A/N: This is the last chapter. Thank you to all who read and supported with reviews, PMs and constructive criticism! I guess it turned out pretty okay for my first ship fic.


Weeks have passed since the day Weiss found the courage to confess. True to his word there hadn't been a single moment of awkwardness between them. There was however a great deal of awkwardness in the house at the moment. They were going to steal an Atlas airship tomorrow. Nora and Ruby had been on board right away. The unwavering faith the two had in the strategists plans was something Weiss found quite charming. There was something different about the young knight tonight that she couldn't place. She puzzles over it for a while and realizes there's a new lightness about him.

Thinking back on it, Jaune has been a mostly different person since they arrived in Argus. The teasing from his sister and his subsequent pouting had begun chipping away at the image of the heroic, serious, stoic man she had built up in her mind. She realizes she's seeing Jaune for who he is for the first time in a long time, or perhaps maybe for the first time. He's still handsome, that's undeniable, the magic of her crush is fading though. She watches as he and Ruby at the head of the table talk animatedly about the plan. He puffs his cheeks at the younger girl when she shoots down one of his ideas. It's a childish act that makes Weiss roll her eyes. She does find their friendship adorable though.

"I've got it!" Jaune cries out. "We know that Cordo will let Weiss onto the airfield to "escort her home" but, what if we put Maria in a suitcase that Weiss can bring along?"

Ruby flat out laughs, either at the idea or out of surprise. The rest of the group are working on picking their jaws up off of the ground.

"You have got to be kidding me." The white haired girl manages after fully processing the crazy.

"No, I'm serious! This could work! Maria, are you up to it?" The blonde boy asks.

"I've been in worse." Maria shrugs.

Weiss sighs. "We are really doing this aren't we?" The willingness of the group to break the law, Team Ranger and Maria, specifically is a bit concerning. She idly wonders if the group had done other… less than legal, activities on their travels. It gives her pause, not even level headed Ren was too adverse to grand theft jet.

The dawn breaks as everyone prepares for their parts. Jaune briefly has the magic aura of seriousness about him. This is the Jaune she likes she thinks to herself. The moment passes when the suitcase is brought out. His eyes light up like a kids at Christmas. Maria hops in with an odd smirk on her face. Weiss cant help but feel it means trouble.

There's a long silence as seemingly everyone takes a moment to steady their nerves. Weiss fidgets with the suitcase handle. There are a million ways this can go wrong, she's mulling over the possibilities in her head a frown appears on her face. Jaune's hand is on her shoulder causing her to look up. "We've all got your back no matter what happens." He reassures her. She smiles grateful for the comfort, a few weeks ago the contact would have had her heart fluttering. She puzzles over the fact that she feels nothing but the same affection she has for the rest of their group. It rapidly dawns on her that her crush has gone away as suddenly as it appeared. Love is funny like that, she decides.

A/N: The epilogue is short, but I like it. Jaune is definitely tied as my favorite character along with Ruby so I wanted to do him justice with this story. Keeping the relationships canonical was actually both easier and harder than I imagined, if that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for reading!