At the Sunday dinner.

"That case I was working last week, the one with the baby, we found the dad." Danny said. "He shot himself. The baby is in the foster system now. The social worker said she could be in there for two years."

"One of the many sides to the job." Frank replied.

"That's awful." Nicky chimed in.

"Her earliest memories will be in the foster system." Jamie said.

As family dinner wrapped up and everyone went to their respective houses Jamie was still thinking about the baby.

Monday Evening on tour

"What's on your mind, partner?" Eddie noticed that Jamie was thinking more than usual. When Jamie said nothing Eddie spoke again, "Reagan, hello?"

"Sorry what?" Jamie said turning to her.

"What's on your mind?" She asked him.

"It's a long story, and it's no big deal." He replies, not wanting to go into detail.

"Tour ends in 20 minutes. Want to get dinner?" She knew she could get him to talk, even if it wasn't while they were on duty.

"I could eat." He told her.

Jamie was getting dressed in the locker room when he heard a small knock. "Why do you always come in here?" He asked her.

"Something about seeing you shirtless," She smiled at him, and he glared. "Where are we going?"

"Your pick."

"You always complain about my pick." She said sounding slightly shocked that he was letting her pick. "Let's go to that mexican place in 9th street."

"Why not a bar? You always pick a bar."

"Come on, margaritas and nachos." She really just wanted a quieter setting. Somewhere he'd actually talk.

"You wanna tell me what was on your mind today?" Eddie asked Jamie while digging into her nachos supreme.

"I told you, it's nothing."

"Nothing my ass, Reagan, you were distracted the whole tour, and that'll get one of us killed. If you won't talk to me about it you better talk to someone, because you're not going to be the reason I die."

"It's just a case." He was slightly giving in.

"What case?"

"One of Danny's."

"Why do you care so much about one of Danny's cases?"

"Because, there's a little girl, barely a year old, who lost both of her parents. The social worker said that it could be two years until someone adopts her. Until then, she'll just go from foster house to foster house."

"That's awful, I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

Tuesday Morning on tour

"Damnit, Reagan." Eddie said suddenly while walking down the street.

"What'd I do now." Jamie asked her.

"Got me thinking about that case. Why'd you tell me about it?"

He scoffed, "You made me."

"Yeah, well, now I can't stop. I wanna see the kid."

"Eddie, that's only going to make you more attached."

"Maybe that's a good thing. Will you come with me, please?" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"This is a bad idea."

"That's not a 'no', so is it a 'yes'?"

He thought for a moment before sighing, "I'll go with you,"

Eddie interrupted him, "Thank you!"

"But I will not see her. I can't get more attached."


"Eddie, I can't do it. I'm having enough trouble staying out of it as it is."

"This is the place. Danny made some calls and she ended up here."

As Eddie walked into a room she saw the small child in a crib. She'd always had a soft-spot for children and this one was no exception.

She walked up to the cradle and picked her up. "Hi, little girl." She cooed. The small child babbled as Eddie rocked her back and forth, cooing at her and admiring her.

The meager girl started crying and a social worker let Eddie give her a bottle. Eddie sat in a rocking chair rocking the small girl as she slowly drifted to sleep. Eddie pulled out her phone and texted Jamie.

Come here.

She got a reply almost immediately.

I told you I'm not coming in.

She rolled her eyes and typed her reply.

Just, please. I need you.

Jamie quietly walked into the room to find one of the most perfect scene in front of him. Eddie was in a rocking chair looking down at a sleeping baby in her arms. "What did you need." He whispered.

"Look how perfect she is." She smiled.

"I told you." He rolled his eyes as he saw hers, full of love. "Let me take her." He took the child from her arms and set it back in the crib. "Come out here and talk to me for a moment."

They walked out the door into a hallway. "I wish I could hold her forever." Eddie said.

"Eddie, you're too attached. She'll be adopted soon and you won't be able to see her ever again."

Eddie knew she was going partially insane for thinking this, but said it anyways,"What if I adopted her?"

"Are you nuts?" Jamie thought he was hearing something wrong. "You work nights and days, you don't have a real schedule, whenever you're not working you're with me, drinking. Not to mention our lives are constantly on the line."

"I know, it's insane, but I can't just let her stay here."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't. I'll quit the job if I have to."

"Ok, Eddie, this is a living being, this isn't like a plant or even a cat, this is a living, breathing human. You know as well as I do you're not ready for a kid."

A realization set within Eddie, she wasn't ready, but she still couldn't just leave her. "What if I just fostered her? Until someone adopted her."

"That I might let you do."

"I wanna do it."

"You're uncontrollable, Janko."

Eddie was able to tale the little girl home that night, since she was considered an outstanding member of the community and had a Reagan recommendation. She'd have her foster license in less than a month, probably less than two weeks if Jamie had Erin and Frank make a recommendation.

Eddie took the small girl and put her in her carseat. "Ah, I have nothing for babies!" Eddie realized that she'd have to go to a store.

"Not so easy being a parent, now is it?" Jamie teased.

"Very funny, can you come with me to Target?"

"Yes. I'll go with you to Target, I'll also drive you home, and if you want I'll stay the night."

"Woah there cowboy, I can hold my own." She said with a small smile.

"That's what you think, but babies are a lot harder to deal with than perps on the street."

"Wow, thanks." She rolled her eyes as she looked at the small girl. "Her name's Maya, did I tell you that?"

"No, but it's a pretty name."

Eddie and Jamie walked around Target buying stuff for the little girl: a crib, bottles, blankets, outfits, teething rings, some toys, a stroller, etc.

Jamie saw diapers in the corner of his eye and picked up a jumbo pack. "You'll need these trust me."

"I forgot they don't come potty trained."

Jamie blatantly laughed at Eddie as reality set in.

As they checked out Eddie realized how expensive babies are. It racked up to just under 1k "Ow." She said as she pulled out her credit card.

Jamie also pulled out his wallet and pulled out his credit card. "Put 400 on me." He told the cashier.

"Jamie, this isn't your problem."

"No, but we're partners, your mess is my mess."

The young cashier smiled at them, "You three make a really cute family."

"We're not- It's complicated." Eddie said.

At the same time, Jamie simply just smiled and said, "Thank you."

At Eddie's apartment, Jamie was putting the crib together while Eddie cleared out her second bedroom. "Need any help?" Eddie asked Jamie.

"No, I've got it. What was in that bedroom?"

"Old, childhood boxes and a dresser I kept in there." She replied

"Finished." Jamie said as he screwed in the last screw to crib.

"Nice work, Reagan. Now I remember why we keep you around."

"It's a specialty." Jamie picked Maya up off the ground where she was crawling around and held her to him. "I built that all for you. You better be thankful."

They had finally got Maya put to bed and settled into her new room, and were sitting on the couch talking.

"I'm so hungry." Eddie said.

Jamie checked his watch it was 19:30 and Eddie hadn't eaten since lunch. "I'll run out and get take out. I'll be back."

Jamie was soon back with the take out and let himself in as to not wake the baby. He walked in to see Eddie on the couch a glass of wine in one hand and her gun in the other pointed towards the door. "I surrender." He said walking in.

"Can never be to sure." Eddie replied.

Jamie brought the food to the coffee table and they dug in. "Do you want me to stay?"

"Can you?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, I'll stay."