
Five Years Later

"Close your eyes," Rey said as she walked around the perimeter of the large, rectangular room. Her hands rested gently on the oversized bump about her waist covered by the gray fabric of her robes. "Breathe… now, reach out with your feelings. What do you see?"

The two dozen or more young Padawans sat with their legs crossed, their hands positioned on their knees, listening intently to Master Rey Solo's words. She carefully examined each of their sweet faces, both male and female alike, all intently focusing on whatever was pictured inside their mind's eye. As she watched them, Rey smiled, her mind beginning to reflect on how far she and Ben had come to get to this very moment…

Several years ago, Rey and Ben had used Luke Skywalker's star compass to seek out Force-sensitive individuals all across the galaxy. Finding hundreds of them scattered across the universe, the couple had brought them all here, to the planet Yavin 4, the homeworld of Poe Dameron, to train in the ways of the Force.

Over the past two years, the couple had used their knowledge passed down from Luke and Leia to construct a new Jedi temple on the planet. Poe's parents, Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, had planted a fragment of the Great Tree, which had once stood at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, outside their home on Yavin 4. The fragmented tree was Force-sensitive and had been a gift from Luke Skywalker himself. Since then, the tiny tree had flourished, growing massively tall and quite beautiful near the Dameron residence. Ben and Rey felt that this location would prove to be the unrivaled choice for the new temple, the one they hoped would foster the new generation of Jedi knights. Poe's father, Kes Dameron, had gladly granted them the land without question…

Waking from her thoughts, Rey stole a glance at Ben, who stood on the opposite side of the room. He was dressed in his dark gray Jedi robes and black boots, holding their one-year-old daughter, Leia, tightly against his chest. He smirked at his wife as he observed her instruct the young Jedi learners in the ways of the Force. He'd told her once that he loved to watch her lead the Padawans in silent meditation. It was one of his favorite things to do besides reenact "Darth Vader versus Luke Skywalker" with their son, Greyly, who had recently celebrated his fourth birthday.

"Go on, I'll take her." Han Solo crept up behind his son and then held out his hands to invite Little Leia into his arms. Ben willingly handed the small child over to her grandfather, giving her a swift kiss on the cheek.

Once nestled in his embrace, Han smiled down at her hazel eyes. "I think Mommy needs a break, what do you think?"

"Padawans!" Master Ben Solo stepped onto the floor of the temple, clapping his large hands. "It is sparring time!"

The students immediately came onto their feet, excitedly grabbing their practice staffs from the hooks on the walls, and paired off to perform their sparring exercises for the day.

Ben stalked over to his very pregnant wife and encircled her with his arms.

"How are you feeling?" Ben asked, kissing her sweetly on the forehead.

"I've been better and smaller," Rey scoffed, brushing her lips desirously against his.

"Careful now, my little scavenger," he joked, tucking the hair back from her face. "We're in a sacred temple."

"Says the man who once basically - what was the word again - worshipped me in the first Jedi temple on Ahch-To." Rey leered at him and tightened her arms around his neck.

"You got me there." Ben smiled down at her before capturing her lips passionately with his.

"I love you." Rey sighed against him when he pulled away.

"I know," he simply replied and pressed his forehead to hers.

They both held each other, their eyes trailing across the room at the young learners who were busy sparring their opponents. Rey then looked over at her father-in-law, Han Solo, who had placed Little Leia down on the wooden floor. Rey's stomach flipped when her daughter pulled herself onto her tiny feet and took several wobbly steps across the floor back toward her grandfather.

As Little Leia teetered toward him, Han, dressed in his faded, brown leather jacket, placed his hands on his hips and peered down at his granddaughter, pride beaming from the smile that etched across his face.


A/N: Thank you to everyone who had read, added kudos, or commented on this story. I've loved every single minute writing this fic and reading your thoughts. I hope we at least get a glimpse of something like this is Ep. IX, but only time will tell. Again, I'm eternally grateful for all of you. It's been such a wonderful ride. And btw, I should be posting the first chapter of my next Reylo fic, which will be a modern AU, starting this weekend. Hope you'll check it out! Love always. ~Dazzy xxoo