AN: 12:58 AM, Jan 10th, 2019. . . . Over the holidays, my mother bought me a computer compatible X-box controller. I response, I finally got started on that copy of skyrim special edition I bought on steam ages ago. I was promptly re-addicted to the game, and have finally caved after two weeks of not getting any work done on my other projects. Now lets see if I can get this done in a timely manner.

Oh yes, something for american readers, I am Canadian, and we use a slightly different spelling system, for instance fiew is few and so on, so if you see me repeatedly make a spelling error, then it may be that.

POV: "Russet"

Trees. Trees. And more trees. Trees in all directions. Trees as far as the eye could see. And none of them were native to my home area. Brilliant.

Now, you'd think that after waking up in a forest, in a strange area, with a different pair of clothes than the last one you remember wearing(and in fact are not a kind that you own in the first place), you'd panic.

Not me though. No. Me? I get an interesting combination of stressed, annoyed, and depressed. Said combination is currently sitting at the back of my mind as I try to take stock of my situation.

Now to cycle through my who whats.

Who is responsible? No flipping idea.

What has happened. I am in a place I don't recognize.

Where am I? I just said I don't know.

Why has it happened? Hell if I know.

How has it happened? That's what I want to know.

Unfortunately, I don't have many answers. In fact, going back to four, why did I bother doing that in the first place?

Shaking my head, I moved on to taking stock of my surroundings. First of all, I hadn't woken up just laying on the ground. Rather, I was in a fur sleeping bag . . . bed roll . . . you get the basic idea. No idea what kind of fur though, just that's its brown and soft.

The next observation, was that I had a rather good sized bag with me, roughly twice the size of my backpack back home. It was made of brown leather, with buttons holding the pockets closed, and was coated with some waxy material, most likely for waterproofing. There was a short(? Roughly 2.5 feet hand and a half sword, roughly two pounds) sword, strapped to the side, with a basic wood and copper scabbard with no decoration whatsoever. The scabbard had also been waxed.

On the other side of the travelling bag, a lantern was strapped. Well, don't need that right now, its just morning . . . I think. Yes, the sun's higher than when I last looked, so morning.

Inside of one pocket, I found two sets of the same cloth pants and . . . tunic? I was wearing, only in different colours, one set cream, the other being a nice deep black (assuming you can even call black deep). Also, what appeared to be a comb made of bone. I took that and ran it through my hair to test it, and after confirming it worked, put that in my pants pocket.

Inside another, was a full water skin(I swear a full gallon), a pot, a pan, a set of knifes in leather sheathes, a pair of rocks I assume are for starting a fire. Also, a smooth, cut stone I believe to be for sharpening the knives(and sword in necessary).

Checking a third, I found some bundles wrapped in heavy-duty paper. Food, I discover after checking. Dried meat and vegetables. Not hungry now though.

Looking into yet another section, I found . . . books?Yes, books, several, with odd, familiar symbols on the surface. Where had I seen these before? I considered opening one, but decided to make sure I was in a safe environment first.

Drawing the sword, I ran it lightly along the bark of one of the trees, and confirmed that it was sharp. I considered taking a swing at a tree to see just how sharp, then realized that their was a chance of getting sap all over the blade, and just put it away, glad I hadn't damaged my only real weapon(the kitchen knives don't count, to thin) ten minutes into . . . whatever was going on.

I looked around my general area for another few minutes, before deciding that I should start moving. After all, the chances of anyone searching for me are . . . well, minuscule, seeing as I'm so far away from home the weather is completely different, that or I have amnesia, but considering how I remember last night rather well, I rather doubt that.

So, I took a small branch, threw it straight up, and began to head in the direction it landed. I mean, I have no idea where I am, so any direction has a chance. Throwing the bag over my shoulder in sutch a way that the sword was easy to reach and draw, I set out.

Now, to find a road . . .

POV: Russet

OK, so, it is now almost noon, only a little bit longer before I can eat without feeling I'm wasting supplies. As of now, I am starving.

I have yet to find a road, and I'm wondering just were the hell I am. The few animals I have seen thus far are just the generic kind. You know, birds and small rodents like squirrels. You know, the kinds of animals you could find in any temperate forest in the whole bloody hemisphere! Literally, from america to japan, and I don't know birds well enough to say anything but "no robins of chickadees

I sighed, scratching the back of my head, getting a small branch untangled from my admittedly ridiculous hair. As my hand(right hand) came away, however, It brushed against my ear and . . .

"I have an earring?!" I snapped out loud. Admittedly I wasn't that surprised, but I had been looking for an excuse to talk out loud for a while. This was a good excuse.

Clutching the piece of metal piercing my ear for a moment, I began to fiddle with it, until I managed to remove it, as it was a simple hook earning. As soon as the piece of metal left the new gap in my earlobe, however, my vision blurred.

'My glasses!' I thought, surprises. I need glasses to see do to a case of myopia, and thus need glasses to see anything that's not within three feet of me. Now it's not that big a deal, I'm actually so comfortable with glasses that if I close my eye's I honestly can't tell if I'm wearing them or not. Thus, I didn't notice that I, was not, in fact wearing them.

Slowly putting the hook back in my ear, I watched my vision clear, then pulled it out again and watched it blur. In, out. In out. I repeated the process a half dozen times, and the result was the same each time. Pulling it out one last time, I brought the metal ornament to about a half foot from my face.

It was, a basic diamond shaped piece of black metal on a hook to loop through the ear. No other decoration, just . . . is it glowing? Is this some sort of magic earring or something?

I frowned. Have I been ROB'ed? Am I even on earth? Where am I?

Now feeling very stressed, I sat down and pulled out one of the pieces of dried meat that were in the leather bag, chewing on it viciously as I thought(not bad, its not my uncles venison jerky, but still . . . ).

Ok, so I wake up in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of stuff and no idea where I got there, and my glasses have been replaced with a magic earring. I've been ROB'ed. Most likely. Best not to make any assumptions. For I know I've been forced into a ridiculously overdone VR . . . I hope that I'm not sword art online . . . no, wait, that's no worse than being ROB'ed with a chance to go home, never mind.

I sighed and leaned back against a tree. I looked into the bag for the only source of information I have. The books.

Pulling one out, I looked it over again. It was a green/yellow book, with an image of a bird or dragon on the front. I can't tell which.

Again I felt deja vu, like I had seen the book before. Opening the book, I looked over the first page.

"A comprehensive guide to healing for beginning mages" I spoke out loud. Ok, magic confirmed. Wait, that picture on the front, that was the restoration school symbol from skyrim, wasn't it? I hope not, fun game to play, but I don't want to be in it. The whole universe is messed up, and if you check the lore, a lot of the top tears are actually strong enough to devastate whole countries single highhandedly. And then there are the deities.

Overcome with the sudden urge to pray, I recited the lords prayed and asked for luck and safety, before getting to my feet and continuing on my way. I can check the books over when I'm not in danger of being mauled by a wolf. Or, if I am in the elder scrolls, a saber cat. Or a cliff racer. Or a troll. Or a mud crab. Or . . . well, you get the point . . . was that howling?!

AN: 4:18 AM, Jan 14th, 2019. 'Checks clock' Ok, this is to late . . . well, not really, I only got up at noon, so this is the 16 hour point, but that's not important.

So, I felt I could have done much more on this chapter, but, I had an idea about 600 words in. You see, I have a lot of good ideas. But, a lot of the ideas rely on the insert taking place at different time periods, and don't make sense otherwise. So, I am going to place a pole on my profile. So, you guys will be aloud to decide what year he appears in.

A. 4E 198. Note to self, join College of Winterhold ASAP.

B. 4E 170. Note to self, help in great war and keep Ulfric from becoming such a racist jerk.

C. 4E 65. Note to self, find way to extend lifespan, and smuggle mongrel elves out of Thalmor(AKA pure-blood A******) territory.

D. 3E 425: Not to self, Find way to extend lifespan, maybe help the Nerevarine, and PREPARE FOR THE FREAKING DAEDRA!

So, which one sounds best to you guys? Though, note. If I don't get a tie, or no votes, the I will default to option C. As it's (By a slight margin) my favourite, even if its a tie and C isn't one of the tied votes. See you in a few days!

(PS. I am allowing multiple selection on the votes, but only 2)