A/N: In which I give the Wayfinder Trio their own blogs. I'll say right off the bat, I promise that Ven's blog will be in the next chapter! I'm not sure how often these kinds of posts will be in the story, but I'm making sure there are "posts" from them at least once.

Chapter 23

Magic. Myth. Mystery.


I hope this works as a blog title, especially considering my friends and I got a crash course on modern Internet over the weekend (was not expecting that). Anyway, thanks to Sora and Riku, we're all back home where we belong. We had to work a little Keyblade magic to restore the castle to what it once was. Riku told us that it had been Castle Oblivion in the years we weren't there, which seemed to really surprise Sora. I guess he sort of remembers it but in a kind of haze. We were surprised too, when Riku also said that I guess the Organization (you know, the ones whose residence we were at) were the ones to take our home and turn it into a second headquarters.

Well, that's awkward.

But, on the bright side, I'm finally back home with my little family of friends and practicing my magic spells just like I used to! Terra's trying to drop hints that this Zexion guy and I might have something in common as far as that goes. Which, Terra, no. Just no. I'm not interested in matchmaking right now…unless, of course, it involves lighting matches with fire spells!


What?! We don't have Castle Oblivion anymore? That was a prime piece of real estate, and you three have just now decided to conveniently come back and usurp it from us. Unbloodyforgiveable!


Hey, calm down, Mutton Chops. We didn't think our castle needed restoring, we were just going off of what Riku told us. :P


And it's not usurping, if it's our home! If anything, you guys were the squatters.


Squatters?! Be right back, guys, I'm knocking some kids' heads in!


What Xigbar means to say is that he's very happy that you have found your home and flipped it back to where it was. :P


I am SO not cool with this, du


We have taken him away from his laptop. I do believe he may be starting to foam at the mouth in anger. We will, of course, apologize on his behalf. He has been more prone to losing his temper ever since you all appeared in our time.


Hm, wonder why.


Most likely because of his shared history with Terra. It must have been a very contentious one.


Speaking of Terra…Are you implying here that he is trying to set up you and me? Huh. Now that I recall, I do remember seeing you in Radiant Garden once, when I was a child. Um…You were my first crush. 0/0 I cannot tell you how odd it is to see you the same age while I am older than you in this current timeline. Um. I have a book to read.


What? You were that little apprentice kid?! Oh, that's…That's weird. Terra, come on!


Uh, hey, I didn't know! I thought, you know, the magic thing, you guys could have conversations about that…


I'm NOT dating someone who was a kid the last time I saw him! Gross!


Nobody said anything about dating. Didn't you always say you wanted to find someone you had magic abilities in common with?


To train alongside, not date! What is it with you guys' obsession with who's going out with who? Is it because we didn't really have a typical high school education? *eyeroll*


We…have a lot of talking to do, don't we?


Later, maybe. :p I'll be off reading some of these old spellbooks now.


Oooh, you made her mad, Ter!


Heh. Serves me right for trying to play matchmaker, huh?


This whole thread…Wow, guys, welcome to the site! This is crazy already.


You're not kidding. Is it like this on here every day?


You would not believe.


I Am a Rock


I was struggling to come up with a decent title, and besides, it's a pretty good song! So…I do feel like I messed up with Aqua a few days ago. I didn't mean to, of course I didn't. And it's not like any of us need to find dates right away, we're still trying to get used to this timeline! But, it hasn't been that bad so far. We got good online friends who give us plenty of support. Sora and Riku have been coming by once in a while to check in on us and probably making sure we're not too out-there online. It's weird that this place has wifi now, it never used to. And then we just recently bought ourselves gummiphones besides, now those are really weird!

I don't know what got into me in wanting to set Aqua up with someone right away. I guess it's because all we've been doing is fighting bad guys for a couple years now that we could all use a bit of a break. And what's better downtime than spending time with someone you can connect with? Someone you can just be yourself around and not have to worry about judging too much. Someone you can laugh with…cry with…All that. On that note, maybe I should set myself up with someone, heh. I forgot just how lonely it's been, dealing with darkness and everything.


Oh, you like Aqua, my friend, that much is obvious!


What? I mean, no, not like that. She's kinda like a sister to me…I think. Or she probably sees me as kind of an older brother, at least.


How much did you have to stretch yourself to reach for that comeback? ;)


You're right, that wasn't very convincing! *sheepish grin emoji* I would not stand a chance.


Really? We've only known each other five years. :P We need to move that talk up to NOW, I think. :)


So much for sibling-type relationships. :P


Yeah, everyone's getting paired up now! Hey, Rox, when do you think Lea is going to—?


All in good time, man, all in good time!


What about Lea, huh? Man, this dancing around the topic of me is getting old, too. :P


Hm, can't say I'm surprised. Can't win them all. That's all well and good, I'm anti-social anyway. The only love I need is the Dark Arts. :P


That…was not creepy at all.


Ramblings of a Sith Lord


I must say it is a most surprising development that these Wayfinders should somehow make their way into our present. A surprising development yet a most unwelcome one. How would one be able to explain why this Terra fellow and I look so much alike? I well know the reason, but it was one I never wanted to delve into, particularly with my colleagues. I have made it known to Vexen that I am most displeased with him that he brought this about, even in his own incompetent way. He can take as long as he needs in fixing that accursed time machine of his, I certainly am in no rush for it to be in one piece again. This is what he gets for meddling with the rules and ramifications of the space-time continuum.

Also, I really do not want to trouble myself with Keyblade skirmishes. It had been such a good life, not having to worry over this war business.


We won't bother you as long as you don't bother us. Sound fair?


Don't you care even a little that we look so similar?


Hardly. Not when Roxas and Ven are identical, Xion and Sora have the same eyes and much of the same face, and every other girl I've seen/met on the site seems to have the same nose!


Omg, we do have, like, the same nose, don't we?!


Yeah, so? There's only a limited amount of nose shapes in the world. :P


Hm. Well, be that as it may, as long as you three exist, you are still threats to me.


But, we're not. And we don't plan on being threats, unless you somehow disrupt our peacekeeping. All we want is rest and relaxation after what Xehanort put us through—put EVERYONE through. Isn't that enough?


Very well. But, my paranoia will remain for quite some time.


Good tbh. :P


A/N: I'll admit, these chapters but this one especially was improv'd, more than usual. I'm kinda ashamed about it, but at the same time, eh, maybe I'm being too hard on myself. I just could not help but keep my shipping tendencies at bay! And I also thought it'd be kind of funny to see Zexion be capable of being flustered for once, even if that failed instance of "matchmaking" was kind of weird. There was also (well, as far as the game's attempts go anyway, which are barely there as to be almost non-existent) an implication, I thought, of Terra and Aqua kinda catching feelings for each other in 3. But, that could have just been me projecting. :P So, I thought I'd explore that a little, that's all!

And the nose thing was a bit of a joke, considering it was a running joke that I saw of the CG animated Disney princesses having pretty much the same face. The KH girls probably do not have the same nose, and I never paid much attention anyway.

Well, until next time, everyone!