It feels good to get out of the apartment. I don't know where we are headed; OA won't tell me what he has planned. It's rather annoying, but I trust him, so I give in.

The clock says its nearly 9:00 AM. We having been driving for nearly 40 minutes and are almost out of the city.

"Where are we going?" I try again. Not that I mind, but I'm starting to really wonder where we could be going so far out.

He smiles at me, taking his eyes off the road for only a moment. "We're almost there. It's just right up the road."

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see a new text message.

'Hey. I'm being discharged today and mom is picking me up. Thanks for all you did for me. I'll never forget it. I'll see you on Sunday? -Morgs'

I smile and text a reply.

'So glad to hear. I'll call you later. Yes to Sunday.'

We soon pull into the driveway of a medium sized, two story home. The yard has a few toys scattered around and a few bikes are visible through the open garage door. OA opens his door and gestures for me to do that same.

"OA, what are we-" I start to ask, but am cut off as the door to the house flings open and and I hear my name ring out gleefully. A running mass lunges into my arms and I'm thankful I braced for impact.

It's Ria. She's here, and now I understand. I look to OA in thanks, but am unable to speak. He only nods with a huge grin as he leans against the SUV. A woman appears in the door. She has a kind face and is smiling as well. Two more kids push past her to get outside and run down the steps to the driveway.

Ria slides her way out of my arms so she is standing on the driveway and she takes my hand. Then she pulls me along up toward the other kids. She points to a boy, maybe nine or ten years old. "Zach," she announces. Then she turn to the girl who looks to be about the same age as Ria. "Lizzy," she tells me.

I reach out to shake their hands. "Hi. I'm Maggie," I say.

The little girl giggles. Then looks up to the woman who has come down to join us. "Hi, I'm Marta. I'm so glad you were able to come. Ria won't stop talking about you."

I shake her hand and notice OA has left his spot at the SUV and is now next to me. "We really appreciate this," he says as he takes her hand in greeting.

"My husband, Jake, is sorry he can't be here to meet you. He is picking up our oldest from a sleepover birthday party. They will be back in an hour or so. Do you want to come in?"

Ria pulls my hand forward. "Sure," I hear OA confirm.

We stay for a few hours, laughing with Marta and Jake, playing with the kids. Not long before we leave, Javí wakes up and joins us. Ria never leaves my side, and I am pleased to hear she is talking more. She uses full sentences to describe things like how much she loves this family, how she is happy to play silly games, and loves that Javí was able to stay with her. Eventually, Lizzy manages to pull her away with the promise I'm not leaving yet. I hear the four kids, Lizzy, Zach, the eldest, Levi, and Ria all laughing and playing from a room down the hall. It's beautiful to hear her laughing so free and unguarded.

"She's doing very well." Jake says when the kids are out of the room. "We have a tutor who comes to work with her and she picks things up so quickly."

"And we adore both her and Javí," Marta says. "We know how much you mean to Ria. I want you to know you are welcome any time. In fact, her birthday is next month. She would love it, we all would, if you'd come."

I nod, grinning. "Okay."

OA's phone starts to ring. He excuses himself and finds somewhere to take the call. As he leaves, the four kids all run back into the room. Levi is chasing the younger ones pretending to be a monster. The three howl in fake fear and squeal as they run last. Ria flings herself into my arms.

"Safe!" she calls. Levi continues on chasing the others.

OA returns and stands in the door. "We should be leaving. Something came up," he says to all of us.

I can't tell what it is, his face giving no clues and showing no new emotion.

Ria wraps her arms around my neck and asks me to stay. I hate telling her I can't, but tell her I am coming back soon. She pulls away to look at Marta who nods.

"Maggie is coming back in a few weeks," she affirms.

Ria hugs me again and whispers in my ear. "Promise?"

I nod and pull her back to look in her eyes. "I promise."

She nods and gets down out of my lap. As I put on my jacket that Jake hands me, I see Ria has walked over to OA and is giving him a big hug.

He says something quietly to her and she grins and laughs and runs back to me. After one more big hug, we head for the door.

"It was really nice to meet the people who brought Ria to us and the woman who stole her heart. Thank you for saving her. And Javí," Marta says giving me a quick hug.

"From what I see, her heart is here," I tell them both. Then we are walking down the front steps and the driveway.

I turn and Ria and the other three kids are waving at us. We return the wave as we get in the SUV.

I sigh deeply as I shut the door.

"They seems great," OA says softly as he pulls out of the driveway.

I nod in response. "They do, don't they."

"You know that phone call I got? It was Dana." I look at him waiting for him to continue. "They caught him. He will never see the light of day again. At least, not as a free man."

All the air in my lungs is expelled and I realize I was holding my breath. I lean my head back against the headrest and smile.

"I thought you'd be happy to hear," he chuckles. I'm too relieved for words, not sure what to say.

"Where to?" he asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Wanna get lunch?" I ask. "Technically you're off duty, so you don't have to-,"

"McSoreleys?" he asks, not letting me finish the thought.

"I'll buy," I offer.

"You'll regret that. I'm pretty hungry," he teases, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I roll mine in response. "That's the last time I offer..."

But I'm smiling. So is he. And I realize that sometime between hearing Morgan is okay, seeing Ria so happy with that loving family and learning Juan is no longer a threat, the weight that has been holding me down is gone.

The three of us, Ria, Morgan and I, are chained no longer. Thanks to the people who care about us and helped us out of this mess, we are free.

AN: I hope you enjoyed the story. I am happy with the ending and hope you are, too. Please let me know what you thought! A special thanks to the wonderful people who commented on the last chapter: Whiz (glad you're back!), Kensi jj, Mari, Cheyennes, Doranwen, and guest. You rock! Thanks so much!

Stay tuned. Before the weekend is through (maybe even tonight), I'll be posting the start of my next story. It is completely unlike what I've done so far. I don't think it will be long, but it will have some twists in it!