-Among Us-

WARNING: Some situations that are described at the beginning are graphic and might trigger. If you would like to skip, just read until the sentence: "While in this room:" then skip to "Everything."


Watchers Interrogation Room

October 15, 2017

"Take them to the box."

"If I had it my way, we-"

"This isn't your call," A sharp voice pierced the air. "they have valuable information and in case you haven't been around for the past 24 hours, we can't risk anything. Everyone is on their last nerve and emotions are too high tonight."

"Kagura, give me five minutes with them and I'll get everything out of them."

"No, you're too clo-"

"That won't make a difference."

"As the only surviving senior member of this organization here, my word is final. Don't make me have to say it again, wolf."

"...yes ma'am."

"Now…escort them to the box."

The dingy lamp swayed from side to side as the room sat in silence. The nine by nine-room held a single wooden table with metal folding chairs on opposite sides facing each other. The one-way window and blue peeling painted doorway to the offices outside, as well as the window on the wall across, were the only ways for those in that room to remember that there was an outside world. While this heavily resembled a typical interrogation room in a police department, this wasn't your usual room. This room has seen. it. all.

While in this room:*

A siren went through their transformation from human to siren when water was spilled on them as they were being integrated for luring and killing men.

A woman confesses about being pulled into an alley as they were being bitten and blacking out with no memory of what happened afterward.

A wolf child telling a story where their mommy wasn't nice and left inch long cuts on their back, forever marking the child.

An alligator defending himself saying that he didn't start the huge fight that left an entire bar and people in pieces.

An 80-year old man confessing to the murder of 50 elves.

A 12-year old coming to terms with their demon heritage after finding out they have been lied to their entire lives.

A 32-year old recalling when the ghost of their father would make midnight trips into their room when they were a child. They thought it was just their imagination until they started seeing him again and finally lost it.

A pregnant 17-year old cat demon coming clean about how the father raped her in a janitor closet at the bowling alley on the other side of town.

A 46-year old describing how he would hunt snake demons, lure them, cut them up into pieces, and bury them in the forest behind his house.


The conversations that have taken place in that room rate from sobbing of pleads and confessions to raging shouts and fists pulled for fights. Chairs have been thrown, the table has been flipped and slammed so much that there are dents in the wood that could match fists of convicts in Arson as well as officers outside in the main area. More officers have had their fair share of fights in this room, just as some have left the room in tears from a victim's tale. Each person in this organization who has had to interrogate someone has a special story that takes place in that simple room. Some tore at the heartstrings, while others filled them with rage for those who have no consideration for humanity. One story, in particular, was about to take place, whether it tugged at the heartstrings or filled one with rage is up to the listener.

The slightly rusting door jolted open as Kouga pushed his 'suspect' into the room with more force than necessary. The force of the entrance making the door hit the wall next to it, causing some parts small wood pieces to fall off.

"Get your ass in there." He snarled. He didn't even notice that he had damn near slammed the suspect into 3 surfaces, he was fuming. Tonight he lost not 1, 2, but 3 of his Watcher family members. He didn't care who was in front of him, they were the reason that he was one word away from tears or murder. Just one wrong word and any nearby person was a goner. Kouga let go of the perpetrator and flared his nostrils at them. Half trying to calm down while also trying to not let them see his emotions. After 2 years of training and 3 years as a Watcher, he has his control down. Tonight, however, was testing him. After the perp turned around to face him, he lost it.

"How could you?!" He yelled in frustration. "We were your family! How could you betray us like this!?" He stepped forward and grabbed at the front of their shirt and pulled them to where they were centimeters from touching noses. His breath fanning their faces. "After all the shit that those bastards did to you and your family, you went rogue and sided with them?!" The person in front of Kouga was as emotionless and limp as a rag doll against his pushing and pulling. "How can you not show any emotion at a time like this!? Were you playing us from the beginning? BECAUSE OF YOU WE HAVE TO BURY THREE OF OUR OWN! Were you so greedy for power that you-"

"Kouga!" A feminine voice yelled from behind him. Looking over his shoulder he saw his scarlet haired partner behind him. He didn't need his eyes or nose to know that she was trying to hold back tears from the news and commotion taking place in the department. Everyone was taking a hit. The loss was too much. "Please…" She whispered as water flowed down her tear tracked face. His heart clenched at the sight. "No more violence tonight…." She closed her eyes and brought a hand up to wipe her eyes. "I can't take any more losses." It was then that he noticed the bruises and dried blood on her. He knew she fought tonight to watch his back, and Lord knows what he looked like at the moment. He didn't have time to think about that though. He had to step up….not only did they lose their Sergeant tonight, but they also lost two 1st Class Watcher. The leaders. Closing his eyes and counting to 10 he pushed the traitor roughly and turned to exit the room.

"I can't even stand to be in the same room as you." He whispered as tears gathered at the corners of his vision, knowing full well that the person in question would be able to hear him. "I hope you burn in hell."

After the door was slammed shut, the 'suspect' let out a shaking breath. Still getting over the fact that this was actually happening and that they were actually in this room….that the incident actually happened. They felt so numb and in a state of disbelief. It was like a bad dream.

Even though their hands were handcuffed in front of them, they still pulled their hands up to their heart. The aching in their chest not giving. Their faces and voices never leaving their mind.

This is the only way….

We have no choice….

Even though their heart was aching, the act was for the greater good. One day, they would be able to see all of them again….a very long time away...judging from Kouga and Ayame's reaction….it might be sooner...

Knowing the reason why they were in this room in the first place, they pulled the chair with their ankles and used their hands to balance themselves on the table as they sat down. How strange it was….usually they were the ones on the other side of the table. Interrogating for information on a case that they were handed and almost positive that the person before them was the one. Glaring at the table with dark eyes while their hands were folded neatly before them; grabbing would've been a better word as the knuckles were turning white and shaking from the grip.

It wasn't supposed to to be like this.

The only reason that they were in this mess was fear.

Fear of losing the only thing that they cared about in this whole world.

As cheesy and cliche as it sounded.

The fact that there were traitors among them as they strode to protect the balance of the supernatural and the humans. Shadows, if you will. Humans weren't ready for the supernatural to unveil themselves. Their minds weren't ready for the acceptance. Segregation, hate, and ultimate chaos would unfold if they came out. Shadows would use the fear of their powers against the humans, not the peace and assurance that equality was the goal for them. That was the main goal for the Watchers. They were to make sure that all supernatural beings were staying hidden until the time was right to reveal themselves to the humans. Almost every supernatural being that they've met wanted to live peacefully alongside humanity. They didn't want to hide, however, the aftermath of being revealed always made them second think the idea of living among them.

Releasing a tired sigh, the tired ex-Watcher pulled their hands to their face. They really fucked up. Real bad. It wasn't supposed to be like this. If only they didn't split up the group….if only they stayed together….then maybe...

Closing their eyes…..the one person they didn't want the think of came to mind….their smile shining as bright as the morning sun...the way their voice soothed their inner turmoil...their eyes twinkling with amusement….then there was something else...fear...and cold, lifeless...tears threatened to make their presence at the corners of their eyes.

Not here. I can't handle that here. I have to control my emotions.

Those thoughts would have to wait till later when they put them in a cell after interrogation.

Pulling their head up a little and wiping the slight liquid that threatened at the corners of their eyes. They put their head up as they set their hands on the table.

If they wanna know….I'll tell what I can.

A loud, swift sound erupted the suspect from their thoughts as a towering individual entered the room. Looking over the figure, they weren't surprised to see Kagura enter the room. Still wearing the clothes she wore earlier she held a couple of folders with their name on it, as well as those lost tonight. She closed the door and made her way to the table. Being the Senior Watcher, it made sense….since the Captain and Sergeant were not able-

A loud slap and a soft gasp rang in the air.

Feeling a burning sensation on the left side of their cheek, they knew that Kagura struck them. Gritting her teeth, Kagura breathed heavily through her nostrils as her hand stayed in the frozen position a few inches from the suspects face.

"Of all the people…" She whispered as she pulled her hand back and sat the folders down. The blazing gaze she directed at the former Watchers could set them on fire. "I was your friend."

The accused let a shudder run down their spine.

"I remember your first day here…" She started to circle the table. A classic tactic they taught in training. Intimidate. Belittle. "I was the one who introduced you to your partner…" She was now going around them. "I even substituted a few times…." She waited till she was around the other side of them and leaned on the corner of the table. Her gaze never softened or lessened as she folded her arms across her chest. "You were the last person I expected in this situation. I just…" She shook her head as if the suspect wouldn't understand if she finished. "I'm at a loss of words." She let them sit in silence for a moment. "You really screwed up. Not only did you disobey orders, but you also leaked vital information to a Shadow organization, you betrayed your family and cost three of them their lives...three lives that will never return. Three families will be informed about the loss of their loved ones. " Her voice grew with each sentence until she was almost yelling. They knew she was also on the verge of tears, especially for one of the lives that was lost. She was close to one through marriage. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she straightened up and turned to take her seat on the other side of them. "You have committed the ultimate offense for a Watcher. You betrayed our trust and now the blood of three of your brethren are on your hands."Pulling her bottom lip into her mouth she pulled the folder with their name out and opened it. There was a couple of papers on the bottom part while their official Watcher picture was paperclipped the other side. "You know the drill. I need you to explain everything." She sent a sharp glare up. "And I mean, everything."

Kagura then pulled out the recording device that was used for recording interrogations with suspects. She set the device down, switched it on, took a large, shaky breath as if to calm herself, and hit record.

While speaking in an even, almost monotoned voice, she organized the folders before her; as if she memorized the following passage. "This is Senior Watcher Kagura Takahashi. The date is October 15, 2017. Case #7645: Interrogation of the murders of Watchers Sango Sui, Miroku Ushi, and Inuyasha Takahashi. The suspect has shown no aggression towards officials and has agreed to cooperate with the investigation." She then looked up to the woman before her. "By saying yes, you have agreed you don't require a lawyer or personal representation present. You understand your rights and will speak the truth."

"Y-yes." The individual spoke only loud enough to be able to be heard on the recorder. Kagura pressed her lips in a line, willing herself to keep her composure together. It doesn't matter who is sitting in front of me, they committed a huge crime against their own.

"Please state your name."

Suddenly feeling just how dry her throat was, the woman before Kagura used the saliva in her mouth to try and moisturize her throat. After all the events today, she felt absolutely drained of any emotion and sounded monotoned as she said the following sentence.

"M-my name is Kagome Higurashi."

Authors Note:

I finally published something! I'm so excited for this story!

Just a little background on me and this story: I grew up watching Law and Order, NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc, and I love fanfictions that incorporate the characters in these settings. I guess I'm a little weird. Anyway, I was just writing ideas that kept coming to my head and next thing I knew I had almost 15 pages of a story. (this story).

Basically in this world, the supernatural blend in with mortals. There are organizations around the world that act like "supernatural police" for the supernatural beings. They're here so that they can make sure that the supernatural is not exposed to humanity. Not saying that they won't be eventually (wink), but they're not ready yet. When will they be ready? Who knows. There are some who want to be exposed so that they can make the humans fear them (There are always those individuals) they are called "Shadows". They are real and have their own organizations around.

Anyway! Thank you so much for reading the start of this work! I understand that sometimes my wording may be off and I apologize. I recognize that this is something I'll have to work on and I plan on working on that as the story progresses! I'm hoping to post again soon!

Reviews are welcomed and loved!

- ScallyWag