Chapter Four

"Emma, why don't you sing to me anymore?" Regina asked. They had taken out the boat and anchored so that they were now laying peacefully on the bow. Regina was another month closer to at least one of her babies being born, but she suspected that both would come on the same day. Her Little Queen was thriving at twenty-six weeks and kicking up a storm whenever Emma's hands weren't on her. She was constantly moving. Viveka would kick for Emma now at twenty-two weeks, but she was often moving because her sister was so active.

"I… I don't know," Emma responded. "Since this darkness came, I haven't felt like myself sometimes."

"I can understand even with light magic I don't quite feel like me at times, like maybe I'm not allowed to watch the world burn without creating another Dark One." Emma shook her head.

"No, I just think Merlin was a different person all together, his magic was pure, but you also have innate magic like me. It's still there just different and it melds with this new magic. I don't have proper magic training like you, but I know what I feel." Regina nodded.

"You have so much time to learn with me now." Emma smiled and kissed her. She rubbed her belly as despite what Little Queen thought this action still soothed her into stillness. Regina relaxed into her arms also rubbing a hand over her belly. This was all she ever wanted was to be with Emma and have her babies to raise next to their sad. It was almost sad they had to go back and deal with the blue gnat otherwise she could be convinced to stay in Cuba forever.

"What did the doctor say this morning?" Emma asked. She had missed the appointment as she was patrolling for Hook who had left storybrooke three weeks ago.

"He thinks that both of them are developing as they should, he still wants me resting though much to Henry's hatred, but he also thinks that maybe I won't be pregnant pass thirty-seven weeks."

"Why not?" Emma asked grateful they had everything they needed for the babies so far.

"Because twins rarely make it to full term, so despite this having some magical properties, I want us to be ready. I just know that by then Viveka should be old enough to survive on her own for sure, but she will probably still need some care."

"So, we should definitely have them in the hospital for Vive's sake." Regina nodded.

"Yup, given the fact that LQ could send Viveka into labor as well and my new age, my risk is high for preterm labor, but then again we have beaten the odds before." Emma kissed her forehead.

"We'll be ready for them, as long as they are safe and happy, I don't care when they come." Regina smiled and they returned to enjoying the sun. Eventually they ate lunch having a little picnic before returning to the dock behind their house to retrieve a waiting King and Henry. They took the boat out for a spin with Emma turning up the speed to Henry's delight. Regina ended up feeling a little sick because Viveka wasn't feeling it like the rest of her family.

"Leave me here I don't have the strength to pull myself up," Regina groaned as King and Emma secured the boat as Henry made driving noises at the steering wheel still.

"Oh, baby as if I would leave you out here alone with no dinner," Emma scolded as she hopped back down. "Come on kid we have to make dinner for mommy." Henry nodded as he was lifted-up to King before Emma turned and easily scooped up a startled Regina. King made sure the boat stayed steady as Emma climbed out before they all headed in.

"You can put me down now Emma I can walk," Regina pouted.

"Oh no love the doctor was very clear no unnecessary walking." Regina groaned, Emma displaying her strength and lifting her like this was doing absolutely nothing for her libido after having such a wonderful date with her. She could just feel her muscles against her back since she wasn't wearing anything except a small bikini.

"King I am suddenly craving shrimp, could you take Henry to the store, and make sure that he also gets himself one treat." Henry looked up and gasped in excitement. She knew at this age when she said one, he would spend at least twenty minutes trying to decide on the right treat.

"Understood my Queen, I will make the craving run." Once she and Henry were dressed, they left. She took him to an ice cream parlor first. He would not object to the "secret" treat.

"Regina you've had shrimp already once this week, you know it is supposed to be in moderation," Emma scolded.

"Emma, I'm not interested in shrimp, what I am interested in is the little swan though if she's still there or your tongue," Regina told her licking her lips.

"Well perhaps we shouldn't rest on the couch then." Emma continued towards the bedroom. Regina was careful to already block up walls for the girls in both her and Emma, but they were not awake currently. She made sure they were staying in a calming lull.

"What if they feel me again?" Emma asked.

"They won't baby, they are knocked out," Regina said. Emma nodded. It took some convincing, but Regina was determined to get what she wanted tonight. She had been practicing on blocking out the girls, this needed to happen at least once before her vagina was broken for the foreseeable future. Emma was gentle at first, but then as no interruptions came each stroke became firmer and each moan from Regina became louder as she took her from behind. They had realized very quickly that her pregnant belly was going to get in the way. But Regina was willing to sacrifice kissing for the moment.

"Fuck harder please Emma," Regina moaned.

"I don't wanna hurt you," Emma replied breathing hard.

"Emma harder now!" Regina snapped she was so close, and it was so good. Emma did as she was told. Regina seriously hoped King wasn't forced to bring Henry home early because she would frighten her poor little prince with how loudly she was screaming Emma's name. Emma for her part was calling Regina's name just as loudly, she really hoped King took her time, because she was going to finish this, and then need a round two just because Regina was so hot right now.

"Fuck Regina, you haven't been this hot and wet since you took the potion too," Emma moaned.

"Remind me to take it more often later, I never wanna fuck any other way again," Regina moaned. When Emma reached around and manage to stroke her clit it was all Regina needed to begin orgasm number one to her sheer pleasure as she squeezed her muscles tight around Emma and managed to grab on to orgasm number two.

"Oh fuck, Regina I can't cum in you…but I gotta cum."

"Don't you dare fucking stop right now Emma Swan Mills," For her part Regina reached out with her magic letting Emma feel every bit of orgasm number three and four was close on it's heels. Emma came so hard she was pretty sure she had enough cum to drown her daughters in.

"Don't move," Emma said when Regina was moving so they could lay next to each other, but Emma honest just needed to stay inside of her just enjoying that feeling alone. "I don't hear the girls did I drown them in cum like I was afraid of." Regina chuckled darkly.

"Well they have been successfully blocked, and the only one drowning in cum is me and when you're up for it I wanna drown some more. It's taken me ages to shut them off from us when we need it."

"Look at you growing in power," Emma said as she pulled out and turned Regina over. She was careful how she lay over her so as not to put pressure on her abdomen as they kissed longingly and lovingly just enjoying each other without interruptions. Emma continued the love making with eating Regina out reveling in the taste of them both on her tongue, and Regina was more than eager to return the favor.

"Oh fuck baby are you sure it's safe," Emma moaned even as she watched Regina deep throat her. Emma didn't ask anymore questions though as Regina managed to squeeze her balls. Emma came so hard in her mouth the little swan finally went away and Regina just kept going never one to miss an opportunity eat Emma's pussy as much as suck her dick.

"You are fucking Goddess I mean that," Emma breathed as they lay next to one another out breath after Emma had used her fingers to bring Regina to orgasm one last time, but her energy was waning after all that vigorous love making. The way the babies had her feeling she was surprised she had even made it this far.

"Huh and here I thought you were the Goddess taking me like that from behind," Regina replied.

"No not after you started sharing organizes. I had no idea pregnancy orgasms were so intense we need to make that a potion."

"We are so making that a potion," Regina agreed. Her phone beeped with King's ring tone for a text. "All right help me shower, they're on their way back now." Emma nodded as they got up. She reached out and took Regina by the hands and pulled her up. They took a shower with Emma cuddling from behind and rubbing her belly. Regina sank back into her touches letting both of her daughters fill that love as they kicked gently for once. Once they were clean they went to the kitchen where Regina sat on an island chair and directed Emma who followed her directions exactly. King came back with the entire grocery list they had set up for tomorrow.

"Did you have fun my little prince?" Regina asked him as he climbed up onto the chair next to her and she wiped the tell tale signs of chocolate off of his cheek with her thumb. He gave her the biggest smile.

"Yes Mommy," Henry said. "Can we drive the boat again?"

"Oh, not tonight my prince, but I'm sure we can convince Mama to take us out again tomorrow." He nodded happily as he bounced on his little sugar high. After dinner, they played games that they all let Henry think he won, but really the real winner was between the three adults. At some point Henry couldn't sit still so Regina busied herself sewing some smaller clothes for Viveka just in case while she smiled at Henry laughing loudly as he avoided both King and Emma climb under tables and over the couch. She knew he could have been easily caught and she couldn't wait to join them too, but she was just too tired and easily out of breath. However, she did gather her strength to put her little prince to bed though, she wasn't missing out on bed time cuddles when he finally started to crash from his late sugar high thanks to King. When she came back it was Emma and King who were passed out on the couch. She gave a little chuckle and took a photo because apparently you could sleep as the Dark One. She was also finding that she did sleep as the babies took way too much energy from her. She gently woke them both so they could get off to bed.

"Why are you stopping?" Regina asked curiously. She was now thirty-seven weeks along with her Little Queen and Thirty-three weeks with Viveka. They were developing well, and weren't showing any signs of coming soon, though both were complaining daily about the lack of room inside. Regina in her opinion was huge, she couldn't even get behind the steering wheel of their car. They were on their way home from a romantic weekend after Regina spent too much time stressing over the increased attacks, the successful birth of one dwarf so far and Blue had aged it up and put it to work. She was sure she had sped up the pregnancy too. This was dangerous and led to a very mindless dwarf, it wasn't good to age up babies. Regina was eager to get home and smite that moth, but she could barely manage a fireball these days or to even block out the babies. The only thing still possible was sending them love.

"I just wanted to show you something, come on," Emma said. She got out of the car and jogged around. Regina let her open the door before she took Emma's hand. She stepped out of the car grimacing at her swollen ankles. She was now forever wearing flats until such times as she birthed these babies. She missed her heels though, flats were nice sometimes, but her heels had power. She walked well more like waddled in her opinion to the edge of the cliff they were parked near. She could see storm clouds on the distance, she knew however they were supposed to be catching an early storm, but that was hours from now, they would be home with King and their son by then.

"What am I looking for specifically?" Regina asked admiring the view of the coast. Emma didn't say anything, so she turned, and her eyes went wide as she took in Emma on her knees holding the white gold band with black diamonds on it, in the center was the oval red diamond surrounded by white diamonds.

"I told you, I would give this back to you when I was ready to really ask you, when I deserved your yes. But I realized I may never deserve your yes, but I am going to spend eternity earning it. I love you more than life, more than this dark power that tempts me daily even out here. But in your arms I have the strength to fight it to be me again. Regina will you make me the happiest woman in any realm and become my wife." Regina was in tears.

"Yes!" She exclaimed before she hugged Emma tightly as she stood up so Regina wouldn't have to bend down. Viveka cheered and kicked in her mind. Little Queen was accepting though she wasn't as accepting as Viveka. Seeing an opening Regina directed Emma to send love to their Little Queen and she finally accepted it to both of their happiness.

"I love you my little Queen," Emma whispered to her belly, she was all tears too as she kissed Regina finally and they felt their magic spinning within them and wrapping around them like a glove. Regina wouldn't be surprised if they found their magic a little different on their return to Storybrooke. She deepened the kiss and a fire was ignited within them.

"Car," Emma whispered. They walked back and Emma remembered to turn off her gopro she had purposely attached to the car to capture her proposal. She would make stills from it later, but she wanted the proposal to be private. They climbed into the back of the car with Regina on top and unfortunately having to face away from Emma.

"Did you just call the little swan on command that hasn't been there in weeks," Regina murmured as she just managed to block out the girls.

"I told you it only gets this big for you," Emma grunted as she entered Regina and they both moaned. "Now tell me whose pussy is it?"

"Fuck definitely yours baby," Regina moaned as she gripped the seat in front as Emma gently pinched her nipples knowing Regina was a lot more sensitive and it didn't always feel nice. "It only gets this wet for you."

"God, I love when you curse during sex," Emma whispered as she got stiffer and from Regina's moan she noticed.

"Oh, we have to do this position again, you are so fucking deep right now."

"Oh, believe me I know," Emma grunted as she used one hand to guide Regina's hips, but honestly her woman was a pro at riding her from any position, she didn't need guidance, although maybe some steadying because of her belly. They made passionate love until they fell asleep exhausted from their love making and the effort it took them both to keep the babies at bay that long. When Regina was awake it was to a sharp pain and Little Queen telling her she was done being blocked. Regina cried out startling a naked Emma away behind her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Little Queen, she's upset and she's coming out now," Regina cried out as she gripped the seat hard as a contraction passed through her body. Viveka was frightened and crying that she was coming too. Regina felt her water break already.

"Emma, we need to get home." Emma nodded and got them dressed. Well she left Regina's panties off there was no point she had ripped those in her haste earlier. She started to push the back door open and was pushed back by a strong wind that rocked the car hard and they went sliding towards the cliff to their fear.

"Fuck the hurricane is here," Emma said as she climbed over seats instead and turned the car on, making sure to also film Regina to her annoyance, she put it in reverse. She moved back from the cliff, but then got stuck in mud. "Oh, come on." She used her magic to help get the car out and it went flying back and crashed into a tree.

"Ow, I told you, you have to practice your control," Regina scolded as she was thrown forward a bit. Emma grimaced at the gash she now had on her forehead. She put the car in drive, but they were stuck between two trees, not including the one that was now in the trunk of the car.

"The doors are blocked," Regina told her as another contraction hit. "Ahhh Emma!"

"Fuck, how do I manage to fuck everything up." Emma made to break through a window.

"No!" Regina cried.

"What?" Emma asked. "Regina, we have to get out of here, the babies are coming."

"And go where?" Regina asked her. "You want me to walk over an hour to the next town in a fucking hurricane?"

"No, I would carry you obviously," Emma told her as if that were obvious as Regina cried through another contraction.

"She's not waiting two hours Emma; the car is our only shelter and hopefully being trapped here will keep us from going over that cliff." Emma frowned as she climbed in back and held Regina through another contraction. The wind howled outside, leaves, branches, and dirt flew by. It even hailed through the next hour as Emma was sure that Regina was going to break her hand. The contractions were coming hard and fast, a bit spurred on by magic that neither of them could control.

"Emma you have to get them to calm down, they're freaking out," Regina groaned. Both of them crying in her head was not helping her push, she could already feel that her Little Queen was coming.

"Shs um…do you hear me talking to you, across the water, across the deep blue ocean under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying. Boy I hear you in my dreams, I feel you whisper across the sea. I keep you with me in my heart, you make it easier when life gets hard. Lucky, I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again. Oooh oooh…" Emma sang. "They don't know how long it takes waiting for a love like this…." Regina sighed hearing Emma sing to her and her girls as it seemed to calm Viveka who was in her own way impeding her sister and Little Queen stopped struggling herself and Regina's body was able to do it's job. By the she finished the third chorus her little Queen's head was out and she was receding from her mind. Regina gave a final satisfied push as the shoulders freed themselves. She reached down and her baby slide into her waiting hands with a last squish. She gave a loud cry that was just everything Emma and Regina imagined.

"She's beautiful," Emma cried as she grabbed Regina's light blue sweater. Regina gently wrapped her daughter who had a small patch of curly red hair on top of her head.

"Oh, my little Queen you're finally here," Regina whispered. Emma kissed her forehead too.

"Oh, fuck we don't have anything for the cord," Emma said.

"It's okay, it will close on it's own in an hour, it's better for her," Regina told her. After twenty minutes she delivered the placenta and she felt Emma groan as her uterus returned to her.

"I guess you and I are doing this no sex for six weeks together," Emma grunted as she got the lingering pain." Regina chuckled as Emma's boobs grew and her stomach showed signs of pregnancy.

"Looks like we're sharing breast feeding after all too."

"How's our other little one doing?" Emma asked rubbing Regina's stomach.

"Still there, maybe labor won't start again, and she can go to term," Regina said. Emma nodded as she watched Regina nurse their little Queen.

"I thought she would never get here," Emma whispered as her little Queen gripped her finger. "I'm so sorry I lost you before Rhiannon, but I'm never letting you go."

"Rhiannon Charlotte, so she knows we love every version of her," Regina told her.

"No, she's a little Queen so it has to be Rhiannon Charlotte Isabella Regina Mills." Regina chuckled.

"In that case, it has to be Rhiannon Charlotte Emma Mills."

"Emma Isabella Regina Mills, you're the monarch here not me," Emma chuckled back. "Odd I can't hear her protesting."

"That's because she's not feeding off our power, it's all her own now and it needs to grow, and she's a baby, she can't share in our knowledge," Regina told her as she kissed her sleeping daughter's forehead. She never wanted to put her down. Once Emma found a bag for the placenta from their picnic basket she tried to check her phone for service but there wasn't any.

"Are you all right?" Emma asked looking back when she heard Regina let out a long breath. She shook her head no.

"Viveka is coming she had settled, but the contractions started. She's kind of kicking hard in her panic," Regina grunted. "Can you take her?" Emma immediately took Rhiannon from Regina. She started crying immediately. It didn't take long for the full force of labor to hit Regina even without Rhiannon adding her magic.

"No, no love calm, down, don't make mommy worry, she has to focus on your sister." Emma told her as she rocked her gently.

"Sing to her Emma, she responded to it before," Regina said. "AHhhh!"

"When I was younger, I saw my Daddy cry and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart as I watched as he tried to reassemble it. And my mama swore that she would never break her heart again and that was the day that I promised, I'd never sing of love if it does not exist. But LQ you are the only exception, you are the only exception." Regina couldn't help but smile at the way her daughter's cries died down as Emma sang to her. She tried to focus on her breathing and wished she could squat, but that wasn't possible in the car.

"Here lay back on me," Emma said. Rhiannon started crying again. "A sitting position can't be ideal." Regina nodded as Emma somehow managed to sing and hold Rhiannon in one arm and support Regina with the other as she began pushing within twenty minutes of laying down, but her daughter wouldn't come. She was so exhausted she didn't know if she slept or passed out as the storm raged outside, but Emma's constant singing was the only thing that gave her comfort.

"Regina, baby are you okay?" Emma asked as she looked at Regina who was staring up at the ceiling in tears.

"I think Viveka is coming out breech, you have to put Rhiannon down and help me," Regina said. Emma nodded in fear. It was bad enough that Regina was giving birth in their car in the middle of a fucking hurricane, and that Viveka was premature, but now she was breech too. She could just see the fear in Regina's eyes. She put Rhiannon in the front seat where she of course started crying. Regina now lay facing towards with one leg propped up on the front seat, Emma was just grateful for the light on her phone so she could see. Regina pushed and she saw her baby's ass come out before disappearing again inside the birth canal.

"Holy Shit," Emma said.

"Not helping Emma!" Regina snapped as she gave another push barring down as long as she could that time.

"The butt is out," Emma told her cringing at the tare Regina was now experiencing.

"Yeah I feel that," Regina said everything was on fire down there.

"What now?" Emma asked.

"Can you see the feet?" Regina asked. "Free them if you can." Emma used magic to clean her hands and magic to hold her phone up to keep the light. Regina screamed out in pain as she managed to free one leg and then another. Emma cringed, but then Regina was pushing again, the head was the hardest part, but thankfully Viveka's small size helped get her head free. They both cried in relief as she gave a weak cry as she managed to draw breath.

"Regina look her first super baby," Emma said as she just had to laugh in her relief as well. Regina laughed as she took her baby. Emma quickly got out of her own light jacket and wrapped her daughter in it before she kissed Regina and grabbed Rhiannon.

"Shs sweetie, we're sorry, but we had to deliver your sister."

"Sibling, I think Viveka will be gender non-conforming," Regina told her. Emma nodded. Viveka in contrast to her sister was bald. Regina tried to get her to nurse, but she had trouble. In the end Regina had squeezed colostrum into a little cup and dipped her finger in allowing Viveka to suck what she could off her finger. She was clearly struggling for air. Emma tried several times to transport them to the hospital, but they just didn't have enough power for that out here. Regina was exhausted and no help, her magic had saved Viveka from suffocating in the birth canal.

"Shit, shit maybe I can try to get the car unstuck," Emma said just before a large tree trunk smashed into the front of the car.

"Uh no even if you could move that large tree there, if the wind can move that tree, it can move this car and we already almost went off a cliff once." Emma grimaced.

"Well if I can't get my family to the hospital maybe I can get the hospital to us." Regina looked at her confused as Emma closed her eyes and the front of the car became an open space. In it's place there was an incubator and Emma managed to power it with her magic. They placed Viveka inside and watched as her breathing got less labored to their relief. Regina kissed Emma.

"You're a genius."

"No, I'm your idiot," Emma pouted. Regina chuckled and kissed her again. She took Rhiannon who was rooting around and crying a little. She nursed her again until she fell asleep. Emma cleared out the picnic basket and took the top off. They nestled her inside gently once Emma had managed to conjure Regina's suitcase. She had anticipated maybe ending up at a hospital outside of Havana, so she had packed two outfits and a cloth nappy.

"I'm so glad that you like worry about stuff," Emma said as she placed the hats on their heads. Regina got out of her sweat and blood-soaked dress and wrapped the second placenta in it. She was pretty sure that both placentas were out completely to her relief. She put on another dress. Emma made her eat what was left of the food she had packed for the drive back and lay down on the seat and close her eyes while she kept the incubator powered.

"Thank you," Emma suddenly said in the silence.

"For what?" Regina asked with a yawn.

"For giving me these two beautiful babies," Emma replied. "You are truly the most powerful woman in all the realms for giving birth to these two angels." Regina was in tears and sat up so she could kiss and cuddle Emma more.

Author's Note:

Let me know what you thought guys, this was the last chapter of this interlude, I had originally been thinking there would be more chapter, but after I wrote this chapter this just seemed like a great place to stop for this installment. Don't worry there's still another part to come as we have lots of loose ends to tie up like that bothersome moth back in Storybrooke.