The Summoner and the Enchantress

The orange hue of the setting sun glared through the common room's window, darkness clung to the edges of the room as the lazy sunlight faded away. The brilliance of the orange light casted a cosy feeling over the silent room with dashes of pink floating around, the room felt alive with vibrant energy, yet the over powering peacefulness brought serenity to the room.

Basking in this wonderful light, Raven sat contentedly on the sofa with a book lazily held in her hands. Her eyes slowly scanned the pages as she lost herself in the words, letting them absorb themselves into her spellbound eyes. She had no idea how much time had past since she started to read the book but she didn't care, she was alone in the tower with no one to annoy her, no one to disturb her peace and quiet, no one to ruin this wonderful light she was basking in.

That peace was short lived as the doors to the common room opened letting in the bane of her existence, a certain green idiot that plagued her day to day. She won't ever admit it aloud, but she didn't actually mind his presence that much, if only he stopped talking so much and thought up some better jokes. That said, the only reason she calls him her bane is because recently her mind has started to wander when it came to the verdant shapeshifter, and she definitely doesn't want him finding out.

Beast Boy was drained and sweat covered his brow, he had finished his training session, not that he would ever tell anyone else that he secretly trained when no one was looking. It was something that Mento drilled into him during his time in the Doom Patrol and it kind of stuck, and being in shape is always good for both combat and picking up girls. Speaking of girls, he spied Raven sitting on the couch, a small smile tugged at the edges of his lips.

As he made his way over to her he couldn't help letting his eyes drink in her ethereal beauty, her purple porcelain skin that gleamed even brighter in the sunlight of dusk, her sharp yet soft amethyst eyes that slowly drifted from one sentence to another, her vibrant purple hair that flowed like a river down her back. She had been growing out her hair recently and it looked gorgeous on her, in Beast Boy's mind anyway.

Beast Boy's mind wandered to her body but before he could entertain the thought about how she has grown since they first met, he felt a pair of purple orbs glare burning hot holes into his head. She had put her book down and was intent on proving that glares could kill. Beast Boy shook his head and grinned at her, revealing his sharp teeth in a friendly and half-hearted manner. He jumped over the sofa and dropped down beside Raven, leaning his arm against the back of the sofa as he continued his grin.

Raven knew what Beast Boy was going to say before his lip even part, one of the reasons that her mind has been wandering when concerning the green idiot is because recently he has began to flirt with her, at first it was half-hearted much like his grin now but in private they get a little more adventurous, as if he was testing her boundaries. And now, in an empty tower she was vulnerable to his words, not that she was actually vulnerable, but she can't completely control her powers when he is around.

"Hey Rae, what are you reading?" Beast Boy spoke cheerfully, his eyes betraying the friendly and innocent tone of his voice. He could see the reluctance in her eyes to engage him in his attempt at a conversation, there was also a hint of fear in her eyes but it was not directed at him, it was directed to the near future of where this conversation was undoubtedly going to go. For some reason that glint of fear made Beast Boy feel exuberant, powerful, and almost giddy.

Beast Boy doesn't know when it happened but something inside him clicked one day and when he holds power over a girl it gives him a rush of pure ecstasy, and recently with Raven he has been getting his fix often. At first, his attempts at holding power over Raven backfired an he had thought about giving up and just go find one of his groupies that he was pretty sure would indulge him. But this was Raven, the dark gothic girl that spent most of her time on her own and hardly spends time with the other Titans, getting her to open up was the greatest achievement on Beast Boy's part but getting her to be his would be better than winning the lottery or getting that moped he has been badgering Cyborg for.

Raven tried her best to hide her feeling of impending dread as her glare died under the powerful predatory gaze of the green monster before her. She hates feeling vulnerable, but she couldn't help it, the way his eyes bore into her own, the battle of wills and eventual loss at those green predator's orbs.

Steeling herself, she forced her mind back to her old mindset of annoyance of Beast Boy and spoke carefully, praying that her voice doesn't break. "Nothing that you would be interested in, or even be able to read."

The hurt in Beast Boy's eyes were fake as his face adopted to look of someone who had been offended, his acting had been something else that he had been getting good at and it work perfectly here as Raven's eyes lessened their steely case that they had only just adopted. His victory in hand, he moved closer, keeping the look of hurt on his face as he pushed away a stray strand of hair that fell past her ear.

"You don't really mean that, do you?" Beast Boy's voice dripped fake emotional pain, Raven knew she had lost again but some part of her couldn't find the strength to push away the green enchanter or even find fault in what was happening, her mind had gone blank as if all her emotion clones had decided that they wanted what Beast Boy was subconsciously offering. The hand that had brushed away, stilled against the side of her face, resting there possessively.

Figuring that he wouldn't get a response from her, Beast Boy decided to take a risk. It was an all or nothing risk, if this failed then he will not only lose her but most likely get kicked out of the team but on the other hand she was so worth the risk if the pay out was finally taking what he has wanted for a long time. Leaning in, he slowly moved forward, keeping his eyes fixated on her amethyst orbs. He watched for anything that might show either her acceptance of what was about to happen or her denial.

A blush grew on Raven's face as she watched in slow motion, Beast Boy's form getting closer, his eyes chaining hers in that predatory gaze that had appeared out of nowhere. She wanted to run, to hide, to escape, but she couldn't find any reason other than she wanted him to actually do what that gaze promised. That though scared her but it also excited her, the fear and anticipation rooted her to the spot like vines, begging her to let this play out.

As Beast Boy drew closer, he could see her fear play out in her eyes but also her anticipation and something that almost looked like impatience, he wanted to keep this moment going for as long as he could. He stopped short of her, just inches from where he wanted to have no space between but he wanted her to know that he was the one in charge, that he controlled this situation, that this was his game as she was the pawn under his fingertips.

Raven could feel Beast Boy's hot breath on her skin, she didn't need her eyes to see or feel the predatory intent that exuded from him, it overpowered her sense and cut short her mind. She wanted to repeat just about every curse that she had heard from the other Titans when he had stopped but her voice no longer worked. The two sat there for an unknown amount of time, neither moving nor acting on the desire of both, the idea of what could be happening playing in their minds. The tension in the room grew so thick that even the sunlight started to bend around them. Their resolves strengthened and their minds set, they gradually drew closer. The pace was so slowly that if they were any onlookers then they would think they were frozen in time, the gap went from inches to centimetres to millimetres.

"What a touching moment, it would be a shame to interrupt." A slick, dark voice uttered behind them. The two split apart in an instant, the scrambled into a defensive stance at the mystery intruder, blushes permanently marking their faces. Before them stood a tall man in a dark black overcoat that covered his body, his face was covered in a black scarf that hid all but his dark crimson eyes. Those said eyes unleashed a tidal wave of fear and dread in both Raven and Beast Boy, those eyes exude malice and power that crushed the resolve of the two.

The man had a black hat that sat purposefully on his head, the only visible part of him were those blood red eyes that bore into Raven and Beast Boy equally. If seen closely, the man's cheeks were tugged up at the top almost giving away that he was grinning wildly under his scarf.

"As much fun as it would be to torture the two of you over that precious moment that I walked into but I am afraid I have business that I need to get down to, and said business will never let the two of you to have such a moment as this again." The malice physically dripped from each word uttered from his clothed mouth, his grin got so big that his scarf could no longer hide it. He sharply thrust his arms towards the two as red light exploded from them engulfing the bewildered pair.

The red light coated their bodies, constricting their movement, silence their open-mouthed yells. The red light wasn't soft either, earth shattering pain gripped them, pain that threatened to engulf them in permanent darkness. The pain increased, crushing their bones and bruising their skin, not a single sound left either of them as they existed in their torture prisons of red light.

As each of them thought of this as their final moments of life, a shinning blue light came scorching through the common room windows. A yell that sounded like Cyborg and a barking order that most likely came from Robin. The red eyed man flinched from the attacks and yelled something back at the would-be rescuers of the encased pair but neither of them could hear anything that transpired outside their red bubble of pain. The red eyed man yelled something else before a blinding white light engulfed the pair, the light existed both inside and out of them before everything went black.

Author's Note: Not sure of how this works as this is my first fanfiction, I hope you enjoyed reading it and I would like some constructive criticism, I am trying out different types of writing styles and this is one that I hope will work. The perspective is taken from both Raven and Beast Boy but from a 3rd person angle, so it doesn't take into account anyone else which is why at the end there I didn't write what was said in the battle between the red eyed man and the rest of the titans so that the feeling of the writing is about the two of them solely. Also, just to clarify, the red eyed man is my own OC.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans.