Who can say where the road goes

He stood overlooking the flames that tore through his lands; it's all he could do. The harsh winds threw his hair back as it brought heat to his face. His fellow demons behind him could not help him now.

This was war.

He was thankful his brother was no longer alive to witness this.

Shame, the words ran over and over in his mind as the flames burnt down the outer walls of his Western domain. His home. His life. His birthright.

All he could do was stand there and watch it all burn down. Centuries of his bloodlines gone with the death of his father leaving only him, and now he had further failed his family by allowing this to happen.

He watched the walls come crashing down, and it reviled that the inside was also suffering the same fate.

All of it would soon be gone. Not that he was a materialistic man, but his father's writings, all of it would be gone like it had never even existed.

He knew this was the beginning of the end.

The winds were not helping; it helped spread the fires.

He really had lost everything — his father, his brother, his Rin, his mother and now his home.

He had nothing.

Nothing to protect, nothing to his name and nothing to hand down to his namesake and perhaps that was the worst of it. His title meant nothing now. Sure he could rebuild but would he? Could he?

"My Lord look," One of his allies called out,

Sesshomaru removed his eyes from the burning to the dirt road that lead down and there he saw her walking up through the flames and heat made her image blurry.

It was the Miko.

The one he had not seen in over 150 years. His brows drew together, what on earth was she doing here and now? When had she returned to this time?

"My Lord?" The man questioned,

Sesshomaru held his hand up to silence the man "I know this Miko," He told him,

"Is she not one of them?" The man's deep booming voice asked,

Was she? No, no he knew this Miko she would not do this.


Kagome looked up, and their eyes met. Her leg muscles ached but she trecked up the hill till she stood a few feet from him. The rough wind threw her hair forward; it was longer now. She sighed and walked closer; the other demons moved back, Sesshomaru did not.

She stood next to him and then turned around to watch his palace fall to the ground — the wind mixing her black hair with his white hair.

"I'm sorry," She said,

"Did you aid Miko?"

Kagome looked at him "I tried to stop it, I couldn't,"

"Your future, it has started?" He said it as a statement, but she knew he was asking.


Silence met them, and he looked down at her again, she was covered in ash and sweat. Her Miko garb was filthy, but she still smelled like Kagome.

"When did you return?"

"2 years ago."


She looked up at him "The well opened up for me."

"It has been 150 years Miko."

"I know," She said, "This is not my first time returning Sesshomaru I come, and I go."

He looked back at the fires "Why do you return to fight when the battle is not your Miko?"

She smiled, "Isn't it?"

They looked at each other again "My grandfather before he died told me that a fork in the road on this path called life was actually a blessing and not a curse he said at the moment we could make a choice, stay on the path ahead or chose to change it."

"Messing with time Miko is foolish."

"I thought so too," She sighed "But I knew one day the well would stop, and I would be where I belonged."

She inhaled deep, "Who can say where the road goes ne?"

"You Miko for you have seen the future."

She looked away to the flames of the massive burning castle "Yes, and every time I returned something else changed, I am so unsure even now if the future I knew is the true future."

He rose an eyebrow,

"The well closed," She said, and he detected no fear or sadness from her,

"I think sometimes it was all a dream a fairytale delusion and the whole time I was really here waiting to be born."

Kagome placed a hand on her heart "All I wanted was to belong and to be true to my heart, I think when I finally let go of my childish fears the jewel reacted, and my true self was born were it was supposed to be, I lept to the past to save a dying breed because I felt connected somehow,"

"Do you not miss your home, Miko?"

Smiled, "Home," She looked at him "Home is where you make it, where you place your roots, where your heart it." She smiled bigger and then turned to face the men, she bowed, "Take care Sesshomaru, Ill see ya around k?"

"Where will you go?"

She shrugged, "Where ever the road takes me, I guess, what about you?"

He looks at the dirt path she just climbed, and then he feels a tug on his sleeve "Don't," She said, "Don't at least, not now." His eyes slid down to her small hand. She lets go of him "Our paths will cross again soon, the uprising has begun, take heed Sesshomaru, don't do anything foolish."

"Are you calling me a fool?"

"No, just," She bit her lip "Just don't make the same mistake your brother and father did."

She turned slightly more to him and put a hand on his shoulder and push down, telling him he needs to lean down. He was somewhat confused but did as she wished. She placed a kiss on his cheek, and he pulled back slightly "I will always be on your side, don't forget that. I care about you."

Then she smiled and walked away, and all he could do was stand there and watch her go.

She didn't look a day over twenty 23.

"That girl has a death wish," The man next to him said.

"She refuses to die by my hands," Sesshomaru said slightly proud of what she had become.

"Stubborn one ne?"


They all went back to looking at the fire as the last wall of the Western Palace fall.

This was War.

Lucky for him, he had a great weapon on his side. A powerful female.

Her name was Kagome, she was the Shikon Miko, and she pledged her loyalties to him this day. Perhaps it was not the beginning of the end, but the beginning of the beginning.

Only in time could they tell.