Naruko: Gem of the Sand

Summary: After Sasuke and Naruto`s fight in the valley of death, Sasuke faints there before he could go to Orochimaru. Gaara and Lee are the ones to get to the valley of death first and what if an unexpected occurrence happened?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Prologue: Naruto and Kyuubi no more!?

Looking around Gaara and Lee couldn't believe what happened (Gaara's only reaction is his eyes going a bit wider than before and then going back to normal immediately), Sasuke was lying on the ground near the river and a few feet away from him was a bundle of orange bloodstained-clothing. Gaara made his sand pick up Sasuke and as Lee was gonna pick up Naruto's clothes it started moving a bit and a muffled sound was coming from underneath it.

"G…Gaara-san…" Lee said pointing at the clothes

Gaara went to where Lee was and looked at the clothes as they heard a crying starting to come from it. As Lee was about to gather up the clothes, he jumped back a little as a small nine tailed fox jumped in proactively. Gaara knelt down and petted the fox and when it relaxed Gaara picked up the bundle of clothes (and the fox on top of the clothes) and uncovered the clothes revealing a baby that looked very much like the infamous loudmouth and most unpredictable ninja of Konoha . Lee stared eyes wide in surprise at the baby.

Shukaku told Gaara something before he spoke to Lee, "It's Naruto-kun." He said looking down at the baby in his arms.

Lee was now looking at he baby in shock with his mouth wide open and said, "Th…that's Naruto-kun!?"

Tsunade wanted to kill the last Uchiha when she saw the bundle of bloodstained-clothes the sand genin was holding if it wasn't for Jiraiya`s hold on her shoulder. Medic nin went over to where the Uchiha was and whisked him away to get him treated.

"Hokage-sama." The youngest child of the late Kazekage approached her with Rock Lee following closely.

Tsunade tried to hold back her tears as she looked at the bloodstained-clothes but she couldn't hold back any longer as tears started to roll down her cheeks. She stared at the bundle of clothes tears falling down, oblivious of the sand forming a come around Gaara, Lee, Tsunade, and Jiraiya.

"Tsunade-sama, we found Naruto-kun like this."

After Lee said that Gaara pulled down the clothes a bit revealing a small sleeping familiar looking baby.

"N…Naruto?" Tsunade asked as a small fox unburied itself from underneath the clothes. "And Kyuubi?"

"Hokage-sama, Naruto-kun is no longer a boy."

"You want us to take care of her?" Temari asked. Kankurou was standing behind her as the both of them were staring at the Hokage who was cradling a sleeping baby in her arms."Naruto-kun is from here, in Konoha. Why can't you take care of her?"

"Simple, Temari…" Tsunade said smiling and turned to Gaara who was standing beside the door cradling a sleeping fox in his arms. "Both Naruko and Kyuu has taken a liking to you three especially your youngest brother, Gaara and I cannot trust the villagers so easily as she will look a lot like before."

"I like the name." Gaara said from his place beside the door

Temari sighed out loud as it seemed Gaara has agreed in Naruto now known as Naruko.



Her name means beautiful gem child. Beautiful(Na) + Gem(Ru) + Child(Ko)