Sorry for taking so long, I procrastinated again and I do not regret it. Well, that and also school work. This is why you don't take those advanced programs kids, they take up too much time and aren't useful for anything other than getting into a university or college, unless you can handle the stress. Now for this chapter, even though Shinji got accepted into Beacon, he still needs a team. That's what initiation is for, but to get through initiation, he needs a weapon. In this chapter and the next Ruby chapter, the Third Child will meet and be training today alongside with our two favorite teams, but before the story starts, let's read the review(s).

willcraftNEX - Don't worry, this story is far from dead. I'm just busy.

VentXekart - Thank you for alerting me of those errors, I'll be sure to check them when I have the time. Shinji's aura will be activated before initiation. Although, his manifestation of the soul might be a bit different from those of Remnant. For the Grimm issue, the reason they just ignored Team RWBY and went straight for Shinji is because of all of the negative emotions built up inside of him, and since he's a character that's so infamous for being really depressed, he's sure to have a lot of negative emotions. This will come to play in the story again sometime in the future, but I'm not going to tell what's going to happen since I want it to be a surprise, but I will tell you that the Grimm are going to affect both the Eva and RWBY worlds. For Salem, she doesn't know about Shinji or the Eva universe, yet. Also, by the time you posted the review, I had already decided on the pairing. Shinji's new partner will be revealed in this chapter.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with Chapter 6!

I do not own Evangelion nor RWBY.

Evangelion is owned by Gainax and RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.






Morning has arrived in the city of Vale as thousands of students in Beacon Academy awakened and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, and as usual, most of the pancakes made were in the stomach of a specific redhead.

"BURRRRRRRP! Ahh, that hit the spot," sighed the orange haired girl wearing a black collared vest, covered by a white sleeveless top with a heart cut out over the chest and pink fingerless gloves and a short pink skirt.

"Nora, can you not burp so loudly?" asked a boy with long black hair tied into a ponytail with a magenta streak wearing a dark green, long-sleeved tailcoat and light-tan pants with black shoes.

"Oh! Sorry Ren," the redhead apologized cheerful as ever. Instantly after Nora said sorry, she spotted four certain girls entering the cafeteria. She then stood up and shouted, "HEY! TEAM RWBY! OVER HERE!" Meanwhile, Ren just facepalmed.

Ruby stopped and turned towards them and waved while the rest of her team went to grab their trays. The red goth then quickly grabbed her food and rushed to the table in a flurry of petals as a small slipstream was created using her semblance. Following her, the three other members of the team just walked over to the table and sat down while starring at her. "What?" she asked. They then began to look away while their leader sat there with a confused look on her face. "What did I do?"

"Oh nothing," Yang replied. "Well to us anyway. You probably ruined the breakfast of several other people tho."

Ruby turned around and saw the food of many students on the floor along with the angry expressions of said students. "Oh! Sorry about that!" the young girl apologized to the students while they turned back around and grumbled to themselves.

"It's okay Ruby," said a blonde boy wearing a black hoodie with a white chest plate covering it and blue jeans. "Hey, why were you so late today?"

"Yeah! You're usually the ones that arrive early," stated a girl with red hair in a long ponytail with a brown headpiece and corset.

"We had a surprise mission last night," Weiss replied to the group.

"There was an increase in the number of Grimm in the Emerald Forest," said Blake. "We were sent to check it out."

"Yeah, and then the sky vomited out Ruby's new boyfriend," the blonde girl finished, teasing her little sister in the process.

'Yang!" whined Ruby who was blushing furiously.

"Wait a minute," the blonde knight quickly said. "What do you mean 'the sky vomited out Ruby's new boyfriend'?"

"During the mission, a HUGE portal appeared in the sky and then Shinji fell out of it but we rescued him!" replied Team RWBY's leader with enthusiasm.

"Shinji, that's a strange name," stated Ren.

"Says the person who's first name is Lie," the blonde boy joked.

Meanwhile, Nora asked, "What, who's Shinji?"

"He's the name of the boy we rescued during the mission," Weiss responded to the question.

"And you know what was strange?" Blake questioned them. The other team just shook their heads in response. "Most of the Grimm ignored us and headed straight towards the boy."

"Yeah! That boy must have a lot of negative emotions contained within him to be able to attract so much Grimm," the white-haired heiress stated.

"If that's his semblance then I don't want to be anywhere near him," fearfully said the blonde boy.

"Are you kidding Jaune?!" exclaimed Nora before she said excitingly. "That means we get more Grimm to kill!"

"And look who's coming now," stated Yang while staring at a certain brown haired boy.

"Shinji! Over here!" shouted the young red reaper.

Shinji, who instead of the skin-tight suit he wore before, was now wearing Beacon's school uniform with a black suit and tie, turned his head to face them and nodded. He then went to go pick up his food before sitting down at their table and eating. Everyone just stared silently at the boy who acted like there was no one around him before the red-haired girl decided to break the silence by saying, "So your Shinji?"

The boy stopped eating and looked at the girl and said, "Yeah."

"Well then Shinji," she said while extending her arm. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos."

He shook her hand before the girl in pink clothing said enthusiastically, "I'm Nora!"

"Lie Ren," the black haired male said introducing himself.

"And I'm Jaune Arc," the blonde boy said last while extending his harm towards the boy. "It's nice to meet you."

Shinji shook his hand and replied, "It's good to meet you too."

There was an awkward silence between the group until Ruby cheerfully asked Shinji, "So... What's your weapon?!"

Shinji sat there and tilted his head in confusion, saying, "My weapon?"

"Seriously Ruby?" Weiss said with an annoyed expression on her face. "Out of all of the things, you could've asked him. You choose to ask him about his weapon?!"

"Yeah! What else was I supposed to ask him?" the short-haired girl replied. She then pulled out a large, red rectangular box from seemingly out of nowhere and said while stroking and cuddling it, "This baby right here is my Crescent Rose!"

The boy still had a confused expression on his face as he stated, "It doesn't look like much."

Ruby crossed her eyes and glared daggers at the boy, finding his statement offensive to her and her weapon. "Try saying that after seeing THIS! " she said with enthusiasm as she moved her finger towards a button on the side of her weapon.

"RUBY!" Weiss shouted at the red girl, interrupting her in the process. "Do it outside! Not in here!"

The small girl pouted and moaned, "Fine... I'll do it outside." Ruby stood up and began to walk towards the double doors of the cafeteria. She then stopped and looked behind at Shinji, saying, "Well aren't you going to come?"

Shinji stood up and quickly replied, "Y-Yeah... Right!" He then walked with Ruby outside onto a patch of grass while the rest of the teenage group walked behind them and watched from afar.

"Should I stand back for this?" the young boy asked.

"Don't worry! It won't hurt you..." Ruby's eyes widened as she paused for a second after realizing her poor choice in words. "Oh! I mean. It won't hurt you unless I hit you! So... are you ready?!"

"Yes?" Shinji replied nervously.

"Great!" Ruby then moved her box back and swung it forward as it transformed into a giant, black and red scythe. The blade of the weapon slammed into the ground a few inches in front of Shinji. This caused the boy to yelp and stumble backwards to the ground in surprise. "Oh! Sorry about that," she apologized as she walked over to Shinji and pulled him back up. "I guess I should be more careful where I swing this thing around."

"It's okay," Shinji responded as he lowered his head. "It was my fault. I should have stayed farther away."

"No Shinji," Ruby disapproved, shaking her head. "It was my fault. I allowed you to get this close."

Shinji moved his head up and starred at her before he replied with, "Ok then."

The two remained quiet before the small girl pipped up saying as she turned towards the group watching them, "Hey guys! Why don't you show Shinji your weapons!?"

All of the members of the group shook their heads and stepped back with Yang saying, "Nah, we're fine. Why don't you spend some more time with your boyfriend Ruby."

This caused both Ruby's and Shinji's face to glow a bright red, with Shinji's being more softer. "Can you stop that Yang!" the young goth girl complained.

"Nope," the blonde replied with a mischievous grin on her face.

This provoked Ruby to groan while Shinji just stood there confused. "Uh, what?" the boy said as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Just ignore her," Ruby whispered into Shinji's ear. "She's a bit of a troublemaker."

"Don't worry, I handled worse," the boy replied to Ruby.

The huntress in training smiled at Shinji and got back to her original question. "Anyway, now that that's done. Tell me about your weapon!" she asked with excitement.

"I..." Shinji was about to tell her about his Evangelion, but thought,'Do they really need to know? The headmaster and his group were required to know, but what about the others?'

He was broken out of his thinking when the short girl in front asked him, "I what?"

"I... don't have a weapon," Shinji replied.

"Wait a minute, you are attending Beacon? Right Shinji?" Weiss inquired the young boy.

"Yes," Shinji responded to the question. "I'm going through initiation in two days."

"You can't attend Beacon without a weapon!" Ruby exclaimed to the young teen.

"The headmaster never said anything about needing a weapon," the boy said as an excuse.

"You need a weapon if you're going to become a huntsman and make it pass initiation," stated Blake.

Shinji tilted his head as he asked the group,"Huntsman? What's a huntsman?"

Asuka Strikes! - Shiro Sagisu

This caused everyone's eyes to widen in both teams as they shouted, "WHAT?!"

"How do you not know what a hunter is?!" yelled Nora as she waved her arms around frantically.

"Why is that?" the boy questioned.

"We're hunters!" exclaimed Weiss. "In training!"

The entire group surrounded and yelled at Shinji for not knowing what a hunter was until Ruby shouted "Everyone stop!" This caused everyone's mouths to shut before Ruby then sighed and explained what a hunter was to Shinji. "Huntsmen and huntresses are heroic warriors who fight against Grimm in epic battles and protect the world!" she said cheerfully to the boy.

Shinji's eyes widened after he realized what he just got himself into as his body froze in place. 'Oh God, not again! I just escaped the Eva and the Angels only for me to have to fight against monsters again!?' the former Eva pilot screamed in his mind. 'Why must I be tortured like this?! Wait a minute, what are Grimm?'

Ruby again broke him out of his thoughts when she waved her hand in front of his face and said, "Hello? Remnant to Shinji. Are you there?"

Shinji blinked as his body became less tense and replied, "Oh? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then why did you suddenly freeze?" asked Pyrrha.

"Did have a breakdown or something?" Yang joked to Shinji.

"What? No, it's nothing," the brown-haired boy responded to the question.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Nora.

"Yeah," replied Shinji, he paused for a second before asking, "What are Grimm?" Causing everyone around him to fall to the ground in disbelief.

They picked themselves back up with the snow-colored hair girl yelled at the boy,"Have you been living under a rock your whole life?!"

"Grimm destroy everything!" exclaimed Nora.

"Kill everything!" shouted Jaune.

"And... what other things can they do?" asked Ruby tilting her head and pondering for a bit.

Jaune shrugged his shoulders and replied,"I don't know."

"Ooh! They're fun to kill!" the orange-haired girl replied to Ruby's question with enthusiasm.

"Anyway, Grimm are evil!" the young girl stated with emphasis on the word "evil." "That's another reason why you need to have a weapon."

Shinji just sighed and asked, "Where can I get a weapon?"

"Oh! You actually have to build your own weapon!" Ruby said in excitement. "That's the fun part."

"Ok? Then where can I build a weapon?" the boy questioned.

"Oh! Follow me! I'll take you to the armory!" Ruby replied as she walked along a path with Shinji trailing behind.

Shinji and Ruby walked into a pitch black room with the only light coming from the door behind them which closed as soon as they entered. "Where are the lights?" asked the fourteen-year-old boy. "I can't see!"

"I'm sure they're somewhere around here," stated the young huntress in training as she walked along a walk, trying to feel for a light switch. "I think I got it!"

Ruby flicked the switched on as the lights revealed a huge room with tall racks filled to the brim with high-tech gadgets, armor, and weapon parts. In the center of the room was a large blue holographic screen with a small projector at the bottom. "Wow!" exclaimed Shinji as his jaw dropped in amazement.

"I know right! It's beautiful!" echoed Ruby's voice from above. Shinji looked up and saw the girl standing on top of one of the racks on the edge.

"Uh? How did you get up there?" the brown-haired boy asked staring at the huntress confused.

"Huh? Woahhhh!" Ruby looked down and immediately waved her arms around as she tried to balance herself and not fall, only for her to be unsuccessful as she plummeted onto the floor towards Shinji.

The boy, in fear of getting hurt, ran out of the way and turned his head away to avoid witnessing the impact. After he heard a hard thud on the floor, he slowly rotated his head towards Ruby, expecting a disfigured body and a splat of blood on the floor, only to be shocked when he realized that the girl was totally fine, aside from a few bruises and scratches, as she stood up and wiped dust off her clothes. All of a sudden, Ruby's injuries began to vanish as skin tissue quickly regrew and covered up the cuts on her body, causing Shinji's entire body to become stiff as he stared at her with his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Wha-wa-aa" the boy stammered, trying to find words to describe what just happened. "H-h-HOW!?"

"Oh that?" Ruby responded. "That was aura."

"A what?" Shinji questioned still confused.

"Aura, you don't even know what an aura is?" asked the older teen.

"No," replied Shinji.

Ruby thought for a moment before responding, "I'll tell you about that later."

"Later? Why?" the brown-haired boy asked.

"Because!" Ruby began. "Getting you a weapon is way more important than aura!"

"Why is that?" questioned Shinji.

"Well," the girl started before she stopped and thought about what to say. "A weapon is like a companion that will always protect you. It's your most trusted ally."

Shinji though for a moment before saying, "How do I build one?"

"I'll show you." She then walked up to the huge holographic screen in the middle and pointed her hand at it. "This right here is where you can create the design of your weapon, but if you're lazy and want to make one quickly, click on the small box right here and you can view designs made by others."

"I want to create my own design," Shinji interrupted.

This surprised Ruby with her asking, "You do? But doesn't your initiation begin in two days?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But I believe it would be better to create my own rather than copy somebody else's."

A smile formed on Ruby's face shortly after Shinji made his reply. She continued the tutorial by saying,"Anyway, after you're finished with your design. The display will show you all of the parts needed for the weapon. After that comes the fun part, building the weapon! Now then, let's get started!"

Author's Note: For those who want this story to be Shinji x Ruby then congratulations! You got your wish. Shinji and Ruby are both around the same age and hopefully some of Ruby's cheerful personality will help Shinji find a way to become a better person. I'll also be entering in another ship in this story. I hope you will find that one. Anyway, next chapter will feature the effects of Shinji's disappearance on the life on his friends back on Earth. Also from now on, instead of updating weekly or every other week, I'll upload a new chapter when it is done. So, if I haven't uploaded for a few weeks or a month, that means I'm probably busy. I'll be the one to tell you when my story is finished. Until then, make sure to leave a review if you have any questions or want to make a suggestion.