Hey guys! It's been a seriously long time since I've uploaded a story on here, but I wanted to make sure I wrote this story in it's entireity before posting so I don't leave you guys hanging. This story is based in season 4, hope that's okay! I also focus a lot on the friendship between Cisco and Barry in this one, I suck at writing romance so sorry if Barry's relationship with Iris isn't that well written. Please drop a review and let me know what ya think!

Summary: After The Thinker kills Ralph and takes his powers, things go a bit differently for our heroes. BarryWhump! ConcernedTeamFlash!

Chapter 1: Gone

Barry strained with all of his might to get to his feet as he watched The Thinker put his hand on Ralph's head, creating a sickening glow that came from the Elongated Man's forehead.

"Ralph! Just fight it, alright!? Fight it!" Barry screamed, ignoring the Thinker's remark about bearing witness. His eyes would stay on his friend and nothing more. Barry didn't want to admit it, but they had just lost again... again. He knew his next sentence would be a lie, but hope was all he could give to Ralph now.

"I'll save you!"

Ralph's next words practically broke Barry to pieces.

"You already did, Barry."

"...No..." Barry said quietly, forced to watch his friend being killed. He was a super hero, with super powers, and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop this. Before he could even fully come to grips with the reality of it, Ralph fell dead.

"NO!" Barry said, looking away quickly before sorrowfully looking back.

The next thing Barry saw was Killer Frost and Vibe coming through a breech. Barry started vibrating to phase through the floor. Within seconds he was out of the room and back in, tuning fork in hand. He slammed it on the ground, but it did nothing to the Thinker.

He knocked Barry backward, before doing the same to Cisco. Killer Frost hurriedly approached The Thinker. He put a hand to her, before the two locked eyes.


Caitlin appeared, shocked she was there, standing in front of The Thinker. Before she knew it, a wave of energy slammed through her and knocked her back against a wall, before she fell in a heap.

The Thinker smiled, looking around the room at his handy work, Barry being the only one still conscious. Ralph waved his hands, as waves of energy cleared a path to a downed Flash. Too hurt to speed or phase away, Barry attempted to get to his feet, before Ralph sent another energy blast at him. He slammed against the far wall a second time before landing on the ground again at the Thinker's feet.

Barry writhed before attempting to get to his feet again.

"Let me help." Ralph's voice sounded in his ear. He suddenly found a hand around his throat, and himself lifted off the ground, eye level with the face of his friend. Ralph lifted his hand and started toward Barry's head. Barry's heart skipped a beat, before Ralph pulled his hood down and smiled.

"You and I have some unfinished business."

Barry struggled to breathe as he attempted to get free. Cisco started to come to and dizzily looked around the room. His double vision landed on Ralph and Barry. Cisco looked around and also saw Caitlin knocked out.

"...Barry." Cisco struggled to get out as he started to stand. Ralph turned to him before smiling wickedly.

Barry felt himself being pulled closer to Ralph as he desperately tried to free himself, but whatever combination of powers Devoe obtained from the other metas that he was currently using was too powerful for Barry, and Barry was too weak at the moment from DeVoe's attack.

"Say goodbye to your dear Flash, Mr. Ramon. I assure you, Mr. Allen will not escape a second time."

Cisco could see the desperation in Barry's eyes, even from half way across the room.

"Barry..." Cisco blurted out before hurriedly standing. DeVoe smiled once more, before he and Barry vanished into a breech.


Joe and Iris ran into the room as Cisco stared at the spot where Ralph and Barry once stood. Caitlin finally came to as well, staring at the group in confusion.

"What happened.. where's Barry?"

Iris let a tear fall before picking up the tuning fork.

"DeVoe took him.."

Barry and DeVoe landed back in the sanctuary that Barry was all too familiar with. Barry weakly went to stand after DeVoe eventually let him go. Barry found himself slammed against, yet another, wall. But this time, he was held there in a sitting position by the same force that held him to the ground when he watched Ralph get killed. He closed his eyes, and tried with all of his strength to get free, but it was futile.

"Don't even bother trying, Mr. Allen. You and I both know that your powers are useless here."

Barry's heart skipped a beat as he heard the voice of Clifford DeVoe, the voice of the original man. Ralph was now gone... for good. Sure enough, DeVoe appeared in front of him.

"Bring back good memories?" DeVoe said, hinting at his original face.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Barry asked, unable and unwilling to hide the defeat in his voice. "Turning all of those people into meta's.. I get it. Just like every monster I've fought before you, you just want power."

Barry was about to continue before DeVoe interrupted him, drawing closer to Barry with each word.

"Such a simple thought... we've been through this, Barry. You couldn't possibly grasp what I have put in motion."

Barry ignored that and continued with his original thought.

"You got me out of the speed force, framed me for murder, killed my friends in front of me... you keep bringing me back here. You're keeping me alive for a reason. Just tell me what you want from me."

DeVoe was about to answer, before another voice rang from behind him.

"Clifford?!" Marlize DeVoe gasped, startled as she entered the room. Clifford backed away from Barry for the moment before walking toward his smiling wife.

"That's right, my love. The last meta I killed, Mr. Dibny, has the ability to shape shift. I can finally be myself again."

The two embraced while Barry focused on phasing, running, conducting lightning... anything that could free him. This time was different from the last time he was here. Last time, he could do all of those things, but they wouldn't break the barrier he was surrounded in. This time, he couldn't even display them.

"I see you come bearing gifts as well." Marlize said, nodding her head to Barry.

The way that the two looked at him made Barry feel incredibly uneasy. But his unease was past its breaking point when he realized his powers weren't working at all.

"Why can't I..." Barry started.

"Use your speed in any way at all? I'll let my darling wife explain that to you." DeVoe smiled at Marlize. Marlize smiled back and started walking toward Barry. Barry felt sweat on his brow as the pair approached him.

"You see, Mr. Allen. The last time you were here, you used your abilities to try and get away."

"I did get away." Barry interrupted her. DeVoe grabbed Barry's hair and forced him to look into his wife's evil eyes. Barry winced and felt the hair on his neck stand on end when DeVoe whispered in his ear.

"It's rude to interrupt. Now pay attention... this is the best part." DeVoe said, keeping a firm hold on Barry.

Marlize paced around him as she continued with a proud smile.

"When you used them, you may have gotten away, but you left some residual matter behind... some of your speed force. I've used to it to create a security system that recognizes that energy and blocks it from entering this area."

Barry's heart was racing. DeVoe must have picked up on how nervous Barry was, as he spoke quietly, tightening his grip on Barry.

"You heard that, Barry? No speed force here. The only part of the Flash that exists in this room is the outfit you're wearing. In this room, you are no longer the Flash."

The next words Barry heard chilled him to the bone as DeVoe finally let go of his hair, but Barry kept his focus on the two anyway as DeVoe stood up and took a spot beside his wife.

"You're just Barry Allen."

"AHH!" Cisco yelled as he slammed to the floor, attempting to vibe Barry. "He must be in the same place he was last time... I can't vibe there." Cisco said, as Caitlin helped him to his feet.

"Where is that?" Caitlin asked, knowing she was held by Amunet when Barry was taken last time.

"We never were able to put a lock on the location." Joe said, tears filling his eyes at the memory. He was terrified then. He was terrified now.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked.

Team Flash looked at each other. They decided as a group to not tell Caitlin that they had stopped looking for Barry back then in order to find her. They thought it might upset her and didn't want to cause her unnecessary guilt or bad feeling. She knew that Barry had escaped, but that was all she knew. Iris looked down as she gave Caitlin the short version.

"We didn't have enough resources to track you both down, so we stopped looking for Barry and focused on finding you. We thought Barry would just escape... so we never found out where he was held."

Caitlin nodded.

"Well he did escape. I'm sure he will do it again... and now we can use all of our resources to help him." Caitlin said, trying to remain hopeful as she jumped on a computer.

"If he already knows how to escape, then he should have already done it. Something's wrong..." Iris said, looking at the floor and pacing the room.

"You don't know that. Maybe he just hasn't had the opportunity yet. Maybe we can find some other way to track him." Cisco hurriedly said. He had to admit though, Iris had a point.

"We'll need all the help we can get... where's Wells?" Joe asked. Caitlin shrugged her shoulders.

"I've searched all of STAR labs and I can't find him. He's gotta be somewhere around here."

The team looked down, all thinking about where Wells could have gone. Cisco looked up and smiled.

"There's one place he could go without any cameras."

Wells tiredly opened his eyes, his body shaking. He looked around, dazed, to find Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, and Joe standing around him in his hidden room at STAR Labs.

"Wh...what happened?" Wells asked, confused, as he struggled to a sitting position.

"You're going to have to tell us... care to explain what the hell this is?" Cisco said, pointing to the thinking cap and the equipment clearly meant to transfer dark matter into the cap.

Wells shook his head before taking the cap off and throwing it angrily to the other side of the room.

"I was trying to-" Wells stopped when he saw everyone's grim expression. "What's wrong?"

Caitlin gave a sad, tearful look to Wells.

"Ralph is gone. DeVoe got to him... took his powers and..." Caitlin started, unable to finish.

Wells put his head down and frowned. It seemed so hard for Team Flash to get a win these days, and saving Ralph was one they needed. He was an asset to the team, but more then that, he was a friend. Family, even.

"Where is DeVoe now?"

"Gone." Joe said, unable to deliver the remaining news. Wells could tell there was something they weren't telling him. His heart sunk further down into his stomach when he realized Barry was nowhere to be found.

"There's more isn't there? Where's Allen?"

Cisco nodded before letting out a breath and putting his hands on his hips, almost as if he was preparing to say it for both Wells and himself.

"DeVoe took him."

Plz R&R and let me know if you guys are interested in reading more :)