The two men were lounging on the bed gazing into each other's eyes.

"Pizza," a bored delivery guy knocked on the B and B room door.

"Come in," Captain Jack Harkness said.

"Pizza for... Torchwood, and that'll be £3.50" the pizza guy said.

Jack handed the money over and took the two boxes from him. The pizza guy left.

"Ok. Who the hell orders pizza under the name of Torchwood?" Jack grinned.

"Er, that would be me, sorry. Owen said it would be a good idea," the Doctor grinned back.

They both cracked up laughing and dived into the pizza.

Dawn had started to appear on the horizon, and both men fell fast asleep in each others arms. At 12.13pm that day, Jack and the Doctor got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Well, you two certainly had a late night, breakfast is over," the landlady chuckled.

"Oh...well, we'll just have lunch then," the Doctor laughed.

Jack grinned, "Anywhere you recommend?"

"Bex's Bistro, down the street," the landlady smiled.

Jack and the Doctor thanked her and walked to Bex's Bistro.