The first week was torture for Maria. Unable to complete her master's tasks, she often fell on the ground, in agony. He was a hard task-master, who made sure she groaned in pain, and ended up extremely tired in the morning itself.

She was woken up at 6 in the morning, and she was made to change into sports clothing, and freshen up in 15 minutes. They went shopping the evening before, and they made sure she was given all kinds of necessities. He was very kind then, and nice. It was an even ruder shock to her when he began the training regime.

They went jogging, and he set the pace for her, running at an extremely fast pace, and she was to stay with him. They ran like this for 21 kilometres, and each one of them after the 5th was pure torture. They came back at 9, and she was already dead tired, while he seemed full of life. They freshened up, and then he began to teach her normal subjects, to atone for her lack of proper schooling. She was considered a prodigy in her youth, and so she was good enough in her studies at the age of five to be in the 8th grade. His teaching, however was at a level where even she was behind him. But she was able to manage.

They had lunch at 2, and at 2:45, he took her to a gym, where they began to do combat training. He decided to fight her, and they did so without utilising any quirks. After being beaten for an hour, she was asked to watch the video of their fights with him. As the video progressed, he explained her faults, and her weaknesses, and gave her tips so that she would improve her combat skills. It was then that he finally asked her, about her quirk. She honestly thought he would never ask her about it, and she didn't want to impede on his routine. He seemed strict, but still manageable.

"What's your quirk? Isn't that important too?"

She got up, and showed her quirk to him. She spread her arms and put them on his shoulders, and lightning emanated from her. It was blue in color. She let it strike him, and he changed his expression to that of surprise. She released even more, but his expression stayed the same. She stopped, and used it once again, except she used it to heal him this time.

She sat down, and began to explain her quirk to him.

" I can release this energy. Its like lightning, but not quite like it. I can use this to heal others, or strike them. It also enhances my movements when I envelope myself in it, raising my strength and endurance too. In essence, I can heal, attack, and enhance myself with this quirk."

She stopped, and sat down, expecting him to talk about his. His quirk, with which he used to heal her, was maybe similar to his. He got up, and motioned for her to do the same, and they walked back to the ring. Once they got ready, he told her to fight him again, but this time, she was to use her quirk, and the strategies and tips that he gave her before.

They began to spar, with him first trying to close the gap between them. He came in close, and began to punch her, with a series of upper-cuts and hooks from both hands. She managed to dodge most of them, but realised that each one was enough to knock her out. He wasn't playing any games with her. She moved a bit behind, and released blue tendrils on him. She released her full power on him, releasing even her rage. He was completely exposed, as he was moving back, and it was her ace anyways. He hadn't even bothered to use a quirk, moving without one. The full power left her finger-tip, and blasted forth, rushing forward, as a shrill banshee-like cry emanated from the release. She expected him to be struck by the attack, and for him to fall in pain, apologising to her for his misbehaviour. But he dodged the attack. Moving in a superhuman manner, he covered a 15 metre distance in a flash, moving faster than light. He came to her, in an amused expression, and released his hand. It moved towards her, in a slow manner, as time stopped. Her shocked expression made him look even more haughty. He kept his hand near her face, and pulled his middle finger back, as if getting ready to flick her forehead. Green tendrils enveloped his finger, and he flicked her forehead.

The power of the flick was so much, that she flew back, behind the ring, and a few metres behind it. She didn't fly above it, but smashed right through it, as all hell broke loose. Everything around her flew, as if it was struck by All-Might. She felt immense pain on her face, all of it, as she finally felt the ground. And she was terrorised, by the power he held. As her consciousness faded, she saw him approach her, in haste. He held her, in his arms, this time with an unknowable expression. And once again, he used his healing on her, her pain instantly fading, and her dizziness going away.

She didn't faint this time, but she was shook. Shook at what lay in front of her. All the equipment was blown off, as if someone individually threw them with all their force. And the ring. Her eyes grew bigger every second her sight lay on it. To say that it was damaged was nothing. A part was blown off, with a crater-like thing formed instead. Just how powerful was he?!

He walked away and took his towel, wiping his sweat off with it. He threw her towel to her, and told her,

"Don't sweat it. This is just to show you how far you have to go. You have just begun. I like your optimism, but thinking that such a half-assed effort would beat me is an insult to me, and most importantly, to you. But this is also good. We know where you lie, and we'll work till you can fight me fair and square."

He walked to her, holding his hand out to her, so that she can get up. And she took his hand.

"We don't have much time. But together, I hope you can achieve your dreams. And maybe, I'll also achieve mine"

And with that supremely cheesy line, they got back to sparring.

As they began to eat their dinner, a month since her training began, he told her of her objective. For the mission that was to determine whether she passed her test or not. In two months, she will go to the main base of the smuggling ring, and fight all of her captives, either knocking them out, or killing them. She then had to free all of the captives. Every single one of them, and he would call the police. He already did his work, getting her a new id, since hers was destroyed, and he semmingly used up all his contacts to make sure that she would get an acceptance letter from U.A. She knew how hard it was to get in there. She wanted to go there herslef, when she was still allowed to dream.

She was to do this to get accepted in U.A, because they had some clause, or something. Her master's mind was even beyond her own genius, and all she had for him was admiration, and maybe a love a daughter would have for her parent. This despite the fact that she was as old as him, maybe older. He was one to be respected. But as he knew all about her, she knew nothing about him.

They changed, in a clock-work manner, and went to their beds, and sat on it, a minute before they'll lie down and sleep. She, for 5, and he, for his quota of 2 hours. But before they slept, he asked her,

"Do you wanna go for the Sports Festival? We can analyse quirks, and you can meet some of the people who helped me with saving you. I've got VIP tickets, so we may meet All-Might, and other pros."


That was all she needed to say. It was a holiday, and she'd meet All-Might. That was a double-edged thought, as she wasn't able to sleep for the rest of the night, thinking only about the day at hand. She thought though, did he just invite her to a date? She began to hyper-ventilate. It was exactly like it was in the movies she was made to watch for 'cultural re-integration'. All sorts of movies, where they would both watch, sitting on the same sofa, eating from the same bowl. Once, to his chagrin, she even managed to sleep on his lap. Unluckily for her Yamato took a photo of it, and would taunt her for it. She really fell in love with him, and she hated herself for it. He did what he did with only her best intentions in mind. He did it because he was a true hero. Like All-Might.

She looked at him, and thought,'No way! Not him.'

Her response that night was like a toddler's. He had already planned for her future, even in U.A But he did not expect for her to behave like an absolute toddler. But he didn't mind too much. This was her first time in the free world. And she had to at least taste, a bit, of it.

And so, he relented. To her childish tantrums. To the fact that she may spoil his assignment. But he didn't care. 10 pages on each student is more than enough. Tomura may have to satisfy himself with what he has. He was holding her hand, protectively, as they left the metro station, and even she had a look of shock, then non-chalance. It was him, so he must have a motive, she thought, and the others.

They came early, though they didn't need to. Komodo and Yamato came with the two, not only because he wanted them to take a much-needed break, but also so that he could bond with the two, and let her bond with others.

She seemed to bond pretty well with them. Yamato and her pranked everybody, and Komodo and he, were the unwilling targets of most of these pranks. She was lively, but he had to warn her. Most of the men were eyeing her, because she was, undeniably pretty. She wore a simple white frock, and small, simple earrings. She never wore make-up, but that only accentuated her beauty. Yamato too, was entranced by her, though his past experiences prevented him from falling for her. And the sight of Komodo behind them brought the to-be molesters back to reality. There was no way they would ever live past a fight with Komodo. She was always walking next to him, bouncing about as they would speak about things mundane, and even he seemed to enjoy the day.

He wore a cherry pink shirt, plain, and black trousers, with white, big sneakers. The women, were eyeing him up on the other end. Ever since the notorious 'Kamino mall' events, Yamato took the time to explain to him that the women weren't taking photos of him to report to the police. They were 'thirsty' for him, said Yamato, with a jealous face. Maria glared at any woman who dared to look at him after this, and while Deku was off getting tickets, the other two teased her on this.

After they took some food, they went to the VIP lounge, where they will be seated next to a lot of pro-heroes and corporate hot-shots. All of them would have a bucket load of attitude. Not that he cared. He only worried for Maria or Komodo, who hated these kind of people.
They reached in time, and they sat comfortably in their seats, awaiting for the events to start. They were seeing the 1st years, and he brought his laptop out from his backpack, to type out all the details. It was a special one, matched to deal with his extremely quick typing and his exhaustive RAM usage.

This was going to be interesting.

Rin was sitting on the chair, as everybody was silent,and everybody seemed to put the past few days on a hold, and was preparing for the event up ahead. The Sports Festival. It was their chance to show the world their prowess, and progress. And she would. She wanted to win this. There were too many people who wanted for her victory. She also hoped for another, who she imagined was alive, and he too, hoped for her victory. From the heavens above, she would be able to win for him.

Todoroki walked towards her, to speak to her. He never spoke, and was always cold to everyone, much like his quirk. But he was the favorite, along with Bakugou, and sadly, herself. She didn't think that highly of herself, but the others did. She didn't care less for the attention, but it did help bring her to the edge. The tension in the room was palpable, increasing ten-fold as everybody observed Todoroki walk to her, casually, yet characteristically, in a cold way.

His eyes, mismatched but unified in determination. Determined to beat the person he would talk to. Determined to beat her, in any way possible. Maybe even to beat her up. She couldn't understand the guy. He was an anomaly, unknowable to everyone, and a true maverick. He creeped her out, and she tried to avoid him, even as much as she avoided Bakugou.

He began to speak, in a resolute, yet uncaring manner.

"Midoriya-san", he called her, as if everybody wasn't observing their exchange.

"Huh? Oh hey, Todoroki", she replied, trying to be as nice as possible.

"Objectively speaking, you and Bakugou are the only people in the entire group even capable of fighting me as an equal."

He waited, and continued,

"But I've got my eyes on you. Because I've been observing that All-Might has got his eyes on you since the day school started. I don't want to pry behind this, but he has kept an eye out for you."

"And I will beat you, and will do anything to beat you, since you are the best here."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU IDIOT!", and Bakugou responded, in usual anger, that he wasn't considered the best.

"Hey, hey. Why are you saying this? Aren't we all friends?", said Kirishima, trying to keep the peace.

"I don't think of you as friends, and will not hesitate to take on you", Todoroki said, turning away and walking outside, as the announcement for them to enter just came in.

They all walked, silently, and they shuffled along, forming the lines as told. They heard Present Mic speak, but she didn't care for it. She then saw Midnight on the podium, and then she stood properly. She straightened up, and saw that she asked for them to be in the lines as prescribed. Then she called for Bakugou to give the Athlete's Oath, and she looked at the others in surprise.

'So it begins', she noted, as Bakugou began his speech.

"What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you, Haruhito-kun."

The principal just spoke to him, and he shook the lone hand he offered. He already was acting with them like he was best buds with them. They probably still were burning from the rejection. Looking at the scene, most of the pro-heroes looked at him with shock, and the U.A staff, most of whom just filled the seats next to theirs, looked at him. He'll play their games. He felt the others shifting, and turning. Nezu did carry a powerful aura around him, and he did deserve the respect he held. He looked at the creature, his most dangerous enemy, and smiled back at him.

"You know, our offer still stands. You can still choose to get an admission into U.A,though you will have to take the finals-"

"Sorry, I don't intend on changing my decision, but I can give a recommendation. This girl next to me, is even better than I am, and I can vouch for her, if my name even carries something that can be used. She's Maria Otonashi, and she is capable of being even better than the Symbol of Peace."

The heroes were shocked, not just at the way he interrupted the principal, but also chose the occasion to claim that some girl can surpass All-Might. It was even worse when they saw that All-Might had just entered the room, but heard the conversation.

"Well, that is high praise, but is that really true?", Nezu asked, looking at the now grinning teen, lying on his throne like he was a king.

"Yeah. If he says it, I can be better than him. I can even thrash him now if he was there", the girl said, in a haughty manner.

"Is that so?", and the man finally came. Deku always hated his surprise appearances, but all Komodo and Yamato shifted in their seats, and he noticed. They were scared of what he would do to the bastard. It took him all his effort to remain calm, and not to jump at him, and slash his throat with a blade.

"Yeah", Maria said, a bit doubtful, and she looked at him in a subservient manner. He had to get rid of that, her attitude towards him. He didn't want her to feel indebted to him, he did his duty.

But he winked at her, and she smiled back, confident again.

"So when do you think you and your friend can try the tests. I would be completely against it if not for the fact that you are the record holder of the Entrance Exams, and that girl there seems to have more than her share of intrigue."

There was an audible gasp, as all the heroes noted that. He was one to take seriously. After all, he managed to break the record, and the last holder also became the Symbol of Peace.

"In a month. She'll be ready then. And with that, both of you, please move out of the way. The cavalry match is going on, and I'd like to see haw these muppets do in these tests.", he motioned for the principal of U.A and the Symbol of Peace to move, like as if they were distractions. He wasn't looking at them, and he had an intense face. They were about to speak, but the muscle politely got up, and approached them for continuing the conversation. Looking at Komodo rise, even Yamato got up, and they left with the two heroes, in a slow, and tense manner.

"Sorry for that. He just switches when he notices a match. He still likes that, even though he stopped wanting to be a hero", said Yamato, looking with concern at Haruhito, who looked like he was yawning now.

"What do all of you do again? You seem too young to have jobs, but it is interesting, the way you all carry yourselves. So, what is your job?"

All-Might looked completely serious, though he didn't look like he would fight anyone. It was concern that he held, for some reason.

Before Yamato answered, Komodo chimed in, and Yamato heard his voice for the first time ever.

" We run charities, and also are presently planning on regular healthcare for all, and education systems, while we may also be able to squeeze in some basic health-care programs for the poor. After all, it doesn't look like any of you are doing anything about the poor", the deep voice echoed throughout the room, and most of the people were frustrated y the comments, and Komodo raised his arms to emphasise it.

The barb stung both Nezu and All-Might, whose faces contorted for a second before it returned, and they continued speaking.

"What about the girl? I don't think I've ever seen her before", noted All-Might, and waited for an answer to sting back.

But the sting wasn't returned by Komodo.

"That is because he rescued her from a smuggling ring. She, was a FUCKING SLAVE! He rescued her, saved her and did what you guys should have!"

He stopped, to control himself, as even Komodo looked at him with shock.

'Shit!', he cursed himself. Bringing out her identity was not something Master would like, and especially to their enemies.

"I'm sorry for his outburst. The conditions there were appaling, and he is right. It is unusual for someone doing what the heroes fundamentally should. But we're sorry. We shall take your leave now, and enjoy the events that shall follow. Thank you for your time."

And with that, the two men left the staff members behind, in an aggressive and powerful manner. The man left behind were flabbergasted. Not just by what essentially amounted to accusation about them being not good enough, the other by the loyalty they seemed to show for Haruhito. He had an effect on them, like they were an extension of his will. Like they were his followers. He had them spellbound to his aura, his charisma, which even they were now afraid of.

"He really surprises me, that boy", commented Nezu, in reflection.

"No point standing here. Lets atleast cheer our own students All-Might"

And they left again, both with butterflies in their stomach. One at looking at the power a boy held, the other had that, and on how his successor was doing.

Said boy was eyeing the successor, and his step-sister seriously, and no-one dared to try doing anything. They held their breath, as their superior began to take notes, to counter her speed and strength. He began to do the same to the page containing info on All-Might. And then it struck. Their quirks were too similar for it to be coincidence. Her subconscious fighting style too matched that bastard's. He passed One for All to her. And he smiled, as the cavalry battle came to an end. It was time for them to have lunch, and he got up suddenly, realising he needed the calories for analysis, and to finish something that was on his mind for a while.

He looked at her, care in his eyes, and asked her if she needed to eat. She was getting redder by the second, and he needed to get her medicines too now. How ill would she get!

They followed him, and he stuffed everything he could from the lunch counters. The lines split way for him. They didn't intend to, but the sight of the muscle-man turned most of them to mush. They left them to their meals, and the white-haired man finished everything he took neatly, and that was a record-breaking attempt.

He didn't care, and they went for desserts. While the others took huge ice-creams, he took a small lemon sorbet. While they were walking around, eating and enjoying their food, a few girls came over to his side.

'Fucking Class 1-A', he shuddered, and saw that all sides were covered. He tried to escape by using his people as covers, but he was blocked even by them, though unwittingly, as they did not fear them as much as he did. He used Maria as his contingency plan. Holding her hand, he sent a pre-recorded text to the two, and winked at them before holding the girl by the arm and running off. To all involved, it looked like it was romantic. But he did so for another reason.

He needed closure. He wanted for her to become hero, and it was this selfish desire of his that would be his ultimate litmus test. His plan, once again rumbled in his mind, and he stopped, taking a breath. She did too, but her face was unusually flushed. They only ran 200 metres, and he looked at her cheeks, and the fact that he was holding her hand.

'Aaah', he understood. And another thought crossed his head. This though, would get hatred from the only person he now cared for. But he smiled again, a devilish grin. He knew the stakes, and for his goal, everything was a sacrifice. He had no right to have emotions like affection, and maybe even love. But even he would hate his guts after this. Maybe. And again, he may not. His goal wasn't to have a life with her, as a father-figure, or maybe even as a he did feel a tinge of disappointment. There were always better people than he.

He turned to her, and spoke.

"We don't have long together. The plan has changed."

He took his phone, and sent another message. He had to finish this now, and get on with it.

"Its gonna be today. I hope you have the costume."

Her face changed, from one who wanted a surprise, to one of preparation. She was in preparation.

"Lets meet your new class-mates. You will get in U.A, so try and socialise with them..."

They began to walk back, slowly, and both were in contemplation.
"The practical will be easy for you to solve. Whatever they give we have done harder problems and you are more advanced in studies than they will ever be. But they will most probably make you spar with All-Might, or some of the other teachers. What I said to them will get them riled."

She was walking in front, when she stopped and turned, with a hurt look on her face.

"Why are you doing this? What is your goal by doing all this? Is this for me? What is your goal?"

She spoke softly, but with a clarity in her voice. This was it.

"For no reason in particular. Maybe to satisfy my own ego, maybe because I'm kind? But I would have done it for anyone, so don't think for once that I did it because you are special. Well maybe. OK, you are talented and special, and that is why I'm helping you to U.A. I had nobody to help me when I was alone, and you needed help. So thats why."

He said this in an aggressive tone, and hurriedly walked, realising that the finals would start in a while, and he told her to hurry as really began to care for her, like a father. Besides, he wanted to look at his mole. Powerful, but the person had to act like an idiot, like he was weak. He wanted to look at the change his mole would make.

'What the fuck did I just say?', he mentally noted,remembering the conversation, though he may have motioned a bit,and the onlookers stared at him.

They were walking when Maria decided to hold his hand all of a sudden. He was looking at his phone, so he didn't care. Information was to be passed to Yamato, and he managed to also get very vital information on the security in U.A. Who knew that it would be so easy to infiltrate this shithole?

They went in, and due to his V.I.P pass, were allowed in inside. They stopped by a vending machine, strangely still holding hands, but he managed to get a cold drink, and they walked to the area where 1-A were staying, waiting for their turn to the slaughter.

They were walking, not holding hands, and he was messaging Giran, when he was shoved to the side by a huge , flaming man. A hero he always despised. Everybody's number 2.

He didn't fall, but Maria did, and the way he pushed them around, was something he used to, and even she experienced every day.

He didn't like it, not one bit.

He looked at idiot pass through, like he was a God. He rushed behind, and kicked on him on the ankle when he was near the stairs. Endeavour fell down the stairs in a melodramatic and comedic way. He heard a few laughs, and Maria who was observing this, couldn't help but stifle a giggle. They ran immediately, and they went into one of the waiting rooms, which luckily was empty. He heard the roar of an angered hero, whose pride was injured, and he screamed, searching for the culprits, who tripped the mighty hero.

They began to laugh when he left, and they were gasping by the end of it. He didn't even know why he laughed, but her smile was contagious. So he did. He stopped, and they went to the class door, waiting for a few seconds, while she was waiting for her resolve. She finished breathing, and he pushed her in, so that she made friends with what will be her new class-mates. He chuckled a bit, then got back to going to his room. He had to set things up, and there was not a lot of time for him. Haruhito, just like Izuku, will die, and then, only Masayoshi shall remain.

He held her in his arms, walking back to their house. She not only managed to thrash the smugglers, but also set the rest free to do as they pleased. He sent them to one of his charity buildings. The resulting fight did leave her too tired for walking back. She was unable to even move her hand, so he decided to pick her up. This was their final night. He told her that he would be giving her a posh house in Musutafu, and a bank account with an income of 15 million yen. She would prepare for the rest of the month, to get into U.A. He told her that she would, but the money was on the off-chance that she didn't. She was given official documents, as she never had any. Her eyes widened extremely, but she was too weak to speak. She would be living by herself from the next day, and that this was to be their final night together. She was unable to look at him then, and averted her eyes, so that he couldn't see her tears.

'So it ends this quick'

She never wanted to leave him. She wanted to change her he told her that a goal is always better than a person. He shot down her request, and even got angry at her for her suggestion.

His decision was final, and she had to obey. It was what would keep him happy. She would be a hero that would make him proud, and she will become the best.

She thought to herself, as she fell asleep, knowing that he will bring them back.

He dropped her, as she was still sleeping, and he left in the lorry, with the Elites, who were asked by him to aid him in this. The shifting of Maria Otonashi was an excuse for them to detain another person. His hit-list was getting over, but it was being replaced with his whims. He was able to access the quirk databases, due to Yamato, and had spent a lot of time sifting through profiles, highlighting ones he deemed were good for his cause, those who would be unable to do anything but who had good quirks. And he finally highlighted people who were quirk-less, but who were capable even without it. He needed people for his cause, and he also needed to take Shigaraki out. Sensei wanted him to, and when he spoke to Kurogiri, the bartender was non-commital, though he didn't mind either way.

He steeled himself, for the ride shall only get rougher from now.

He looked at himself, figuratively, and in introspection. He tried to remove any traces of any personality in himself, but he always felt his true nature emerge. The person he was meant to be. He controlled himself, and walked into the bar, in preparation for the conversation that will come. He convinced Stain to come with them for a conversation. With Tomura and Kurogiri, while Sensei would eavesdrop.

He already heard a shout from Tomura, as he entered it, already in anger.

He saw that Tomura and Kurogiri were slashed, bleeding, and most importantly, paralysed. This was the time to act. He walked nearby, in between both the groups, as mediator, and asked both to stop with it. Everybody but Shigaraki began to play their roles, as they were asked to. He convinced the other three, and while Kurogiri was hesitant, Stain and Sensei were eager. Sensei even looked pleased, while he listened to the skit.

So far, everything was perfect.

But damn Shigaraki had to exceed himself. He was fit for this role, the 'Naked Emperor'. Except, he was the only one who thought he had clothes.

As Shigaraki tried to threaten Stain, he created a blade, and cut Shigaraki's head off, with the blood splattering those round him, and his expression remained the same. He didn't even realise his own death.'Long Live The King!'

'How lucky!'

They all got comfortable after this. Stain still refused to join the league, but said that he'd make an allegiance with them. But most surprisingly, Stain, his master, paid obeisance to him. Prostrating before him, his master, the man he idolised now, gave him the mantle that he upheld, and that he, along with All-Might, would be the only people who had the right to kill him. And he, unlike the bastard, would be listened to. His master, effectively became his apprentice, and life came full-circle. There was quite a bit of work for it to truly come true.

They were all, except for Kurogiri, told of the full plan. Kurogiri was told later. In brief, and both his mentors agreed to it. And both loved the plan. He told them because he predicted that they wouldn't live to see the full plan, and was regretful when he informed them. One of his quirks gave him this: the power to see the future. Only visions, glimpses, and they were random. But his mind was able to fill in. Only a genius like him was able to decipher it. This, as most historians would agree to, was when Masayoshi not only took control of the League,but it was when he changed it completely, crafting it in his image.

And so, the first phase of his plan was finished. The world will look, and gasp in awe, at the show, the spectacle they would witness. His show, and they would love it.

The heroes though, and the undeserving, will be burnt.

The sinners, true and fake, shall burn.

Or electrocuted, for now. He didn't have a fire-based quirk yet.

But, all those who defy him, shall feel Hell's Blaze

So this chapter ends. This doesn't have much combat, but goddamn, it sets the tone. It was a necessary sacrifice, but I have so much planned for this story. It will get way better, I assure you.

Thank you to all who read it, and even more thanks to those who liked and subscribed to it. The next chapter will release in a month, as my exams will begin. But I will also release the two following chapters after that.

See you soon.