"Yo, where's my ale?" Laxus's deep voice rumbled from the top of the stairs.

"Geez, lightning brain, can't you see the lady's busy?" Cana bellowed at the staircase. She opened her mouth to chastise Laxus further, but a set of hiccups arrested her ability to speak.

Mirajane laughed and winked at Cana.

"It's alright, I don't mind," Mira told the fortune teller cheerfully. Mira set another *XXXL* lager beside Cana's forest of drained bottles, cleared most of the debris (leaving about a third of the bottles; a drop is a drop, and liquor is to be found in a drop), and bustled the lot back to the kitchen.

Mira reappeared in the lobby with a platter of ales and wine, and she dropped off a few drinks as she made her way to the stairs.

"It's about time!" Laxus exclaimed as Mira rounded up the stairs. She set the frosty ale in front of him with a smile. "I ought not tip you, it took so long," Laxus mumbled under his breath. The other mages at the table sucked in a breath and all eyes went to Laxus.

Mirajane's smile turned just as frosty as the ales she delivered and an ugly glee crossed into her eyes. When she spoke, her voice was as soft and demure as usual, but there was a cold edge that tasted of hell to pay.

"I long for the day you try me like that, dearest Laxus," Mirajane replied. The next ale (Bickslow's) hit the table with a cheerful clink. "Because while you might be one of the strongest wizards," *clink, "I am the one who serves the big, strong wizard," *clink, "his ale."

All the drinks were distributed, and normally Mirajane would step brightly away to serve someone else or just to keep an eye on the festivities (which could become a brawl at literally any moment); now she stood, a brightly colored rain cloud in direct juxtaposition to the dark, moody lightning dragon.

Laxus looked up at her, a challenge in his eyes.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" he prodded.

Mirajane smiled even more sweetly, causing a cold sweat to bead up on the necks of the Thunder Legion.

"Dearest Laxus," she crooned in a voice of posioned honey, "if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."

Laxus threw back his head and laughed, but he drew a coin out of his pocket (the tip) and set it on the table.

Mirajane picked it up and slipped it into her pocket with a small smile and a nod, and she went off in search of other duties.

A short while later, Mirajane returned to their table carrying only one ale. She set it before Laxus with a grin.

"This one is on the house," Mira told him as she slipped back away.

Laxus chuckled and slammed the rest of his first ale (right on time); he went to remove the cap of the second, but he found it already open.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," Evergreen commented, a nervous edge in her voice.

"Yeah, she probably poisoned it," Bickslow agreed (a rare occurance, that).

"She wouldn't dare harm another Fairy Tail member," Freed protested. He knew from first hand experience that Mirajane valued her guild and her family above all else.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean she won't give him a bellyache," Bickslow shot back. Freed tried to come up with a retort, but found none.

To the surprise of his three companions, Laxus simply put the ale to his lips and took a huge slug. He sighed in satisfaction and smacked his lips as the trio stared nervously at him.

"What?" Laxus asked. "Do I have something on my face?"

"A-aren't you at least a bit nervous that Mirajane put something in your drink?" Ever asked. Laxus laughed.

"Not in the slightest. Me and Wildcat go way back," Laxus said with a small, nostalgic smile.

From halfway across the guild, Mira's voice barely reached the occupants of the table:

"Don't call me that!"

Laxus chuckled.

"I'm just glad that after all these years I can still get under her skin," Laxus commented.