And those who were willing to thrash him just for entertaining the notion of wanting to be a hero. Take Katsuki Bakugou for example. A look into his middle school records and one would realise that he was behind Midoriya in studies, and just ahead of him in the practical examinations. But the practical examinations and school grades were often found to be a very good way of covering reality. The reality was that Midoriya and were as far as each other in terms of strength and confidence. And the one thing that brought a gulf so large was that Bakugou had a quirk. An extremely powerful one at that. While Midoriya didn't. And that made each other as different as day and night.

As he reminisced All Might's first recorded entry once again, Midoriya was brought back to reality by his Home-room teacher, who asked them all," Please fill out these forms and bring them by tomorrow. I want to see these on my desks by then. Anyways, I know all of you are going to take the Hero Course, aren't you." To which all the students agreed. As the teacher was about to turn away, seemingly relieved at the lack of arguments, Bakugou called him. He was annoyed at one particular thing. Just as the teacher turned to ask him, Bakugou said," But Midoriya here is quirk-less isn't he? Why don't we find out whether he really wants to try for the course. "

This enlivened the class and they all turned to the boy in the middle seat of the middle row. He was of average height and had green hair, with freckles. He was at best, average in looks and was mild in physique, though he had extreme agility for one they called 'Quirk-less' He was clearly not used to all the negative glares from all his class-mates, and he really just wanted to run home, and hide in his bed, or have his mother comfort him. Don't we all like to do that though?

He nodded to Bakugou, after what seemed like an eternity to him, and immediately all his class-mates started laughing. Like they thought it was a joke. Like it wasn't reality. Like they seriously thought he wanted to be a Hero. But all of it was true. Every single bit of it. He did want to be Hero. He was in what he called reality. And it wasn't a joke. None of it ever was. He wanted to become a Hero ever since the day he saw 'Him'. The day he saw All-Might.

The moment he did nod, as I was saying, everyone laughed. And everyone continued laughing, unable to believe what they thought was a joke, a brilliant one at that.

Bakugou though, didn't understand it and went to 'Deku', smashing the table with his arm, in extreme rage. And then he went back. In silence. And like the class quietened down, realising the rage emanating from Bakugou.

The teacher went on to say," Even though we don't want to discourage anybody to try, people should understand themselves and then see whether they can become Heroes. But it anyways is your choice. Don't let anybody affect your choice." All this while, he looked at Midoriya.

And silence ensued for the rest of the classes. Even the teacher spoke in hushed voices when they saw Bakugou's face. And all of them inevitably looked at Midoriya, some with pity and some with non-chalance. They didn't care much about this, really, and the ones who did were afraid of Bakugou themselves.

After class all the students packed quickly and left. They wanted to witness the proceeding events, but didn't want to face Bakugou's wrath. As Midoriya packed his bag, he took his book on Hero notes and was about to place them in his bag. Bakugou came and snatched it from him, in all too common maneuver, for those who witnessed this on more than one occasion. The school ended at half-day, much to the happiness of most, as it gave them the rest of the day for them to focus on their career choices.

Bakugou opened the book and flipped the pages randomly, taking a glance at its contents, much to Midoriya's chagrin. He tried to take it back, only for Bakugou to glare at him in anger. Without a single word, Bakugou then proceeded to blast the book to 'Kingdom Come'. In horror, Deku asked Bakugou not to, with tears in his eyes.

Bakugou then said," Why do you have a book on "Hero Analysis. Are you really thinking of becoming a Hero?"

"Yes, and I want to join U.A too!", retorted Midoriya.


This was proceeded with silence on Midoriya's part.


"Answer you quirk-less freak! Or should I blast you!?"

"Yes", said Midoriya once again.

Bakugou then hit Midoriya, to which his friends laughed.

Midoriya stared at him with tears in his eyes, and looked to the floor in shame. Bakugou then went on to shout at him, all the while walking to the windows. And the threw his book as far as he could.

Midoriya tried to protest, but Bakugou glared at him.

"Don't even think about trying to become a Hero. And don't think about trying to even apply for U.A. I want to be the first to get into there from my school. And I don't want some quirk-less shit to even apply into the school I'll eventually get into."

"And Deku, before I leave, I'll say this: To your dream of becoming a Hero, quit it. If you want to become one, then walk to the window, jump out of there and die. Hope for a good quirk in your next life and then think about joining U.A"

Bakugou and his friends then proceeded to leave, with each one of them glaring at Midoriya as they went past him, speaking to each other.

" Thinking of even joining U.A! What an idiot!"

"I'll admit it though, I feel bad for him, being quirk-less and all!"

"But he didn't even argue, or try to fight Kacchan!"

They continued speaking, each word a sword to Izuku's chest. After they left, he sat down and started to cry, with sobs, and then eventually bawled his heart out, until he cried no more, still hurt, still wanting to cry. He seemed to be crying for hours on end, before eventually leaving the school.

He trudged back on his way home, dragging his feat along the way. He always walked home like this, and now he didn't seem to want to live anymore. He only had his mother, whom he loved with all his heart, and All-Might, who wanted to emulate.

And as he walked back, going into a dark alley, he was attacked by a man. One who could change into a slime, and one who wanted to escape the police by hiding in this boy's body. This would kill him though, but the man didn't care, he was villain anyway.

And that was then his saviour emerged. Midoriya's God. The one he wanted to be. All-Might.

He proceeded to save him from the slime villain. And as the Symbol of Peace went to the rooftop of a building,Izuku held him, surprising him really.

"Can someone without a quirk become a hero?", asked Midoriya tentatively, hoping from his heart on a positive response. He held his hands, as if in prayer.

"I...", said All-Might hesitantly, trying to frame his response. Midoriya's hopes rose, and so did he, with this very evident on his face.

"..Don't think so kid." And they came crashing down. felt something break in his heart, but did not know it was, it shattered, shattering him in turn.

"Pros put their lives on the line I honestly can't say that being a hero without a quirk is possible."And something else shattered. It was as if the figurative house of Midoriya was crashing down, taking away every dream, taking every belief with it, leaving only the husk that society knew as Izuku Midoriya.

"If you care about saving people, become a cop. Many ridicule it, but it is a respectable profession.", said he, getting ready to leave.

Izuku looked at him hopelessly, expecting him to turn and laugh, and claim it was all a joke. The boy was losing his mind!

"Its not wrong to dream, just make sure that you can reach it", said the number one hero, turning to leave.

"Don't tell anybody about my weakness, would ya? You are one of the only civilians to know about it."And then he left.

'What is that guy saying? Oh, his goddamn weakness. Why would I even care about that', thought Midoriya,suddenly realising, that his idol too left him.

He stayed there, on all fours, unable to make a sound, while tears left his eyes like a dam was opened.

He felt like he was losing sanity, and shadows began to whisper thoughts unimaginable to him. Thoughts he usually wouldn't even entertain. But they seductively whispered, convincing him, beckoning for him to just end it all

"Well, what are you waiting for now? Just jump would ya!", said his shadow

" Get vengeance against this cruel, unjust world. Come back, and give them pain. Better yet, give them justice."

"JUSTICE", thought Midoriya.

"Yes, give it to them all. Kacchan, All-Might, the world, show them true crimes are unforgivable. Do it for you and every quirkless that ever existed."

The voices continued, convincing and guiding Midoriya. And he realised. Death to him was to be realised. But he had to cut all loose meant that he had to bid farewell to the only person who ever truly cared for him. He also had something to destroy.

He trudged home, limping along the way, as he was both tired of life, and was exhausted physically. Looking at a bin, he threw his notebook, the one Bakugou destroyed.

He reached home, and his mother called for him.

"Izukuuu, how was school today? Did they give you the form yet?", asked Inko Midoriya, a chubby, green-haired at her, Izuku felt the pain that she would be suffering when she gets the news of his death.

"It was fine Ma", he managed to say, as he went into his room. He changed quickly, trying not to look at the All-Might posters. They only disgusted him now.

He silently had his dinner, after finishing his homework. He didn't know why he did it, but it was impulsive.

After his dinner, he proceeded to tear every single one of his All-Might posters. He only had hate for them, and him now. he became a Symbol, not of Peace, true peace anyway. He was now a symbol of false peace, one where people discriminated openly, and one where people were deluded into believing the lie of peace. After tearing the last of them, he put the shreds in a box. he couldn't see them in the bin, for he personally loved those posters since he was a boy.

He then went, while his mother was asleep. he didn't want her to worry about him now. There is time for that later.

he walked where he could, going to the rooftop. The one where All-Might broke his dreams. It was only four stories tall. He thought it was bigger. but it didn't matter anyways.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the edge.

"So ,this is it huh? The story of Izuku ends here. I hope to destroy everything in my next life. I hope to become the spirit of Justice.", the boy said.

"DAMN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUUUUUU!", the boy said , before dropping his bag. And he took a step. Another step.

And he jumped. With all his memories, and his demons gave him the push.

He felt the speed with which the air stuck him. he was travelling at an insane speed. Gravity at least was fair to him. He closed his eyes one last time, only to be yanked away from the pull of felt a person hold him by the torso as he was yanked, and the shift was too sudden. Trying not to vomit, he managed before fainting.

And so began the tale of Masayoshi, the spirit of Justice.

How was this ?

I hope you guys liked this. And please tell me if I can improve it in any way whatsoever.

This is my first story after all, and mistakes are made for them to be corrected.

Once again, thank you for reading this, and stay updated.

Don't know when the next one is coming. finals be starting soon