That morning Evie and Jonathan were at the port wait anxiously to see if Rick would show up. Well Jonathan was sure he was going to. Evie however was skeptical. "Knowing my luck dear sister he will show."

"Well quite frankly I don't care for him. He's rude, obnoxious and I'll mannered."

"Anyone we know?" The siblings spun around to see both Rick and Dani standing there with bags in their hands.

"Great day for an adventure he O'Connell?" Jonathan smacked Rick on the chest causing Rick to look in his pocket for his wallet.

Danie didn't Trust this man. He was a thief and nothing good comes from a thief. Not caring to stay and exchange pleasantries Dani made her way into the boat to find her room. Apparently she was sharing with Evie. Dani had to admit this wasn't her best idea deciding to go back to this cursed city but she needed to be there to pull her brother out of danger as always.

Dani decided to come out of her room a little while after the boat left the dock. Walking around she went over to the camels and started feeding them. Looking over a frown took over her face as she saw the one and only Beni. Storming over she grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Oh little O'Connell! It is so good to see you alive!"

"My little friend Beni." Dani looked back and saw Rick standing behind her.

"I think we'll kill you now." Both Rick and Dani pulled their guns out and pointed it at him. Rick however was stunned to hear Dani talk.

"Think of my children."

Rick's attention went to Beni. "You don't Have any children."

"One day I might." Dani and Rick shared a look before Dani looked back at Beni.

"Bye Beni." Rick helped her toss Beni overboard before turning to her.

"Dani." But she just shook her head before walking off. Turning the corner Dani was pulled into a room with a knife held to her throat. Her body went stiff as the cold steel pressed hard against her skin.

"If you scream you will die. Now where is the key?" However Dani didn't say anything. The man must have thought that she didn't Understand him.

"Where is the key?"

Gunshots caused the man's grip to loosen his grip. Dani used the distraction to get away. Seeing a door Dani threw the door open and instantly regretted it. She let out a blood curdling scream as flame enveloped her skin.

Rick who was searching for Dani heard her scream. Horrified by what he saw grabbed Dani and threw her overboard before jumping after her. Getting her quickly to the shore Rick frantically checked her injuries. Dani had burn marks from her shoulder down to her hand, some on her legs and face as well.

"Dani. Dani hey are you ok?"


"Shhhhh. Its gonna be ok. We'll get you to the village and get you some help. Ok?" Dani just nodded and Evie started leading the girl away careful of her injuries and allowing her to lean on her if she needed it.

"Dani do you need anything?" Dani just stayed quiet. Her body was on fire and felt like it was melting off. It was a long trip and longer night as Dani struggled to keep up with the group. Rick slowed down to walk alongside Dani.

"I know you're hurt but we gotta keep moving. We are almost there."

"I'm trying Rick…" Once they got to the village Dani was rushed away. Rick wanted to go but Evie held him back.

"She'll be ok."

While Dani Was being taken care of Evie was getting them a change of clothes and the boys were trying to get some camels. Evie went into the tent Dani was in and helped her get changed after she was bandaged up.

"How are you feeling Dani?" She just shrugged then cringed.

"It should heal soon and it will stop hurting before to long."

Dani smiled in appreciation. Once Dani was changed the women made their way out of the tent. "We probably could have gotten them for free. All we had to do is give them our sisters."

"Don't Get any bright ideas Rick."

"Awfully tempting isn't it O'Connell?" Rick then locked eyes with Evie and stopped in his tracks. Dani raised her eyebrow at the look he was giving her. How cute. Her brother has a soft spot for her.

The group got on their camels and continued their journey. All of them groaned when the warden started singing. Day quickly turned into night as the journey continued to the city of the dead. Everyone was asleep except Dani and Rick. The pain kept Dani up as Rick was guiding and guarding.

Hearing horses in the distance the siblings looked up on the ridge to see black shadows watching them.