Lincoln entered the Garage, only to be met by the worried stare of Luna, sitting in a chair with her stereo system set up and a guitar in her hands. "Everything cool Lil' Bro? I thought I heard fighting." Lincoln just gave a small smile sat next to Luna. "Nah, Dad just got angry over something. It's cool now." She nodded and smiled. "Alright good. I Know that things have been rough...but I just wanted you to know that I don't believe what Lynn says... You're not like that." This made Lincoln's heart warm up and mood lighten. He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

Luna blushed at this, she felt warm and comfortable in his arm, and his words made her smile widen as she looked away. "W-well... I made a song for you...Do you want to hear it?" He gave her a encouraging smile and removed his arm from her shoulder after giving it a small squeeze. "Of course. Lay it on me." He said and leaned forward. Luna cleared her throat, lifted up her guitar, and tuned it. She then started her melody. Unlike most of her songs, it was slow, calm, and full of love. Lincoln couldn't look away as his mind took in and processed each word with meaning.

When it waa all done, Luna looked to see her not-so-little brother with sparkling eyes. He sighed and stood before hugging her in a full embrace. He spoke softly. "It sounded wonderful. I loved it." Luna, at this moment, felt her heart beating faster. But it slowed as she asked a question, many outside the Loud Family have been wondering. "Are you over Ronnie Anne?" This sudden question made Lincoln shudder. "I have been... it's her that needs to get over me. Each time I see her..."


Years Earlier...

It was a summer afternoon, Lincoln was chatting with Clyde, his best friend, about comics and TV series they loved while chilling outside in the Royal Woods Park. But it was getting dark so tge best of buds headed to their homes. Clyde waved at Lincoln as he departed towards his abode. Lincoln was heading towards his when felt something small hit the back of his head. He turned around to see his 'Girlfriend' Ronnie Anne under a lampost. She was part-time girlfriend and full-time bully in Lincoln's life. He sighed and turned towards her. "What do you want Ronnie? i gotta get home soon." She clicked her tongue and walked over to him before getting one of her arms around his neck and tightening up, a Headlock, only worse. Inescapable for Lincoln at this current time.

"C'mon Lame-O, your not seriously gonna dip out on me now are you? Besides I'm bored." Lincoln grumbled, with no choice. "Fine. Whatever I just hope it doesn't take too long." She waved her hand in the air dismissively with a grin on her face as she began pulling Lincoln along with her down the road. "Good! Not that I was asking anyway."

In several minutes Ronnie said Lincoln arrived at what seemed to be a abandoned house. Lincoln gulped, He wasn't gonna say he was afraid of ghosts, but he'd be lying if he wasn't unnerved by the concept. "Whoa Ronnie, We shouldn't just be diving into random broken down houses." She just smirked. "It's not Random. C'mon wuss." She gripped his arm in a iron grip before pulling him inside and closing the door. He looked around worriedly as Ronnie was just pulling him through the home. They arrived in a bedroom, the darkness revealed nothing but moonlight through a window showed a bed.

"Ronnie what're we even doing in--" Lincoln never got to finish his sentence before feeling a sharp behind his head and felt his consciousness fade. When he came to, He found himself on the bed, naked to his underwear. "R-Ronnie? What happened?" He looked around in the darkness but was only met with silence. He tried getting up only to realized he had been restricted to the bed by his limbs being tied with steel chain. He wiggled around and struggled but it was futile. But suddenly tge door opened and, thanks to the moonlight, found Ronnie Anne pushing a small cart carrying a huge variety tools.

"W-what's going on?! Ronnie! Why am I like this?!" He asked fearfully but she didn't answer as she headed to a wall of the room. in less than a minute a flame arose in the pitch black in a fireplace he hadn't seen before. She then grabbing a pole which had handle on one end, and on the other was some sort of lettering attached. She gripped the handle and held the opposite end over the flames as Lincoln pleaded for answers. But got only silence. Then she pulled it away from the flames. "Lincoln, everyday I see you. And Everyday I hurt you, insult you, and more. But you'd never hate me. Your pained expressions are so cute, but you never break. My fun is endless but not enough. There is only so much I can do with you around others and in public. But now that I have you, I get to really see just how much you can take."

She turned to him and his eyes widened to see such a maniac look on her face. He began to feel his heart race and fear fill him. She only grinned wider. "Yes! That's what I want to see! I can't get enough! But I want more!!" She declared as she lifted the pole. But Lincoln now knew it was. It was a Brand. He screamed as she pressed it on his right thigh. She was giggling as she pulled it away leaving a brand titled 'Property of Ronnie'. Lincoln was Whimpering as tears fell down his cheeks. "C'mon Lame-O don't give up on me now~ We still have so much to do and such little time!"

That night... Lincoln had never felt such horror and pain. His screams lasted for hours as Ronnie used a variation of torture tools. She even raped him...several times. Of course, a man on his way to work heard tge screaming and had reportedit to the police. In less than a hour, Police arrived. They had investigated the house, but upon entering a bedroom they found Ronnie Anne gathering her bloodied and used tools. But what they really took noticed of, was a young boy on a bed, shaking. Covered in blood, bruises, and his own semen. They instantly arrested the perpetrator, and notified a ambulance immediately. It took weeks for him to recover, and The Loud Family, upon hearing about him were horrified and worried. They visited him everyday. Ronnie Anne, on the other hand, had been sent to a Mental Institution. Whether she came out different or not was unsure. But none if the family forget, least of all Lincoln...


Present Day

Lincoln could still feel his right thigh, where the Brand still remains, burn and ache. He left the embrace with Luna. "Whatever. It's behind me is what it is." She frowned as she saw him head back inside the house. For some reason, without Lincoln she felt cold...

To Be Continued...