SonofOdin112 here.

So... First off, I just want to say I have not abandoned this fic. However, right now I'm greatly displeased with how it turned out. I felt like I jumped the gun with Ruby's character, gave her too many powers without any explanation, and generally bumbled around with this fic.

So, I'm going to scrap all the chapters besides the prologue and restart from scratch, beginning with a arc that describes Ruby growing up and coming to terms with the new life she has chosen. It will be 10 chapters long, one for each Servant, and three focusing on Ruby after that. After that arc, then I'll get into the actual story. Which brings me to the second thing.

I'm about to go to BCT and AIT sometime around a month, so I'm going to completely disappear for around 30 weeks, give or take a few days. So do not be surprised if For All I Hold Dear and Guardian of Void and Magic do not get updated in LONG time.

That being said, I'm not abandoning this fic. I love this fic, personally.

Keep watch for the new chapter 2: Ice Cold Warmth.

Edit: So, if you haven't noticed, I've deleted the other chapters. Again, I'm not abandoning this or wiping it off the face of the earth like The Spartan's Crowe. I'm starting off with a new slate, so don't be alarmed. Keep in touch for the new chapter 2.