I do not own RWBY or Mojang, that's Roosterteeth's and Mojang's Property.

Chapter 7

"As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power." said Professor Goodwitch, as she was trailing behind with Pyrrha attempting to explain the situation in a delicate fashion.

Qrow decided to interject, in a poor attempt to lighten the mood, "Unless it's a dude or some old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder."

"Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?" Pyrrha questioned, a look of slight confusion on her face as she was taking in all this information.

They continued walking down the hall, the faint echoes of their footprints spread throughout the entire vault.

"Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are getting a lot scarier out in the world. Tensions are high." Qrow paused before continuing, "Grimm are growing stronger, more prevalent. And it's not going to be much longer before the peace we've been enjoying so much goes out the window." He turned around and looked forward, his eyes grew slightly as he started snickering to himself.

"You're not... talking about a war?" Pyrrha asked as she looked slightly anxious, her eyes grew as she noticed the two capsules at the end of a hallway, with a guest standing leaning on the wall next to it, a look of slight anger on his face.

"Not a war between nations." Ironwood asked, and soon he noticed the uninvited guest in the vault, a hand started inching toward his pistol.

"We can fill you in on the details once we know that you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens has been attacked…" Ozpin paused, and looked forward, with Glynda brandishing her whip, while Qrow started pulling out his sword.

Leaning against the wall, with a look of slight anger on his face was Steve, who had a hand on his sword, as he saw the others with hands on their weapons.

"So Ozpin, 'we'll share everything with eachother?' isn't that right? Why is this young woman imprisoned underneath the school, especially with such extensive injuries? Care to explain?"

Ozpin, his hand on his cane, was being extra cautious, "I can explain Steve, let's just all relax, and remain calm, I don't want things to escalate."

Everyone slowly withdrew their hands from their weapons but were still tense about the unexpected presence of Steve, who had a slightly threatening air around him.

"Steve, have you come across readings of the Maidens in your time here on Remanent?" Ozpin asked, a slightly raised eyebrow to question Steve.

Steve raised an eyebrow in return, "I have come across the myths in my understanding of this worlds history. Are you saying she's a maiden?"

"She's the Fall maiden, attacked by some unknown enemies, we're trying to ensure her survival, before the powers are transferred to her assailant." Said Ironwood, surprising the rest of the people in the room. Steve nodded in slight appreciation for that explanation.

"Thank you General, that is all I needed to know." Steve finished, he pulled out an object, "Catch." Qrow caught the object, and Ozpin's eyes widened significantly.

"Ummm… What's so special about this? Besides the fact its glowing?" Qrow asked looking at it closely.

"A golden apple? I thought this was the stuff of myth…" Ozpin whispered and looked to Steve, who shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean Ozpin?" asked General Ironwood, still trying to figure out the significance behind the gift.

"James, have you heard of the Garden of Nevean?" Ozpin asked, his eyes transfixed on the apple in Qrow's hand.

"You mean?..." Glynda started, and then cut off, looking at the apple with slightly more significance.

"The apples of Nevean were mythical artifacts in Vacuoan culture." Ozpin paused when he realized Qrow and Pyrrha were paying attention, as they were unfamiliar with the myth. "It was believed in Vacuoan mythology that the king of the gods gave an apple tree to his new wife as a gift. This gift comes up over many other myths in the pantheon, but it was believed these apples possessed the power to grant immortality." At this point everyone was staring at the apple in reverence.

Steve chuckled slightly, "While I am slightly familiar with the myths, I can tell you with certainty that this did not come from the Garden of Nevean." Steve paused, "However, what I can tell you is that I crafted this enchanted golden apple, and its healing properties are unparalleled. If you get this to this "Fall Maiden" then you should be able to heal her." Steve finished, looking at the crowd in front of him.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Asked Qrow, who started going toward the machine, and was about to press the button to open the capsule, General Ironwood grabbed his wrist to stop.

"How do we know this will work? I don't trust someone I've just met…" Ironwood looked at Steve with a hardened look. "Why should we trust you?"

Steve raised an eyebrow and looked General Ironwood in the eyes as he said, "If you don't want to try this, be my guest. But I am telling you that if you feed this you woman the golden apple, she will most likely be healed and can give you an idea into how she got into this state in the first place." Steve finished off, looking at everyone else, and he caught eyes with Pyrrha. "Also what is Pyrrha doing here?" Steve asked, no one looked into his eyes, and tried to find other things to look at in the vault.

Steve's eyes grew significantly, "You were going to bring her into this plan? As skilled as she is, I don't think she is ready for this responsibility!" Steve yelled at the group. And then looked at Pyrrha, who was looking down, slightly dejected, but understanding, she herself did not feel ready for such responsibility in the world. Steve sighed, "Let's see if this Fall Maiden can be revived, she may give us more insight."

Ozpin nodded, and Ironwood reluctantly let go of Qrow's wrist. He pushed a button and the capsule opened, and after that moment Amber let out a groan, and Ozpin went up to Amber, who let out a groan of pain, with a scrunched up face, it looked like she was in terrible pain.

"Take a bite out of this apple." Ozpin said as he held the apple up to Amber's mouth.

"Wh… what? Ju.. just make the pa…" She flinched, as her hands went to her ribs, "pain stop…" she whispered out. She was on the verge of death, and everyone could tell. Her eyes were squeezed together tightly in pain.

Ozpin held up the apple and Amber took a bite out of it, and after she swallowed it, people noticed that she her injuries were glowing slightly, and disappearing. Amber's eyes shot open, and she stepped out of the case without any signs of impediment or pain. Everyone's eyes were open wide, unbelieving in the fact that a supposed mythical remedy healed the Fall Maiden.

"How… I feel like a million Lien!" Exclaimed Amber, as she started walking around in front of the crowd, and she blushed, realizing she was wearing a minimal amount of clothing. General Ironwood coughed and all the males turned around quickly. Glynda went up to a set of drawers next to the capsule and pulled out a spare change of clothes, basically a hospital gown. Amber put that on, and then coughed, and everyone turned around again.

"Hello Amber, my name is Ozpin and you're at Beacon Academy. These are associates of ours, Glynda Goodwitch, the deputy headmistress, James Ironwood a general of the Atlas military, Qrow a teacher at Signal Academy, and a student of Beacon Pyrrha…" The three of them acknowledged themselves when called upon.

Pyrrha gave a small wave to Amber, "Hello!"

"Oh! And our ally Steve." Ozpin finished, as Steve nodded in her direction. Our associates were worried about your health." He said, looking her in the eye.

Amber still looked slightly wary, "The last thing I remember was being attacked by three people, and then after I passed out, I woke up here!" she looked down, and then quickly remembered, "My powers!" her eyes had a soft flame around them, and started floating up, lightning arching around her, and then she dropped back down to the ground. "It feels like half of my power is gone…" She said, as she looked around at the crowd of people.

"We have suspected this to be the case…" Ozpin trailed off slightly, but we will find who did this to you, and protect you to best of our powers." Everyone nodded.

"If you guys want, she could come stay with me, I guarantee she will not be found by anyone." Everyone looked toward Steve, who was smirking slightly. "She can even be in open communication to discuss who did this to her, and see if they can be brought to justice."

Ozpin's eyes widened, and he started laughing, everyone was looking between the two confused. "Are you saying?..."

Steve nodded in affirmation, "Amber?" She looked into his blue eyes, "How would you like to take a trip to the Moon?"

Hope everyone is doing well wherever they are in the world. Just make sure to stay safe! I am writing these "mini chapters" when I get the chance, unfortunately I don't have much spare time. Thanks for all the support as well!