Ever since she was young, Adella believed in true love. Her parents had been the greatest example. Her father Vulko had loved her mother Delphine more than anything. It was obvious to Adella, even at the age of three. She had memories of swimming into the throne room along with Orm and Mera, and catching her father and mother stealing away glaces from across the room while King Orvax spoke to his court.

The three children snuck behind the guards, giggling quietly to each other as they were certain they were hidden from view of their parents. It had always been Orm's idea to sneak into the throne room. He had to listen in on these meetings, he'd always say, he'd be King one day and he needed to know how to rule over Atlantis just like his father. Adella and Mera always obliged, more interested in any sort of mischief they could get into rather than the politics being discussed. Vulko was always at the King's side, her mother always at Queen Atlanna's side. Just like Adella knew her parents were truly in love, she knew that Atlanna didn't love the King. Or care for him much at all for that matter. While her parents could barely keep their eyes off the other, hands always reaching for each other when they were near; Atlanna barely spared a glance at her husband. And King Orvax seemed to hardly notice when his wife was in the same room, much less right by his side.

She suspected Mera knew what she knew as well, something about a woman's intuition that her mother was always talking about. Orm of course was oblivious. All he cared about was being as strong as his father was or being an even better warrior one day than Orvax could ever dream to be. Adella wondered briefly when boys stopped being so clueless.

Uh-oh," Adella broke out of thought, looking over at her best friend. "I think we've been spotted." Mera whispered, pointing to Queen Atlanna. The Queen looked to the three children (who were all doing their best to look ashamed) and smiled, quietly excusing herself from her throne and ushering them out into the hall.

"Now Orm," she began, smiling down at her son. "You know your father doesn't like for you to sneak around." she poked Orm gently on the tip of his nose, Orm barely biting back a giggle. While the Queen didn't show any love towards her husband, the exact opposite proved for her son. Orm was the light of Atlanna's life, it was plain to see. And even though Orm didn't like to talk about anything other than conquering the seas, Adella knew that Orm loved his mother more than anything on the land or in the sea.

"I'm sorry mother...can I go and show them my new trident?" Adella and Mera both rolled their eyes, Atlanna chuckling at the pair.

"Yes. But be careful, little one. One of them just might be your Queen one day, you have to protect them." she teased. The three children all let out over dramatic sounds of disgust.

"Over my dead find would I ever marry Orm!" Adella scoffed, crossing her arms. There was no way Orm was her true love. No way the two would ever be married.

Atlanna smiled at her, placing a hand on the girl's cheek. There was something sad behind her eyes as she said "You never know, my little starfish. None of us ever really know where life will take us."

The Queen of course, had been right. Not soon after, Delphine grew ill. It had scared Adella. She wondered if it was maybe that intuition thing again, but she knew that one day her mother would no longer be with her. As time passed Adella sat back and watched her mother wither away, watched her father stand by helplessly as he lost the love of his life slowly. As Delphine grew more ill, Adella found herself more and more afraid to see her, to visit her at her bedside. It terrified her to think that the sickly woman before her would be the way that she'd remember her mother for the rest of her life. And of course there was no way for her to know that one day she'd grow to regret that decision.

So instead she spent more time with Orm, and with Queen Atlanna. While the King would pretend nothing was wrong, Atlanna was there every step of the way. She was there to be a friend to Vulko, she was there in the awkward almost painful talks Orm tried to have with Adella, and she was there to listen and comfort the girl whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on.

"Do you want to know something?" The Queen said softly, taking one of Adella's tiny hands in her own. "On land, it's different when we're sad," she began. "We truly cry. These tiny, salty little tears roll down our cheeks," she ran a finger gently down Adella's cheek. "And we really feel our pain, our sadness. It may not sound like it, but it's a beautiful feeling. I think humans are luckier than us in that way."

"You've been on land?' Adella asked, sniffling. "Father says we're not allowed on land. King Orvax says humans are too dangerous."

Atlanna smiled. "It was before my little Orm was born. And I'll let you in on a little secret, my little starfish...it's more beautiful than you could ever imagine. The skies change color, from beautiful pinks in the morning, to a blue even lighter than the sea, just before nightfall it changes from orange, to purple, and finally so black you can see almost every star in the sky. There's snow that falls onto the beach, and great, powerful storms that are more strong than anything you've ever seen. And humans…" her smiled grew wider, "humans are kind, and wonderful, and absolutely nothing like the tales we've all heard."

The Queen's description of land brought the first smile to Adella's face in a long while. "Do you think I could ever go? To the surface?"

"I would love nothing more. One day, perhaps when you're older, I'd like to take you and Orm there."

When Delphine passed, Adella saw a change in her father. He no longer smiled. He barely spoke. Vulko had become like a ship lost at sea with no lighthouse to guide him home. It broke Adella's heart even more than she thought she could bare.

Ever since the funeral her father refused to see any visitors, so when Adella could overhear hushed voices in her home, she couldn't help but investigate. She hunched over just behind the doorway, stretching her neck as far as possible to hear as much as she could.

She immediately recognized the Queen's voice. "Vulko, I know that this is the worst possible time, believe me. If I could have it any other way I would. But Orvax is becoming suspicious. I don't think I can keep him away from the truth much longer."

"Atlanna...do you know what the King will do when he finds out? He wanted to throw you to the trench just for running off to the surface! But a child?" Adella's eyes widened. "He's the first born! He threatens Orm's claim to the throne. You've never done anything more reckless!" Orm had a brother? One he didn't know about? And if what her father was saying was true, Orm would be devastated to know the throne was no longer promised to him.

"That's why he must be kept safe! I don't know how much longer I can do that on my own. You must teach him the ways of Atlantis, Vulko. My Arthur, he's proof that Orvax is wrong. We can coexist with humans! He's so good, and he's kind, and brave. He's the king that Atlantis needs. And he needs you to show him down the correct path." whoever this Arthur was, it was obvious to Adella that Atlanna loved him just as much as she loved Orm. And that it was killing her to be away from him.

Her father sighed heavily. "Alright...I'll teach him. But my Queen, you must do everything you can to keep Orvax from ever knowing. He'll kill you and the boy. Not to mention what would happen to me for conspiring...or Adella. She's already lost her mother, I can't let anything happen to her." Adella knew well enough that King Orvax was a cold man. But to imagine him ever harming his wife? Or his close, trusted friend? Or her, a child? The very thought filled her with anxiety.

"I know, Vulko. I will do everything in my power to keep you both safe...I have one more favor to ask. Adella, I'd like for you to take her with you. To the surface."

It had been almost a year since Arthur had helped the Justice League to defeat Steppenwolf. Almost a year and his life had somehow gotten even more out of control than he ever dreamed it could. He was the Aquaman now apparently, kids on twitter had come up with the name from what his dad had told him. He had never wanted this sort of attention. He of course wanted to help protect the oceans and the humans, but he also wanted to keep his somewhat normal life in the small Massachusetts town he'd grown up in. And sure, his town had stayed relatively quiet aside from a few "fans" that would pop up here and there asking for a picture with the dude that could talk to fish. But now he was always on edge. Always waiting for the next threat, the next Steppenwolf that would come and try to wipe out humanity. Really he just wanted a good, long nap.

Arthur plopped down into the sand with a loud sigh, pulling off his socks and boots and tossing them aside along with his coat. He stretched, letting out a loud groan and sinking his toes into the warm sand in front of him. His father's dog Salty was happily running across the shore line a few feet ahead of him, barking happily.

He was still sore from his run in with those pirates he'd stopped from over taking that Russian submarine just two days before. He could still hear the screams of the father he'd left trapped. Arthur had told him to ask the sea for mercy, he wondered if that had been the Atlantean in him talking. Maybe he needed to talk his dad into another night at the at Terry's Sunken Galleon. Drinking had seemed to prove helpful in shoving his emotions deep, deep back down where he liked for them to be.

It hadn't always been that way. There was a time when he had someone more than his father to talk to. He had had a partner, someone he loved and that loved him back even through all of his flaws. She had been there in Metropolis. She had fought alongside him and his friends, protecting the humans when no one had asked her to. Then she was gone. The pair had gone home, to the small home Arthur had overlooking the shore, and he sure that this was it. His happy ending. But one morning, he woke up and she was gone. No goodbye, no note. Off into the sea just like his mother all those years ago. Atlantean women must be the same in that sense, he assumed.

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose, huffing gently. This whole superhero gig sure wasn't easy.

Salty's bark became more urgent then, Arthur looking up to see what caught the dog's attention. The golden retriever was facing out towards the water, barking excitedly at the figure that had emerged from the sea. Speak of the devil.

Arthur silently watched the girl as she grew closer. Her black hair that hung down to her waist was slicked back from the ocean water and the purple, scaled suit she wore baring the golden symbol of Atlantis shined brightly as the sun hit it. Salty ran back to Arthur quickly, panting heavily and tail wagging with excitement. Arthur grinned at him, scratching him behind the ears. "Yeah boy, look what the ocean dragged in." he joked, Salty letting out another bark.

The girl stopped in front of the pair, towering over Arthur's sitting form. She rested her hands on her hips, looking almost annoyed at the overly amused look Arthur was giving her. "Hey there wifey, long time no see."

Adella rolled her eyes. "Arthur, I need your help."