Disclaimer: If I were J.K. Rowling, then the epilogue would have ended with Harry realizing he'd fallen asleep without getting that sandwich he so greatly desired.

Notes: Sadly this isn't related to my other stories. This is an old idea which is now being formed into a series of small, non-consecutive snapshots of the Potter family and other people.

"James!" Daphne called. "If you don't hurry up, we'll be late!"

There was no response from upstairs and she sighed as she looked at her husband. Harry only shrugged helplessly in response. They'd sent Teddy up to investigate a few minutes ago but neither of their sons had shown up yet.

Daphne wasn't sure at what point she'd started thinking of James and Teddy as her own sons. All she knew was that someone had to be their mother, and since Ginny wasn't up to the task, Daphne had stepped up.

Ginny and Harry had gotten divorced when she was two months pregnant. In one of their arguments about her caring for James, Ginny had screamed that Harry wasn't even the father of the unborn baby and he couldn't tell her what to do. Harry had immediately packed up his and James' things and moved in with Andromeda. Despite Ginny's pleas that they could work things out and they could give the baby a cloning potion, Harry had refused to get back together with her. In a fit of frustration, she aborted the baby and then threw herself into the arms of Draco Malfoy.

Secretly Daphne was glad that Ginny wasn't very involved in raising James. In between bouts of ignoring her son, Ginny belittled him just as much as she did Ron. James probably would have grown up to be even more insecure if she were a constant in his life. She'd also never taken much interest in Teddy even prior to the divorce. She'd been too focused on her Quidditch career to think about raising a child.

"Daddy, can we visit Jamie at school?" asked Calla.

"Hogwarts is close," added Damon. "We could walk there."

The Potter family lived in Hogsmeade so they could be close to the school, where Harry worked as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. After his marriage with Ginny fell apart, he'd wanted a fresh start and had quit the Aurors.

"You can come during the Quidditch games," Harry told the twins. He was very firm about the children not getting special privileges. "Just like everyone else."

Calla opened her mouth, but before she could say anything more, Teddy appeared at the top of the stairs. Daphne hoped James hadn't noticed Teddy's violet shade of hair, although it was probably a vain hope. Out of all of them, James understood Teddy's mood changes the best.

"He's nervous about the sorting," Teddy said when he reached them.

Harry's brows furrowed. "Why? The old system has been abolished."

Everyone was sorted into the House best suited to them now, instead of the House they chose. Some people protested that it took away free will, but Daphne liked the change. People like Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't ever end up in Slytherin under the new system.

"I know," said Teddy. "That's why he's worried. He thinks he's bound for Slytherin."

An old fury boiled up inside Daphne. She knew exactly what was truly troubling James.

He had the best control of his magic that Daphne had ever seen in a child. When he was younger, he'd permanently made his eyes blue after he'd heard Ginny claim he looked just like Tom Riddle with his dark hair and eyes. Now his only resemblance to his mother was the small smattering of freckles across his nose, which could only be seen if Daphne was right in front of his face. Apparently that hadn't stopped Ginny from making further comparisons, though.

"That b–"

Harry put his hand on Daphne's arm, cutting off her words.

"I'll talk to him," he said. "In the meantime, can you let Andromeda know that we won't be taking the train?"

Daphne nodded her consent. In a case like this, they could forego the rule about special privileges. She didn't care if it would mean that Ginny missed seeing James off for school. James' well-being was their first concern.

"Don't bother," a voice said from above them.

They looked up as James descended the stairs. Showcasing his talent at magic, his trunk floated behind him even though he'd gotten his wand only a month ago. Daphne wondered how many spells he'd practiced in the time since then.

"I'll go," he continued. "Just… keep her away from me."

Harry exchanged another glance with Daphne before he responded.

"If that's what you want, son," he said at last.

James' nod was shaky, but his expression was resolute. "I do."

After another long pause, Harry finally took out his wand and shrank James' trunk so it would fit inside his pocket. Then they all Apparated to an alley outside of King's Cross Station. So many wizarding families used the alley as a point of Apparation that the Ministry had carefully warded it from Muggle view.

They followed the crowd of families streaming out of the alley. On their way into the station, they ran into a few familiar faces.


That was the only warning they had before Hugo collided with his favorite cousin.

"Hugo, not so tight," Hermione scolded her son. "You're going to choke James – Rose, don't help him!"

"It's fine, Aunt Hermione," James said, grinning as he hugged his cousins in return.

Daphne's attention was diverted from the scene as she felt a tug on her trousers. She looked down into Damon's verdant green eyes, similar in color to her own. Despite being twins, he and Calla were complete opposites in coloring. He was identical to Harry except for his eyes, while Calla had Daphne's golden blonde hair and Harry's unusually bright green eyes.

"Mummy, that's them," he said, pointing off to the side.

Following his finger, she saw Ginny Malfoy lingering at a distance from them. Two identical boys stood beside her. Daphne had always found it ironic that both Harry and Ginny had twins in their second marriages.

"Oh, great," said Ron, also noting his sister. "She brought Leonis and Severus."

Hermione nudged her husband. "Those are your nephews, Ron," she hissed to him.

"Yeah, and they're annoying," said Hugo with Rose nodding in agreement.

"Leo's okay," James said, his eyes on his approaching mother and brothers. "When he's not around Sev, that is."

Before Hermione could scold them any further, Ginny had joined them in front of the barrier. Leonis immediately moved forward to give his older brother a hug, but Severus stood glaring at James.

"Ready, Jamie?" Ginny said with one of her perfect smiles.

"Yeah," he replied. "Dad, will you go with me?"

"Of course, Jay," said Harry, putting his hand on James' shoulder and ignoring the irritation which crossed Ginny's face.

Daphne leaned over to kiss Harry's cheek. "I'll see you on the other side," she promised.

He smiled at her, knowing exactly what she was doing. Although she'd never admit it, Daphne enjoyed watching Ginny's face flush with jealousy.

After Harry and James passed through the barrier, Teddy cut off Ginny's approach as he followed them. Daphne grimaced in apology at Ginny for her older son's actions, but Ginny didn't notice as she huffed, gripped her younger sons' hands, and disappeared into the wall. The rest of the group trailed behind them and emerged onto the crowded platform. As Daphne arrived with Calla and Damon in tow, Andromeda was already fussing over both James and Teddy while Harry watched with amusement.

"You're Head Boy," Andromeda reminded her older grandson. "No one will take you seriously if you don't look proper. And James, will you please do something about your hair?"

"Sorry, Gran," he responded cheekily. "It comes like this."

They all said their farewells to James and Teddy before ushering them onto the train. Teddy gave them a cheerful wave and went to begin his meeting, but James poked his head out of a window. He gestured for Daphne to come closer.

"D'you really think it'd be okay for me to be in Slytherin?"

He was gnawing on his bottom lip, a habit she knew he had picked up from Hermione. She'd tried to cut him of the habit, but that was like convincing Harry that Ginny's cheating wasn't his fault. Daphne had found that the Potter men could be remarkably stubborn.

"Oh, James." Her heart was full of an indescribable emotion as she placed one hand on his cheek. "We'll love you regardless of your House. Never doubt that."

"But just say – "

A familiar weight appeared on Daphne's shoulders. She knew without looking that Harry was beside her.

"Then we'll love you regardless," he reemphasized.

James still looked doubtful, so Daphne added, "You'll always have a place to call home with us, James."

His bright blue eyes looked suspiciously wet then. The train whistled loudly, but although she couldn't hear James' response, she saw his lips form the word, 'Promise.' As the train began to move forward, Harry jogged to keep up with it.

"Until the very end!" he shouted over the other parents calling out farewells. "Until the very end, James, we will love you!"

Daphne saw James' face flush with a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. Finally he began waving at them, the barest hint of hope now in his eyes as he laughed at the small horde of children following the train. With the exception of Severus, who remained stoically at his mother's side, all of James' younger siblings and cousins were running alongside the train shouting at him until the train picked up speed and left the station.

Even if Ginny barely acknowledged him, James had a large family and parents who loved him. That was a fact which would last until the very end of time.

AN: Who should ASP's biological father be? Zacharias Smith? Michael Corner? OC?