Welcome Everyone

To this the last chapter of

Shadow Song

Hold on to your programs guys this chapter is quite long and quite a wild run to the end.

Originally I had an idea of cutting it into two parts but my then beta begged to see it posted as one, she dislikes cliffhangers of a great story so here we are, so pour a cup of tea settle in and enjoy more than 5300 words!

This chapter is dedicated to all my loyal readers who read this challenge fic and I hope still enjoyed it.

I own nothing recognizable and my beta was the same as the beginning.

Now with the formalities concluded I bring you

Chapter 8: The Phantom's Opera(part 2)


It seemed silly that this fact – the existence of his soul – had ever been in question, even if he was a vampire. He had the most beautiful soul, more beautiful than his brilliant mind or his incomparable face or his glorious body.

Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 2, p.24

The sound of the great doors sliding closed behind the trio caused a shiver pass down Bella's spine; it was the sound of an ending yet the glorious possibly of a future she couldn't have conjured in a lifetime of dreams. Once only a lonely awkward girl from a small town she now stood here free of the chains that bound her and against all the odds, as a queen! Her mask happily covered her features least the immortals catch sight of the rapid swirl of emotions. Only when the two Cullen women released her arms to join their mates, among the crowd of milling figures, did the reality of her position truly begin to sink in. Regardless of their rank or standing within their own covens the assembly gladly seeming to give way before her and before long she had come to rest before the most beautiful sight in the world.

Caius stood regal and proud with his brothers. Golden hair gleaming in the torch light as one the kings brought their hands together the clap so in unison it seemed to spring from one body not three. Marveling Bella jumped slightly at the movement around her. Each family moving back to the sides of the room waiting the opening of the ball as tradition dictated. Soft music had begun to play, though it barely registered with Bella as she stood alone before the thrones. Typical of their distinct personalities the brothers wore primary colors each striking in their own right among the muted shades of grey black and gold of the other covens. Aro had chosen a deep emerald green Marcus a lovely shade of royal blue that suited his frame admirably. Yet her gaze and her admiration were saved for immortal. Caius stood before her like her own Dark Angel of Music sprung from her innermost longing. Attired in ebony and crimson he was a captivating sight. Each footstep seemed to vibrate the length of the hall as he approached descending the stairs with a practiced ease and upon reaching her bowed with such courtly grace she could not find words to greet him.

"My Queen...May I have the honor of the opening dance?"

His queen the mere possibility seemed absurd to her thinking yet; staring into those crimson depths she could have happily walked off the end of a dock knowing he'd always be there to catch her. Perhaps there was enough faith left in her heart to believe those words, accepting his hand with a gentle nod Bella inhaled and took her rightful place in the center of the floor as a waltz began. Who cared that the Cullen's where there? that she was in a room filled with creatures who viewed her kind as food? All she saw was her beloved leading her through the steps without thought or effort. Her feet never seemed to quite meet the floors polished surface as they kept time with the music heedless and unmindful of the world around them. Pulling her closer than even she knew the waltz allowed she allowed her eyes to slide closed at the honeyed warmth of his tone as he whispered...

"Mia Amore, Soon we shall sing together. And the angels will surely will weep for joy"

Ah yes, the play. This was a sobering reminder. While free in name she still had a job to do and a bargain to keep. True the play itself was a joy and singing with her new mate. Well that couldn't be anything but wonderful but...there was that flimsy problem of Edward. Currently locked in a box 20 feet below where they stood he would be released in time to get attired and be escorted to the Cullen family for greeting before being shoved onstage at precisely the right moment. Everything had been planned thought out and orcastrated down to the last bar of music and yet, she had a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that the foolish boy would try something desperate before the night's end. It was after all his nature highly prone to Melodrama as Alice had put it. Glancing around through the swirling mass of bodies she caught the worried eye of Esme, who though cheered by the beautiful music and the covered goblet she sipped at, no doubt supplying them with the animal blood they requested the entire coven appeared as unsettled as she felt. The lurking shadow of what if's overriding her usual good sense as without permission her mind gleefully began spinning scenarios each more horrifying than the last when a gentle voice smashed through this poisonous cycle with words of comfort.

"Do not fret Cara, all shall be well"

Marcus had spoken so suddenly Bella could not withhold the small leap of fright that gripped her body even from within the confines of Caius's tender embrace. From Aro lips issues a soft chuckle soothing the slight embarrassment that flooded her mind. She was ashamed of having been so quick to doubt the power of the family that had so warmly welcomed her in. How could Edward, no more than a teenager next to these immortal hope to achieve anything? Comforted by these thoughts Bella was able to turn her attention back on the ball. Blinking as she realized Caius had drawn her slightly away from the crowd allowing her a welcome moment to catch her breath and her thoughts... Isabella for her part was more than glad for the cup of mortal refreshment one of the guards handed her. Dancing even with a vampire was a trying ordeal. Pleased with the contents of her glass she drained it thirstily. A light fruit mix that went down easy and didn't bother her stomach was just what she needed.

As the clock suddenly began to chime midnight the bell began to wind down as the excitement of the gathered assembling all seeming to turn to the play, eager whispers filling the grand room as Isabella took her leave with the others to get ready. It seemed opening night was just as exciting for them as for her kind. Slipping behind the grand stage curtain of thick red velvet her mind eagerly turned to the stage directions she had learned going over each carefully in review was a welcomed distraction from pre-show nerves. Having parted with Caius long enough to go backstage and change into her first costume she nearly swooned in her shock as familiar cool arms suddenly locked around her for a moment driving away any and all other thoughts entirely and infusing in their a rush of more, pleasant emotions. Caius had trailed his silken lips down the column of her neck silken tresses gently teasing her skin as he nestled into her shoulder. There was however something about him that seemed, possessive and territorial in the act, as if warning some unseen danger away from her, with a soft growl.

"Before the final curtain all the world shall know you belong to me"

Then he was gone, leaving her swamped in a tidal wave of bond made lust barely able to stumble off to her dressing room to change into the first costume, which unhelpfully enough was low cut, provocative and involved... restraints. Meanwhile ballroom had been swiftly reset it in the manner befitting the Paris Opera House. Plush crimson seats now cover the shining wood floor and the ornate chandelier would be raised into place. With the assistance of Jane the last touch ups were soon done and she was ready. Not a moment too soon either as from the other side of dressing room door the sharp rap of the auctioneers gavel singled the shows beginning! Accompanied by the eerie cords that lingered in the memory even among the action on stage.

"Sold, your number Sir? Thank you"

She smiled gently; everyone remembered their first time watching the old relics of the former shows being auctioned off. Sitting there in the dark wondering what connection was between the Persian monkey, the old props and the elder people spending more money than wise to own them and then like a sign from above, it all fell into place as they reached that final Lot number. The famous Chandelier in pieces. However it was the familiar haunting voice of Edward that brought cold shivers down her spine uttering his lines right on cue as she quietly took her place among the other dancers behind the scenes waiting in darkness and quiet the voice of the elder Viscount seemed all the louder to her ears.. He sounded tired and eerily calm as she started in her place instinctively as the overture began its thundering cords invaded the hushed room and the curtain went up bathing her in light and all the colors of the same place in its heyday. The Shadows and cobwebs fleeing before the turning of the clock back to a time when the Opera was a play of dreams and drama untold.

The Cullen clan sat in the second row surrounded on all sides by their vampric hosts. The Volturi had thus far treated them kindly. Alice had nothing but praise to relate in a hurried whisper to her "parents" as the diva Carlotta began her painful Aria. Something about a town they lived in being thrashed by Rome. However even the conductor of the pit bad jumping up to interrupt the lead with stage directions barely held her attention. Sitting stock still her amber eyes never left Bella, who stood off to the side nearly as graceful at the others as she went through the routine coming to the foreground with the rest of the dancers took their turn in the limelight. Purring approval sounded from the audience as they recognized lovers, mates and paramours in their scantily costumes.

Esme had clutched her hand at the entrance of the two managers into the midst of the action, their newest Patron in toe. Aro and Marcus had gleeful accepted the role's playing them to the nines as they listened to the lines with rapt attention, Keeping in their roles as they drank in the advice of the man who was handing them the reins of the business and glad it seemed to be rid of it.

"As you can see rehearsals are underway for the new production of Hannibal, as for the rumors of my retirement they are all true and these two men now own the Opera Popular"

Raoul the Vicomte de Chagny was introduced with all the pomp and flair of a visiting statesman half the cast seemed wildly in love with him after all he was the man paying the bills. His golden eyes landed on Bella for a moment while she whispered to Meg Giry her friend and fellow dancer. Her heart leapt as if on cue to her words but it wasn't girlish affectionate or joy that prompted it but fear, for Edward was regarding her in the same fashion a cobra might have its next meal.

"Meg. It's Raoul! We played together as children! He used to call me Little Lotte"

"Oh Christine He's so handsome!"

Jane had squeezed her hand for a moment as she drawled out her line. She spoke the words but her tone gladly indicated that she would just as cheerfully have seen the new patron of the arts turn into a pretty pile of ashes if she had anything to say about it. Bound as he was in the role of dashing young hero Edward luckily seemed to have caught the threat and settled, casting his eyes to the floor wisely before the blond could act on it.

Carlotta seemed to fill the stage portrayed as she was by a large woman who Bella had been informed had been a prima donna in her mortal life so knew her work well. Sweeping into the foreground and quite happily for Bella's ears, stopped singing abruptly after nearly being squashed beneath one of the backgrounds as it came crashing down from the rafters. Her screech of contempt set even Jane's teeth on edge as the diva stormed from the stage after giving the new Managers an earful of her scorn as the other dancers all loudly proclaimed this to the Phantom's doing! Just as the worst seemed to come and the wealthy new owners realized their error, began to hyperventilate about the massive loss to their bottom line with the refunds should the diva fail to turn Madam Giry gave Bella a gentle shove into foreground.

"Christine Daae can sing the part"

Isabella drew a deep breath as Aro dipped his head, appearing nearly ready to faint at this hope of so sudden a replacement. Had naught her Aria been moments away a giggle would have been struggling to escape her lips. Clearly the vampire royals were having an absolute ball. Marcus had to be reasoned into allowing her to prove her worth by song and finally he agreed, crimson eyes sparkling under the makeup as the conductor moved to the his place raising his baton.

"Very well then from the beginning of the Aria then my dear"

Familiar cords filled the ballroom and house fell silent. Everyone had been informed who this girl was, queen life mate and songbird, yet a select few where eager to find fault even going so far as to place wagers if Bella Swan could hold a tune, but then with a quick breath t her silvery voice filled the echoing space growing in strength until in a few eager moments she finishing the Aria by nearly reaching heaven without an instrument to guide her as a fake audience cheered its rapture at a completed show and the ball room its enjoyment. Over the thundering applause two familiar voices caught her ear prompting a smile as she took her bow.

"Sweet love of bacon!"

"Emmett, shut up!"

Sweeping backstage as the scenery changed Bella indulged in a small laugh. Her big bear of a brother had just received quite a shock, after all none of the Cullen's even knew she could carry a tune let alone, that. Oh the rest of the night was going to be fun! As she took the stage again in the small corner with a tall mirror that was her dressing room Bella found her backbone again. She looked up and right on cue as Madam Giry the ballet instructor left, in her wake in came Raoul eager to meet the acquaintance of his old childhood sweetheart. Edward. Her pulse jumped even in this close proximity to him, never mind the lines they spoke or the light ballad that told of their history together in the house by the sea and he Raoul saving her scarf.

It all faded into the nonsense of just another scene as suddenly having attempted to press his suit he had pressed his lips to her knuckles and departed to fetch his carriage despite having been warned of her teacher's strict views on dedication to her art. The boy simply refused to hear her pleas as the door slid closed behind him. Not moments later a voice sounded in the darkness. Booming and far to threatening to be anyone other than her mysterious teacher.

"Insolent boy the slave of fashion! Basking in your glory!"
Ignorant fool! Sharing in my triumph!"

Bella flinched on instinct, these were the words they had gone over in rehearsals time and again but never before had she heard that tone from Caius's lips, Anger, pure and unbridled roiled through every word and despite not being the focus of his temper she trembled a hair as she meekly continued her lines. Hoping praying Edward was safe, not because of her own preference but for the fact his family sat a foot away cowering in their seats complexions nearly grey with their emotions.

As if sensing her emotions the voice instantly gentled, as he responded the acid edge melting to a seductive purr that caused Isabella to lean closer to the mirror.

"Flattering child you shall know me, see why in shadow I hide, look at your face in the mirror I am there inside!"

Stage smoke billowed into the room as the silken voice began its work, soothing her nerves into a pool of outright lust as she fell under his spell and supposed hypnosis and was lead through the mirror by the mysterious Angel that had audience members dashing to get their programs. In auditable gasps left the lips of many as the famous title song began its rock cords and sultry tones catching the interest of the shocked immortals. Caius Volturi?! When at last they reached the Phantom's lair and Bella had all but touched the heights of her song ability brought on by the Phantom's eager entries. The last note lingered in the silence for a moment before he plunged into the reasons of her being here almost in a passionate frenzy of music before suddenly like the tides of the sea he seemed to gentle once more.

The song that followed The Music of the Night was his crowning glory that captured the hearts of the watchers. Such tenderness and devotion had never before been witnessed by many in the assembly. It was as if the vampire had become the man he portrayed and literally had laid everything he possessed at the feet of this mortal woman before their eyes. The scene culminating as Christine was caught by surprise and carried to her swan bed by the dark protector that brought venom to the eyes to many a female.

Isabella meanwhile was in heaven, from those title songs they quickly covered the remaining ground of act one. Everything moving along fabulously as they barreled toward the intermission she had ripped off his mask upon waking, watched his rage and his despair. Watching the proud immortal sink to his knees and crawl toward her had nearly been her undoing. Isabella barely keeping in character as she had returned his mask wanting nothing more than to wrap her arms around him before she remembered those precious stage direction that prompted her to remain where she was before he replaced the mask and relented. Returning her to the world above much to the joy of the managers, who had been busy once again freaking out, this time about her.

Christine Daae who had been missing for quite some time. Raoul and Carlotta appearing in time to add their two cents to the general chaos of options and the letters they had received from the mysterious Opera ghost only fueling the curiosity. One by one they were read aloud first by the eager managers then the Phantom's voice, silkily began reading the missives slowly gaining in volume as Aro gracefully fell into silence, mouthing the words that Caius spoke aloud. So caught was she by his acting, outlining the new way his theater was to be run. The money he was to receive and the future of the former diva. Relegated to obscurity while raising the young Daae to the leading roles of upcoming new undertakings of the Opera Popular that she Isabella nearly broke the spell bound silence of the Ballroom by a sudden screech of shock. Moments before Raoul had turned her way and to her horror the vampire playing the role.

...wasn't Edward!

It looked like him, sounded like him, but the smile was all wrong, warm around the edges and lacking the shark like gleam she once had found so charming and endearing. She was looking at nothing more than a very clever shifter and it terrified her. Bella instinctively wrapped an arm around her middle as she watched the scene play out before her eyes despite to alert the Volturi of the change. Her mind no longer on the Opera but a drama that was unfolding of a more personal nature around her. Her emotions running rampant with the idea of that, boy being loose. What havoc could he reap in just in a moment? Let alone with an entire second act left in the production? He had already made his intentions known.

As the voice of Carlotta screeched her triumph of stealing her leading role in Il Muto and her joyful return to the spotlight the song segwayed into opening night of the same performance skipping into the scene with her boyish costume Bella willed her racing heart to quiet. Being demoted to the silent role Christine merely occupied space acting and reacting on cue. Watching with some amusement as it seemed a few of the vampires had in fact seen part of the actual show laughing along with the familiar lines. Until, much the audience delight in the middle of an Aria, the Phantom spoke,

"Did I not instruct that Box 5 was to be left empty?!"

Feigning her fears Bella whispered.

"He's Here!"

Carlotta not pleased with the interruption rebuked her soundly called her a little toad and reminding her that her role was silent, began again with a coy swish of her fan. What startled the crowd was just as she reached the middle she began to croak like the same creature! Rushing off stage in typical diva fashion! Barely suppressing an eye roll at the delighted squeals of immortals at this novel twist Here the managers came in stage before a hastily lowered curtain and she was gently but unceremoniously brought to the foreground as Aro shakily announced.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the play will continue momentarily with the role of the Countess being played by Miss Daae, until then, please enjoy the ballet from Act five of tonight's opera"

Released from his gentle grip, she rushed off stage to supposedly change costumes as the dancers all tumbling onto stage like a herd of puppies while the scene changed so taken aback were they as they scrambled to come to some semblance of order and begin their routine that it was nothing less than an orchestrated mess. The energy of the room suddenly spiked like a high as the music began to grow darker; Jasper with a small smirk aided the reality of the coming scene with his gifts playing subtlety upon the emotions of those about him like a master story teller. Almost as one being the audience issued screams as suddenly the body of the prop master, played by Alec dropped like a rock into the middle of the stage, dancers the managers pretending to react with horror to such a horrible accident.

Christine, meanwhile in panic had fled the scenery. Edward having reappeared to grab her hand and lead her through the shifting scenery as they reached the roof. Her lines were sung with nothing more than the barest emotion and the famous love ballad with even less as her mind raced. Where had he been? What had he done? Nearly dragging her off stage he looked bright eyed and almost feverish as while on stage the Phantom lamented her loss and betrayal. Bella didn't have time to utter more than a squeak as she was suddenly flashing through the halls gaining precious seconds as the first act ended with the chandelier crashing to the floor shattering into a thousand pieces.

"Isabella, a few moments, just a few more and you'll be free"

He covered her mouth preventing the scream that surely would have woken the dead and summoned the help she so desperately needed as they hit open air. Mere moments felt like an eternity as they barreled through darkened streets until they came to a stop a sudden sharp pain in her chest causing her eyes to fly open

"You see my sweet now you'll be free from him, in death I have saved you!"

Looking down Isabella stared in horror at the crimson that had already begun to seep through her costume. The smell sickening her and causing her head to spin and she sank into the sweet long grass. Edward had bitten her! This couldn't be happening not now! Her panic had gotten an upper hold when suddenly there were too many bodies in the clearing and far far too much noise! Roaring snarls and a sickening snapping sound all overwhelmed her as she fought to stay above the darkness that fought to claim her. Screams and words in meaningless jumbles all assaulted her as suddenly someone had her cradled in a gentle embrace

"Isabella! Brother. You must do it now, else both are lost!"

Marcus, she recognized hazily, Aro and Caius must not be far behind and it was the last comforting thought she had before another sharp pain sent her spiraling into blessed darkness for a moment before the burn began. Bringing her back sharply into a world gone mad Caius was there roaring and crouching over her his scent invading her senses as his blonde hair tickled her skin as the sound of ripping fabric met her ear. She couldn't find voice or words to greet him as the pain rose and she sunk into blessed emptiness.

There are no words to describe those next days, all she knew were the burn and the voice of her beloved singing through the haze of pain promising it would all be over soon. Her heart giving a last shuddering beat before it fell silent. Opening her eyes Bella simply reacted. Snarling and whimpering she landed in the farthest corner of the room before her brain had time to catch up with her actions. She was crouched as if to spring and the room held two other beings, male...one dark of hair the other...blonde.

"Isabella. Easy little one, we're not here to hurt you"

A snarl escaped her lips. The words meant nothing to her merely noise on her ear as she surveyed the room in a panic, something had attacked her, hurt her and she was afraid. Soft whispers of sound now caught her ear and one male left. Shaking her head back and forth only one word had made any sense. Isabella, that meant something, she...she was Isabella...Isabella Swan!

"Who...are you?"

The voice surprised her and she jumped before realizing it was her own! Beautiful and rather like a wind chime the sound enraptured her, so much so that she did not notice the blonde male slowly approach her. Until it was far too late. Arms encircled her like a steel trap and his body pinned her gently to the floor as she opened her mouth to screech when a rush of emotion blinded her. Not fear or pain but...positive feelings, safety...happiness and a warmth that soaked into her mind like a balm knitting the frayed edges until all at once she remembered! The blond male had a name, a personality she was in Italy and...He was her mate!


Panic and fear collided in her head as she turned into the embrace and sobbed into the fabric of his shirt. Rumbling sounds and a pleasant vibration under her fingers soothed her. The fingers tracing aimless pathways through her hair stilled as a voice broke the silence.

"Isabella, I have so much to atone for...my Angel...can you ever forgive me?"

The great form that covered her trembled gently against her new skin so great was the force of his emotions as he buried his nose in her hair. Yet she was safe, in his arms and that was all that mattered to her as they simply lay together for a stretch of time unknown until very slowly he rose pulling her with him one hand gently covering her eyes least the sunlight frighten her with its endless array of colors.

"You must be thirsty dear one. Close your eyes"

At once, a cup was raised to her lips and she drank deeply the burn in her throat retreating at once. Leaving her with a clear head and a feeling of comfortable warmth, yet something nagged at her while he slowly removed his hand from her face and she was momentarily captivated by the glittering of his skin running a hand over his arm in wonder until she reached the tattered sleeve of the shirt oddly stained with an irradiance gleam that brought another deluge of memories into her head.

"The Play...the Cullen's! Oh God what happened?!"

A soft laugh from the door caused her to jump a soft southern drawl instantly soothing the panic.

"Only you Darlin would ask that so soon after waking up. Easy Sug, it's just me...I won't hurt you"

Jasper! Almost without thought Bella was suddenly across the room with her arms around his cowboy neck and a funny sound like too boulders hitting at high speed ringing in her ears,

"Easy Darlin you're a bit stronger now...can you please...loosen your grip Sug?"

At her baffled expression a sudden rush of warmth soaked into her system again and she slowly released her hold around his neck

"Bit much to take in all at once...yet you're the calmest newborn I have ever seen Sug, that's saying something, let's start with an easier answer. All but one of us Cullen's are fine...the Play is long over and good riddance. Mind you there has been enough drama round here to fill several books"


"Beyond any way of doing you any more harm Bella, the fool now rests as a permanent pile of Ash. Right where they found him. Angry mobs are never good sugar add the fact all of them where Volturi and...Well it didn't end well for ...him"

She could well believe that as she returned to the protection of Caius's embrace marveling at the strange roads that lead her home. Whatever happened that night she never inquired into further.

The Play was redone the next year. Isabella returning to the role and ending the play to a standing ovation that went on for almost an hour solid before ending in a whispered proposal by the Phantom himself!. Her marriage was held the very next month under the light of the moon with the Cullen's acting as matrons of honor while Aro was best man and well the rest as they say, is suffice it to say with the music and laughter of the gathering years,

They all lived happily ever after!


Whew and here we reach the end of this tale.

-hands out tissues or chocolate depending on wishes of readers-

So what do you think as this was a challenge fic did I answer well?

Thank you to everyone who bravely waded through the end and enjoyed this ficlet.

Want more Volturi? Your in luck I have 2 other tales see Something better than Forever for Aro's turn and also Still Waters Marcus's tale
